• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 655 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Fighter(revised) - GenerousGhibli

Rewritten! A thief from an alternate dimension has stolen the Alicorn Amulet.

  • ...

Curiousity Regarding Our Hosts!

The engineer’s workshop wasn’t to hard to find. It was massive, with a veritable junkyard surrounding it. The building itself was merely a series of metal beams hastily riveted together, with massive amounts of sheet metal covering the outside.

Lyra suddenly had a though. Her cutie mark. The others had covered theirs up, but she hadn’t, because she didn’t plan on actually interacting with anypony. Looking around, she spotted a big scrap of cloth hanging off a piece of metal. She grabbed it, and wrapped it around her waist twice and tied the corners, creating a makeshift skirt. Not very stylish, but it would do. She continued forward at slow pace, taking in all of her surroundings.

It wasn’t too long before she had passed into the shop itself, and was ogling all the wondrous machines. Some were familiar, while some were completely foreign. She spotted a pale, blue maned unicorn mare hanging upside down from a series of cables and tubes with her arms crossed. As Lyra came around the mare, she spotted a pair of ruby goggles and an exasperated frown on her face.

“Um… do you need some help up there?”

“Oh, naaaah. Just thought I’d hang around a bit. Yes I need help! Come up in my workshop askin stupid questions. But then, I ain’t expectin you to get your hands dirty,” she said. Her voice was harsh and scratchy, like she had a cold.

“And why wouldn’t you? I’m more than willing to help a pony in need,” Lyra countered, eyeing the mare with interest. How had she gotten into this situation?

“The cape says it all. Wealthy, civilized, ain’t seen a speck of dirt in your life. I know the type,” she scoffed, letting her arms drop. She obviously had experience with high class snobs before, but the bionic was neither rich or snobby.

“Is it okay if I cut those?”

“Yeah it’s fine. I got plenty of them.”

“Alright, I’m coming up!” Lyra shouted, and took a few steps back.

“Ladder’s over- hey!” she said, as the mare jumped all six feet into the air and used her finger tips to slice through several of the ropes, prompting the snared unicorn to fall, hollering all the way down.

Lyra hit the ground first, and caught the unicorn before she could land. As she carefully set the mare down, she made sure not to scratch her with the claws.

The mare gawked at Lyra‘s arms, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. “Those… those are bionics.” she stated blandly.

“Yeah… I’m sorry, I should go,” Lyra said as she turned to leave. “It was a mistake to come.”


“What?” she turned back around to stare at the mare. Why shouldn’t she leave? Obviously, the pale mare was frightened be her arms. Perhaps she had expected this world to react differently. And she had been…

“I’m going to examine those!” Wait, what?

“Wait… what?”

The mare rushed forward ripping her goggles off and grabbing one of Lyra’s hands. “Such simplicity… but still sophisticated in their own right… where did you get these? I gotta have one!” she was starting to frighten Lyra.

“But… you still have both arms… why would you need them?” Lyra was having no small amount of difficulty processing this strange pony's behavior.

“To study! Now answer me! Where. Did. You. Get. Them?” she demanded, getting close to Lyra's face.

“I, uh, built them,” she answered flatly.

The mare's mouth gaped open for a moment before she regained her composure. “You’re buckin me. You built these? Do you have the prototypes? Even better, the blueprints?”

“Um, Yes, No, No, the prototypes were destroyed, and the blueprints burned,” she said, gently pulling her hand away, only to have it grabbed again.

“What?! WHY?!”

“Because I cut off my own, ah… arms and replaced them with these, and that was illegal where I’m from,” Lyra said, gritting her teeth. What if the engineer thought she was crazy? Tartarus, even she was starting to think she was crazy. But… this mare might be a little crazy too.

“Whoa, filly that’s some serious dedication to your work. I’m impressed. I wish I had the guts to do some crazy junk like that.” she was still holding Lyra’s hand… It was weird. “Say, where are you from that this would be illegal?”

“Um… Equestria?”

“Never heard of it. Some back water town outside the states?” she said, lifting Lyra’s hand up to look at the underside.

“Uh, yeah. You know, if you keep holding my hand, you’ll have to by me dinner.”

“Psh, deal. Name’s Scratch, Vinyl Scratch. Yours?” she said with a smirk.

