• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 1,318 Views, 51 Comments

House Of The Crystal Sun - Bluecatcinema

An enemy from the past threatens all of Equestria.

  • ...


Shine and Miracle were brought into the Crystal Empire throne room.

Celestia was also in the room, chained to the floors, having been brought in earlier, while Black was lounging on the throne. As soon as Miracle saw Celestia, she ran over to her.

"Mama!" She squealed.

Celestia lit up as Miracle hugged her.

"Miracle! Oh, my dear daughter!" Celestia hugged her back, her eyes watering.

"Cherryblossom..." Shine joined in the hug. "...I'm sorry, we tried to get away... but..."

"It's fine, Shine." Celestia nuzzled her husband. "It's fine..."

"Ah, how touching." Black snorted. The three glared at him. "It almost makes me want to cry..."

"We meet again, Red Eclipse." Shine approached him. "Or should I call you... Black Knight Paladin."

"Black Knight..." Black's sneer faded, as the solemn glance returned. "Before all of this, I hadn't been called that for a long time... I ditched it when living on the lam, but to hear it again... it brings back bad memories."

"Big Red told me everything... I knew that not all of the Paladin bloodline were perfect... but never did I realize that my uncle would be a traitor to the crown..." Shine snarled.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Black regained his sneer. "You never thought that you had an Earth Pony in the family, didja? Thirty generations, the Paladins had been nothing but Pegasi, and I had the misfortune of being the first Earth Pony born to a purely Pegasi bloodline. Really got the rumor mill cranking when I came into the world."

"And in the end, you proved them right." Shine stepped forth, his glare hardening, "You murdered a village out of spite for the Changelings they sheltered! Got a young stallion killed while doing so, no less!"

"Oh come off it, you act as if I intended for poor Rookie to get killed." Black glared back. "His death was... an unfortunate 'accident'."

"Accident? He was killed, doing your bidding!" Celestia yelled.

"Hey, he knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the army." Black shot back. "Ponies die everyday! Murder, suicide, accident! His death was no different from all the ponies that died in that war! However…" He glanced at Shine. "Your father thought differently."

"Why are you doing this, Black?" Shine asked. "Is this all just to get back at my father?! Or is it to compensate for the fact you weren't born the way you wanted?"

"My dear nephew, I am hurt that you assume that I would do these things out of a grudge or pettiness." Black said quietly. "I am merely doing what I was born to do..."

"Which is?" Miracle asked.

Black chuckled.

"To cleanse Equestria of all filth. When I'm done, everything will be pure…"

"'Pure'?" Shine grimaced.

"Yes." Black nodded. "No more bugs infesting our wastelands, no more buffaloes stampeding over everything in their path, no more dragons hoarding all the world's riches and terrorizing the city folk. Nothing that can hold their advantages over us. Just us ponies. It'll be a perfect Equestria, at long last."

"You don't have to do this." Shine urged. "You could come back to the family. Make amends for what you've done. It's not too late."

"Family..." Black sneered. "I've had quite enough of that, thank you."

"What?" Shine gasped.

"My so-called family turned against me!" Black roared. "My brother betrayed me, and my parents practically disowned me!"

"That's not true!" Shine barked. "Surely they would never…"

"You wouldn't understand." Black scoffed. "All I was to them was an unfortunate 'kink' in their precious bloodline. They acted like they loved me, but I could see it in their eyes... if you weren't born with feathers, then you weren't a Paladin..."

"No... that... that can't be..." Shine muttered.

"You can deny it all you want, but it is the truth." Black grunted, "But that's okay with me... because I don't need family anymore. With the Crystal Sun's power, I'll have all that I ever need!"

"What about me and Miracle?" Shine asked. "You seemed pretty determined to catch us. Where do we fit into all this?"

"Well, 'nephew', it's like this..." Black grinned darkly. "The Crystal Sun, while a powerful artifact in it's own right, cannot operate without Alicorn magic. While I managed to snag plenty from the other Alicorns, I still need more... I need Celestia's magic."

Before Shine could get a word in, Black's horn reached out it's tendrils of dark magic, which enveloped Shine.

"Wah?!" Shine gasped, as the tendril wraps around him.

"Try and relax." Black smirked. "It'll hurt more if you resist..."

However, nothing happened.

"What th-?" Black growled. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Shine asked.

"Celestia's magic!" Black roared, as he glared at Celestia. "You little wench! You told me your husband had your magic!"

