• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 654 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Fighter(revised) - GenerousGhibli

Rewritten! A thief from an alternate dimension has stolen the Alicorn Amulet.

  • ...

Bidding Our Farewells!

The thief stroked his mustache in confusion. He had been told that this was a primitive dimension, with only primal four legged ponies. Furthermore, he understood them. They spoke the same language he did. Oh well. Time to use his trump card.

“Excuse me, ladies. Oh, and dragon. I hate to ruin your celebration, but I have this,” he said as he held up a small dagger, with a crystal embedded in its pommel. “It, unfortunately for you, nullifies most types of magic. Like this cage, for example.” He demonstrated by slicing through the energy field like it were made of butter, then promptly stepped out.

The mares all stood in shocked silence. The first to speak was the purple unico… not a unicorn. An Alicorn. A Queen. “Who are you? And more importantly, what are you?”

The stallion bowed low, ashamed that he had been so foolish not to recognize an Alicorn. “Apologies, Your Majesty. My name is Roma Heart, and I am a pony, much like you. Though I see evolution progressed differently here.”

“What do you mean ‘here?’ Where are you from? Did you bring others? If so where are they?” she demanded, and trotted closer.

“I mean here, as in this dimension, your majesty. I am from a different dimension, and I came alone. But I fear that I must get back soon. My people need me.” He paused for a moment. “I ask, Your Majesty, what is your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well then, Queen Twilight, I must apologize for being so rude. I haven’t seen an Alicorn in decades. I also must apologize for this,” he said, and quickly brought up his fist in an brutal uppercut, before turning and galloping away. “Sorry, but I really must be going!”

“Rainbow, after him!” the Queen shouted behind him.

“I think not!” Roma shouted as he threw a small incendiary up into the air. A moment later, there was a bright flash of light, and the Rainbow mare fell to the ground. He briefly worried about setting the trees ablaze, but quickly dismissed the idea. He had thrown it into the clearing, after all.

The terrain of the forest was easy to navigate for him. Much like a minefield really. Step here, dodge there. Maybe you hop over that one. These thoughts amused him. He never thought he would need this level of skill to run away from a Queen’s guard. Not in this dimension, anyway. So entertained was he by these thoughts that he almost tripped over the Well of Worlds. Almost. Without a second thought, he dove in, and swam through to the other side.


Twilight stood over the well and inspected it closely. It seemed pretty normal, but so did both of the magic mirrors in the Crystal Castle and Canterlot. This was clearly a portal to a different dimension, but how did she not know of this?

“Princess Twilight, what’s the matter?” Sweetie Belle asked as she trotted up behind her, with concern painted on her face. “It’s obviously more than just the amulet.”

“A couple of things, actually. I’ve never heard anything of this portal, for one. Next, he said ‘My people need me.’" she answered, pausing as she realized something else. "Then he called me ‘Queen.’ I want to investigate, but it may be like the other portals. I may get trapped for Celestia knows how long.”

“Right, well, there’s only one way to find out. We just have to dive right in.”

“I suppose. But there is somepony I would like to bring with us.”


Lyra sat in her cell, humming along to a tune on the radio while the Captain sat on the bench steadily sewing some fabrics together. He wouldn’t tell her what it was, but she had an inkling of a feeling that it was intended to accompany her arms. “I have to say, when you told me that you were a tailor before a soldier, I didn’t quite believe you. What changed?”

“You mean, why did I join the guard?” he asked, looking up from his project.


“It paid better. I was married with a filly on the way, so I needed a bit of extra income,” he said with a shrug, “No grand reason, just needed the money. It just turned out that I enjoyed the job.”


A sudden presence made itself known before the princess even arrived. Being unicorns, they could easily feel the presence of somepony as powerful as the Princesses, through the magical distortion in the air. As she came into the cell block, her hooves echoed viciously throughout the room. “Hello Captain. May I have a moment alone with Lyra?”

“Of course, Princess,” he said, before quickly trotting out.

“What’s up Princess?" the prisoner asked, grinning. "Did you catch him?”