Lyra’s face turned red, and her heart started beating faster. Blushing from embarrassment, and anxious because she was talking to another version of her old friend. How could she have not recognized her?! True, she hadn‘t seen Vinyl since her arrest, and this was certainly not how she imagined it happening, but that was no excuse! Beyond that, this Vinyl seemed completely different from the one back home. The one back home was mellow and impossible to motivate unless Octavia was involved; she was the classic definition of lazy. This Vinyl was excitable and energetic, with no apparent problems getting motivated. “I- I was just kidding! My name’s Lyra Heartstrings…”

“Oh… well can I still take a look at the arms?”

“Sure. You want me to disengage it?” she asked, raising her free hand to level with her other.

“Like… disconnect? Is it really that easy?” Vinyl’s eyes grew wider at the suggestion.

“Yeah. All I have to do is press this button on the underside of it,” she said, demonstrating the process. The screws made their usual humming noise, and the limb disengaged fell away for Vinyl to catch. She looked ecstatic to examine the device, and heartbroken when Lyra took it back. “Tell you what, you can take a look at it tomorrow. Meet me at the barracks in the morning?”

“Sure thing!” Vinyl said, beaming from ear to ear.

“So, tell me, what kind of tech have you developed?” she said, not realizing just how long that would take. She briefly wondered if the others faring as well as she, but pushed the thought away, and followed Vinyl into the bowels of her gargantuan workshop.


General Biceps wasn’t too difficult to spot. He was of course, a very large stallion. Even in the mass of ponies of the ground, she spotted him easily, standing at a booth of some kind. The place looked like some kind of market. As Rainbow lighted in an adjoining alleyway, she could see that she was right. Fresh produce, purses, clothes, baskets. Celestia, there was even a sword kiosk. Like, really?

She briefly realized that she was dressed as a soldier. Would the General think she was one of his? Didn’t matter. She would set it straight if he did. There was nothing wrong with civilians wearing fatigues.

As she calmly walked out of the alley, she spotted him again, coming her way. The crowd seemed to part just for him, and she deftly slipped into the mass and fell in alongside him. It wasn’t too hard, really. The new body was a little tricky to use, but she was a fast learner. She would still much rather be on four legs, but whatever. This body had it’s uses, she supposed. Easier to weave through crowds, for one.

She shook her head. Her thoughts were wandering again. “Something the matter soldier?” a deep voice sounded above her. She realized suddenly that the General was looking right at her.

“Uh… Sir?”

“You look like you’ve got something on your mind. So, what’s the matter soldier?” he asked again, his face remaining stern.

“I’m actually not a soldier, Sir. I’m just borrowing these clothes.”

“I see. Well, I’d still like to know what’s wrong,” he said, making his way towards a booth selling clothes. He looked like he was ready to break her in two…

“Oh, it’s not a big deal. But I will say, I’m just a bit curious about you,” she replied, adjusting to a brisk trot to keep up with the massive stallion. Quick fella, he was.

“And why is that?”

“I was just with Roma. He talked like you were some amazing warrior hero… I was curious if he was exaggerating.”

“He always does. I‘m no slouch, mind you. But that foolish pony likes his stories. Always tells them in a way that makes them seem so unbelievable. It‘s his special talent, you know,” he explained, a broad smile spreading across his muzzle. He laughed and continued, “At first, I though his cutie mark meant something dainty, but no! It’s for his love of telling stories!”

“So how did he become leader of Camp?” she asked, leaning forward to try and get a better look at the general's face.

“Don’t rightly know, to be honest. I just know that before this, he traveled a lot. His wife was always with him, they say. Don’t know how that dainty little siren could ever survive the elements…”

“She is pretty small… They seem very dear to each other; how long have they been married?" Rainbow asked, stopping with the General to look at some clothes. He wasn’t looking at any in his size though…

“They’ve been together for the past five hundred years, she told me. Seen a lot together, too. She sang to me once about a land full of dragons, and friendly ones, at that. I can’t fathom it, being as old as they are… how much has he really seen? What tales are locked away in his memories? How long would it take to hear them all?” he told her, his eyes growing wide with wonder and anticipation.

“I… honestly hadn’t thought about that… He just seemed like an angry, bitter stallion to me,” she said, looking at the ground. Roma suddenly seemed so much more mysterious now. What was he really like? Maybe he was nice, and they had just made him mad by following him? Made sense.

