• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 5,047 Views, 55 Comments

Duality - RaijingtheClockworkPony

A young man must choose between two worlds, but can he?

  • ...

A Choice and a Party

Sam awoke to find himself inside the Void once more. After a moment he realized that he was sitting in the chair that Mister had been sitting in last time he was here, his legs propped up on the desk. He placed his feet on the floor and started rubbing his face and eyes to wake himself up. As he did that his mind went back to the day before. How he had spent the entire day with Luna, how she had told him some of her most private thoughts and feelings to her, how she had shown him that cave filled with those breath taking crystals. Then he thought about the kiss they had shared, the hours they spent reading, and finally the feeling of sleeping in Luna's bed with his arms wrapped around her. As he thought of it all a smile broke out on his face that he just couldn't control or stop. Not that he wanted to.

"You've made your choice."

Sam glanced up to see Mister walk into the 'room' and sit down in the chair across from Sam. His smile was warm and welcoming. Sam watched him for a moment and remembered the last thing that went through his mind. 'I made my choice.'

"Yes. I have."

Mister adjusted his tie. "And?"

"I... I choose Luna, or at least I choose Equestria. I'll live out the rest of my life there."

Mister leaned forward in his seat, pressing the tips of his fingers together. "I see. Have you made a choice on my offer yesterday on Earth?"

Sam hadn't given his offer any thought at all. Sure he could stay a human and be unique in that way but that brought his old worry to mind. 'What if she wants a family?' He looked into Mister's eyes with a set and determined look in his own eyes. 'Damn the consequences!'

"Make me a pony. I want to be part of her world and humans aren't in Equestria and I shouldn't change that."

The smile on Misters face grew wider and strangely brotherly. "So be it. I shall change you to a pony and return you to Luna's bed."

He rose from his seat and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam felt a pleasant warmth spread from the touch.

"Do you have any questions before I leave you for the final time?"

Sam voiced the first concern that came to his mind. "What happens to me on Earth?"

Mister let out a sigh though the smile didn't fade or lose any of its friendliness. "Well to put it simply you'll die. It could be a simple accident to you just dropping dead of a heart attack. That is all I can say. Now anything else?"

Sam waited for a second. "Before I die on Earth just let me... the other me, tell my family I love them. That's all I ask."

Mister gripped Sam's shoulder tightly. "I can do that. Now return to your love. I can handle the rest."


Sam's mind was sluggish and slow as he awoke. He felt a dull ache over his body that was quickly fading away as his mind approached consciousness. He opened his eyes slowly and smile as his field of vision was filled with Luna's sleeping, smiling face. He shifted where he lay but felt something... off. He couldn't tell what it was but something felt weird. He pondered what it could have been for a few seconds but then Luna woke up. He gave her a smile.


He watched as Luna's face went from a beautiful smile to a look of pure shock, then to rage.


Sam could only register the ringing in his ears before he was gripped by a powerful magic and thrown across the room. He hit the wall hard, breath knocked from his lungs. His first instinct was to grab at the force holding him to the wall but when he brought his hand to his chest he discovered something. He didn't have hands. He looked down the best he could due to the strong force holding him to the wall. At the end of his forelimbs were two dark purple hooves. His mind went numb as he tried his best to grasp that simple fact.

Luna watched the strange stallion she was pinning against the wall as he stared at his hooves in wonder. She looked away from him to scan the rest of the room. It took her less than a second to figure out that Sam was no longer in the room. She returned her attention to the stallion who was now studying his fur coat with the enthusiasm and wonder of a foal on Hearth's Warming morning.

"Who are you, and what have you..."

She stopped mid-sentence as she looked from his head to his back. He was an alicorn. That thought made her mind go blank and that caused her magical grip faded. Sam noticed the change in magic instantly as he fell to the floor.

"Ow! A little warning next time please? I think I landed on my tail."

