• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 655 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Fighter(revised) - GenerousGhibli

Rewritten! A thief from an alternate dimension has stolen the Alicorn Amulet.

  • ...

Some Stuff Happened A Long Time Ago!

Most of Twilight’s court and the Generals, save for Lyra, Vinyl, Rose, Fluttershy, and Twilight, sat outside the medical pavilion, waiting anxiously for news on Roma’s status. They had all been shocked when Roma returned, devoid of skin, and tossed the lifeless Miracle onto the floor before collapsing. Sonata, oddly enough, was the least worried, claiming that he had experienced far worse in his life. Redheart was unaffected by any of it. Fluttershy had, of course fainted. Lyra and Vinyl had returned to the latter’s lab to continue whatever they were doing, and Rose was concocting some medicine to speed up Roma’s recovery.

A ruckus from inside drew everypony’s attention to the second floor of the hospital, and soon, Redheart was thrown out of a second floor window, landing perfectly on her hooves. “Honestly, must he be so ridiculously aggressive?” She then ran back inside, as a terrifying roar shook the facility. None could guess what was going on in there, and none particularly wanted to know.

“I’m a bit worried. I’ve seen him take some severe wounds, but nothing like this before,” Orange said quietly, wiping some dust off of his glasses.

“He will be fine, General,” Sonata said sternly, before she turned and trudged away towards Vinyl’s workshop.

It was some time before anymore news came of Roma’s condition, and it came in the form of Nurse Redheart emerging from the pavilion, panting as though she had run a marathon.

“He’ll be needing some time to recover. I suggest you all go do something to occupy yourselves for a couple of days,” she said, before walking away, and leaving the gathered ponies confused.


Twilight stared at the control panel in confusion. Roma had written out very explicit directions for her, but it still boggled her to comprehend this level of tech. It was the same table that had previously rested in Roma’s ‘stratagem tent’ as he called it. A small placement on the edge of Camp for meeting with normal soldiers and the like. The thing had been moved to replace the damaged table in the study. She quickly unfolded the crumpled sheet of paper, which had several splotches of blood staining it. “Okay, so I hit this button, and then, slide this bar…” the device hummed to life and a variety of holographic charts filled up, signaling the boot up procedure. The directions said to wait until the charts disappeared, before moving on to the next step. They did and she typed in a command sequence, which brought up a set of six bars, each with names in them, and colored either green or red. She tentatively raised her hand, and touched ‘Adagio’ and ‘Sombra,’ (which were highlighted in green) then hit the little bar that said, ‘proceed.’

Two images appeared, one of a grey unicorn in regal, yet ominous, robes; the other was a one armed, orange mare with half of her face scarred by a burn. An attendant carefully brushed the latter’s mane, while the former simply sat at his desk and glared at the Princess.

“Ugh, make it quick, Brother. Sombra and I- Oh! You are not my sister’s husband. Who are you?” Adagio asked cautiously. Her attendant never faltered in her gentle brushing of the Queen’s mane. “Speak, Violet One.”

“Yes. Do tell us who you are, and why you deem yourself so important to summon us,” Sombra commanded.

“I-I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, of Equestria. Roma asked me to contact you, and inform you that he now has, and is replicating, the amulet, against my advice. Also, Miracle has refused to ally herself with him, and she has been eliminated,” she managed to choke out. These were strong beings, she could feel it in their gazes that their power far surpassed her own. “In addition, I am here in your world because I have allied myself to Roma’s cause, and have brought with me seven members of my court.”

“And why has my dear friend not contacted us himself? Why has he asked you, somepony who no doubt just learned five seconds ago to operate a hologram projector?” Sombra growled, leaning back in his chair.

“There was… an altercation during the negotiations with Miracle, and Roma has been infirmed until his skin re-grows,” Twilight explained, wording her sentence carefully.

“Oh, my! Is Brother dear alright?” Adagio asked, opening her eyes wide, though she did not move a muscle in her body. Such restraint… it was to be admired. Even Twilight had trouble sitting still when it came to having her mane brushed.

“His wife claims he will make a full recovery, but I’m skeptical. What do you think, Your Majesties?”

