• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 1,250 Views, 25 Comments

My silent sister - StoneWare13

When rainbow finds out her sister is visiting how will she spend time with both her friends and her sister

  • ...

The search

My silent sister

Chapter 6


Morning light Broke through the clouds, birds few in the carm breeze calling to each other with songs of harmony, ponyville was a sight to behold on spring morning such as these but many ponies never saw the glamor if the morning,applejack was normally one of the whiteness but she had not returned home.

With a russle of sheets applejack rose her head to look around at the unfamiliar surroundings,"morning AJ, would you like some tea?" Asked the purple princess as she softened out the blankets over her own bed.

"Sure twi" applejack lepted from the spare bed she had sleeped upon a few times before "after we can go looking for lemon I sure hope she found somewhere to sleep" a hint of worry crossed the unicorn mare as she moved across the room the the steps leading to the central liabary.

"I feel guilty for not searching last night but with Luna's moon rising.." Applejack was cut of by the sound of twilight making the tea. Applejack trotted into the kitchen thinking about the event to come."twilight I think we might have to get lemon and dash together" applejack noticed the purple mare face change as the sentence left her mouth, the once cheerful mare was now a pony with a saddening secret. "no...." Twilight replayed with a fern by kind voice her eyes moving to the look at applejack "not after yesterday!"

Applejack knew something had happened with Twilight and rainbow mainly because of the best friend attitude towards the rainbow mane mare "what happened?... you seem....tense, did rainbow say something?" Applejack moved forward hoping twilight would find comfort within her. "No" twilight turned to look out the window of the kitchen. The only light source in the smallish room " please AJ, just leave it, I am fine that's all you need to worry about."

"Twilight be honest with me" applejack tried to reason with the mare but was stopped by twilight snappy words "AJ I said leave it! I don't want to even think about her, lets just have out tea and look for Lemon."


"Morning did you sleep well" said I friendly gray Pegasus as she stumbled through the door almost literally, her clumsy steps moved her to the small bed at the end of what looked to be a old spare room,"Yes thank you derpy" a feminine voice replied the words came out very smoothly as each word was spoke with care and clarity" It's no problem anyway would you like some breakfast?" Derpy tilting her head to the side allowing one of her eyes to look normal while the other looked over to the wardrobe area, her blond mare and forelock fell to one side as gravity toke hold.

"Sure I will come and help it's the least I can do" the voice answered again derpy smiled at the pony layed in bed "You seam along more cheerful this morning Its good to hear to!"
"I gess you just made me feel welcome"giggled drepys visitor like what they had said was a funny inside joke, derpy giggle along she love having friend over,"Well like I said last night" started the blond maned Pegasus "we are both different from normal ponies and we need to stick together!" Derpy changed her postur to a stance of pride befor flapping her wings to stop herself from falling face first "Thanks derpy" giggles filled the room as the 2 ponies continued there morning chat

"What's your plan for today?" Asked derpy as she now sat on the spare bed "I think we both know what I need to do, it's been coming for a while now" the ponies looked down to her hooves as give a slight smile, derpy knew the unsure emotion on her friends face she wanted to support her, "Be strong it will all turn out ok I the end."

"I sure hope so" the figure hoped out from beneath the bed sheets the pony passed derpy smiling like true friends did, derpy followed not far behind but this time crashing through the bedroom door luckily it was made from clouds so it didn't hurt... Much.


"Howdy rarity, pinkie, flutteshy how ya all doing?" Asked a very friendly applejack as she passes sugercube Corner with the strangely quite twilight "Super duper!" Bounced the pinkie smiling earth pony her mane was as puffy as ever, rarity roles her eyes at the childish filly "Calm down pinkie" rarity moved her gaze to AJ and twilight "is lemon with you?" Her voice was still Elegant but showed a hint of curiosity.

"No sorry not see her since last night" replyed AJ after giving the depressed prinsess a quick look, "Last night?" Rarity asked again after seeing the looks AJ had given "That's all I know twilight won't tell me anything else" AJ said flowed but a sigh, she went to talk but was interrupted by a giggle

"Oh hey rainbow" pinkie pie had noticed a multicolloured tail hanging over a clouds that had glitter across the sky, I a blink of an eye the tail was gone it had slipped behind the clonus without a sound. "Rainbow there you are" rarity smiled at the cloud hopping for some movement "Don't talk to me!" A sharp voice piced the ponies ears, for a small moment the cloud wiggled till rainbow had shown her anger filled eyes "Rainbow that's no way to talk to your friends now is it" Spoke rarity as she tossed her recently curled mane over her shoulder.

The frends where shocked to see twilight move forward gilt in her eyes she looked to speck befor gulping "Rainbow" she studied rainbows unchanged face "I am sorry I yelled at you" twilight let her head drop she knew she had made a huge mistake yelling at rainbow. "I don't wanna hear it" snapped rainbow then flipping her hard over her sholder I. Annoyance, "Please rainbow you where about to hurt lemon and I know your not that kinda pony please dash" twilight voice now in a state of panic

"Whatever I don't care" rainbow again snapped back not looking at the apologetic mare she seemed untouched by twilights plead for forgiveness. "what happened" mumbled Fluttershy looking very confused by the turn of events. "It's none of your business little miss kindness!" Rainbow didn't think about the words that left her mouth, she just had a go at the first pony not to call her rainbow crash, her oldest friend.

"RAINBOW! what's no way to Speke to her" hissed rarity as she hugged to softly sobbing cream Pegasus,applejack come seen the events becoming filled with anger "I think we all need to calm down, let's to the liabary and talk this over" she felt wise and hoped the others would follow her example

"No" rainbow gave AJ a threatening look it slightly intimidated the work pony "THAT'S IT" AJ yelled as she launched herself towards the cloud making sure not to let the arrogant Pegasus.

Rainbow felt a hoof hit her body as she fell to the earth with a orange bluer grasping around her body stopping her wings from opening to stop the falling. Dust from the dry earth circled around the two ponies as rainbow started to buck her partner away

"Get off me I don't wanna go arrr let go"rainbow cot outed to buck her hips in attempt to remove the lump of pony who replied to rainbows Stroppy behaviour "Sorry rainbow but it's for your own good..."


"Right twilight I think some explanation is needed what's going on I want you to tell me" demanded the white unicorn mare as she helped to drag the sulking rainbow, she looked over to twilight who had sat in the very Centre of the room looking at her hooves once all the ponies had settled down twilight finally found the courage to inform her best friends.

"Yesterday myself and lemon got back here and rainbow was here and rainbow just started threatening her" twilight eyes dropped again as a small ball of water ran down her check, fluttershy held the princess close "She was beefing rude didn't even talk to me" rainbow interrupted the moment of silence "why are you such a stubborn mule?" Asked applejack not wanting a answer to her question so she could continue "I also have some information that...I kinda need to tell ya'all!"

"What is it AJ" asked pinkie, she had been silent for most the talk, the reason was mostly likely the fact she hated arguments."I hope it makes this hole experience better, I think I have a head ace coming on"rarity complained over acting for some kind of effect,"What could you possible tell us to make it this situation better?" hissed rainbow as she sat on her haunches sulking like a school filly.

"The truth" a voice Spock from the open door way...