“No, he slipped through a portal back to his own dimension. He still has the amulet,” the Princess said with a sigh, and sat on the guest bench. “I don’t want to do this… but I want you to come with us. We don’t know if we will morph into his kind, or if we will stay the same, as he did when he came here. If you are with us, you can at least cover your… robotics with a cloak, and blend in.”

“So I get them back?” Lyra's eyes lit up as she raised her head in surprise.

“Yes.” Twilight used her magic to teleport a white bundle into the cell. “Now, if you’ll let me…”

Whatever she was about to say was lost, as Lyra squirmed off of her bed, and worked her way over to the package. She ripped the fabric apart with her teeth, and savagely tore at the thin cord around the devices. She could’ve wept with joy if she hadn’t been so desperate to get them on. Finally, they were unwrapped. The seafoam mare squirmed around until she was in an acceptable position to link up with the right arm. The screws hummed as they fastened itself to her shoulder.

“I… am impressed and somewhat disturbed by the display I just witnessed.”

“Psh. Don’t be,” Lyra scoffed as she reached up with her hand, and crushed the device around her horn. She swung her arm to the side and rolled over onto her left, then pushed herself up with the hand. She stood up, managing to get on her hind legs, and lean against the cell bars. “Whoa. Been a while since I could do this. Been a while since I could even walk.”

The Princess levitated the other arm up and held it in place for Lyra to link up. “I’m sorry, I had intended to have some forelegs built, but you’re the only pony with that kind of expertise.”

“Oh don’t worry about it. I got my babies back, so I’m happy. Hang on a sec," she said, then turned to the stair way leading to the ground floor. "HEY CAPTAIN!"

“What? What’s wrong?!” the old guard shouted as he leapt down the stairs, and gathered a bit of magic around his horn. He stopped immediately when he saw Lyra standing on her legs, with her arms dangling beside her. “You… you got your arms back.”

“Yup! Princess needs my help with something super important," she said proudly, "So I’m going to another world.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing I’m done with this,” he said with a smile, and levitated a layered black cloak in front of him. It had a shoulder layer with three toggle fasteners across the chest, and a high collar, and its lower layer would come around to cover her arms, but it would probably be easy enough to move and fight in. “I figured you could, uh, use something to keep you warm this winter. You know, it’s only a month or so away.”

Twilight opened up the cell and allowed Lyra to take a few precious, awkwardly balanced steps towards the Captain and receive the cloak. The Princess couldn’t stop the smile on her lips even if she had wanted to. Lyra looked truly happy to be on her own hooves again. Twilight had never wanted to imprison Lyra… but Celestia had commanded it. While Twilight was a Princess, she did not rule anything, as the other three did. So she was forced to abide by the Solar Alicorn’s wishes.

Lyra took the cloak from Stronghoof and twirled it around her shoulders, letting it fall gingerly around her arms. It reached past her flanks, and covered half of her legs. It suited her well, the Princess thought. The green unicorn raised and lowered her arms a couple of times in experiment, testing whether or not the cloak would fall away properly. It did, and she smiled, even throwing a few shadow punches in earnest play.

“Alright Princess, I’m ready." She stopped testing her arms and cloak, and turned to the Alicorn. "I just have to make one little stop, before we leave.”

“Oh?” Twilight raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“Oh. Bon needs to know where I am," she said with a grim smile, "If she comes back and sees me gone, she’ll be worried sick.”

“Understood, meet us at this location when you are finished.” the Princess said, levitating a scrap of paper out of her saddle bag and into Lyra’s hand. To her surprise, the claw-like appendage did not rip the paper to shreds, but clutched it gently between two fingers. The scrap had coordinates for the well, and directions on how to find it in the dense forest. Some might think it foolish to have allowed Lyra to wander on her own, but the Princess was a fair pony. She was giving all the others time to bid there loved ones farewell. So she would be remiss if she did not allow the same concession to her bionic comrade.

“Princess, if you permit, I’ll take my leave now,” She said, bowing to the Princess.

“Go ahead Lyra.”


“Spike, Dear? Where are you?” Rarity called forth, searching for her husband in the vast manor, though she suspected she already knew where he was.

