• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 3,264 Views, 109 Comments

Super Mario ponies in Peril - SECURE0777

When bowsers rips open a portal between two worlds, it's up to Mario Luigi to stop him.

  • ...

Dragon raised by ponies


The three mares galloped through the castle. They heard the sound of a battle going on in the empty throne room they have recently left, leaving the heroic plumber to deal with Queen Chrysalis
alone. "He'll be okay, right?" Sonata Dusk timidly asked, looking back down the hall.

"He's very strong." Twilight Sparkle replied while looking at Sunset.

"He'll be fine, Mario beat Bowser back in the other world." Sunset Shimmer added to Twilight's statement.


Alduin back handed Rainbow Dash, flinging her a block away. He then kicked Pinkie Pie soundly, knocking her into a nearby wall and he ended his attack with a lashing claw straight for Fluttershy. He locked onto Rarity and growled slightly. Instantly the smaller purple dragon was screening his view of her. "Friends" Spike hissed.

Spike was hip tossed by the larger red dragon. Alduin, in one quick motion, stepped on his neck. He sucked in deeply and in a second a wave of flames licked over the deep purple scales of the smaller dragon. In a flash Spike has lifted the dragon up and shoved him into his back. "Rarity!" Spike punched Alduin twice as she spoke.

Rarity timidly walked towards the two thrashing dragons. "I have a plan!" Alduin kneed Spike in the gut viscously. He then drove the smaller drake back, dragging Applejack with him who was still hanging from the backend. With a twitch of his tail Alduin sent the apple farmer into a building. "Get Rainbow Dash!" Spike roared a massive pillar of orange high into the air, stunning Alduin enough for Spike to get back to his feet. "Tell her to go to clouds!"


Fluttershy and Rarity ducked and dove as they flew above the war going on beneath them. Many of Bowser’s Koopa Troop forces rampaged throughout the city streets and homes of residents. The Royal Guards are doing their best to apprehend the invaders while many of the citizens ran from the fray, trying to evacuate or find inconspicuous hiding places. "We should help them." Fluttershy mumbled tearfully.

"We'll come back, AJ and Pinkie needs us." Her eyes traveled to a east. She could clearly see bright orange flames traveling high above the city. "Spike…" She frowned deeply. "Fighting wasn't supposed to be happening to the east…" She muttered worriedly.

Back with Applejack and Pinkie Pie, the two continued their assault on the treads of the Boomsday Machine. It slowly rolled down the street straight towards the castle. "Darn it!" Applejack grunted as she avoided a large canon ball. "Where are those two?"

Pinkie Pie kicked off the roof of a still stable building; two balloons tied to her back and manage to float gently on the towering war machine. She ran straight to the large dome on the very top. "Hello!" She waved at Bowser Jr, as she flew around the domed.

Pinkie dug into her puffy mane and pulled out one large cannon. The two large arms aimed directly at the pink pony. "Gwahahahaha!" The miniature conquer cackled. "I'll beat you element of harmony!"

Pinkie jumped back as she fired her cannon, a large twenty layer caked exploded against the glass dome completely blinding Bowser Jr. The pink party pony slowly dropped to ground level, the Boomsday Machine swung blindly.

"Good going Pinkie!" Applejack said as Pinkie landed beside her.

"What we going to do?"

Applejack looked around; the tower of weapons had slowed down, but it was still inching forward. The large fire bar kept destroying builds with each rotation. She went to the large rubble piles. In the fire she could see a small seed bag. Applejack tapped Pinkie, "Let's go cow tippin cuz."


Spike kicked off the ground, shooting ten feet in the air with a single mighty wing beat. "Are you running!?" Alduin spread his wings before mimicking Spike. "We are predators!" Alduin growled. Spike plunged into the clouds. "We hunt, we kill those who would harm us!" Alduin followed after the young drake into the dark clouds.

"Dash!" Spike flew silently through the mass of pitch black clouds. "Are you in here?" Spike twisted out of the way of a ball of orange flames.

"Quit hiding from me!!" Alduin roared.

Spike squared his shoulders, "You see the difference between you and I," Spike sucked in deeply, a pale purple flame began swirl in his maw. "I was raised by the Sun and learned magic..." A powerful purple flame smashed into Alduin's back, driving him straight down towards the earth. Spike shot out of the clouds grabbing him by the neck, "from the Alicorn of Magic!" He smirked down at Alduin. "Concussive flames," Alduin flared his wings and instantly the two were twisting and turning. Spike popped his wings, "Lightning," a golden flame swirled in his mouth, "Flame!" Electricity arced through Alduin's system.

