• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 418 Views, 18 Comments

The Freaks of Old - PsychoMeerkat

As Twilight starts getting settled into being a princess with her own castle. Crazy events start occuring within Equestria. Who are the Freaks of Old? What do they want? Why are they here?

  • ...

The Blightcaller

Twilight worryingly trotted around her bedroom, almost in a state of hyperventilating. How could she have let this happen? How could she let her friend get injured like this? Even worse, her friend could potentially die because of her!

She needed to get her mind off these things. After all, that was at least 3 days ago now, though she hadn't been keeping the time. Twilight knew she needed to get back into the world soon, but she couldn't find the courage.

Rainbow Dash refused to leave Fluttershy's side after the incident, and was now refusing to even leave the hospital in case Fluttershy woke up. Twilight was proud of Dash, none of the others had volunteered to stay there, as they had jobs to do, so Dash was the only one there.

Twilight let out a sigh.

'I need to get my mind off of all this. I need to get back out into Ponyville and be their princess...But...What will they say?' Twilight thought. She had never really realised, but what if the town hated her for all of this? She might have awoken a freak, she could have killed Fluttershy, she could have placed everyone in danger!

Her train of thought was stopped by a loud banging on the door. A muffled voice could be heard from outside, it sounded vaguely familiar, with a posh sounding accent.

"Twlight dear, are you in there? You simply must come out, the Ponyvillians need you Twlight, we need you!"

Trust Rarity to try and get her out. Though she wasn't the most convincing, the sound of her voice after all this was comforting at the least. She couldn't keep hiding any more. She had to face what she had potentially done. She had to go back out into Ponyville.

With a sigh of nervousness, she walked towards the door. Opening it to see Rarity outside, a heart warming smile on her face.

"Are you alright Twilight? You've been in there for a week now! Everyone has been worried sick about you, dear."

A whole week?!?!?! Twilight could have sworn it was only 3 days...This was bad.

"Wait a sec, a week? As in seven whole days?" Twilight replied, the sound of pure concern and worry in her voice.

"Indeed I do, dear. Now, come along. We've got to get you back into reality, young lady."

Twilight took notice of Rarity's eyes. They were red, and looked sore. Almost as though she hadn't slept for a long time.

"Rarity, why are your eyes so red?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, everyone in town has been having strange nightmares since the incident. And they're always the same thing." She replied, only pausing to let out a yawn.

"What are they about?" Twilight asked. Could this be the work of a freak?

"Well, everyone's dreams are the same style, except with their own loved ones in it." She replied. "It's always about a tall, dark ape-like creature, like the guardian, though this one is much larger and...Scarier. It wore a dar-" Rarity was cut off by Twilight galloping back to her room. "Twilight?"

Twilight galloped back as quickly as she could, levitating a big brown book with her horn.

"What on earth is that?" Asked Rarity.

"Hopefully, not important." Twilight replied. "Now, can you tell me what this creature looked like?" She asked, opening the book.

Rarity read the title of the book. 'The complete history of Equestria.'. What did this have to do with anything? She proceeded to read the chapter that Twilight had opened to. 'Chapter 56: The freaks of old'.

"Well, it was a large figure. Dark clothing, a cloak, strange potions strapped to it. It had a large, metal beak, and glowing green eyes. It wore a very wide hat that almost covered it's head completely, and it also-"

"Rarity, is this the thing you saw?" Twilight interrupted, as she turned to book around to show Rarity the page she was on.

"Yes, that's the one! But...What has that got to do with anything?" Rarity replied, looking confused as to why Twilight felt the need to show her that page.

Twilight turned the book around to read.

"The Blightcaller: This fierce freak feeds off the fear of humans and creatures alike. It will cause hallucinations and nightmares for his prey before finally striking them dead. His method of killing is not entirely know, though he can kill with a single touch, and even zombify any creature he desires to do his bidding. His nightmares and hallucinations can last for days, even weeks before he comes in for the kill. If at any point you hallucinate him or have nightmares about him. Stay out of plain sight until they go away, lock all of your doors and keep a weapon with you at all times." Twilight read, causing a look of pure fear on Rarity.

"Twilight, y-you can't possible be implying that..." Rarity responded with fear coursing through her voice.

"If this book is correct, and all of Ponyville have been hallucinating and having nightmares...I think we may have awoken a freak...This one, specifically..." Twilight replied.

So, now they really have released a freak, and Ponyville is indeed in danger...Twilight needs to contact the other princesses right away!

Just as Twilight was about to call for Spike, she caught glimpse of something out the window. It was familiar...and very dark...Oh no...

The figure turned towards Twilight, his metal beak and green eyes in full display. Before Twilight could react, the creature began toying with Twilight's mind, making his face appear in her eyes and mind, and she could vaguely make out what it was saying...

"Ze healing is not rewarding. Ze hurting, is rewarding." It said before finally vanishing.

Twilight now knew for certain. She had let a freak enter Equestria. It's just a matter of time before he claims his first victi-

"Princess Twilight, we have urgent news!" Came a deep, coarse voice from behind.

Twilight turned around to see the same guard that first reported the crazy pony from last week.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"The Ponyvillians are going crazy, at least 500 ponies just had to go to the hospital. About 300 are confirmed dead."

Great news as always.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one is so short, I'm just so distracted as of yet. But I hope it's still a good enough read for you guys! <3