“He likely will, but it will take some time. I hope he is recovered before-” Adagio stopped as her attendant finished brushing and prepared to leave. “Um, Fleur, dear, where are you going?”

A look of panic overtook the elegant mare’s face, and she nervously fiddled with her own hands. “I-I finished, so I was going to leave… I’m just in a hurry to get back to my room. I’m sorry, Your Majesty, did I do poorly?”

“No, you simply did not receive your payment. Why pray tell, are you so anxious?” Adagio stood and walked over to a small chest and extracted a number of bits.

“Oh. It’s not important, My Queen, honest.”

“Fleur, my darling, you are my mane-dresser, wardrobe specialist, and- ahem- confidant. Your worries are as important as my own.” she said sternly, causing the attendant to flinch. “I care for you very much Fleur, and I want you to be happy. Now, I will ask again, what is wrong?”

“My daughter is sick. She has a high fever, and I fear to leave her alone for long.”

“I see. What is she taking?” The Queen turned back to her ‘confidant,’ and handed her a small pouch of coins.

“Nothing, your majesty, I used the last of my funds for food,” the mare said sheepishly.

“A pity. Here, dear, a bit of Zerasol," Adagio said, handing a small brown bottle to the attendant. "Give it to Aria in small dosages, very small dosages. More than a teaspoon could make her vomit three days worth of food, along with her stomach, as well. I myself take a teaspoon, so I would recommend a half one for her. It will ease her fever a bit.”

“Your Majesty… why?” Fleur was floored, it seemed.

“Because, Aria is a sweet girl, and because it is a Queen’s duty to aid her citizens. Now, go tend to your darling, darling,” Adagio said, beaming, as Fleur’s eyes flooded. The latter nodded and dashed out, intent on obeying her mistress’s wishes.

“Adagio, your homosexuality is disgusting,” Sombra rumbled, with a sneer. “But, it lightens my heart that you are still as generous as ever.”

Adagio responded by sticking her tongue out at him. “You’re just a big ol’ sourpuss. And it’s called love. I never had any interest in mares until I met Fleur. So, Princess, Miracle is truly dead?”

“Yes, Your majesty. I saw Roma drive his blade through her heart,” Twilight said, still a little unnerved by the Vampire’s coldness towards Miracle.

“I see. You know, he used to be so kind…” The Queen sighed as she no doubt relived some long past memory.

“Princess, Be sure Roma is recovered before he is due in Canterlot,” the dark king stated bluntly.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she answered, and bowed. The two holograms disappeared, and she was left alone to contemplate her next move.


“Vinyl, why does Roma need six amulets?” Lyra asked as she dipped another lump of minerals into the boiling cauldron. It turned out that synthesizing a siren’s gem was relatively simple. All you needed was the right amount of certain minerals, and you mixed them all together, and dumped them into the catalyst. It was simple alchemy, stuff that could be done by a novice alchemist like Lyra.

“I wish I knew. It doesn’t make sense. The only magic users I can think of are you, King Sombra, that Rarity chick, the Princess. I would include Miracle but…” The engineer pulled away from her microscope, and rubbed her forehead. “What is he planning? He can’t use it, he says he tried one similar centuries ago. Lady sonata couldn’t use it, neither can her sister, they aren’t even ponies. I guess, if Queen Luna were to join us, she would have one. But then there’s still one more.”

“Maybe he was still planning on having Miracle join him?” Lyra offered, pulling her third successful gem from the cauldron. “I think I’m getting the hang of it!”

“Looks like it. This one looks a bit more like her current one. But, it still needs a lot of work.”

“Hey, Vinyl?” the bionic asked, grabbing another lump of minerals.


“Why does Lady Sonata have a fake gem?”

Vinyl sighed and turned once again from her microscope. “Queen Adagio said it happened a long time ago. She and Sonata had a fight with the third sister, Aria, and they were betrayed. Aria stole their gems, and King Sombra came and killed her. She says that he pulled the gems back out of Aria and put them into the other two. A century later, the Queens summoned the Sirens, and they became royal Vassals, at the recommendation of Roma and Sombra. A long time later, something happened, and Queen Adagio became too powerful for only two gems, so, Sonata sacrificed her own to keep Adagio’s body from being torn apart by her own magic.” Vinyl stood, and walked over to the cauldron, gazing wistfully into its depths. “Since then, Adagio has been making artificial gems for her beloved sister. Until the accident, sixteen years ago, that is. After that, I took over.”