"Spike the Dragon raised by ponies." Alduin and Spike kicked apart, instantly stopping to hover twenty feet above the ground.

Spike looked down at Rarity. "She's up there." Alduin charged towards Spike, but the younger dragon reacted quickly, furling his wings. He dropped into a back flip. He popped his wide wings; he flew right by the white mare and winked at her. "Thanks." He flew in a wide arc straight up.
Alduin chased after him "What's the point of all this!?" He roared loudly.

"Dash!" He flew through the clouds, he knew he broken the sound barrier but didn't care. "I was taught to fly by the best pegasi!" He yelled back. "Rainbow!"

He felt a much smaller figure hit his side. "Yeah what do you need?" She was keeping up with him, but only just.

"Stay in the clouds. Find a real cloud and then wait for my single. Buck it with everything you have!" Spike doubled in speed, leaving the Pegasus in his wake.

She felt Alduin blast by her. 'That was close', she thought, the ever present burning on her flank from the cut aching more in these ash clouds.

Spike dipped down, each wing beat like a rowing beat in a canoe. He veered off suddenly, catching wind beneath his wings. Spike slowed dramatically, he heard Alduin shoot by him. In a split second Spike fired a ball of flames. "Over here!" Spike taunted.

"Spike." Rainbow Dash tapped his side. They both avoided a blast of flames. "How do I find a cloud?"

"Just feel around, you're magic lets you touch clouds!"


"Hey, you, over here!" Pinkie Pie yelled through a megaphone that was the size of her body. She shot back like a rocket in a pink blur avoiding a blast of wind, a bullet bill, and the fire bar swinging down at her. "You missed!" Pinkie blew a large raspberry at the Koopa prince. She dove into a partially destroyed building disappearing from sight.

"Over here!" Applejack bucked a boulder straight into the tank tread. She jumped away as a hail of bullets sprayed into the ground around her. She galloped towards a building. "Pinkie!" Applejack yelled as she slid beneath rubble.

The pink pony bounced from under a large chunk of rubble. "Yoohoo!" She ran into the opposite direction. Slowly the treads began shifting, crunching the earth beneath it. Applejack bit into the seed bag as Pinkie bound down the street. "Here we go!" The apple farmer spit ten seeds. They flew fifty feet and arced just underneath Boomsday Machine. Jr felt the sudden lurching; a large cider tree was rapidly growing under his machine.

Pinkie Pie bounced behind a boulder before flying out from behind a boulder ten feet from Applejack. "Load and lock!" She yelled pulling a green military cap onto her head.

"PINKIE PIE!" Applejack screamed as the pink pony shoved her into the cannon. "Don't you dare!"

"FIRE!" Pinkie squealed.

The apple farmer flew high into the air, screaming "PINKIE!!" As she flew a wide arc towards the Boomsday Machine. Pinkie whipped out a large foam finger with Applejack's head printed on it. "BUCK IT CUZ!" She screamed. Applejack dipped her head into, she began front flipping wildly. She felt cannon balls and bullets bills fly by her. "Let's go AJ!" Applejack smashed hoof first into the machine. The shock wave shook Pinkie Pie.

"You're going to fall down…!" Applejack hissed at the machine.

Slowly the machine began to rise on one tread. The tree beneath its tread continues to rapidly grow. The tread groaned as pieces of metal and bolts flew from the tank tread. Applejack smiled as it began to raise and fall towards the earth. "Gotcha!"

The earth shook as the mighty Boomsday Machine crashed into the rubble. Jr smashed head first into the glass and large clouds of dust was kicked up. "Darn those ponies…" Jr mumbled as he looked out of the dome.


Spike and Alduin flew high above the city, streams of flames raced in between the two teenage dragons. The two smashed into one another with a powerful concussive shockwave. Immediately Spike was driven back by the larger dragon. "You're..." Alduin slammed Spike into the ground. "A..." He punched Spike into the stone beneath them. "Joke!!" He roared a blinding stream of flames into Spikes face, melting the stone underneath his head. Alduin took two steps away from Spike and instantly grabbing his tail. Spike was flung through a pile of stone and wood, rolling to a stop in front of Rarity. "The mighty pony dragon falls."

Spikes eyes cracked open, he looked back towards the terrified pony. He could see all of them, 'Rarity...'. His muscles protested as he rose. "…AJ…Pinkie…Fluttershy..." He looked up. "Rainbow…" Spike puffed his chest up once he’s on both of his feet. Alduin frowned deeply as he took two steps towards Spike.