He stopped for a moment then quickly tried to stand to get a look at his tail only to fall over a moment later. She watched as he struggled to stand back up on his hooves and tried to figure out what was going on at that moment. 'Sam isn't here and there's this new alicorn that I have never seen before in my bed where Sam was. That voice of his sounds exactly likes Sam's but that can't be possible... could it?"


The alicorn stopped staring at his flank and tail and turned to look at her. "Yes?"

She looked him up and down then looked back into his eyes imploringly. "What happened?"

"What do you... OH! Right this."

Sam finally realized how Luna was seeing this. The form of him she fell in love with was gone and there was a strange looking pony in her bed that she has never seen before. He didn't blame her for throwing him across the room.

"Well... I made my choice. I chose to stay here, with you."

She took a tentative step closer. "Prove that you’re Sam!"

He raised an eyebrow but didn't argue with her. 'She has a point, I would be kinda paranoid if I woke up with someone I didn't know.' He sat there for a moment before looking down at his chest. The amulet she gave him the day before was still there.

"You gave me this after you showed me the Light of Eternity. Then we kissed for the first time."

Luna's expression changed from caution to excitement and confusion. Luna took a few steps closer. "How did this happen? I thought you still had one day left."

Sam could only smile at her confusion. She was cute when she was confused. "I don't think one more day on Earth could change my mind about you. I love you and I don't want to leave you."

She took a few steps closer and was now within hoof reach. "So this is what you look like as a pony?"

She reached out and gently placed her hoof on his face. "I like it. The mane could use a trim but the colors are nice."

Sam blushed at her compliment. He glanced up trying to see as much of his hair as he could but was surprised by what he saw, a horn. He looked back to Luna, noticing that they were no very close to the same height though he was still slightly taller now, and started to bounce on his hooves. This sudden bouncing caused him to fall over. Luna moved to his side and helped him back to his hooves.

"Huh, I guess I'm going to need to learn how to walk again, but still I'm a unicorn. That's pretty cool."

Luna smiled and pointed to his back. "I think you should take another look."

He followed her hoof and was stunned by what she pointed to. A pair of deep purple wings that matched his equally purple coat. He moved as best he could to the mirror in the corner of the room near the closet to get a better look at himself. After stumbling his way across the room, with much help from Luna, he got a first look at himself. He was deep purple as he already saw on his wings and flank. His horn was the same color as well. What caught his attention was his mane. It was a light blue with three colored stripes running through it. Two of the stripes were bright red and the one in the middle was a bright green. He took a quick glance at his tail to see the same.

"Wow. That's really cool."

He saw through the mirror that Luna was looking at his flank. He turned to her and gave her a playful smile.

"Enjoying the view back there?"

She gave him a playfully annoyed look. "I was seeing what your cutie mark was, and yes I am."

Sam followed her gaze to his flank to see what mark he had. He was rather surprised by what he saw. It was a pair of crossed hands, one holding a scroll dripping black ink and the other holding a crescent moon. Both of the alicorns looked at each other, then back to the mark. Luna was the first to voice her thoughts.

"So... what do you think it means?"

He shrugged. "Well, if I had to hazard a guess I would say that the scroll means lawyer or something close to that. The hands are to show I am, was human, and the moon... to show I will never let you go."

Luna blushed at his final thought. "You are such a flirt."

"You started it."

Luna leaned closer. "Well I'm gonna finish it."

Sam leaned to her and their lips met for the first kiss they would share as alicorns. A short eternity later they were interrupted by the door opening and a concerned voice reaching them.

"Luna I was wondering if you planned on setting the moon an- WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!"

The pair of kissing ponies quickly pulled apart. Luna and Sam blushing deeply. This only lasted for a second as Sam felt a magical force once more grab him and fling him to the wall. 'Ow. They both really need to learn how to react to surprising situations better.' Luna immediately voiced her disapproval.

"CELESTIA! Put him down! That's Sam!"