“Here, go change into these,” she heard, just as a stack of clothes was thrust into her hands. Biceps pointed at a small stall beside the booth, just big enough for her to wiggle around in. She did as she was told, entering the cube, though with some hesitation. She shut the door behind her and wiggled out of her fatigues, letting the pants and shirt fall to the floor. She looked at herself in the small mirror provided. Her simple white underclothes, a tank top and panties, stood out so sharply from her blue coat. She’d never really worn underwear before. They had seemed unnecessary to her. Almost nopony else did, why should she? Even now, she didn’t like them much. But she was told they were important here. So, she wore them. She sighed and pulled the new shirt over her head. It was light and comfortable, and had wing slots in its back. Tag said %80 cotton, %20 polyester. The pants were different. They hugged her flanks hungrily, and conformed well to her legs. The clothes were pretty comfortable, really. There was even a backpack for her. Why had General Biceps bought these for her? Just… randomly bought a stranger new clothes… But hadn’t Roma done the same for all of them? The phrase ‘lead by example’ briefly came to mind.

She stepped out and Biceps was nowhere to be seen. He’d gotten away. He was pretty quick for a big guy. Well, he wasn’t too hard to find. But something stopped her. Did… he want her to follow him? She was probably being inconsiderate by seeking him out. She stuffed her old fatigues into the bag and turned to leave, but the old mare at the booth called to her.

“S’cuse me young miss.”

“Let me guess, he left me with the bill?” Why wasn’t she surprised? Act nice to a girl, then ditch her to fend for herself.

“No ma’am, he said these were for you.” she held up another stack of clothes, and on top rested a small pistol, two magazines, and a case of ammo. “No, in fact, he paid for all of it, except the gun. He just left it here.”

She took the clothes and put them in her bag with her fatigues. There was a note stuck in the gun’s magazine slot. She carefully opened it, and read it’s contents out loud.

“I know where you‘re from, and what you’re here for. A bit of protection in the days to come. Signed, Bulk Biceps.” She finished and just stared at it. Bulk Biceps. How in Equestria had she not seen it? He was just like him, too. Or, the one back home. Both were big ol’ sweethearts, apparently.

She looked at the gun, and saw that it’s design was familiar, a 9mm ponybellum. It wasn’t very different from the Griffon-made one Rarity had given Spike a few years back. His was much bigger, of course, but the basic design was the same.

She’d seen the dragon shoot it before. He’d showed her how to load it, and all kinds of stuff. She opened up the box of ammo and plucked a few out; they were hollow points. She picked up the magazine and tentatively put a few rounds into it. Simple enough, even with her being new to hands. She filled the magazines up, and pulled the pistol’s slide back, locking it in place, then inserted a magazine. It didn’t hold but 7 rounds. She flicked a switch on the side, and the slide jolted forward. Cool. She flipped the safety on and slid it into the back of her jeans, and started back towards the barracks, which she had spotted on her way to the market.

She had a lot to think about.


Applejack stared at the floor nervously as Twilight was told to remover her vest and sit on the examination table. Normally, naked ponies were no big deal. Everything was hidden on the underside of their bodies. But the way these ponies were built, it was all on display up front. It wasn’t right. Indecent feeling. Breasts weren’t supposed to be that high on the body, they were supposed to be lower, close to the hindquarters. She just was not comfortable with it. It was so hard not to stare at the nurse, too. Celestia’s tits, she had some big ones, like canon balls. At least these ponies knew how to cover up. She counted that as one tiny blessing.

“Hello, Miss. Is something wrong?” a sweet voice asked. It was the nurse. Applejack didn’t look up, she just stared at the mare’s hooves.

“No, Ma’am. Ah just ain’t fond uh doctors,” she said, forcing her voice to stay calm. Freaking out wouldn’t do any good.

“Well, I’m a nurse, so I suppose that’s good for you,” she said with a giggle. “Don’t worry. Roma sent me a message, and told me about your situation. Must be weird, seeing bodies so different from your own.”

“You ain’t got no clue...” she replied, as the pale nurse sat down beside her. She could at least lift her head now. Twi was getting the once over from a brown stallion in a lab coat.

“I think I do. It’s kind of like seeing a stallion for the first time. You can’t help but stare at it.”

“Actually, that’s pretty damn close,” she said with a sigh, and looked at her. “Name’s Applejack.”

“Redheart. If you need any help learning about your new body, just let me know. You can trust me, I’m a professional,” she told the cowpony, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Ah got a lot uh questions, actually. You got time?”