"Um, sir..."

Everypony glanced over to where Twitch was standing, having brought Shine and Miracle in.

"Funny story... apparently, in the thirty-to-forty years I spent running, the Napoleons had a new brother, and I really don't know how, but he has Celestia's magic."

"And where is this 'brother' now?" Black asked, his eye twitching.

"Eh... I don't know." Twitch admitted. "A lot of 'stuff' went down back in Ponyville, and I can honestly say he and his brothers are either dead, or somewhere far away…"

"And you didn't think that I would want to know all of this?!" Black growled.

"S-s-sorry, boss..." Twitch cringed. "Y-you were so happy when you got the s-shards that I didn't want to spoil it…"

Black's eye twitched once more…before he took a deep breath.

"Ah, well." Black muttered. "Guess we'll just have to make do without it for now. We've got all the ingredients anyways...."

"What does that mean?" Shine asked, confused.

"The Crystal Sun doesn't just need Alicorn magic to power it." Black revealed. "The reason nopony thought to use the Sun before was because it had a very steep price for using it…"

"Price?" Shine asked.

"Yes. Apparently, in order for the Sun to reach it's full potential, it's needs an intake of a mixture of matter and powerful magic." Black declared. "To put in laypony's terms: an alicorn child. In order for the Sun to work... one must sacrifice that child's life... surely, you can see where I'm going with this…"

"Miracle..." Celestia gasped, horrified.

"Me?" Miracle gulped.

"No... why Miracle?! Why not any of the other young Alicorns?!" Shine challenged.

"Because what better candidate than the daughter of the Alicorn who had ruined my life?!" With her powerful and untainted magic, the Sun would surely flourish! It's absolutely perfect!" Black laughed a bit maniacally.

"No... no..." Celestia whimpered.

"No!" Shine yelped. "You can't! I won't let you!"

"Oh, but I can." Black sneered. "I am close to achieving my goal and when I set my mind towards something, I see it to the end!"

"But she's just a child!" Celestia cried, "Please, Black… I don't care what you do with me, just leave her out of this!"

"Oh, but it is because of you that we are even standing here today!" Black chuckled darkly. "And thanks to you and that brother of mine, you get a front seat to when I activate the Sun and your daughter evaporates into nothingness..." Black then lifted Celestia's chin and grinned an evil smile. "Your daughter will die... and it'll be all your fault..."

"You monster..." Celestia wept.

"Oh, are you going to cry?" Black mocked. "Just like White did that night? Begging me to not do this? Huh? No wonder you married his son… you hybrid freaks always had a thing for flawed stallions!"

"ENOUGH!" Shine roared, as he charged at Black in a blind fit of rage. "RAAAARRRGHH!!"

Black simply glanced at Shine, before blasting him back with a blast of his horn. Shine grunted in pain as Black pinned him with a hoof.

"Easy there, papa wolf." Black chuckled lightly. "We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, now would we?"

Shine growled as he struggled underneath him.

Black then turned to his shadow ponies. "Take him to the dungeon. Me and the ladies here have to tend to some last-minute details before bringing about the beginning of a new Equestria."

The shadow ponies quickly grabbed Shine from underneath Black's hoof, bringing him to his hooves, as Shine attempts to break free.

"No! No! Please!" Shine pleaded, as Black turned away. "Uncle!"

Black perked up at the word "uncle", as he glanced back at his nephew, seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Black... please... don't do this to me... don't do this to your nephew..." Shine sniffled. "Miracle's my little sunbeam... do what you want with the Sun, or me and Celestia, but please... don't do this to your own family... please…"

The red stallion went silent for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

"Oh, Shine..." Black shook his head, as he took his chin. "It is because you're my nephew that you won't have to see her die. You don't deserve the same pain as your father or wife does..." Shine withheld a scream at those words. "But do know that I am doing this only for the betterment of Equestria... don't worry though... she won't suffer."

Shine was left dumbfounded, as Black then turned to the shadow ponies and gave a nod.

"Take him away."

The shadow ponies made to drag the pegasus away, as Shine finally came to his senses.

"No…" Shine muttered, as he then screamed, "NOOOOO! Please! Don't hurt her! Miracle! Miracle! MIRACLE!"

His screams echoed throughout the halls of the castle as they dragged him to the dungeon, as Black turned to Miracle and Celestia, the former whimpering in fear.