“I’m in the shrine room,” he answered calmly, from a door not twelve feet ahead of the unicorn. Of course, she had been right. He visited the shrine before any adventure. It was his way of paying respect to his mentor. “I’m almost ready, honey.”

“Well, we must hurry to meet Twilight soon. It’s rude to keep royal…” She froze as she peeked around the corner into the shrine. Spike was on his knees, in front of his mentors armor, and holding the samurai's katana in his claws. “Love, is everything alright?”

“Just remembering what Hikari-dono told me. About how no matter what the odds, no matter what stands in my way, I must always use this blade to protect those I love.”

“I think Hikari-dono would be very proud to see the sword master you’ve become,” she said, then sighed and trotted in to sit next to the drake. “You really miss him, don’t you?”

“I do. He was a great pony. Not just as a swordspony, but as a pony in general," he said, pausing to wipe a stray tear from his eye. "He was kind, generous, honest, loyal. I just wonder if I’m carrying on his legacy as I should.”

“Don‘t be ridiculous!" Rarity scolded, causing Spike to flinch. "Of course you are. Every time you draw that sword, you honor his name, and his memory. Even in day-to-day life, you honor him by remembering how he lived, and living with the same principals.”

“You’re right, of course. You’re always right, aren’t you?”

“Mmm, most of the time. Ready to go, Dear?”

“More than ready.”


Applejack waved goodbye to her brother and sister before turning to leave. If only she could take them with her… but Apple Bloom was needed to run the boutique, and Big Mac had a family to care for. Heck, Cheerilee would probably never forgive her for taking him from her! The mare gave a small chuckle as she trotted away from her home. She hated saying goodbye to them, but she was needed by her friends’ side. And Celestia have mercy if she were to fail them.

She trotted with her head held high, and her face stern. She was ready for any challenge she would face on the other side of that portal. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t afraid. Oh no, she was terrified. But without fear, one can never be brave. And her courage was something she was very proud of. She breathed a sigh to calm herself.

“Ah’m ready.”


Pinkie and Fluttershy walked steadily away from the Pie family’s rock farm, which they had visited mostly to see Maud. Though to their surprise, the whole family had wished them luck on their journey. Mr. and Mrs. Pie weren’t the most opened minded ponies in Equestria, and openly disapproved of Fluttershy and Pinkie’s marriage, but they accepted it and lived their lives.

“Pinkie, are you sure you're ready?” Fluttershy asked, walking at a relaxed pace.

“Of course! This so exciting! You ready babe?” the party mare replied, bouncing around her wife.

“I am if you’re with me,” she said with a warm smile.

“Then we’re both...” Pinkie trailed off and looked to her wife with a grin, who promptly sighed, though she still smiled.

"Ready like Freddy!" she said loudly, causing Pinkie to clap her hooves excitedly.


Rainbow dash stood at the entrance to the Wonderbolts HQ in Cloudsdale, conversing with her fellow officer, whilst the RainBolts stood at ease off to the side. “Sorry Captain Spitfire, but the Princess requires my help on an important mission.”

“I understand Captain Dash. You want me to take over the RainBolts while you’re gone?” It may have been her imagination, but Rainbow swore she heard the other Captain’s voice falter a bit as she affirmed the information.

“No, I’m leaving Lieutenant Dust in command," Rainbow was not unaware of her comrade's rising eyebrow. "But I would appreciate it if you would keep an eye on them.”

“Will do. Be careful out there Filly,” Spitfire said quietly.

“Oh come on, I’m so not a filly anymore!” The younger Captain replied, chuckling at her senior.

“Well, regardless, be careful. I don’t know what we would do without you,” Spitfire said with a nod, her face twisting up a bit.

“Aw you’d just miss me.”

“And your point? We’re friends, and I just want to be sure you’re ready,” the Wonderbolt practically whispered, and stepped forward to give Rainbow a hug. “I really would miss you, Dash.”

“Trust me, Spit, I’m ready for this,” she assured, returning the completely unprofessional hug. They separated and Rainbow flew off towards the well.