“That’s… beautiful.”

“Indeed, Cyborg, it’s a very touching tale.” Sonata’s voice startled the two engineers, causing them to stumble back. “If it were a novel, it would likely be a best seller.”

“My Lady! What brings you here?” Vinyl asked, as she kneeled on one knee.

“Would you stop that?! Geez, you’re as bad as the soldiers!” Vinyl stood back up, blushing. “I’m here for a new gem. This one cracked a little while ago.”

“You were singing again, weren’t you? I told you, with the amount of happiness Roma gives off, singing gives it too much juice,” the engineer said, scolding the siren.

“Yes, well, after all this monotony, the troops could use a morale boost.”

Vinyl sighed, and reached for the gem in Sonata’s chest. “Fair enough.” The gem came loose with a sickening squelch. “It just so happens, that my new friend just finished with a new one.”

“Wonderful! May I have it, please?” the siren asked, smiling at Lyra.

“Of course. Lyra, grab the second one. It was your best,” Vinyl instructed. Lyra complied, grabbing the shiniest of three gems, and handing it to the siren.

Sonata gazed at it with a keen eye. “Vinyl, is this a new recipe?”

“Yes, My Lady; I changed the makeup a little, so it can hold more power than the old ones.”

“Ah. Good. Carry on your work then.” Sonata turned and walked back up the stairs, and left the two alone.


“More power, huh?” She doubted it. Artificial gems could only take so much before breaking. In the end, they were no substitute for the real deal. She placed the gem into her empty chest, and the flesh hungrily closed around it. It felt odd, and it was a moment before she realized that this was because it was changing shape. Instead of the usual octagonal shape, it began to shape itself into a heart. How peculiar.

It was of no consequence to her, as long as it did as Vinyl promised.


-Tirek’s Palace: Royal Accommodations-

A sharp knock sounded at Adagio’s door, prompting her to quickly pull her robe back over her empty shoulder. “One moment, I’m not decent!”

“It’s me.” The gravelly voice was unmistakable. “I think we need to talk about your brother in law. Immediately.”

“Fine. Come in Sombra,” she said, awkwardly tying the belt of her satin robe. The King of Shadows strode into her chambers much in the way he did everything, fiercely. He was an intense pony, that could wear you down to nothingness, just by looking at you. He had dressed himself quite quickly, to have just finished chatting with that little princess. He was clad in full regalia, cape and all. That cape was glorious, though. It came just shy of his massive hooves, and was made of a material only found in the crystal empire. It was light, but durable, and shimmered whenever it caught the light in just the right way. “What-”

“Your brother is going to ruin everything we’ve been working for!” he roared, grabbing Adagio by the arm. “That fool is reckless, and impulsive, and… and…”

“Calm yourself, Sombra, I’m sure he had a reason to kill Miracle. Perhaps, it is a similar situation to when he faced Sir Grogar. You remember what happened then, don’t you?” She gently pulled her arm from his grasp, and guided him calmly over to a plush chair. “The Knight of Generosity was corrupted by Discord’s Amulet. Unlike the Amulet from the other realm, the wearer cannot be saved. You know this. Roma knew this, and so did Grogar. Roma, that day, gave the Ram Knight his greatest kindness. It was played off by Celestia and Roma that Grogar threatened me and my beloved sister, but such was not the case, and we knew it. I have spoken with Twilight Velvet, and she claims that Moon Dancer did something to Miracle. Something that made her unstable. He may not have intended it, but Roma showed her kindness this day.”

“I suppose so… Wait, weren’t your breasts bigger before?”

“You idiot!” she screamed, slamming her hoof into is muzzle in a brutal roundhouse. “Of course they were! Sixteen years ago, that is! Really, I know honesty is your thing, but come on! A little more subtlety, please? I had them reduced after the accident so I could keep my balance better.”

“Still pretty big, though.”

