• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 5,047 Views, 55 Comments

Duality - RaijingtheClockworkPony

A young man must choose between two worlds, but can he?

  • ...

Change in Plans

Sam awoke the blaring noise of his alarm. 'Well that was a complete waste of my time. All he did was spout nonsense and then send me back here.' He rose from the bed and began the morning routine that he had performed so many other times in his life. However his morning routine was interrupted by Mister sitting on his couch. Sam tried his best to ignore him but when he started to clear his throat loudly he changed his approach.

"Can I help you?"

The smile on Mister's face didn't change at all despite the heavy sarcasm in Sam's voice. "Why yes, you can. I was hoping that our conversation was to your liking. I would feel just awful if it didn't."

Sam looked at him for a minute. "Are you planning on following me for long?"

"All day. I want to see what it's like in a day in the life of a human."

"Okay then. You said you are a god; what kind of god exactly?"

With an extravagant wave of his hands Mister stood up and bowed to Sam. "I am the god of laughter and trickery."

"You already said that. I mean what is it you do exactly?"

Mister opened the door for Sam. "I am the living embodiment of joy. I do whatever makes me happy and will give me a good laugh regardless of what happens to others. You humans came up with some names for me. Your Norse called me Loki."

Sam walked through the door and went through the hall. Along the way he watched as Mister seemed to lose himself in a long winded rant about himself and the other gods.

"At one point there were hundreds of us. We were everything, from a god of color to a god of smell. We existed long before time was even a thing. We created the very first worlds and from them sprang the other realities. And that's when it all started to go wrong, as I have told you. It was a real shame. So many of us started to end our own existence just to fulfill a silly notion. Granted Death had a field day when they all started."

Sam tried his best to stay focused on the road but something in Misters tone made him want to listen to him. He wasn't arrogant or rude as he normally was. He was, for lack of a better word, sad almost depressed. They reached the parking lot of the office building. Sam was hoping that Mister would grow bored and leave but when he closed his door Mister was already standing next to him.

"So what will we be doing today Sam? I hope it's something fun! Oh, I know let’s turn this building into a boat. That would be fantastic."

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please don't. I have work that I need to do."

Mister floated along next to him is a sitting position. "Now don't be so boring Sam. You should do something to lift your sad spirits. I mean that date of yours is still a few days away and until then-"

Sam cut him off. "It's not a date. Why does every one think that I'm in love with her? Even if I was it could never work. I'm human and she's... well you know what she is. It's just weird."

Sam glanced at Mister and saw that his smile had vanished replaced with a look of cold fury. Sam froze in his place in an unnamable terror that washed over him. Mister put his feet back on the ground and the sky went suddenly dark. Sam couldn't tare his eyes away from Misters.

"I knew you were a simple creature and I'm willing to overlook that but you will never insult my intellect or the intellect of Love ever again with a statement that stupid again. How DARE you even think that love only matters if the one you love is the same species as yourself. Love transcends things as simple as that. The both of you are sentient creatures capable of so much and just because you aren't the same you shut it down!? Shallow and stupid."

The sky above them brightened back to normal and the smile returned to Misters face but seemed sarcastic and forced now. Sam felt his senses return and he continued walking, humbled by the outburst of wisdom that Mister had given him. Mister on the other hand seemed perfectly happy to continue talking with a sickly cheerful tune.

"Speaking of Love, I once had a fling with that gal. Now that was some of the best times I have ever had. Not to mention the s-"

Mister was cut off by Alex running over to Sam. "Hey Sam! I texted you earlier but I guess you must have missed it. I was wondering if you were coming in considering..."

Sam shrugged. "A little break up shouldn't keep me from working. It will take my mind off of it."

Mister looked at Alex and looked bored. 'I guess he doesn't like being cut off.' Sam and Alex walked into the building and headed to the elevator. Sam was looking for something to shift the conversation to something less depressing than his love life.

"You never did tell me how your date went."

"It went well but I told him that it would either have to be a long distance relationship or just a quick fling."

Sam looked at him with a slight smile. "So what did he choose?"

