• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 5,047 Views, 55 Comments

Duality - RaijingtheClockworkPony

A young man must choose between two worlds, but can he?

  • ...

A Lovly Reply.

Sam had never really liked libraries and after helping Spike with the cleaning of the tree library he had more than enough reasons to hate them now. He and Spike had finished organizing the non-fiction section and now had to move on the fiction section when Twilight came down from the upper floor.

"How's it going boys?"

Sam lifted a tome almost the size of Spike and put it on the shelf. "Pretty good. There's a stack over there that we didn't know what to do with. They didn't have titles and most of them look pretty old."

Twilight went over to the stack that he'd pointed at and started to look them over. The next few seconds were silent, save for the occasional sound of a turning page or a book being placed on a shelf. The working trio were interrupted by the sudden belch from Spike. Sam watched as the small puff of green flame became a pair of scrolls. As Twilight was the usual recipient of letters in this fashion she was the one to grab them. Sam was hopeful but while he waited to see what the letter was about he took out his pocket watch and checked the time. 'Nearly five. I've been busy.'

"Hey Sam. This is for you and this one is for you Spike."

Sam looked up from his watch to see the scroll floating right in front of him. He took the scroll and read the contents. The writing was very neat and almost looked rushed.

Dear Samuel,

I was surprised by your rather sudden letter. However after some thought, and a small amount of council with Celestia, I have decided to accept your offer of dinner. I await your reply.

Your friend, Princess Luna.

Sam reread the letter several times to confirm every word. He had asked Luna, a princess no less, to dinner and she said yes. He felt to very distinct feelings at the same time. His heart did a back-flip while the bottom of his stomach dropped out. As he read the letter twilight became interested in Spikes letter.

"What does it say Spike?"

He looked up from his letter and passed the scroll to Twilight so she could read it herself. "It's from Celestia telling me how to send letters to anyone. Now I can send letters to anypony in the world!"

She looked at the letter and smiled down at the bouncing dragon. "That's wonderful! What about yours Sam?"

Sam merely handed her the letter. She looked it over then quickly looked at him then back to the scroll. She repeated this several times before she spoke to him, surprise in her tone.

"You're going out to dinner... with LUNA?"

Sam nodded his head. Spike looked at him then at Twilight with a look that clearly showed that he was wondering how this would play out. 'I'm thinking the same thing.' Twilight looked at him so intently that he was certain she was reading his mind.

"Yes. I needed to thank her for helping me."

Twilight smiled gently at him. "Do you have anything special planned for this dinner?"

Sam suddenly realized that he had no idea where he could possibly take Luna for the date. "Um... not exactly. I don't really know any of the local places. Would you be willing to help me?"

Twilight looked at his sheepish grin with a look of outrage and pity. "How could you not have something planned for this? You don't just ask a royal family member to dinner and not plan it out ahead! Everything will need to be perfect, now if I got a reservation at the..."

Twilight went on for an hour planning everything for the dinner, even going as far as to have a schedule that was broken down to the minute. Sam nodded along to her rambling trying to remember as much as he could but after ten minutes he gave up. He turned to Spike who was sitting nearby trying to finish his work in the library.

"How do you deal with this every day?"

He shrugged. "You just sorta get used to it. So are you and Luna dating or something?"

Sam was about to say no but something stopped him. He had never really thought about if Luna shared the feelings he had been feeling. 'I wonder if that has even pasted through her mind at all.'

"I'm just thanking her as a friend. I would like just be friends at this point."

Sam saw the skeptical look on Spikes face. Spike let it drop however. Sam was pulled back into the conversation that Twilight was unaware that he left by her asking him to write a letter to Luna letting her know how everything was going to work out. He nodded as a show that he had heard her. He turned to Spike who had grabbed a quill and another piece of parchment. Sam started the letter off friendly but he had no idea what Twilight had said so when he stopped he just sat there for a second wondering how to make it sound like he had paid attention. Luckily for him Twilight had taken it upon herself to write the letter due his lack of formality in his wording.

"I think you should be polite and formal for this. You are asking a princess out to dinner after all."

Sam was more than happy to let Twilight go nuts on the letter, as it allowed him to hear exactly what Twilight had planned for them to do on the date. The evening was to begin with dinner at a fine dining restaurant in town then after that meal they would go to the local ice cream shop for dessert and then finish the night off with a romantic moon light stroll. He was impressed by how simple it all sounded and yet it was romantic. He knew that despite all his worrying and all the grief he was getting from Mister that at the very least the date would give him good memories with a good friend. Spike sent the letter off to Luna when a knocking came from the front door. Twilight went to the door and answered it. Sam couldn't see the visitor but he could hear them just fine from his spot on the floor.

"I'll get it. Oh hello Applebloom. What are you up to?"

"Is Sam here?"

"Yeah he's right over there. Come on in."

Sam turned to see a rather excited Applebloom running toward him. She stopped just short of ramming him with a wide grin on her face.