“I know, right? Fleur loves them,” Adagio practically sang, before walking over to her closet. “Sombra, since Fleur is not here, can I trust you to help me dress?

“Naturally. I know you must have difficulties, having…” Sombra trailed off, scratching the side of his neck.

“It’s all right, you don’t have to restrain yourself. I’ve come to terms with my missing limb for a long while now.”

“I see. Well ha-”

“MY QUEEN!!!” an unmistakable voice screamed, echoing severely throughout the massive chamber. Fleur came sprinting full tilt into the room with a bundle in her arms that was about three feet long. “Y- Adagio, Aria is even sicker than before! I don’t know what’s wrong!”

“Bring her here. I’ll have a look,” she commanded, striding over to her vassal. Her fellow monarch trailed behind her, no doubt concerned about the child. As Fleur unwrapped the child’s face, Adagio immediately knew what was wrong. The child’s eyes were completely bloodshot, there was blood leaking from the corners of her eyes, and she was foaming at the mouth. Adagio could only bring to mind one substance that could do this. “Fleur, do you have that Zerasol I gave you?”

“Yes, it’s right here.”

The queen snatched the bottle from the vassal’s hand, and her face twisted in rage. One look at the bottle’s contents told anyone who had even remedial apothecary training that this was not Zerasol. It was changeling venom. Zerasol was a bright red color, whereas this liquid was neon green. The color was somewhat obscured by the tinted brown bottle, but not enough for a skilled alchemist like Adagio to overlook. “Sombra, Find Chrysalis, and bring the bitch to me. I would have words with her.”

The dark unicorn sprinted towards the balcony and leapt off.

“Come, I have an antidote in my transport.” Adagio strode over to her vanity, retrieved a violet colored remote, and pressed it’s solitary button. Outside, an engine roared to life and Adagio’s personal aircraft, which was also violet colored, floated out from underneath the massive balcony, and up to hover level with the hand rail. Adagio approached without hesitation, and stepped on the rail as a small platform folded out to meet her. She turned briefly to Fleur, and gestured for her to follow.


Fleur had never been inside the flyer before. It was a far cry from the escort that she normally rode with. It was not unpleasant, traveling as she usually did. Her typical vehicle was quite comfortable, being a mid-size cruising craft. But if her normal travel accommodations were comfortable, then Adagio’s craft was absolutely luxurious. There was soft carpet that felt divine on the hooves, and there were numerous things scattered about the massive craft that would be beyond any noble’s dreams. Aria squirmed in her arms a bit, attempting to get comfortable, which brought Fleur back to her senses.

The queen stood in front of a large cabinet, sorting through a few bottles, and finally plucked one from its secure resting place. It was a large bottle, and it bore some resemblance to an alcohol bottle. “This is a simple anti-venom I developed centuries ago, when Celestia was still in power. After Chrysalis rose to power, the Solar Queen asked that I concoct a way to counter their venom. Or, specifically, her venom. Only the Queen can produce venom; the only thing you can call what the typical drone produces, is a foul tasting saliva.” As she spoke, she uncorked the anti-venom with her teeth, and nodded towards a door in the back. “My quarters,” she said around the cork.

Fleur was confused. There was a large bed in the main area, what was wrong with it? She did not question her mistress, but followed her. She entered in time to see Adagio spit the cork onto the floor, and expertly pull the blankets aside using one of her hooves. It was apparent that she wanted Aria to be lain there, so Fleur gently laid her child on the soft bed. Adagio lifted Aria’s head, put the bottle to her lips, and whispered softly, but sternly, “Drink.”

Aria did as she was told, and allowed the clear liquid to be poured down her throat. Suddenly, the queen pulled the bottle away, and Aria coughed for a moment. Fleur was ushered out, and steered towards a couch in the main compartment.

“My Queen, will she be okay?”

“Naturally, my dear. Do you doubt your lover’s capabilities?” Adagio said with a smug grin.

“No, yo- Adagio. I do not doubt your abilities, but is it not a mother’s duty to worry?” Fleur replied with a cautious and grim smile.

“Quite so, my love. Once I have the bitch queen tied down, do you want a few swings at her?”

“No, my love, I was taught that you should not seek revenge.” She paused to sigh deeply. “My father said to only avenge those who have fallen by the enemy's hand.”