A wicked smile passed over both Alex’s and Misters faces. "We went to his place and had one hell of a time, if you catch my drift."

Sam couldn't help but laugh with Mister. Alex stood there with a proud smile on his face. The elevator opened and Sam walked off and headed to his office. He sat down and started on some paper work while Mister wandered around the office. He was looking at the books when Sam got up. Mister checked the clock and was surprised that it was already pass 3:00 P.M. Sam was heading to the door before Mister spoke up. 'So much for being quite for a while… he was having a good run to.'

"Where you heading Sammy boy?"

"I need to talk with my boss. Just try not to break anything."

Mister let out a cartoonish sinister chuckle. "I'll do my best."

Sam walked through the building and made his way to his boss’s office. He made some small chit-chat before he went right to the point. He talked about the accommodations in New York and the time frame in which he and the rest needed to get there. He told him that he was planning on leave for New York by the end of the week. He handed in a file and told him that all of his work had been finished aside from the paper work needed for the NY firm.

He returned to the office to find that Mister rearranged everything in the room even the bookcases that had been bolted into the wall. His desk had been moved to the opposite wall and was upside down, his books were all standing in a pillar next to the window, and his knick-knacks were all sitting on the ceiling. Sam stood in his door way for a second before he closed the door and moved over to Mister.


Mister looked disappointed. "I was hoping that you'd freaked out. You’re no fun when your all calm and business like. Oh well."

He snapped his fingers and everything floated back to their original spots. Sam had to move out of the desks way so it wouldn't hit him. Sam collected up his things and headed back to the door. Mister float next to him with his feet in the air. His clothes defied gravity and stayed normal but with Misters head now at the same level as Sam's ankles. Mister walked to the door, walking being a relative term at this point.

"I think this is more fun. You should try it some time."

Sam looked down at him then rolled his eyes. They made their way out to the parking building before Sam spoke.

"I think I lack that ability. Also why are you still here? I figured you would have gotten bored and left by now."

Mister corrected himself so that he was right side up again. "Well I wanted to see what your day was like and I have to say you are a very boring creature. Also your friend Alex has a damn good taste in clothes. By the way why would you want to go to New York so soon? Would it be because you don't want to stay here with the memories of Jenny?"

"Partially. I have nothing more to do here and I might as well get out there and get started. I've been put in charge and I should set a good example."

Mister raised her eyebrow but didn't speak.


Sam was sitting at his computer randomly browsing the internet going from site to site but not really paying attention to what he was doing. Mister was talking but Sam didn't really care to listen. He was busy thinking on what Mister had said earlier in the day. 'If I did fall in love with Luna... why would I not want to pursue a relationship? She is nice but she's a pony. That is just... bizarre to think about. Well after the date I should be able to just move on and not think about that kind of thing. Damnit Mister now I can't stop calling it a date.' Sam sighed and turned off the computer. He figured that Mister would leave when he went to bed. Much to his dismay Mister was sitting in the bed patting it with his hand.

"Care to join me lover boy?"

"Get the hell out and don't call me that."

Mister put on a fake pout. "Why not grumpy? I know that the only thing on your mind is Luna. Come on admit it you want to at least try to have a relationship with her."

Sam watched Mister act like a stereotypical teenage girl who want to get her friend to admit to a crush. "Yes I have been thinking about how silly it is. She's a pony princess and I'm a human lawyer. I don't think I would fit in at Canterlot."

"So it's no longer a species thing, now it’s a job and social status thing. I understand that you may feel unworthy of her but keep at it and you'll earn her love."

Sam took off his shirt then sat on the bed making sure he was more than arm’s length away from Mister. "Whatever makes you feel better. Now leave I need to sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow."

"I'm certain. You can deny your feelings all you like but deep down you know that you will take a leap of faith. When you do I'll be watching and waiting to see what happens."

Mister dissolved into nothing leaving Sam on the bed feeling like the week could be going more slowly.


