• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 418 Views, 18 Comments

The Freaks of Old - PsychoMeerkat

As Twilight starts getting settled into being a princess with her own castle. Crazy events start occuring within Equestria. Who are the Freaks of Old? What do they want? Why are they here?

  • ...

The fall of kindness.

Twilight ran around her bedroom, with a panicked and worried expression on her face. What were these 'Freaks of Old'? And why are they in the Everfree forest?

She had sent a few of her guards to search the library for any books on the matter, but none of them turned up with any information. She had almost lost hope of searching, when a guard burst into her room with a very large book.

"Princess Twilight, we found something that might help with this situation." He said, levitating the book towards her.

Twilight stared at the book, a HUGE brown book, decorated with strange symbols and images. The book was covered in dust, and the title was barely readable. It read something along the lines of 'The ancient history of Equestria', though was not fully understandable.

"Thank you, keep searching for any more. We've got to find out what these 'Freak' things are." She replied, a look of relief of her face, knowing that there was atleast SOME sort of information that could help.

She opened the book, and skimmed through the pages, until she finally came across a page titled 'Chapter 56: The Freaks'. Twilight began reading through the pages, though all they really explained were some of the names and their characteristics; 'Painis Cupcake' the flesh eater, 'Rubberfruit' the master thief, 'Christian Brutal Sniper' the weapons expert etc. Though none of the pages explained why they were buried in some sort of temple.

Twilight started reading more of the characteristics, when a sudden sound of banging came from behind her. This startled her as she gasped in shock. She turned around to see a pile of different outfits scattered across the floor, along with a nearly unconscious cyan pegasus amidst them.

"Err, heh heh. Sorry about that Twi." She said, re-gaining her stability. "Did you hear about that crazy pony that was in town a while ago? I flew over here to tell you that he-" She continued, only to be cut by Twilight.

"Dash, I was there. I spoke to him myself." She replied before letting out a small giggle. "That's why I've been in here all day. I've been trying to find out what those 'Freaks of Old' things he was talking about are." She continued.

"Oh, okay. Found anything yet?" Dash asked.

"A few names and characteristics of some of the 'Freaks', but it doesn't say what they actually are, or why they're in some sort of temple." She replied, sounded a little frustrated.

"Well, at least it's something." Dash remarked. Her voice implying that she was trying to make Twilight feel better about the whole thing. "But do you know what I think?" She added, sounding as though she was about to say something that would either end in some pain, or something about a new trick.

"What?" Twilight asked, a little worried about what Dash was about to say.

"I say, we grab some guards, get Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity, and we search the Everfree forest for that temple!" She replied, with a sound of pure adventurous nature in her voice. "Think about it; the elements of harmony, and a few royal guards, searching a deadly forest for a mystical temple that apparently has some ancient creatures in it. If we're able to discover what's inside, who know's how popular we'll become!" She added, her voice literally filled with her usual adventurous spirit.

"Well Dash, at least it's good to see your usual spirit hasn't changed." She replied, though she tried to sound a little happy, she couldn't prevent the sound of concern in her voice. "But, that's a pretty bad idea. What if one of us gets hurt? There aren't any doctors in the forest." She added, noticing Dash's excited smile turn into a disappointed frown.

"But, we'll have some guards with us! They should have weapons with them, plus, we're the elements of harmony! We also have the most talented unicorn in Equestria, and a princess at that!" Dash added, making a very valid point. The guards do have weapons, and they are very well trained. And Twilight could just use her magic if it comes to it.

"Well, I guess there are a few combat medics in the castle..." Twilight replied, realising that she had been defeated in the argument. "Fine, but I'll have to tell the rest of the town that we'll be gone." She added.

"Awesome! I'll get the others, you handle the rest." Said Dash, throwing her hoof into the air out of pure joy. She quickly flew out of the window at a speed that even unicorn teleportation would be jealous of.