"Don't you worry, child…" Black assured her with a sinister grin. "It will be over soon…"

Shine was thrown into the dungeon with the rest of the royals. The cell he was in was occupied by most of the non-Alicorn prisoners: Flash, Blueblood, Dusty, Pureblood, Vito, Daring, Hurricane, Michael, Gothic, and also Anthem, Dusk Glow, Starlight and Constell, whose horns had been constrained by dark magic (Though they were Alicorns, Black had chosen not to drain them, on the grounds of their "tainted" bloodlines).

"Shine?" Shining groaned, still aching from his beating earlier. "They got you, too?"

"Great." Flash sighed. "Another pony in an already-overcrowded cell."

"Nice accommodations, huh?" Pureblood snarked.

"Not to mention the living conditions are positively medieval." Blueblood groaned.

"We'd be better off in the local cesspool." Vito grimaced.

"From what I've heard, a cesspool would be a step up from what Black Knight has planned." Constell declared, she and the rest of the captives having been filled in on the evil stallion's true identity as Sleight was dragged past their cell.

Immediately, Shine rushed back to the door, and began bashing against it.

"LET ME OUT!!" Shine roared, banging against the door for all he was worth.

"Shine?" Dusk gasped. "Are you okay?"

"What's wrong with him?" Starlight asked.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO HER!" Shine screamed, as he continued to pound the gate. "PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF FAUST!"

"He's lost it." Gothic gaped in horror. "We can only imagine what's been done to him..."

"PLEASE! No…" Shine whimpered, as his anger was soon replaced with agony, as he soon slumped against the door, breaking into a sob. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

"Shine, it's... it can't be that bad, surely?" Blueblood attempted to comfort him.

"It is." Shine choked back a sob. "He's going to kill her.... That monster's going to kill Miracle!"

"What?!" Dusty gasped.

"He said the Crystal Sun... requires the sacrifice of a young Alicorn to unlock it's power." Shine trembled. "And Miracle's been elected..."

"Oh, no..." Gothic whispered.

"You can't be serious!" Daring gasped. "That poor girl..."

"Mir..." Hurricane mumbled.

"He can't do that!" Vito blurted out. "It's... regicide!"

"I don't think he cares." Pureblood pointed out.

"But Miracle's just a kid!" Constell added.

"I can't believe this is happening..." Anthem frowned.

"That guy really is evil." Flash grimaced.

"This is turning into a nightmare." Dusk groaned.

"Too bad we can't just wake up." Starlight sighed.

"Black is going to pay for this!" Shining Armor vowed.

"What does it matter?" Shine despaired. "It's over. Black's won. He's going to kill my daughter, and take over the world, slaughtering any species he deems 'unclean'."

"Don't give up hope, Shine." Blueblood urged. "It's not over yet."

"It may as well be." Shine mumbled.

"Don't forget, Caboose is still out there!" Dusty pointed out.

"Yeah!" Hurricane smiled. "My dad'll save us!"

"No offense, Hurricane, but somehow I doubt it." Shine declared, "I don't even know where he is right now…"

"We can't give up." Daring urged. "I was in tougher scrapes then this during my adventurer days, and I always made it out."

"And just how are we going to get out of this?!" Shine yelled. "We have no magic, we're locked in a dungeon, and the entire Empire is swarming with shadow ponies. And let's face it, it's not like the cavalry's going to arrive any time soon."

Meanwhile, the Napoleon brothers arrived at the edge of the Crystal Empire. They surveyed the situation, taking note of all the shadow ponies and hired thugs.

"We've got to do this quietly, boys." Grimoire whispered. "Stealth and precision are the key."

"Yeah, not exactly my strong suit." Slot admitted.

"Just follow our lead." Murray instructed.

"Come on, guys." Caboose smiled, as he raised his hoof. "To victory!"

"Shh!" The other brothers hissed.

"Sorry." Caboose shrugged.

The Napoleons made their way to the palace, sticking to side streets and back alleys. When they reached the palace, they saw a crowd of shadow ponies guarding the entrance.

"Looks like we're going to have to fight our way through 'em." Salt declared.

"'Bout time." Vinny smirked.

"Shall we?" Grimiore gestured forward.

"Let's kick flank!" Caboose cried. "CHARGE!"

The Napoleons charged toward the shadow ponies with battle cries.

Slot pulled out two knives from the cuffs of his jacket, and ran towards a pair of shadow ponies.

"I now pronounce you... stallion and knife." He stabbed them both.