“Plenty. No wounded or sick, today. Well, except for your friend anyway,” she explained with a wink. Was… was Nurse Redheart flirting with her? Nah. Couldn’t be. Mare like her was bound to have a fine stallion at home. “You know, not many can hold their own against a vampony that strong.”

“How strong?” AJ asked, raising an eyebrow at the nurse.

“He’s what I call ‘punch-through-the-ribs-without-breaking-a-sweat’ strong. I’ve seen him do it, too. It was terrifying. Truth be told, Lil’ Missy here shouldn’t even have her head still on.”

“He said that, uh, Queen Celestia tried to kill him once. How’d he fare after that?” she said, putting emphasis on the word 'queen,' so as not to forget that she was one.

“Dunno, I wasn’t there. That was a thousand yearsago, the way I hear. But the Solar Queen’s power was nearly absolute, that much I know. They say that she brought the entire sun’s wrath upon him, and he shrugged it off like a mosquito bite. What a spectacle that must have been! I bet he didn’t even flinch. He seems like the type who wouldn’t,” she said, her eyes full of something Applejack couldn’t name. Adoration? Respect? Admiration?

“Y'all must really admire him. Seems like a right respectable fella too.”

“I respect him. But I’m a little afraid too," she explained, and grew a tad quieter, before continuing. "He’s just so powerful. If he wanted to… I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Shall we get started?”

“With wut?” Applejack asked, a little confused.

“You learning about this body, of course!” she said cheerfully, and grabbed Applejack’s hand. “Don’t worry, it’s not too complicated.”

“Alright, but where ya’ll takin me?”

“To a private room. Nopony privy to the chat,” she said, and pulled Applejack into a dark room. She promptly turned on the lights and shut the door behind them. “Are you ready?”

“Ah’m not so sure anymore. This feels like it’s goin somewhere Ah damn sure ain’t comfortable following,” she said, eyeing the nurse suspiciously.

Nurse Redheart gasped and covered her mouth with one hand. “Oh goodness NO! I am so sorry, that is NOT what I meant!”

“It‘s, uh, alright Ah guess. So, wut’s first?”

“Let’s start with walking. You’re terrible at it.”


Twilight looked over to Applejack and the nurse. The two seemed to be in the midst of a very deep discussion. About what, she couldn’t tell, but it wasn’t too long before the nurse led AJ into another room. Well, that wasn’t suspicious at all.

“Miss Sparkle, are you listening?” the doctor asked, giving her a stern look.

“Yes, Doctor,” she said, and flipped a wing around in front of her, and began fiddling with her feathers. “Preen my wings immediately, ice pack on my eye, and change my bandages every morning,”

“Is that sass?”

“No, Doctor,” she said nonchalantly. It was true, she wasn’t being sassy. She had the utmost respect for the stallion in front of her, but she could have diagnosed herself. Why did she even go there? Roma. That was why. After they had cooled down, he had insisted on it, like he felt bad for beating her up. She momentarily smiled to herself. It wasn’t as though he had done any better; Twilight was fairly certain she broke his jaw.

“Very well. Head on over to the barracks. Try and be easy on yourself,” he said, and gave her several packs of bandages. “That means no more brawling with the vamponies.

“I will, Sir. Wait, is there more than one vampony here?” she asked, grabbing the doctor’s shoulders in a fit of curiosity.

“Two, actually. The other is our arms specialist. Nice little filly,” he said, delicately pulling her bandaged hand off his shoulder.


“Physically, she’s only twelve. But In truth, Octavia is around thirty. Maybe thirty-one? Yes I think that’s it. Her birthday was last week,” he answered.

“Wha… why would somepony turn her at such a young age?” Octavia… it added up. This world seemed a lot like the human world. It would only make sense that there were versions of themselves here. “Say, have you ever heard of the Pie family?”

“You’ll have to ask Roma that first one, he’s her sire. As for the Pies, they’re a family of nobles in the city of Dreamscape. Why do you ask?”

“Do they have a daughter?” she asked, hopping down off the table.

“Don’t know. Roma would. Why don’t you head on down to the barracks? Some rest would do you good,” he said, giving her a polite-looking smile. What the smile really said was, ‘get out you stupid mare.’

“Well, thanks anyway,” she replied with a nod, and trotted over to the door Applejack was behind. She could hear some giggling behind it, so she decided to write a note on the back of her map. ‘I’ve gone to see Roma. I’ll meet you all at the barracks later.’

With that, she left, and took off into the rapidly darkening sky to find her host.


“Pinkie, why were you so aggressive with Roma?”