Celestia looked from Luna to Sam then back. "What? How can that be Sam? He looks nothing like what you or Twilight described to me. For that matter how can there be another alicorn?"

Luna quickly explained everything that she knew about Sam's transformation. Celestia didn't let Sam go until Luna finished. After hearing everything she gently placed Sam back on the ground. Sam took a moment to regain his balance and when he did he gave Celestia a smile he hoped was the friendliest he could give.

"Pleasure to meet you Princess Celestia."

She gave him a nod then returned her gaze to Luna. "I think you need to go do something important."

Luna looked confused for a moment then remembered why Celestia had barged in on them in the first place. "OH!"

She rushed out onto the balcony leaving her sister and Sam alone. Sam could only shuffle awkwardly as he tried to think of something to say. Celestia beat him to the punch.

"How did you get here?"

"Luna teleported us here yesterday."

Sam instantly regretted saying that when he saw Celestia's expression change. She looked very alert and her eyes flashed with danger.

"Yesterday. So you spent the night here, in Luna's bed?"

Sam swallowed hard. "Yes."

"Did you two-"

"NO! I mean no. We didn't. We just slept in each other’s arms... legs... we fell asleep holding each other."

He hadn't meant to shout but he knew where Celestia was going with that question and didn't really want to think about that nor did he want her to think that was what they did. Celestia raised an eyebrow at him which he took as a prompt to explain himself.

"We had a wonderful time yesterday and last night and when she suggested that we sleep in the same bed I thought she meant, well you know, but she just wanted to fall asleep in my grasp and to be honest I think that was the best way to end the night. Heck she even gave me this."

He pointed to the amulet around his neck. Celestia walked closer to him so that she could study the amulet herself. Sam felt a wave of self-consciousness as she stared at the amulet. She muttered something to herself that Sam didn't catch.


She looked at him with a amused smile. "I said she must really like you to give you that amulet. I think you two will be happy together."

Sam couldn't help but smile at her acceptance of his and Luna's love. "Thank you."

They both looked to the balcony to see Luna walking back her gaze to the dawn. She looked at Celestia and gave a bashful smile.

"I have finished my task. Your turn my sister."

Celestia walked out to the balcony leaving Sam and Luna alone once more. Sam tried to walk over to Luna but found his progress to be almost painfully slow. Luna walked over to him and silently showed him the rhythm to walking. They made it to the doorway of the balcony and watched as Celestia raised the sun. Sam turned to Luna and gave her a small kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you."

She turned to him with a confused but warm smile. "For what?"

"For helping me walk. I'm going to need to learn how to walk and run again, not to mention magic and flying..."

He trailed off, walking slowly over to the railing of the balcony looking over Canterlot. Luna took up a spot next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I could teach you. The walking thing wouldn't be that difficult, the flying would take some time but it's not like I don't have free time to spare and the magic, well that will be fun."

He nuzzled her with a smile. "Oh? Why would magic be fun? Magic didn't really agree with me last time."

She merely giggled at him. "You'll find out when we get to that. However I do believe that you have a job to do today."


She nudged him gently. "Pinkie wanted you to distract Twilight. Remember?"

Celestia joined them at the railing and looked out over the city below them. "Ah, yes Twilight's party is today. I hope you can come up with something worthy enough to drag her away from her studies."

Sam looked between both of the alicorns and his smile grew wider. "I think I have a good idea."


Waiting was something Sam usually was patient with. This time however he found himself being rather impatient and though he knew why, he still found himself pacing. Well pacing would be a kind term. He was more or less taking a step forward falling getting back up, taking another step, falling then turning around. Rinse repeat. He went on like this for roughly half an hour until Luna walked over and showed him the rhythm of walking again. They walked around the room a few times side by side then Luna let him do a walk on his own.

"You're really starting to get it, by next year you might be able to walk without a foalsitter."