Salt leapt into the air and performed a flying press on another.

"Yippee-kai-yay, motherbucker!" He yelled, squashing it flat.

Vinny, after getting a wind-up, struck one shadow pony hard in the head with his baseball bat.

"It's just been revoked!" He smirked.

"Um, I don't think you were set up for that line, Vin..." Grimoire pointed out, as he dodged another shadow ponies' strike and blasting it's head off with a bolt.

"Oh... then 'I'll have what she's having!" Vinny declared, with the same gusto.

"...It's... it's better." Grimoire shrugged.

"Stick around, boys!" Slot threw more knives at the shadow ponies, pinning them to a wall.

"Hey shadow pony, what's your favourite brand of bottled water?" Murray fired a bolt at the shadow pony's head. "Mine's Arrowhead!"

"Nice product placement!" Vinny chuckled, as he caved in another shadow pony's skull with the bat.

"Thank you." Murray smirked, shooting another shadow pony point-blank without looking.

"You know what they say." Sonny set alight his accelerant-doused bandages. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Sonny punctuated his point by throwing flaming hoof strikes at the shadow ponies.

"Or in this case, out of our way!" Salt roared as he sent his brass hoof through another pony, hitting yet another shadow pony in the process.

"When a problem comes around, you must... whip it!" Lars struck a shadow pony with his crop. "Whip it good!"

Grimoire took out a batch of shadow ponies with his crossbow within quick succession, as he let a few pants.

"I'm gettin' too old for this slop..." He announced.

Soon, Caboose charged at a quartet of shadow ponies, his alicorn-magic powered horn glowing vibrantly.

"...INSERT WITTY PUN!" Caboose cried, unable to come up with a good line.

In one bright blast, he incinerated them.

And with that, the shadow ponies were dealt with, but more were bound to be on the way...

"Okay, what's the plan?" Slot huffed, as he picked up his thrown knives.

"I'm going to bust out Daring and the others!" Caboose declared.

"Are you sure you're going to be able to do it by yourself?" Murray asked.

"If not, then I picked the wrong week to cut down on my caffeine and sugar intake." Caboose smirked.

"Okay." Grimoire nodded. "We'll go after Twitch, then."

"Yeah." Murray nodded. "We still have a score to settle with that guy."

"And this time, no more running!" Slot snarled.

"Let's do it then!" Salt cricked his neck.

The brothers split up, Caboose heading to the dungeons.

Meanwhile, in said dungeon, Michael began to cry.

"I wanna go home!" He bawled.

"There, there, Mikey." Daring tried to sooth him. "I'm afraid our trip back has been postponed..."

"Hey!" The shadow pony barked, having been assigned to guard the prisoners. "Shut that... brat... up!"

"Hey, lay off, will ya?!" Shining barked back.

"You can't blame the boy." Blueblood added. "These terrible accommodations have me on the edge of tears myself."

"Michael, honey, please calm down..." Daring gently rocked her young colt.

"No!" Michael yelled. "I hate it here! It's cold, and dark, and stinky!"

"Enough...!" The shadow pony growled. "If you don't shut him up... I'll shut him up... myself...."

The shadow pony opened the cell door, and reached for Michael, who cried even louder.

"Waaaa!" He screamed.

"No!" Daring held him protectively. "Leave him alone!"

"Give me... the brat!" The shadow pony demanded.

"Leave him alone!" Flash yelled.

"He's just a foal!" Constell added.

"Yeah!" Dusk added. "Where do you get off?"

"You're as bad as your boss!" Starlight glared.

"Why, you..." Anthem snarled.

"Don't even think about touching my little brother!" Hurricane threatened.

"How... touching..." The shadow pony smirked, continuing his advance. "But... pointless..."


The shadow pony stopped trying to grab Michael, and turned... only to have a blur come in, lugging a huge crystal rock overhead, and downright smash the pony into wisps.

The others were shocked by the sudden appearance of the new pony, hidden in the shadows of the dungeon.

"Who in Equestria..." Luna gaped.

The pony stepped forward, towards Daring and Michael. As he stepped out into the light, he said: "PEEK-A-BOO!"

It was Caboose.

Almost everypony was shocked, as Michael giggled.

"Caboose?!" Daring gasped.

"Daddy!" Hurricane ran over and hugged Caboose, whimpering. "Oh, dad! You came back for us!"

