• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Lose some Gain some

Dustin had slammed Ebon as the two crashed through a window and landed outside. When they broke their grapple, Dustin looked at the busted window, "I hope they're insured." he said before they went back to fighting.

Inside the school, Nightfall was standing his ground wanting to defend Blaze from Chrysalis, "Stay back! I mean it!" he ordered.

Chrysalis let out a mocking laugh, "You pose no threat to me, little one." she powered her magic up, until a shadow gun shot at her.

Entering was Alistair, Eu, Wild, and Muse, "Nightfall!" Muse cried.

"Mom!" he galloped over to his mom who comforted him.

Alistair saw Blaze, "Blaze!" he and Eu got down to him and shook him, until he was coming to, "What happened, are you ok?"

"Ebon, he assimilated my magic." he groaned.

"What?" Eu gasped, "But how?"

"I guess his power can work on regular magic from our worlds too." he groaned.

"He's the not the only one with absorption power, you know?" Chryalis reminded them.

"The queen." Eu gasped.

"Let's get her!" Alistair called, as he and Eu engaged Chrysalis forcing her out through the broken window.

Wild went to Blaze and helped him back to his feet, "Take it easy, man." Wild said.

"Without my magic I feel so weak." Blaze groaned.

"Just take it easy now." Muse encouraged him.

"We have to help Dustin, Eu, and Alistair," Wild suggested, and turned to Nightfall, "You wait here with Blaze, kid."


"Come on!" Muse said, as they jumped out through the window seeing Dustin and Ebon still going at it along with Alistair and Eu fighting Chrysalis.

Ebon frowned at Dustin still managing to keep up with him, until he felt the ground shake, "About time," popping up from the ground were fifteen serpentine, "Get him!" he ordered.

The snakes attacked Dustin, as he fought back. Chrysalis saw more of her Changelings have come to her aid, and assisted her in fighting Alistair and Eu. Wild and Muse jumped in and started helping them.

Wild flew around and kicked some Changelings, while Muse bucked some herself. Chrysalis while noticing the two could feel something stir in her magic, "Ah, those two. Ebon said there was a couple among the group. Perhaps I can grow powerful enough to take hold of this partnership. She flew in and blasted the two.

"What the?" Wild gasped.

Chrysalis smirked as her magic activated, "Now your love for each other shall make me invincible!" she aimed her horn at them and started assimilating their love until she gasped and saw various images flash through her mind featuring King Dusk and Queen Dawn.

"You shall not harm these ponies!" King Dusk ordered.

"Get out!" Queen Dawn ordered.

Chrysalis was repelled and knocked against a tree, "Your majesty!" one of the Changelings gasped.

Chrysalis panted, "Those two are not normal. Do away with them!"

The changelings obliging the order attacked Muse and Wild more ruthless than before with Alistair and Eu trying to help them.

Blaze walked to the hole in the building and looked out seeing what was going on between his friends and their enemies. He saw Dustin was still holding his own against Ebon and the snakes, but the Changelings weren't giving Alistair, Wild, Muse, and Eu a chance to fight back.

'My friends are in trouble. I want to help them, but what can I do now without my magic?' he thought, 'Please, I want to protect my friends. I don't wanna lose them!' he shouted in his thoughts, as something in his body was suddenly triggered and he dashed out through the hole leaving neon copies trailing him.

He ended up knocking three Changelings away from Eu, taking her and the others by surprise, "Blaze?" they gasped.

Blaze stopped in place before realizing what happened, "Whoa. I could never move that fast, and what's with the neon particles behind me?"

Ebon looked over and saw what happened, "How? I assimilated his magic, he shouldn't be able to do anything now!"

Dustin smirked, "If you knew Blaze by now the way we do it's this. He's always full of surprises."

Blaze saw the Serpentine started coming right at him, "Time to make like a frog and jump!" he jumped up high and upon landing on the ground put a huge crater in it along with releasing a pulse of energy that knocked the snakes off their feet.

"What?!" Ebon gasped.

"That is new." Alistair admitted.

"Guys!" Twilight called, as the ponies, Spike, and Zyphon arrived.

"We sent the serpentine and changelings back there running scared." Rainbow said.

"What about here?" Applejack asked, as they saw Blaze helping his friends fight the Changelings, while some were still protecting Chrysalis, until she got back up.

"What's going on with Blaze?" Pinkie asked.

"Ebon absorbed his magic, but is somehow using another power." Dustin answered, as he dodged an attack from Ebon.

Chrysalis got up, "Now I'm mad!" she charged up her magic and started blasting at her enemies.

The girls spread out, as Twilight flew in, "I still haven't paid you back personally for making me look crazy!" she attacked Chrysalis with her own magic, while the Changeling Queen defended herself.

"Come on girls!" Applejack ordered, as they went on the attack.

"Count me in!" Zyphon called, as he readied his blasters and started shooting at the queen and her remaining forces.

Ebon watched seeing the Changelings were suddenly getting overwhelmed by his enemies and frowned before calling out, "Chrysalis! You and your changelings are cut from our deal!"