"Guess what Sam!?"

He couldn't help but smile back at the adorable face in front of him. "What?"

"Yer supposed to guess!"

He chuckled to himself as he thought of the first question that came to his mind. "Fine. Did meet someone really interesting today?"


"Did you break a record of some kind?"


Sam pretended to be thoughtful for a moment. "Do I have to go to school with you?"

She was jumping in the air by this point. "Yep! You can come over to the school house tomorrow and talk to the class! Miss Cheerile told me to invite you! Isn't this great?"

"Indeed it is."

She jumped up and hugged him. He returned the gesture with enthusiasm. 'I've haven't been here for a week and I already have friends and a date. I'm must have the greatest luck in the world.' They broke the embrace and Applebloom started tugging at his arm.

"Now come on Sam we need to get to the farm."

Sam rose from his spot on the floor, making Applebloom let go of his arm and resume tugging at his pants as they were the only thing in reach, and walked alongside her.


"We need you to practice what yer going to say! We gotta make it all cool sounding!"

Sam made a quick good-bye to Twilight and Spike as he left the library. They walked through town occasionally stopping for Applebloom to show Sam something in town. From a stall that sold here favorite candy's, made by Bon-bon, to the Apple family cart which was being operated by Big Macintosh on that day. They walked along the road to the orchard when Applebloom nudged Sam on his leg. He looked down at her and saw that she had a look that was a cross between excited and embarrassed. He smiled gently at her to show that he was willing to listen.

"Mister Sam?"


"Ah overheard part of yours and Applejack's conversation you had Monday mornin'. Do you really like Princess Luna?"

Sam stopped walking and stared at Applebloom, while he thought over his answer. Mistaking his sudden halt of movent for anger Applebloom's ears splayed to her skull.

"Ah didn't mean to snoop on ya but it just sorta happened. Ah'm really sorry."

He went down on his knee so that he could get closer to eye level with her. "I'm not mad. I've been debating with myself over that same question. I haven't told anyone...pony this aside from Luna. I might not be here at the end of the week and that has left me feeling that if I tried to get serious with Luna I would only break her heart by me having to leave."

Applebloom put her forelegs on Sam's knee so she could attempt to look him in the eye. He had looked away as he felt tears begin to form in his eyes. He had finally said the very thing he was worried about the whole time. It wasn't about species or if it was taboo to date a princess. It was about not breaking her heart if he chose to stay on Earth the whole time. He could feel the tears stream down his face as he felt the understanding sink in. Applebloom poked him rather roughly in the side to get him to look at her.

"Sam Ah don't know much about love but from what Ah've seen and heard it’s that you can't just worry about the if's and but's. You have to try."

Sam hugged Applebloom in the tightest and possibly teariest hug he had ever been a part of. She returned it with enthusiasm. Sam was certain that she could feel his tears but if it offended her she didn't speak.

"Thank you. From the mouth of babes comes the greatest wisdom."

She pulled from the embrace with a confused look on her face. "Pardon?"

He smiled again at her. “It’s an old saying on Earth. Sometimes the wisest things come from the youngest people or in this case pony."

He lifted her up and placed her on his back giving her a piggy back ride. At first she screamed but once she realized that she was getting a free ride and a new perspective of the road she started to giggle and tell him where he should go. What should have been a simple ten minute walk turned into a half hour adventure. Sam could feel his worrying fade as he focused on the words Applebloom had spoken then thought about what Mister had said as well. He would be given reasons to stay in Equestria and reasons to leave Earth. 'But are these reasons strong enough to stay here. I guess I'll just have to find out.'

They reached the farm house laughing. Applebloom had grabbed Sam by the ears and was trying to drive him around. Sam was worried about her hurting himself due to the fact he was trying to figure out how she was holding his ears with her hooves. She 'drove' him into the home and they made there way into the living room. They plopped down on the sofa giggling at the silliness of their actions. Sam felt like a child again and the more he enjoyed his time here the better he felt about everything that was happening. 'I guess I really needed to unwind.' He sat up and the sofa and cleared his throat.

"So... what exactly did you have in mind for me to say tomorrow?"

"Well something cool like how humans can fly or maybe you could show us a really cool trick that humans and do."

They sat there for the rest of the evening talking about silly things that Sam could do for the class until Applejack walked in the door. Applebloom was in the middle of telling Sam that he should crawl along the wall like a spider and then do a black flip. When Applejack walked in she was met by the sight of Sam rolling on the sofa laughing and Applebloom talking about that after the back flip he could shoot fire out of his mouth.

"What in tarnation are you two talking about?"

"Sam is coming to school tomorrow to talk to my class for Miss Cheerile! Ah was just telling him how to make a really fancy entrance."

Sam was still chuckling to himself as he tried to regain control of his voice. "You missed some of the better ones. She wanted me to take a pear and PFFTT-"

He was overcome once more by a fit of laughter that Applebloom joined him in. Applejack could only smile at the pair of laughing fools that now occupied the sofa.