"Spike, no." Rarity jumped in-between the two dragons and was quickly flinging boulders into the large red drake with her magic. "Stay away from him you great beasty!"

Spike calmly pushed the pony out of the way. "Little dragon." Alduin taunted coolly.
Spike squared his shoulders and flared his wings. Finally, he unleashed a bone chilling, eardrum shattering, earth quaking "ROAR!!!!!!"


Rarity dug through the half collapsed shop. "Hurry!" Fluttershy urged her friend from outside. "If you don't mind…" She added timidly.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Rarity irritably replied. Her horn glowing a faint baby blue colour as she dug for gems. Both ponies froze; a loud roar shook the alabaster mare to her core. "Spike!" She cried out helplessly.

In an instant Rarity was running out of the half destroyed building. Two butter coloured hooves wrapped around her neck tightly. "Calm down Rarity." Fluttershy soothingly hugged Rarity.
"But Spikey…" She muttered.

"Spike has always been strong. You have to trust him, just like always trusts you."
Rarity took three deep breaths, her heart rate slowing to a controlled manner. "Ok." She galloped back into the collapsed store. "Be careful my dragon."


Spike smashed shoulder first into Alduin. The two dragons thrashed for a split second. Spike spread his wings, and in an instant he was shooting high into the air. Alduin raced after him as Spike pierced the clouds with a soft ’Whoomp’. Alduin stopped abruptly; he began a wide circle below the ash clouds. "Not this time!" He rumbled.

"Dash!?" The purple dragon called into the ash cloud.

"I found a cloud!" Came the reply from behind him.

"Follow me." Spike ordered as he furled his large wings.

Alduin watched the dark clouds carefully and saw a single baby blue light shines through the cloud. In an instant a ball of blue flames smashed into his chest. "Little dragon!" Alduin screeched. A second ball slammed into the center of his chest. "Come out and fight!" A third ball hit him in the face. A bright blue ball shot out of the clouds, but Alduin quickly raised his hands to block the flames.

Upon contact with the dragon's scales the ball exploded a blinding shimmering blue orb. Alduin roared loudly, a river of orange flames punched through it. Spike instantly shot into Alduin, sending him flying straight back. A blur of purple caught up to Alduin. Sucking in deeply Spike smirked. "Got..." Alduin threw a blind right slash. With a wing beat, the young drake widened the gap avoiding the slash. He released a blast of emerald flames, blinding the large red dragon.

"Where are you!" Alduin yelled, as his vision returned a second later.

"...you!" Spike flew into a Full Nelson. "Dash!" Spike bellowed loudly. Alduin thrashed wildly, powerful wing beats knocking Spike off balance. The tiny pegasi flew out of the clouds, pushing a tiny grey cloud. The two dragons continued their slow decent.

"What do I do!?" Rainbow Dash cried out desperately.

"Buck it!" Spike shouted in reply. Rainbow Dash swung a jab, sending a bright gold bolt of lightning into the middle of Alduin's chest. The two dragons roared in pain. "I said BUCK IT!!" Spike roared. "Hard!"

Rainbow Dash flew up getting ten feet above the cloud. Alduin's eyes flashed dangerously. "No you don't!" Spike twisted, just in the nick of time. Alduin sent a large stream of flames into the earth below.

Spike closed his eyes, time seemed to freeze, a sensation of calmness passed throughout his system. He could make out the whizz of Rainbow Dash breaking the sound barrier, each wing beat heard, the deep rumbling of Alduin beneath him. He looked at the war torn streets below him and he could make out ponies running from the battle. He could see a large half crumpled tower, 'Rares', he thought sadly. The once majestic white marble castle, a pale imitation of its former glory, came into his view in the far distance. He looked down at the terrified expression of the four former humans. 'Now!'. The cloud exploded into a blazing golden ray. The entire city was instantly illuminated by the shaft of energy.

Spike thought of all his friends, the studious princess, the apple bucking ace, the show pony turned royal guard, the party pony, and animal lover. Ending his train of thought was an image of a white mare, chasing her until she finally relented, trying to make their first date perfect, their first kiss, opening her boutique in Canterlot, waking to her beside him, and helping her find gems.
'Her smile'. The pillar of electricity collided with two dragons.


Author's Note:

Ok explanation time. Spike’s electric flames are nowhere near the level of a lightning bolt. Think of his flames as a very powerful taser, but a taser none the less.