“And this would also happen to-”

“Yes. Vile and deviant as he was, mine and Aria’s father was a wise man. Many of the lessons he taught me have been useful to me in life. The martial arts were fairly useful in defending myself and my daughter until you found us.” Now the mare’s smile was absolutely genuine as she leaned against the Queen’s good shoulder. “I’ll never, ever forget how you bravely stormed into his home and arrested him yourself. And then, you gave us a home, and insisted on covering all our expenses.”

Adagio rolled her eyes, and blushed. “But of course, you have that stallion’s stubbornness, and you insisted I give you a job. So I did.”

“The greatest job on the planet, in my opinion. All I have to do is brush your hair, dress you, and occasionally deliver a message for you. The second one is my favorite part," she said, smirking at the queen, and reached slowly towards her lovers belt, then abruptly stopped. “WAIT, how the hell do you know what changeling spit tastes like?!”

“See that bed over there?”

“Yeah…” Fleur's eyes widened in expectation.

“It’s a harem bed. Chrysalis treats her allies very well," the queen explained, then noticed the look Fleur was giving her. "I have not been allied with her for forty two years, just so you know.”

“You made out… with bugs?” Fleur recoiled and leaned back from Adagio.

“Oh we did more than make out, my love. And to be fair, they took the form of handsome stallions. I didn’t know until I kissed one that they were bugs, as you so rudely call them,” she said callously. “They are insectoids, yes, but they are still sentient, despite the hive mind. Calling them bugs is like calling a pony a mule.”


“Don’t be, I’ve done the same thing," she said haughtily. "To Chrysalis’s face, actually.”

“Adagio! That’s awful!”

“Oh hush you. You know she and I despise one another. Simply for the fact that she unallied herself with my brother in law.” Adagio explained with a sarcastic grimace.

“Yeah…” Fleur trailed off in remembrance.

“Sorry, I know you aren’t fond of Roma…”

“He frightens me more than Queen Philomena,” the gentle mare said calmly.

“Why? You know he won’t harm you.”

“But he COULD! I saw him go berserk! I watched the archive video. It was horrifying…” Fleur turned from the Queen and walked over towards the room her daughter was in. “How does he not frighten you?”

“Because, what you saw in that archive was not the true Roma.” Adagio calmly walked over to the cabinet under her potions shelf “Tell me, what color was his mane?”

“Black,” the attendant replied bluntly.

"And his coat?"

"The same. where are you going with this?"

“Did you know, that until Tirek took over, Roma’s mane was actually red? And so was Emperor Tirek’s skin, for that matter.” The queen sighed as she pulled an old hologram projector out of one of the drawers. She turned it on and held it out to Fleur, who stared at the image in shock. Tirek’s usual grey skin had been replaced with vibrant red, as was Roma’s black mane. The vampire’s coat wasn’t even black, or piebald, it was pure white! “Ever heard of an artifact called ‘Discord’s Amulet?’” Fleur nodded. “Well, first, it’s actually a brooch, not a necklace. Secondly, whenever a being puts it on, they undergo a transformation. Their colors fade and they become the opposite of what they were. Tirek and Roma used to be so very kind, but one day, the Amulet called out to Tirek, and he took it. I don’t think he ever realized what it would do to him.”

“And what of Roma? Why did the Vampire’s color change?”

“For a similar reason, one I’d rather not discuss at this time,” Adagio said with a grimace, not because she was sad, but because she sensed a familiar presence. “Come out, Discord, you know I hate spies more than anything.”

“Right. Sorry Adagio, old habits die hard, don’t they?” The Draconequus appeared hovering behind Adagio’s head. “You would know all about that, wouldn’t you?

“You refer to Roma?” she replied, furrowing her brow.

“Who else but the bastard vampire?” The god barely avoided his fellow monarch’s fist. “Temper temper, Dagy. Can’t have you blasting me with laser eyes.”

“For the last time, Discord, my eyes glowing red on occasion doesn’t mean they shoot lasers!" she shouted aggressively.

“The same way Sombra’s eyes glowing dark doesn’t mean he can control shadows?” the god said with a sneer.