A sarcastic laugh was the only answer she got from him. He walked over to her and flexed his wings trying to get used to them. He wasn't exactly used to having a third set of limbs. He was about to say something he hoped would be a great comeback but his stomach decided to make its presence known.

Luna giggle at first then he own stomach agreed with Sam's. "I think breakfast would be a good idea. Don't you?"

Sam nodded. "Can't argue with that."

They walked through the halls of the castle, Luna talking about every little tapestry and vase they pasted. Halfway to their destination Luna took to trotting circles around Sam as she talked about everything. It wasn't until they pasted a group of chambermaids did Luna stop talking.

"Your Majesty, who is your guest? Is he family?"

Luna stopped to look at the brown mare but was cut off by Sam. "My name is... Pluto. I'm a guest here, no blood relation. Pleasure to meet you miss..."

The chambermaid blushed. "Nightingale. Mrs. Nightingale. Pleasures all mine."

After giving each of the alicorns small bow the group left. Luna waited for them to be out of earshot before she started giggling at Sam.

"Pluto? What kind of name is that? That the sort of name I would give a dog or maybe a mouse."

Sam waited for the fit of giggling that took hold of Luna to subside before he gave his reason.

"Thought that since I'm a pony now I should have a pony name. You don't like it do you?"

She stopped giggling when she heard the hurt tone in his voice. She felt her heart plummet when she saw his ears drooping. She walked closer and gently placed her hoof on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It really is a nice name. Does it have some special meaning to humans?"

He lifted his head. "It's the name of a dwarf planet from Earth. It was named after an ancient god."

"So do you want me to call you Pluto at all times or Sam?"

He leaned forward with a mischievous smile. "You can call me whatever you want."

She rolled her eyes playfully and gave him a quick kiss. "You are such a flirt this morning. Maybe this alicorn thing has gotten to your head."

They continued down the halls of the castle until they reached a large dining hall. It was every bit of the stereotypical royal dining room would be. There was a large fireplace at one end of the room, large windows overlooking the Canterlot Gardens, and the finest looking tableware imaginable. However what was unexpected was the couple eating at the table. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Shining was standing at attention whereas Cadance was sitting at the table eating an omelet.

"Princess Luna I must voice my complaints at having a guest within the castle and not notifying myself or even a single member of the Guard."

Luna guided Sam (Or maybe we should call him Pluto now) to a seat at the table then returned her attention to Shining Armour.

"Your complaint has been noted. Do you have any further information to report?"

Shining looked from Luna to Pluto then back. "No your Majesty."

Pluto looked from Shining to Cadance wondering what they were thinking about all of this. Luna took a seat next to him and she turned her gaze to a servant that appeared at the table. She ordered French toast for the both of them. Shinning was still standing when Luna followed Pluto's gaze to him.

"At ease Captain, you know well enough by now that you don't need to be so formal."

Shining visibly relaxed and gave them a friendly smile. "Just doing my job your Majesty, now that we have that out of the way could you please give us the honor of introducing your guest?"

She returned the smile with much more enthusiasm. "This is Pluto. He and I are courting."

Pluto had to try his hardest not to laugh at the reaction of Cadance and Shining. Shining was in the middle of taking a drink and when she mentioned the courting part he started coughing into the drink. Cadance however was beside herself with excitement. Bouncing up and down in her chair she started asking a barrage of questions.

"Really? Where did you to meet? How long have you to been a couple? Oh, and tell me everything about your first date. You have been on a date right?"

Luna went on to tell them how they had met, how they had ended up talking at the pond, and a brief summary of both the dates they had been on. As she talked the grin on Cadance's face grew wider, and after the story of the second date Shining couldn't help but grin a little as well. No sooner than when she finished the story of their second date the food she had ordered arrived for herself and Pluto.

Pluto leaned over to Luna to mutter in her ear. "Um... I can't use utensils... I don't know how."