"Ah swear if Ah didn't know any better Sam Ah would say your just a child."

The remainder of Sam's night consisted of helping Applejack cook dinner and entertaining Applebloom. When he finally went to bed he didn't feel nearly as tired as he had at any other point of his life. Sleep came swiftly as he made himself comfortable under the clean and faintly apple smelling sheets.


Sam found himself awake early in the morning on Wednesday. He rose from his bed and shut off the alarm before it could go off. He was about to call into work before he remembered that he had taken the week off so that he could get a flight to New York. His morning went by quickly as he booked a flight out to New York with surprising ease. He had even found a flight that was leaving on the upcoming Friday. He was about to comment on his luck when he was greeted by the ever smiling face of Mister. 'I knew it.'

"Good morning Sam. I hope you found that little rest of yours relaxing. By the way what did you end up doing after your little rest?"

Sam raised his eyebrow at Mister. "I thought you were an all-powerful god that knew everything about me."

Mister merely shrugged while his smile stayed exactly the same. "That's very true but what fun is there in watching a story when you already know what’s about to happen?"

Sam opened his mouth to argue but he knew that mister had a good point. He sat down on his sofa and motioned for Mister to do the same. Mister took his own seat and looked at Sam with a smile that Sam could only describe as forced. Mister cleared his throat then spoke.

"I have something important to discuss with you. I'm certain this has pasted through your puny little mortal mind. I'll give you a chance to think of it. I'll even give you the chance to ask it."

Sam could only sit there wondering what Mister was going on about. Then a little voice in his mind told him exactly what Mister was talking about.

"What happens to me on the world I don't stay on?"

His smile grew wicked. "Well simply put the body on that world will die."

Sam was shocked by how straight forward Mister was being with him. "I'll..."

"Die. Yes. I had wondered how long it would take you to ask such a simple question like that, but then again you are a mortal. Your only thoughts are on simple things like 'how will I make more money' or 'OW! I was shot'. Silly really."

Sam was still on the dying thing. "What do you mean I'll die? What about the people that know me? They'll have to deal with my death."

Mister sighed then looked at the television that was currently off. "Not my concern. Mortals die every second and most of them don't get so much as a passing glance. Besides you humans and ponies will move on after a time."

Sam wasn't comfortable with how casually Mister spoke about death and that almost sadistic smile on his face didn't help at all. Sam shook his head then rose from his seat to find something to do. He stopped and looked back at Mister with an amused half smile on his face.

"Thanks by the way."

Mister raised an eyebrow at him. "For what?"

"For helping me get that flight out to New York. It’s not easy to get a flight booked that quickly."

Mister let out a light chuckle. "That wasn't me. That was Luck. That old bastard has been around as long as I have and must have given you pity. Still it’s nice to get a thank you every now and then."

Sam was about to make a reply when Mister just dissolved like a sand sculpture exposed to a powerful gust of wind. Sam watched the 'dust' of Mister fade away then went to his office. 'Pleasure as always. So... Whichever world I choose will have me there and the other will see me die? That just makes it all the worse for this choice.' He sat down next to his computer and began to surf the web.

Hours blurred by as he relived his childhood once more only this time he had a goal in mind. As he browsed through all some the fan made content he had a sudden thought. Where in the FiM time line was he? Before the series ended or just after? He tried to find a time frame he could use but his lack of knowledge of the recent events in the world he was forced into he could only come up with a rough time frame. He didn't know why he was so set on figuring this out but it allowed him to fill his time well.

It was almost 3:30 in the evening when he got a call. He checked his phone and saw to his surprise that it was his mother. He answered it not wanting to get an earful of how he shouldn't take so long to answer his mother.

"Hey mom. I wasn't expecting a call from you today. What’s up?"

"Honey... we need to talk."

He was instantly alert. He could tell by her voice alone that something was wrong. She sounded as if she was fighting back tears. He also hadn't been called honey since he was in high school.

"Mom, what’s wrong?"

"... It’s your father. He had a heart attack last night. I'm in the hospital right now..."

Sam sat up in his chair. "What happened? I thought dad was getting healthier because of the..."

The haunting words of Mister came back. 'You're father needs to stop cheating on his diet.'

"Mom... is he alright?"

She sniffed hard on the other side. With a choked voice she answered him. "He's passed honey."

Sam knew that those words were coming but they still hurt like hell. He felt like someone had reached into his chest and gripped his heart tightly. His eyes began to water as he drew in a ragged breath. In a voice strangled by his sobs he asked the only question that was on his mind.


With a sob of her own she replied. "This morning. The doctors tried their best but they couldn't..."

Sam spent the next few minutes talking with his mother, trying to console her as best he could through the phone. After a goodbye he found more painful than he could have ever thought. His night pasted without his knowing. He reached his bed and collapsed into it and was consumed by the black void that was sleep.