Sam awoke on the farm to the smell of baking apples. for the briefest of moments he considered just staying in the bed for the whole day. 'What would be the point of that? Might as well go out and have some fun or at least talk to Rarity. She probably has ideas for my date... thank you for Luna.' He got up and put on the jacket for the suit. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror in the room. His hair was an absolute mess and he had what looked like a week’s worth of growth on his face. He decided that a trip to Rarity's would be a good thing since he really needed a shave. He walked down the stairs to find that all of the Apples were there eating their meal.

"Mornin' big guy. I was wonderin' if ya would wake up this mornin' but since you’re up Ah got something for ya."

Applejack went over to the table and picked up a scroll then handed it to Sam. He sat down and opened it. It was a formal invitation to Twilight's party. 'Leave it to Pinkie to go the extra mile.' He rolled the scroll back up and put in the inside pocket of his jacket. He rose from the table and headed for the door. Applebloom called out to him when she realized that he was no longer in the room.

"Hey Sam, where ya going?"

"I figured I would... see if Fluttershy needs help with anything. I still need to thank her for fixing me up."

They all shouted a goodbye to him and he set off towards the road. He reached the road and had been walking for a minute before he remembered that he had no idea where Fluttershy lived. He stopped on the road and looked up in the sky while he tried to create a mental map of Ponyville much to no avail. 'Maybe after I visit Rarity she could point me in the right direction.' He set off to town but was distracted by the sudden noise of someone or rather somepony moving through a bush. He turned around to see the source of the noise and was greeted by a rather upset looking brown pony with an hourglass on his flank. The ponies attention wasn't on Sam however, it was on the mare that emerged from the bush behind him. The stallions name Sam couldn't remember but the mares he could. Derpy was stumbling out of the bush with a confused smile on her face when she caught sight of Sam. The brown pony however went on with something he had said earlier.

"And further more my dear I don't think that it really matters what type of bake good you want to bring to the brunch. I would like to get there on time and... oh, well hello there!"

He finally noticed Sam's presence by following the gaze of one of Derpy’s eyes. Both showed mild amusement at the fact Sam was standing on the road. The stallion adjusted the bow tie he was wearing then addressed Sam.

"Hello. This is Derpy and my name is-"

"The Doctor!"

The doctor stood there stunned by the sudden outburst. "Well... yes. Have we met? I usually remember a face."

"No we haven't. I'm Sam. I don't really know if you have heard but I've been staying with the Apples on the orchard."

The Doctor walked around Sam inspecting him from head to toe. "Yes I've heard that a human was in town. Interesting completely bipedal creature without fur. Good taste in clothes, rather tall, and needs a shave."

Sam felt the growth on his face and nodded his head in agreement. 'I really could use a good shave.' He looked from Derpy to the Doctor. He had no clue if the Doctor was supposed to be this worlds version of a Timelord or whatever that British show called them or just a pony with a strange name but at this moment no matter how much he wanted to talk to them he had more important things to do.

"Do you know how to get to Fluttershy's house from here?"

Derpy jumped up and down in excitement. "I do! You just go down this road a ways and when you reach the fork you take a left. From there the animal noises should help you along."


He walked away but he couldn't help but over hear their continued conversation. "Now we need to head this way and no more short cuts Derpy. I'm tired of getting lost in the bushes."

Sam walked along at a leisurely pace. He knew that he all day to get something done but he just didn't really feel like doing anything. He felt tired and his mind was sluggish but he could think of why that would be. He had slept well enough... then again he never really did get to sleep. 'Every time I fall asleep I just wake up instantly. Does that mean my mind isn't resting? Certainly feels like it hasn't.' He was deep in an internal debate over whether he was tired or not when he stopped and looked back on the path. He had missed the turn in the he needed to make. He went back and took the correct turn. 'That settles it. I'm really tired.' He reached a small brook when he heard the sound of hooves on hard earth toward him. He looked up from the brook to see Fluttershy running up to him.

"Sam what are you doing up so soon? Is your shoulder fixed?"

"Yeah. I'm all better now."

"But that kind of shoulder injury should have taken at least a week. Do humans have fast healing?"

Sam smiled and looked up into the sky. "Just call it divine intervention. I wanted to say thank you for fixing me up and I figured the best way was to help out here, if you don't mind me doing so."