As the group trotted through the forest, they noticed a large amount of the animals that were usually safe and happy in the forest were now hiding in their trees, looking as though they'd seen ghosts.

The only real problem they had on the way was Fluttershy, who, of course, was usually very shy, was constantly stopping and hiding behind bushes out of pure fear. It also didn't help that she was afraid of the guards, due to their large swords and spears.

Eventually though, they came to the clearing.

"Oh.Mah.Celestia." Said Applejack, as the rest of them looked in awe at the huge temple ahead of them. "Ah've never dreamed of somethin' lookin' like that!" She added.

"It certainly is majestic..." Said Rarity, unable to keep her mouth from opening as she stared at the titanic piece of architecture that was ahead of them. "But, it does need a bit of a clean up, what with all that moss and dirt. Wouldn't you agree Fluttershy?" She added, looking toward the timid young pegasus.

"O-oh yes, it's very...um...big and...mossy..." Replied Fluttershy, who was now on the ground shaking like a dry leaf in the autumn.

"So, what now? Do we get to go inside, do we, do we, huh huh huh?" Exclaimed Pinkie with even more energy than usual, who was currently bouncing up and down at a faster speed than usual.

"We can have a little look around inside, but remember, we're only here to try and find out what these freak things are, then we head back." Answered Twilight.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Remarked Rainbow Dash with extreme amounts of excitement.

They walked into the temple, and looked around the first room, observing the hieroglyphics that were printed onto the walls.

"Be careful everypony, there's no telling what those 'Freak' things placed in their temple hundreds of thousands of years ago. And keep an eye out for the guardian." Instructed Twilight, making sure everypony was able to hear her.

They looked around for about an hour before one of the guards disrupted the silence.

"What in the name of Celestia is that?" Yelled one of the guards, startling the other ponies in the large room.

"Guard, what do you see?" Asked Twilight, expecting him to have seen a statue or something that just startled him a little.

Before anyone could react, the guard let out a yelp, as a bright yellow blur flew toward him eventually landing in his forehead. He remained motionless, as the blur faded into the shape of a golden blade. One that was now wedged between his eyes. Blood began pouring down his face, as he fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"THE GUARDIAN!" Yelled another guard, as the others galloped into a defensive formation. "Princess Twilight, you and your friends head back to Ponyville, we'll distract him!"

Twilight and her friends quickly escaped the temple, as they heard the screams of the guards. They were all dead. The 6 ponies stood outside, frozen in fear, staring at the entrance, as they were all curious to what this ape actually looked like. And they got what they wanted.

After a few seconds of watching, the giant skeletal ape appeared in the entryway, wielding the large 'Australium' blade in his hand. The mares looked at him as their eyes widened, and their postures sharpened.

"Leave..." The creature instructed, before he raised his sword and pointed it towards the gang.

Immediately, the gang retreated into the forest...All except for one.

The young yellow mare lay on the floor, her face in her hooves, trying to hide from the creature in pure shock, unknowing that the creature was heading towards her, his sword ready for combat.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing? RUN!" Yelled Rainbow Dash from across the field.

Fluttershy looked up for a moment, only to see that extremely tall, thin skeletal figure standing tall above her.

"Huh? AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" She yelled, before her throat was grasped by the skeletal figure.

"You....DIE!" The guardian scowled, as he raised her into the sky, his skeletal claw firmly gripped around her throat.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Yelled her friends, as the started running towards the scene. But not fast enough.

The skeletal figure positioned his sword so it was pointed towards the young mare, and, after a long while of choking the mare, thrust his blade into her stomach. Blood began to drip onto the floor and onto his blade as the mare let out an ear piercing scream.

"Never return." Scowled the guardian, as he threw the mare's body into her friends.

Rainbow Dash caught her, and immediately flew towards ponyville, with a dying mare on her back.

What will happen now?

Author's Note:

Hope this is nice and gory enough for you guys >:)