"Of course I did!" Caboose chuckled. "You didn't think I would just leave you guys, didja?"

"Caboose..." Daring hugged her husband. "I was so worried..."

"Me, too." Caboose admitted. "I would've came back sooner, but the transport was terrible. Last time I travel economy..."

"How did you manage to get in here?" Dusty asked. "All alone?"

"Ah, but I'm not alone." Caboose smiled. "My bros came with me! We're here to fight and save Equestria!"

The other ponies looked unsure.

"No offense, Caboose, but I doubt you'll able to do much." Blueblood frowned.

"And what about Black Knight?" Gothic asked. "He's practically invincible!"

"And he has my wife and daughter." Shine added dolefully.

"Come on, guys!" Caboose smiled. "Don't you remember? Good always triumphs over evil! Besides, Equestria is our home, and we need to protect it!" Everypony remain silent, "For Pete's sake, I just did this last chapter, do I really need to say it again?"

"Good can only take you so far." Flash declared. "We're still way outmatched."

"All the more reason to fight harder." Caboose smirked.

"We could die." Gothic pointed out.

"Then we'll become martyrs." Caboose retorted. "Something for the regular ponies to get behind."

"But Black has all the cards." Dusk declared.

"We'll find a way." Caboose smiled. "The good guys always do. Now, who's with me?"

"...You're right, Caboose." Shining Armor smiled.

"Now there's something you don't see everyday." Blueblood chuckled.

"I'm in." Dusty declared.

"Me too." Daring grinned. "Always."

"And me!" Hurricane nodded.

"An' me!" Michael cheered.

"And us!" Vito and Pureblood stepped forward.

"Count me in." Constell smiled.

"Don't forget about me." Dusk chuckled.

"Or me." Starlight grinned.

"I'm in, too." Anthem added.

They all looked at Shine... who suddenly stood up, smiling.

"So am I." He smiled.

"Then let's go!" Caboose cheered.

After storming out of their cell, Caboose used his magic to blast open the other cells, freeing Sleight, Chrysalis and the Alicorns. The third cell, containing Big Red and Cherry, was also blasted open.

"Everypony out!" Caboose smiled.

"Well, Ah'll be." Big Red chuckled. "Nice ta see ya again, Caboose. You too, Shine."

"Likewise, Red." Shine smiled, as he noticed the bruises. "Did Black…"

"What, this?" Big Red shrugged off, though wincing a bit from the pain, "He and I got into it a bit, but nothing I can't handle."

"That's my big, tough, stallion." Cherry nuzzled him.

"Caboose... I'll be danged." Sleight laughed softly as he helped his weak wife out of the cell. "You saved us…"

"Hey, whenever I get somepony into a mess, I always get them out!" Caboose smirked. "Guess this makes us even."

"It sure does." Sleight nodded. "Sorry about the whole 'turning you into a card' thing."

"Water under the bridge." Caboose smiled. "Or is it off a duck's back?"

The separated families reunited.

"Gothic!" Luna embraced her family. "Constell!"

"We missed you, dear." Gothic smiled.

"So much, mom." Constell sniffed.

"I missed you, too." Luna smiled.

"Cadance, my darling..." Shining embraced her. "I was so worried..."

"Me too." Cadance agreed, taking note of Shining's bruises. "And with good reason, it seems..."

"Relax, it's just a scratch." Shining scratched.

"Dad's trying to be macho again." Anthem smirked.

Twilight embraced her own family.

"I never lost hope that I'd see you all again." She admitted.

"Me neither." Flash beamed.

"I knew you'd be okay." Dusk smiled.

"Ditto." Starlight chuckled.

"We're not out of the woods yet, guys." Caboose declared, as families and spouses continue reuniting. "I've gotta get you guys to safety. All of you."

"Oh, I'm not leaving." Sleight frowned. "I'm gonna get me some payback. For Chrys's sake."

"But, Sleight..." Caboose tried to reason with him.

"I'm staying too." Shine declared.

"You too?" Caboose gasped.

"You've given me a chance to save my daughter, Caboose, and I won't waste it." Shine said firmly. "Besides, I need to face Black Knight."

"But with all that power he's stolen, Red Eclipse... Black Knight... whoever he is... is too powerful!" Twilight reminded them. "You'll die for sure!"

"Wait..." Caboose gasped. "I have an idea!"

"This should be a doozy..." Blueblood muttered.

"But first, I'm gonna get ya all out of here!" Caboose smiled.