She whispered instructions in his ear. "Just concentrate on holding the object. When you feel a sort of tingle in your hoof then you'll know that you did it right."

He watched as she placed his hoof on the fork sitting on the table. "Just concentrate. You'll get it."

He took a deep breath and placed the image of his hoof holding the fork in his mind. 'I can do this. It's simple; all I have to do is concentrate.' He breathed out slowly and slowly put a little more pressure on the fork. After a second he felt something happen in his hoof. It was a bizarre sensation almost like when his leg or arm would fall asleep but not as unpleasant. This was somewhat comforting. He lifted his hoof up and to his amazement the fork stayed with it. He sat there staring at it for a second with the largest grin he had ever worn in his life. 'I just performed simple magic! This is so cool'

He spent only a few seconds having a minor fanboy moment when his stomach reminded him why he and Luna had come down to the hall to begin with. He started on the toast with the enthusiasm of the starved. Cadance and Shining were watching him with interest as he ate. Cadance cleared her throat to get his attention.

"So Pluto how are you adjusting to being a pony now? I imagine that going from bipedal to quadruped is quite strange."

Pluto swallowed and wiped his mouth before he spoke. "It has taken some getting used to. I'm still getting the hang of some of the simple stuff like walking and picking things up. The weirdest part is having wings now."

He gave a small flap of his wings to demonstrate his point. Cadance was about to ask another question to Pluto when a loud *BAMPF* interrupted her. All of the ponies in the hall jumped and looked around for the source. Pluto found it first when Twilight Sparkle started poking and prodding him while taking down notes on a floating clipboard.

"This shouldn't be possible, you're not possible and yet here I am studying you. Everything seems to be correct even down to the cutie mark. Mane resembles Cadances more than that of the sisters, much larger than an average pony but still not as tall as Celestia-"

Twilight was cut off by Shining placing his hoof on her mouth. "Twily what are you doing here?"

Her expression changed from studious to suddenly surprised to overjoyed. She leaped at Shinning and started hugging as if she would never get another chance.

"SHINY! What are you doing here?"

He gave her a deadpan grin. "I work here remember?"

She blushed. "Oh right..."

Luna cleared here throat so as to catch the room’s attention once more. Twilight and Shining separated and turned to face her both of them slightly blushing.

"I see you got my letter. I hope this hasn't inconvenienced you in anyway."

Twilight went into full student mode. "Not at all. I had nothing planned for the day and the letter you sent me was something I couldn't pass up. So how did this happen?"

Luna walked over to her. "The how and why is not the reason I asked you here. I wish for you to help me teach him some of the more basic points in magic. I believe we should move into the garden for the lessons now."

Luna motioned for Pluto and Twilight to join her. They did so but not without Pluto nearly tripping on the chair. He gave a short laugh and moved to join both of the mares at the door. He was almost their when a hoof gripped his shoulder. He turned to see Shining next to him.

"Princess Luna do you mind if I talk to him for a second?"

Luna nodded. He led Pluto into the hallway and went out of earshot of Luna and Twilight, both of whom were standing in the doorway. They stopped and looked at each other for what felt like an hour within a second.

"You love Luna?"

A nod was his answer. "And you would do whatever you could to protect her?"

Another nod. Shining gave him a much more serious look. "And you will do nothing to harm Twilight or any of her friends?"

It was almost a statement. Pluto looked into Shining's eyes and saw an emotion he couldn't quite describe. It was somewhere between passion and protective brother. Pluto drew himself up to his full height, which was still considerably taller than Shinning.

"I will do nothing to harm anyone that I meet. I would rather put my life on the line than to harm Luna, or Twilight for that matter. You have my word."

Shining gave him a satisfied smile. "Then in that case, welcome to Canterlot. I'm going to have to get you some security clearance for the rest of the castle so Luna doesn't have to foalsit you all the time. I think I'll see you at Twily's party."