“I hope I’m ready for this…”


They just stared at each other. Bon Bon was speechless. Her friend towered over her, casting an imposing shadow throughout the small room. A strong gust blew through the open window that Lyra had used to gain entry. It blew her cloak away from her arms a bit, prompting her to grab the hem and pull it tight to hide the devices. “Bon…”

The beige mare stepped forward and used her hoof to push the cloak aside, and placed the same hoof into the right hand. “You don’t have to hide them, Lyra.”

“But they scared you last time,” the cyborg replied softly.

“Yes, but only because I didn’t try to understand them. These... Uh…”

“Arms,” Lyra prompted.

“Arms, they’re a part of you, as much as your horn or your cutie mark. I get that now." Bon Bon pulled back to inspect the artificial limbs before giggling. "They look kind of cool, actually.”

The unicorn felt her throat seize up, and her lip began to quiver, despite her best efforts to keep them from doing so. She knelt down, and wrapped her arms around her best friend’s neck, while Bon Bon wrapped her forelegs around Lyra’s middle. “Bon, you’re so awesome…”

“Yeah, I know,” she said, and as she pulled out of the hug, her smile faded. “You should get going before the guards find you.”

“Nah, it’s not like that," Lyra said, waving her left hand in front of her. "The Princess is enlisting my aid in catching the amulet thief. Says it’s so I can go undercover and stuff like that.”

“Wow that’s a pretty big job. Think you can handle it?”

"Psh. I kept my arm project a secret from you, until you found me with the prototypes. I can totally handle just covering them up.”

“If you say so. Here, before you go...” she said, walking over to a bedside table. She reached in, and pulled out a small black box. “I want you to have this back.”

“Is that what I think it is?”

“It’s your locket," the confectioner affirmed. "You gave it back to me when you got arrested, remember?”

“Yeah. How could I forget? It was such a big day…” the unicorn let her head drop a little, but immediately perked back up, taking the locket out of its box and placing it around her neck, and under the cloak. “I think I should get going. Everypony else is probably already there.

“You’re sure you’re ready for this?”



The six ponies stood around the well, staring into its depths. The light seemed to not reflect off the water’s surface at all, but rather, it penetrated straight through. Spike wasn’t interested. He was off to the side, taking inventory of their rations and supplies. Everything seemed to be in order, so he slid his stone tablet into his side pouch. It was a gift from Twilight. Whatever damage the stone took, including scratches, would be reverse within a matter of minutes. In fact, he had dropped it once, and split it in two. But it still managed to repair itself. An apt substitute for parchment, really.

“Twilight, when does this mystery pony of yours plan on showing up?” the dragon grumbled, and bit down on an emerald bar. Good thing nopony ate gems, he thought. He didn’t like to share his food, unless Rarity needed it for a project. Then he was happy to. “I’m getting tired of waiting.”

“Be patient Spike. There, she’s coming up now.” Twilight gestured over to the horizon, where a single figure walked at a constant pace. They approached slowly, and their cloak flapped in the wind, revealing two large, claw like hands. Nopony could believe it. “I decided to bring Lyra along, in case we don’t change when we go through. She can cover her arms to blend in, and gather information.”

The mare finally reached the seven others and bowed to them. “Sorry for keeping you. My goodbyes took longer than expected.”

“It’s quite alright Lyra. Do you have everything you need?”

“Yes, Princess,” Lyra said with a bow.

“Then what’re we waitin for? Let’s get this rodeo started!”

“Lyra, you go first. You’ll be less conspicuous if we don’t change,” Twilight commanded, nodding at the well.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” She promptly complied, jumping onto the well’s rim, then dropping into the water. After her, one by one, the others dove into the crystal clear depths.

Now, the real adventure begins.

Author's Note:

So, I fixed this chapter, and unlike the last two, it really didn't need much work, save for punctuation changes. I added a few things here and there, but not much. I'd also like to fix a couple of things I said in the old A/N. First, feathering isn't just around the hooves, it can also apply to the mane. it simply means it's... well, feather-like. it's fluffy, and fine, and really pretty. I was pretty much spot on with what a draft breed is. I really hope the editions will help improve the quality and readability of this story.