“That’s completely different, Dissy. Sombra is a vampire. That is part of his ability,” she replied harshly.

“Yes, yes, and speaking of Vampire abilities, lookie what I found in a cave down south.” Adagio’s eyes grew wide even before the book she hated appeared in the god’s hands. “Curious, though, there was an empty grave next to where it was buried.”

“You wouldn’t dare disturb her…”

“I didn’t. I actually intended to pay my respects while I was there. It seems the grave had been empty for a long while before I got there. I’m not that cruel Adagio. Only your brother is.” He scowled at her and threw the book to Fleur. “I understand you are fluent in Germane? Help your lover out and read her a bed time story tonight.”

“Discord, did you investigate the scene?” adagio asked, even as she felt her blood pressure rising.

“I saw… I don’t know what to make of it, Old Friend, but there were burns all over the tombstone..." the draconequus trailed off and paused, before sighing and continuing. "They were the kind of burns only a shadow can leave.”

“You know it wasn’t Sombra, Discord. Get out of my craft, before I make you.” He quickly complied, turning back when Adagio spoke again. “Thank you for retrieving that book. I truly think it will help Roma, in the end.”

“Yeah, Whatever. I only did it for you Dagy. I hate that pony, and you know it." He topped and grit his teeth. "I should hate you just as much, but I just can’t bring myself to.” With that final bit, he disappeared and Adagio felt his presence disappear.

“I know it hurt, Old Friend…” she said to no one in particular, as a single tear trickled down her face, at the thought of the two former friends hatred for each other. She dried her eyes when a dull ringing interrupted her recollection. “What is it, Sombra?”

The dark king’s face appeared on a hologram projector at the front of the cabin. “Chrysalis has left the city. It seems her hive is in chaos right now. Some kind of fire broke out while she was here.”

“How do you know?” She cut her eyes at the hologram.

“I asked her correspondent. Look, I’ve got him right here.” He moved the camera over to a small, insect like creature with holes in its legs.

It spoke in a harsh voice, like nails on a chalkboard. “Hello, your majesty. A pleasure as always.”

An idea crossed her mind, a realization that could have changed what had happened. “Seraph… Can you produce venom?”

“Um… Of course not, Your Majesty! How absurd. Only the Queen, and a few workers can do that!”

“Seraph. You are a worker. Sombra, bring him to my room. He and I have things to discuss.” A large grey hand shot out to grab Seraph’s shoulder, which made him cry out in shock.

“Be there in a moment,” Sombra said and the line went dead.

“My love, can workers really produce venom?” Fleur asked, putting her arms around Adagio’s waist.

“It’s possible. They’re what come after the queen in the buzzing order. In fact, Seraph is to be Chrysalis’s heir. It’s not a far stretch for him,” she replied honestly, then turned around in Fleur’s embrace. “You are really riled aren’t you? You’re hardly ever this forward. I like it.”

“Oh, Really?” Adagio was given no chance to respond, as her lover’s lips came crashing into her own, and the battle of tongues soon followed.

“EEEW grooosss…” A small voice from their left interrupted them, and they both turned to see the little violet filly standing there, wiping the blood from her eyes. “Mommy, I think my fever’s gone.”

Of course, this prompted Fleur to pull free of Adagio’s arm, and run to her daughter to put a hand against her forehead. “It is! Oh, by the Emperor, it is!”

“The venom may have shocked her system out of it. Or… perhaps I should research the substance. It may have medical uses. But for now, I must deal with a potential source of it,” she said, and walked away to wait for Sombra's return.

“Mommy, Momma's kind of scary sometimes,” Aria said, pausing for a moment. “Not her, uh, face I mean. The way she acts is kind of scary.”

“Oh, you know Momma is a super sweet when she isn’t dealing with work stuff!” she said teasingly, and bopped Aria against the back of her head playfully. “But, let’s hope she can actually deal with this.”

Aria simply stared at her mother’s darkening face. That was even scarier than Momma’s attitude.

Author's Note:

If you can't figure out what happened to Fleur, I'm not helping you. Another chapter finished editing! and hey! It's the last one I had to edit! It'll be a while before you see another chapter for this, so if you found this somehow, please be patient.