Pluto returned the nod as they both walked back to the three mares standing at the doorway. Shinning walked over to Cadance and whispered something into her ear. She giggled and gave Twilight a quick hug.

"I'll see you later Twilight. You will be joining your parents and us for lunch next week right?"

Twilight returned the hug with much enthusiasm. "I will. It was nice seeing you both again."

Shining gave Twilight a hug as well and set off with Cadance down the hall, the pair of them talking quietly. Pluto turned to the pair of mares that were now his teachers. 'Great, and here I was thinking I was done with school for the rest of my life.' The trio walked out into the gardens and began the lesson.

"Now Sam what you need to do is—"


She looked at him. "What?"

He gave his wings a stretch. "Call me Pluto now."

She looked at him for a few seconds then her face brightened up in a realization. "Oh, you gave yourself a pony name. I read a study on that sort of thing. When a creature is in an environment that they are the only one of their kind they tend to adapt some if not most of the culture to fit in—"

Luna silenced Twilight by placing her hoof to her mouth. "I'm certain that this is very interesting but I think we should focus on the task at hoof."

Twilight blushed and cleared her throat. "Of course. Sam, er... Pluto, let's begin with telekinesis."

The hour passed very quickly for the trio. Pluto was surprised by how quickly he was picking up on the basics of magic, Twilight was having a great time being the teacher instead of the student for a change and Luna was watching the foal like grin on Pluto's face get wider and wider with every successful use of magic.

As the hour passed Pluto only got better and better with his magic. When Luna walked over to him and tapped his shoulder he was levitating no less than ten books around himself. He looked up from the books and gave her a bashful smile.

"Too much?"

She shook her head and leaned closer. "No, you're doing fine. I think we should get heading to the party. Pinkie did say only an hour. I already sent a message ahead to let them know we are coming."

He placed the books down into a neat stack. "Alright."

Luna walked over to Twilight, who was busy writing in a notebook, and cleared her throat. "Twilight?"

She looked up from her notes. "Yes Luna?"

"I think it would be for the best if we went to your library to retrieve some books for Pluto to use."

Confusion pasted over Twilight's and Pluto's face. Twilight however was the one to speak the thought that ran through both of their minds.

"Why does he need to borrow books from the Ponyville Library? I'm certain the Royal Library has almost every book ever printed in its collection."

Luna gave her a gentle smile. "That is true. From what Celestia has told me you have read a good portion of those books however I have made a decision to take a small vacation to Ponyville for a while. It would be easier for him to return borrowed books this way."

The lavender unicorn nodded at the logic. "Okay. Should I cast the teleportation or should you?"

Luna waved her hoof dismissively. "I shall cast it. You have been so patient with Pluto that it's the least I could do to repay you."

The three of them stood close together. As the energy rushed over them Pluto braced himself, but when he did he felt a wing lay itself over his back. He looked over to see Luna giving him a reassuring smile. The spell finished with a flash and when their eyes readjusted to the light they were all standing in front of a very familiar tree.

"Alright let’s just go on in and get you those books." Twilight beamed. The pride of getting to lend books to royalty clear on her face.

The trio made it to the door in less than a second. The next second when the door opened was a blast of sound that made the Royal Canterlot Voice look like Fluttershy's whisper.


Twilight was stunned. "Whu.. what's going on?"

Naturally Pinkie was the first one to reach the guest of honor. "Well DUH! it's a party for you and not just a normal party but a birthday bash extravaganza of a party! It's all for you, the bestest of best pony's! Spike told us you didn't have anything planned for your birthdays so we all got together and said 'well that can't happen' and then we all planned this super-duper party for ya. So are you surprised? Are ya, are ya, are ya?"

Twilight grew silent and sat on the floor. From where Pluto and Luna were standing they couldn't see what was going on but could tell from her body shaking slightly that she was now crying. Before any of the ponies in the room could react Twilight's horn glowed and grabbed five ponies from around the room. They all were dragged into her out stretched hooves and received a warm and loving hug. Over the 'dwaaa's' and 'that's so sweet's' Pluto could just barely hear the words 'You are my best friends. Thank you'.