The question shocked her. She stopped prancing and just stared at her wife. “Why else? He shot you, Shy. What if he hadn’t missed? You’d be dead, that’s what, and I won’t let that happen.”

“He did apologize though. I think he might actually be a nice pony, if we gave him a chance,” she said quietly, looking at Pinkie from behind a veil of pink hair. True, the vampony had shot her, but he was also desperate. He had need to get home. He needed to protect his people. He had a wife to get back to. “Besides, wouldn’t you have done the same to get back to me?”

“What’s that got to do with it?”

“He is married, dear. I think maybe he wanted to get back to Sonata,” she said, shrinking back a little. Pinkie seemed a little upset. Fluttershy knew her wife wouldn’t hurt her, but retreat was a natural instinct for her.

“I know he’s married, but even if he hadn’t shot you, the outcome would have been the same. I'm sorry, but that's something I just can't forgive," she said, and hung her head a bit. She never wanted to deny her Shy what she wanted, but she had learned to, in recent years.

“I’m not asking you to forgive him,” she said softly, and put a hand on Pinkie's shoulder, “I’m asking you to see things from his eyes.”

“I think I can do that. On a different note, the map says there’s a bazaar down town. Let’s get some more duds. If we’re gonna be here for a while, I wanna at least have clean clothes.”

“I think we can manage that. That nice lady did give us that bag of money, after all.” she said with a smile, not noticing the slight droop of her dear Pinkie’s mane.

Pinkie, on the other hand, was all too aware of it as they walked towards a large, open area full of stalls, and crowded with busy ponies. She didn’t want to say it, but she did want to forgive Roma. Yeah, he seemed pretty nice, but he had flat out admitted to killing ponies before. It didn’t matter how old he was, it wasn’t right. But none of this was betrayed by her happy exterior, while she and the mare of her dreams shopped for cheap, yet stylish clothes, of which there were many.

She could never know of Pinkie’s despair, ever.


Spike and Rarity silently occupied a set of bunk beds at the end of the barracks, while the soldiers of Camp eyed them with caution. Maybe fear? Or perhaps it was anger, or maybe even both. The couple were not soldiers, and had no right to stay in their quarters. Perhaps that was how they viewed the dragon and his wife, as outsiders. These thoughts raced through Rarity’s mind until one of the stallions came over to them and smiled casually.

He spoke softly and politely, but there was still an obvious edge to his words. “You two must be the ones that got Roma so worked up. Name’s Thunder Blitz, you can call me Blitz.”

“What do you mean, worked up? He seemed rather calm when we parted ways, eerily so. Well, aside from the lamp post,” Rarity said, looking up from Rainbow’s jacket. She had immediately began fixing it upon entry to the building, with borrowed supplies from that delightful mare that had provided their clothes.

“Oh no, that’s normal. Vinyl’s always patching them up, and you know, she doesn’t seem to mind too much. No, when Roma gets upset, he forces himself to remain calm, just shuts himself down,” Blitz said, pulling up a chair and straddling its back. He seemed rather nice, it was hard to believe he was a soldier.

“That sounds taxing. I tried that once, and it did not end well,” Spike said as he leaned back in the bed. For military beds, they were oddly comfortable. “Wait, Vinyl? I knew a mare named Vinyl back home.”

“Might be the same mare. You from Sirenis?” Spike and Rarity shook their heads. “Well, she's a proud Sirenian, and she's always loyal to Queen Adagio first, and Roma second. You know, not many know this, but Vinyl is the one who synthesizes Lady Sonata’s gems.”

Lady Sonata? Is she a noble of some sort?” Rarity asked as she decided to give up on the jacket for now, and placed it to the side.

“Naturally, yes, Lady Sonata is Queen Adagio’s sister,” he replied, and paused for a moment before continuing. “There was a third sister, if I am not mistaken, name of Aria. Nopony knows what happened to her. Some think that Adagio killed her and took her gem. I think that’s hogwash; Queen Adagio is a kind ruler. I met her one when she visited Camp to see Lady Sonata, and she spoke to us as equals. Refused to let Roma bow to her too!”

“He does seem to do that a lot, might you know why?”

“Can’t say for sure. I think it’s out of respect, he seems like a fellow that wants to stay humble,” Blitz said, scratching his chin. “Well, no matter, you’ll be meeting with him tomorrow, so you can ask him then. It getting pretty late, so you’d best get to bed, mornings start early here,” he finished, then stood up and walked away towards another bunk.