"But Caboose, this place is swarming with shadow ponies, and most of us can't fight!" Twilight pointed out. "It doesn't leave us much options."

"I make my own options!" Caboose boasted, his horn glowing.

Suddenly, a powerful and large magic beam burst through the ground, blowing up a part of the castle, leaving a gaping hole for everypony to escape through.

"Analysis: I am awesome!" Caboose smirked.

Shining, Cadance, and Anthem gaped at the giant hole in their castle.

"Sorry, kinda got caught up in the moment." Caboose giggled nervously. "Ah, well, my hindsight's 20-20."

"You're on a roll today, Caboose." Dusty smiled.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!" Blueblood declared.

"I'll second that." Flash agreed.

"I've never been so eager to leave home before." Anthem quipped.

Everypony began to make their escape through the hole, as Sleight then passed his wife over to Big Red.

"Make sure Chryssy gets out of here." Sleight ordered.

"Ya can count on me, yer majesty." Big Red nodded.

"Sleight…" Chrysalis whispered weakly.

"Don't you worry, Chrys, I'll get your magic back." Sleight smiled, as he gave her a peck on the lips. "Now, get going!"

Big Red hefted Chrysalis onto his back as he and Cherry left through the hole.

The last of the prisoners out was Daring and her kids, as Caboose saw them out.

"Make sure you guys get somewhere safe. I have a bad feeling that the writer is going to put everypony through the grinder real soon." Caboose shuddered.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Hurricane asked.

"Sorry, Hurri, but my plan requires that I go with them." Caboose frowned.

"Daddy?" Michael whimpered.

"Don't worry, Mikey. Your daddy is going off to fight the bad guys. He'll be back before you know it." Caboose assured him with a smile.

"Daddy be okay?" Michael asked, his lower lip quivering.

"Daddy will be fine." Daring told him.

"That's right." Caboose nodded, nuzzling his son. "Trust me."

"...'Kay." Michael sniffed.

"Be careful, dad." Hurricane hugged him.

"When am I not careful?" Caboose chuckled.

"You don't really want me to answer that, do you?" Hurricane smirked.

"Your dad will come back to us, Hurri." Daring smiled. "He's done it before, and he'll do it again."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, honey." Caboose beamed.

"Anytime." Daring grinned.

Caboose gave his wife a small nuzzle, as he hugged his family. Daring (with a tearful Michael) and Hurricane left through the hole, leaving only Shine, Sleight, and Caboose.

"So, you're coming too?" Sleight asked.

"Yep." Caboose nodded. "What's the point in havin' Alicorn magic if I don't put it to good use?"

"Less talking, more walking." Shine urged. "I have a wife and daughter to save."

"We're right behind you." Sleight nodded, as the three ran up through the castle, "So, what's this plan of yours, Caboose?"

"Aside from not getting killed?" Caboose asked. "It's actually quite simple…"

Meanwhile, Black was prepping Miracle for the sacrifice (holding her still with his magic).

"It's almost time, kiddo." He smirked.

"Y-you won't win." Miracle, though scared, tried to be brave. "My dad'll stop you."

"Points for courage, little princess." Black sneered. "But you're in no condition to be mouthing off to anypony."

Twitch stumbled into the room.

"Uh, boss, y-you might w-want to see t-this." He pointed toward the balcony.

"This had better be good." Black growled.

Blac and Twitch came outside on the balcony to find an army of Changelings, griffons, buffalo and ponies marching towards the palace; Sazh, Char, Wizel, the Mane Five and Spike, Blue Blazes, Mist, Constell, Luxury, and the entire mafia army leading the charge.

"Impossible..." Black gaped.

"W-what should we do, boss?" Twitch asked.

Black remained slack-jawed…before snapping out of it.

"I don't have time for this." Black groaned. "You deal with them!"

"M-me?! What do you want me to do?!" Twitch protested.

"I don't know…send them away! I have bigger fish to fry right now!" Black snarled.

Black stomped back inside, leaving Twitch staring at the army.

"Uhhh..." Twitch mumbled, as he glanced down at the army, as they soon stopped in front of the palace.

"Where is Red Eclipse?!" Mist demanded.

"We've come to put an end to his evil!" Rarity added.

"What's the matter?" Rainbow Dash called. "Is he too chicken to face the music?"

Twitch glanced around nervously, trying to think of something to say. The crowd was beginning to get restless…

Then something came up.