He looked back down to see that she had looked up into the sky with him. She looked back down to him and smiled kindly at him. "You’re very welcome and I would love to have some help here. Are you good with dogs?"

"They don't hate me if that's what you mean."

"Oh don't worry. This group is very tame."

She led him into the tree home and into the main room. When he entered he was assaulted by a pack of dogs. From under the attack of fur and lickings Sam tried to call for Fluttershy to call them off. She was too busy giggling at the sight to help him. After struggling for a minute Sam emerged from the dogs.

"I think they like you."

He was petting the largest of the dogs. "Dog is man’s best friend. That holds true no matter what I guess."

She told him that the task she needed help with was washing the dogs. Sam did a head count. Thirteen dogs. He helped her herd them out behind the tree home and they started with the smaller dogs. At first they were silent as they cleaned them but when the silence got the most annoying to Sam he decided to talk.



"Are you good with giving advice?"

She looked over at him. "I've given advice before but I don't really know if it was the best. Why?"

Sam was wiping down a poodle when it shook itself. After quickly wiping away the water from his eyes he looked over to her. "Well... I'm having conflicting feeling about someone. Everybody I have talked to keeps telling me that I like them but I don't know if I do. I mean where I'm from that kind of thing is frowned upon."

She was silent for a moment. "If this pony, erm... someone was a human would you give them a chance?"

Sam sat there. It was a simple train of thought. Hell, he remembered Mister saying something along those lines. He looked down at the now clean poodle. He reach for a towel still thinking about his answer.

"I guess I would. I know that I wouldn't be double guessing myself like this."

She was drying off a Labrador pup when she answered him. "I would say that you should treat this affection just like you would back in your home."

He sat there trying to accept the advice she had given him. 'Could it work? I know that I can't treat it just like a relationship back on Earth but the important stuff would still be there. All the romance would still be able to happen.' He felt a sudden shame. Fluttershy watched as his expression changed from one of hope to a much darker grimace. He looked over to her with the shame burning on his face.

"Does this make me a bad person? Not wanting to reach for love because of something like a difference in looks."

She could see something was haunting him. Something more than just the confused feelings. "Sam, are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

Sam was feeling like something was crushing his mind. He didn't know what was going on but he felt like he was suffocating. His vision suddenly started to go blurry on him and he felt a sudden dizziness. He fought through the sensation and tried to focus as best he could.

"I haven't slept in a long time. I feel like my head is going to explode, my girlfriend of two months cheated on me, I'm in love with a alicorn, and a demented god of laughter is f***ing around with me for his sick kicks. Aside from that I"M JUST FINE!"

Fluttershy started to back away from him. When he started shouting she realized what he was suffering from. He was suffering from some form of sleep deprivation. When he finished his rant she moved closer to him.

"Feel better?"

"I still feel like crap but that helped. I'm sorry for going off on you like that."

Sam explained everything that had happened to him that week but in a much more condensed version. She was the perfect listener, she was silent when he needed her to be and she would comfort him when parts of the story got rough. He finished sobbing. He felt that everything was crashing down on him and he knew that something was going to make the week worse. Mister had promised him that.

Fluttershy and Sam finished cleaning the dogs. "I want you to go back to the farm and just get some sleep. Just ask that Mister fellow to let you sleep normally for once; I'm certain he will let you."

Sam knelt down and hugged her. She returned the gesture. He set off toward the fork in the road when his mind stumbled on a thought. He only had three more days left. If he was going to date Luna he would have to try it before Friday. He walked along the road lost in thought, not bothering to correct himself for once. He reached the edge of town and stopped. His vision blurred again and he felt like he was going to be sick. He sat down on the side of the road and mumbled to himself.

"Mister... I need some help here."

"And what kind of help will you need?"

Sam opened his eyes and looked around. He was still on the side of the Ponyville road with no one around. He looked around trying to find where Mister was sitting. Mister spoke again in a sarcastic and almost bored way.

"You won't find me. I'm just talking to you this way. You said you needed help so I'm here in your head to give it."

Sam held his head in his hands. A dull throbbing had started and was getting worse by the second. "I need some rest. Real rest, not this moving of my mind shit you have going here."