Twilight landed in front of a decent sized house, with two floors, heavy oak doors and grey brick walls. Not terribly ritzy, but it was probably pretty comfortable. She had asked a couple of ponies where she could find the elusive vampony, and out of the nine, two of them had said he lived here. It seemed like they were anxious to trust her, for reasons beyond her knowledge. It could have been anything, but she suspected that they could sense the magic emanating from her. In theory, all Equestrians could potentially have the ability to detect magic through their own unique connection to it, so why would… Equinites? Equinites, why would they be any different?

Enough with these rambling thoughts, Twilight, you have work to do, she thought to herself as she trotted up to the door. Tentatively, she gave three knocks, hoping she wasn’t interrupting anything.

It creaked open to reveal a small figure clad in a tattered grey cloak, with their face concealed by it’s hood. A slight tch came from under the veil, and the figure turned and headed towards a set of stairs, briefly stopping to hold out a grey hand, and gesture to follow. She hesitated to follow, but obeyed despite this. The figure felt like she could trust them… but who were they? Roma’s servant? No, he didn’t seem the type to keep servants, regardless of his position. So, who was the figure?

They gestured for her to remain at the foot of the stairs, and continued on up and into a bedroom. “Ugh, really? She followed me? Fine, I’ll come down,” she heard Roma say from upstairs, and he didn’t sound happy either.

He strode out clad in only his pants, which he was in the process of fastening. This inexplicably caused Twilight to blush, but then after she thought about it, it was less inexplicable. After all, a new body came with new hormones, right? Because of this, Twilight was really left with no choice but to take in his features. He was large and well toned, with a few scars here and there on his chest, but not so many that he was unattractive.

“Um… Hi?” she said meekly, feeling a little awkward around the half naked stallion.

“Hi? You come to my home in these late hours, disturbing Sonata and myself, and all you have to say is ‘Hi’?” He stopped at the top of the stairs, and glared down at Twilight with some anger in his eyes. There wasn’t as much as before, but it was present. “Well done. Your tenacity has succeeded in impressing me.”

“Sorry to disturb your rest…” she trailed off as sonata came out of the room with a blanket held over her bare chest, and it didn’t quite cover her elegantly curved hips and thighs. She continued with a slight smile. “Or lack thereof. I just had a few questions about how things worked here, and this world’s history. Could you help me with that?”

“I could, but I won’t,” he said, and sat on the handrail, promptly sliding down. “I don’t care how old you are, that never stops being fun.”

“You should see the ones in my castle. There are no handrails, but there is a seven story tower with stairs, and the bottom is smooth. A bit of gravity magic and boom. Instant crystal slide… one of the few fun things I still indulge in. So, why won’t you help me?”

“Oh I will, tomorrow," he said bluntly, eliciting a confused grimace from the Alicorn, which in turn brought a smile onto his face. "Princess, I am a man of my word, and I said we would discuss things tomorrow. Since you are here though, how about something to eat?”

“Um… no thanks. So, if you won’t tell me about history, what about biology?” she asked, prompting him to arc an eyebrow at her.

“I’m not following,” he deadpanned.

“Vampony biology. How does the condition transfer? Is it magic or genetics? Is it common? You know, stuff like that.”

“Ah. I can most certainly be of some assistance, if you’ll follow me to the library,” he said, and turned away to go back up the stairs. Twilight gasped as she saw the vast number of broad scars criss-crossed all across the entirety of his shoulders and lower back. “Yes, they are quite gruesome, but I deserved every one of the ninety-two lashes from Queen Celestia’s anti-magic whip.”

“Wh-Why would she do that?!” she hollered, covering her mouth in shock.

“Because I disobeyed her orders, and they were very, very strict orders.”

“My goodness… this world is awful.”

“Nah, it’s not so bad. Or, it wasn’t then. It kind of sucks now. Come on, let’s get you educated on my species,” he said as the grey clad pony appeared beside him, seemingly from no where and handed him a red dress shirt.

“Alright then...” she said and followed him up the stairs as a newly clad Sonata exited their room to accompany them, along side the grey cloaked pony.

Its going to be a long night, she thought to herself.

Author's Note:

Sixth chapter fixed! Woot! again, I really didn't change much, just a few things, like some sentence structure, and of course, my grievous punctuation errors. and yes, Ponybellum. I went there. hope you enjoyed this. only three more chapters, and I'll be finished revising.