"What?!" she bellowed, only to receive a punch in the face from Alistair and Blaze, sending her crashing into a tree.

"We have to get her out of here!" A Changeling called, as they gathered around her, and the Queen said to the ponies.

"One of these days I will make you pay!" they vanished in a column of green flames.

Ebon looked and saw them all ganging up on him, "I'll be back next time." he vanished as well with the serpentine.

They all sighed in relief, as Nightfall came out, "Is it all safe?"

"It is now." Muse answered.

"Blaze, are you ok?" Dustin asked, as he Alistair, and Eu went to him.

"Fine, in fact I've never felt better." he admitted, while stretching.

"How did you do that? I thought Ebon absorbed all your magic." Eu said.

"He did, but I don't think this was the work of magic."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I felt as if it was some kind of other energy that opened up inside me."

"Hmm," Dustin pondered, "I better take Blaze back to my lab and see what this could mean."

"Well then let's go." Blaze said, as Zyphon opened a portal for them and they went through before it closed.

About half an hour later, the boys returned to their friends, as Twilight spoke, "Well, what'd you find?"

"Well, after all my observations and scans Blaze has in fact lost his elemental magic, but somehow a bit of magic residue was left over and awakened a deeper power inside him." Dustin explained.

"So we've seen." Rarity noted.

"The best term to describe Blaze now would be a conduit." the spike head continued.

"A condu-what?" Rainbow asked.

"A conduit; a species of creature with superhuman abilities through mental or physical enhancements."

"Unbelievable." Eu gasped.

"But there's still much we don't know about his powers. Those two we've witnessed might not be the only things he's capable of doing now." Dustin continued.

"And I got to find out what they might be and control these abilities I know I have." Blaze added.

"How?" Spike asked.

"I'm going to go to Canterlot. Maybe the princesses can help me in finding ways to control my powers."

"Really?" Eu asked.

"I don't want try practicing them here and risk hurting anypony." Blaze replied.

"Well, if that's what you want, we'll support it." Alistair said.

"I'll even send the princess a letter about this." Twilight offered.

"Thanks." Blaze smiled, until Pinkie spoke.

"But can you leave for Canterlot after the party?" Pinkie asked.

Blaze remembered nodded, "Ok."

"Party?" Muse asked, until they looked at Pinkie who covered her mouth with her hoof.

"Oopsie." she said sheepishly.

Meanwhile in the castle of the pony sisters, Ebon was recovering from his fight as well as the snakes. He stood up and spoke, "I never should've trusted that bug of a pony."

"So now what?" Mezmo asked him.

"Simple, we continue where we left off. I need the rest of my old magic to be at full strength. And with the boy's element magic added to my own I feel even stronger."

"Sir, if you could assimilate his elemental magic, why not try and assimilate the magic from the princesses?" Fang suggested.

Ebon turned to him shooting a glare, "That would be disastrous."

"How so?" Spitz asked.

"This body would not be able to handle all of the princesses magic combined if assimilated into it. It would pop like a balloon taking me with it," the snakes cringed at that thought, "It can only fully handle the magic I'm assimilating from Nightfall because I am in control of this body and can handle magic I'm used to."

"I see." Mezmo answered.

"But still, I need to eliminate them somehow," he thought about it before he smirked, "And I know just what to do."

"What is it, sir?" Chunk asked.

"Pack your bags my boys, because we're going to be taking a little field trip."

"To where?" Fang asked.

"A little place called New York City." he snickered.

Meanwhile back in Ponyville at Muse's place, they were throwing the pony her party as planned, but it wasn't so much of a surprise since Pinkie let it slip out. They were enjoying the party games and activities, until it was gift time. Muse received wonderful gifts from all her friends, until Nightfall trotted up levitating his gift to her.

"Here you go, mom, happy birthday."

"Thank you, Nightfall," she opened up and saw the comic book, "Nightfall." she gasped.

"I made that comic just for you." he said.

"You made this?" she asked as she looked at the pages and how detailed and graphic they were.


"Wow, you really know how to draw." Rainbow nudged him.

"A splendid work of art if I do say so myself." Rarity added.

"You did good, Nightfall." Wild congratulated him.

"Do you like it, mom?" Nightfall asked her.

"Like it? I love it!" she cried, as she embraced her boy, who returned the gesture.

Suddenly they saw something appearing on Nightfall's flank. It was his cutie mark that was of a comic book page with a pen on it, "It's my cutie mark!" He cheered in excitement.

"This is such a proud day." Zyphon said.

"Congratulations, Nightfall." Fluttershy smiled.

"You found your special talent." Applejack added.

"And now you can focus your skills to that talent." Rarity put in.

"Yeah, I'll start a comic book series." Nightfall smiled.

"And if we can have this one mass produced I can have them sold in my shop." Wild offered.

"Great idea, Wild." Muse smiled.

"Ooh, this was such a great day!" Pinkie cheered.

"It sure was." Blaze agreed.

Author's Note:

The term conduit and powers come from the game inFAMOUS, which I don't own.