"You humans must be frailer than I thought... but then again there are very few creatures that can go for so long without resting. Very well, I shall let you rest your weary head and because I'm so nice this won't transfer you over to Earth."

Sam was about to thank Mister when his eyes forced themselves shut and his mind when blank.


Sam awoke from his forced sleep. His mind was trying to process how long he had been asleep when he looked around only to notice that everything on the road looked the same as when he closed his eyes. 'How can that work. I've got to have been out for at least 5 hours. Then again it is Mister that did this.' He rose to his feet and noticed that he was no longer dizzy nor was his head throbbing. His mind felt sharp and fresh. He stretched his arms and legs then set off to the boutique.

Mister’s voice sounded once more in his head. "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Yeah, how is it that no time passed?"

Sam could practically feel Misters smile in the voice. "I took your mind and let it rest in the Void. Then when it finished I put it back in that body."

Sam decided to let the conversation die right there. He had more important things on his mind and he didn't want to get distracted by Mister. He reached the boutique without any further words to Mister. He opened the door and was met with a trio of eyes looking at him. The first pair he recognized was those of Rarity's. The other was of a pair mares both of whom Sam could only assume were customers. Rarity looked at him with a cocked eyebrow then addressed him in a rather agitated tone.

"Just take a seat over there Sam. I need to help these two."

She turned back to the pair, both of which were staring at Sam. He sat on the ground crossed legged and simply stared at the wall deep in thought. The three ponies left Sam sitting there and went about their business. It was well over an hour later that they left. Rarity was still agitated but was trying to stay pleasant.

"So Sam what can I help you with?"

"My date with Luna needs to be moved up."

She sighed then moved a stool over so she could sit on it. "Why would that be necessary?"

"I may not be here after Friday. So I think I should move it up to tomorrow, which is if she even says yes."

Her mood shifted to one of curiosity. "Why wouldn't you be here after Friday?"

"That's not important. I just wanted you to know. I'll plan the date out so you won't have to worry."

She was looking at him with a worried expression. She could tell that whatever brought this on was worrying him much more that it showed. Sam rose from the floor and walked to the door.

"Hey do you know where Spike would be?"

She got up from the stool to answer him. "He's at the library. Are you okay Sam?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just worried she won't say yes."

He didn't give Rarity a chance to say anything as he set off to find Spike. He noticed that streets were emptier than the day before but he figured that something must be happening. He reached the tree library and knocked on the door. He could faintly hear a voice inside that yelled. "Spike! Could you get that please?" The door opened and Sam was greeted by Spike.

"Hey Sam! Did you need to talk to Twilight?"

He looked down at the smiling dragon. "Well actually I needed to ask you something."

Spike motioned for him to come in. Sam took a few steps in and sat down on the floor. Even when on the floor he was still taller than Spike. He could see an eager look in Spikes eyes.

"What do you need?"

"Well I was hoping that you could send a letter for Princess Luna for me."

Spike raised his eyebrow at Sam. "Well... I don't really know if I could send it to her directly but I could send it to Celestia and then she could give it to Luna."

Sam shrugged. "Close enough. Alrighty then, Spike take a letter."

Spike went over to the desk and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. Sam was smiling to himself at the fact he got to do something that he was certain almost every brony in the world would kill to say. Spike returned to the spot that Sam was sitting in and raised his quill in a way saying: I'm ready.

"Dear Princess Luna. I would like to cordially invite you to dinner and walk in the park as a form of thanks. I am very grateful that you have been patient with me, even when I am acting less than polite to ponds. I eagerly await your reply. Sincerely, Sam Batesfill"

Spike finished the letter and wrapped it up. Before he blew on it he put a small note saying that it was meant for Luna. Sam watched the green fire consume the letter, hoping that Luna would say yes before the quickly approaching Friday. Spike went over to the desk and placed the quill down.

"So Sam do you have anything else to do today?"

Sam looked away from the window that the smoke flew out of. "Not really. I could help you out around here if you want."

Spikes face brightened. "Sure! I could always use the help. Are you any good at organizing books?"