"Y-you don't frighten us, Equestrian pig-dogs!" Twitch blustered. "Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly pony! I blow my nose at you, so-called Eeeekwestriiians, you and all your silly friendship c-c-c-c-c-c-crud!"

He made several taunting gestures to them. The army was now confused.

"...What is he talking about?" Luxury asked.

"No clue." Blue Blazes shrugged.

"Is he quoting Mounty Python?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wipers!" Twitch continued his deranged tirade. "I toot in your general direction! Your mothers were all hamsters, and your fathers smelt of elderberries! Now begone, before I taunt ye another time!"

"We're not going anywhere!" Sazh stepped.

"That's right." Wizel agreed. "We're here to take back our country, and our ponies!"

"Now let us in, or we will be authorized to use force!" Mist demanded.

"We'll see about t-that!" Twitch snarled, "Shadows, attack!"

The shadow ponies swarmed out of the castle and attacked.

"For Equestria!" Mist cried out.

The army charged right at the shadow ponies, resulting in an all-out brawl.

Seeing the battle breaking out below, Twitch smiled to himself.

"I think I handled that quite well..." Twitch smirked.

As he went back inside, he jumped when the door suddenly slammed shut, and none other than the Napoleon Brothers were standing in front of it.

"Going somewhere?" Murray taunted.

"You..." Twitch gasped, "How... Caboose... he..."

"Gave us the push we need to take care of business once and for all!" Slot snarled.

"It's high time we settle this, Twitch Cardinal!" Grimoire declared.

"S-s-sez you!" Twitch turned tail and ran. "Later, l-losers!"

"After him!" Salt yelled.

The Napoleons gave chase to their most hated enemy.

Meanwhile, the escaping ponies saw the army battling the shadows.

"Whoa." Flash gasped. "Where'd they all come from?"

"I don't know, but they need help." Gothic declared.

"But most of us don't have our magic." Luna pointed out.

"Doesn't seem to be stopping them." Dusk pointed to the army.

"Daring, take Chrysalis and the kids, and get to safety." Twilight instructed. "The rest of us will stay and fight."

"Okay." Daring nodded. "Good luck."

"Get 'em, dad!" Pureblood cheered.

"Show them what you're made of!" Vito added.

"Will do." Blueblood nodded.

Daring led the weakened Chrysalis and the kids away, while the adults joined in the fight.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash smiled. "Nice to see ya!"

"We've been so worried about you." Fluttershy added.

"Well, worry no more." Twilight smiled. "I'm here, and ready to help."

"That's what Ah like ta hear!" Applejack smiled. "All of us, together again!"

"You said it!" Spike beamed.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Constell." Luxury declared. "I... I thought..."

"You came all this way for me?" Constell chuckled. "You're too sweet. Remind me to reward you when this is over."

"Gladly." Luxury nodded.

"Wait a moment." Twilight frowned. "What's with all the mafia ponies?"

"What, ya think we don't have a stake in this too?" A stallion in a bowler hat shrugged.

"Where's Sleight?" Sazh asked.

"And our queen?" Char added, after savaging a shadow pony.

"Sleight's inside the castle, and your queen is being led to safety." Shining revealed.

"The queen is zzzafe?" Char smiled. "Excellent!"

"Wait." Mist turned, recognising Char. "You're..."

"On our side." Wizel declared. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Yezzz." Char nodded. "I have bigger fizzzh to fry today..."

"Yeah, well, keep it that way." Blue said protectively.

"Rezzzt azzzured, I have no intention of picking up where I left off." Char remarked, fending off another shadow. "Now, lezzzzzz chit-chat, more combat!"

"On that, we agree." Luxury nodded, as he destroyed another shadow pony.

Meanwhile, Black had the four shards of the sun floating in his grasp.

"Now, it is time for the pieces to come together." Black chuckled.

The four shards were pulled together, forming a giant crystal orb, as it began to glow a golden glow, and levitate on it's own.

"Perfect." Black smiled, as he slightly pushed the orb over Miracle. "Now we can begin…"

The captive Celestia struggled against her bonds.

"At long last, Equestria will be mine..." Black grinned triumphantly.

Suddenly, the lights in the room went off.

"Oh, what now?!" Black groaned.

A spotlight appeared in the corner of the room, showing the silhouette of a caped pony... who removed the cape, revealing himself to be Caboose.

"Behold!" Caboose said dramatically. "'Tis I, Caboose the mighty! ...And my sidekick, Sleight Gambit."