After the hug the party went into full swing. Music, dancing, sweets, and presents like only Pinkie could do. Celestia entered the building flanked by Shining and Cadance. As soon as Twilight saw them she rushed over and hugged each of them. Soon after that she was busy talking to Celestia about her studies and thanking her for coming to the party. Almost everypony that Twilight had ever made friends with were there having a good time.

Luna and Pluto watched from near a bookcase the pair of them simply cuddling when a hoof tapped Luna on her side. She looked down to see all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing there.

"What can I do for you young ones?"

Apple Bloom took a calming breath and took a small step forward. "We were wondering if you knew where Sam is. Ah haven't seen him since yesterday."

Luna glanced over at Pluto. He was looking at the three of them with a smile on his face. "I think my friend here can answer that for you. I think I hear the Mayor calling my name."

She rose from her seat and walked into the crowd leaving Pluto and the three fillies. He looked down at the trio and gave them a smile.

"I'll give you three guess's to get my name right."

All three of them let out a scream of delight and pounced on him. He was knocked down due to both his own lack of balance and the weight of three fillies ramming into him. The giggling and dog pile style hugging didn't go unnoticed by a very pink pony. Pluto felt another weight join into the pile and in a few moments he was pulled into a sitting position with Apple Bloom on his head and Pinkie bouncing in front of him wearing a smile that made him smile as well.

"OMYGOSH! How did I not notice your new hair cut Sam! I should have said something earlier but I was busy getting hugged by Twilight. Did you know she can really hug? OOO! We should go show your new style to Rarity!"

Pluto found himself being dragged through the crowd at a speed he didn't think was possible. He soon found himself standing next to Rarity and having nearly every set of eyes on him. The rest of the party was filled with Pluto talking to everypony and explaining the change that happened to him. It was almost three hours later that he was able to extract himself from the party and take a breather on the balcony.

"So are you gonna move up to Canterlot now?"

He turned around to see Apple Bloom standing there with a small frown on her face. He waved her over to stand next to him. She sat there and joined him at watching the clouds roll by.

"I might move there."

She moved closer to him. "If you did would you visit?"

He looked down and noticed small tears beginning to form in her amber eyes. He reached down and hugged her. "Of course I would. You were my first friend here aside from Luna. Don't worry about that yet because I think Luna wanted to spend some time here in Ponyville before we make our relationship official."

Apple Bloom hugged him tightly. "You're my friend to Sam. I was worried that I wasn't gonna see you again without saying good-bye."

He was touched by the gesture. There moment was ended when Luna sat down on his other side. "Apple Bloom would you please give me a Pluto a moment?"

Apple Bloom nodded and gave the couple a smile as she walked back to the party.

"She seems fond of you."

He gave her a playful smile. "Worried about competition?"

She playfully hit him with her hoof. "Of course not. I was merely remarking on the fact that you managed to make friends with one so young. I myself have made friends with Pipsqueak and many of the other children here in Ponyville."

He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I was just joking."

She nuzzled him back. "I know. So I know moving here to Ponyville might seem sorta sudden but I was hoping that it would give us some time to get to know each other a little better and you could get used to your new body before we make a public announcement."

He moved closer to her. "That's fine. Whatever makes you happy will make me happy as well."

He glanced over to the doorway and noticed a rather large group of fillies and colts watching them. The leaders of the group were Pipsqueak and Apple Bloom, both of whom were giggling.

"I think we have a fan club." He muttered to Luna.

She cast her gaze over to the group. "Then let’s go entertain them."

They both rose and ran after the group. The children went screaming and laughing as they ran. Pluto knew that this party was the beginning of becoming part of the Ponyville, and in fact all of Equestrian life. He wouldn't have it any other way.