"Sidekick, me?" Sleight groaned.

"Well, well." Black snorted. "What's this?"

"We're here to stop you, Black." Caboose declared.

"Once and for all." Sleight added.

"Whatever you say." Black froze Miracle in place under the Crystal Sun. "Let's go."

Caboose and Sleight charged Black. Caboose fired magic blasts, while Sleight used his card magic (having generated more cards on their way to the throne room).

"Same old tricks." Black sneered, dodging their attacks.

"Then how about a new one?" Sleight asked. "Now, Caboose!"

Sleight flung two cards at either side of Black. Caboose fired a beam at one, which opened into a portal. The second card turned into a portal also, causing the beam to strike Black from behind.

"Gaahhh!" Black yelped, knocked aside.

Pressing their advantage, Caboose and Sleight kept up their assault, throwing everything they had at Black.

"Incredible..." Celestia gasped.

"They're doing it..." Miracle smiled.

"How are you…" Black muttered, before noticing the sparking of Caboose's horn. "You! You're the one with…"

"Celestia's magic? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not!" Caboose shrugged. "Maybe I think you're gonna lose this one."

"Well said, Caboose!" Sleight smiled, as he levitated more cards. "Let's bring down this monster!"

They doubled their efforts, throwing magic blasts, razor-sharp cards, and even a few hard hoof swipes at Black, as they backed him into a corner. Each successful blow made Black angrier, and angrier, until....

"ENOUGH!!" Black roared, releasing a blast of dark magic that sent his foes flying back a bit.

"Gah!" Sleight growled, trying to shield himself with his cards. Black blasted through it with his hoof, throwing him against the wall.

"Sleight!" Caboose gasped, as he tried to tackle Black, but the stallion only repelled him with another hoof, knocking him back. Struggling to get back up, he glared at Black, as the red stallion let out an evil laugh and a smirk of superiority.

Not willing to give him the satisfaction, Caboose let out a battle cry as he began to rapidly pummel Black's chest. But it seemed to do nothing, as Black just stood there, even when Caboose finished up with a vicious under-hook attack.

The mafia Unicorn stepped back, as Black simply swept off his chest, keeping that same smile.

"Oh, boy…" Caboose gulped.

Trying to not show fear, Caboose charged at Black again, hitting his chest with harder and more rapid punches. The stallion twitched a bit here and there, but he was still not taking damage. Caboose finished it up with a good apple-bucking kick, blasting the stallion back a bit, but still unscathed.

"Gah! Why won't you go down?!" Caboose snarled, as he shook his now sore hooves.

Black Knight gave a sinister chuckle as he held up his hoof, as dark magic ravelled around it, coursing right into the muscle.

"Dark magic, son." Black smirked. "I'll tell ya, Sombra was on the right track when he was using it... too bad he had too much of a sick obsession with crystals and stairs to make good use of it..."

He then slammed his raised hoof into the ground, creating small black crystals.

"Bottom line... you can't hurt me, kid." Black laughed darkly.

Caboose let out a growl as he charged at Black again, clotheslining him with a punch in the face. But thanks to the dark magic, the punch did nothing. Caboose groaned as he held his hurt hoof as Black continued laughing.

"What did I just say?!" Black sneered.

Without another word, Black slugged Caboose hard into the air, as he crashed down right next to Sleight, creating a small indent in the ground.

"Ouchie..." Caboose muttered.

"Time to end this..." Black muttered darkly, as he then grasped Caboose in dark magic. "Give me the magic, once and for all!"

The stallion attempted to drain the Alicorn magic from Caboose... only to find it wasn't there.

"Wha... this can't be..." He frowned.

"Heh-heh, gotcha!" Caboose smirked, though wincing a bit in pain.

"Where is the magic?!" Black demanded, grabbing Caboose by the neck. "Where is-"

Black was then blasted aside by a powerful golden blur, freeing Caboose instantly.

"Arrrh!" He groaned, skidding across the floor. "Who did tha..."

Glancing at the one who attacked him, Black was shocked to see that it was Shine, his wings glowing bright gold, and wearing golden armor (which he had lifted from the armory).

"Shine!" Celestia smiled.

"Dad!" Miracle cheered.

"Looking for something, uncle?" Shine glared, his wings glowing brightly. "Caboose transferred the magic to me. And now I'm going to use it to stop you! It's time to put an end to this!"