• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

OMAK: Swap

Author's Note:

So, with Zeus steadily plugging away at getting his next chapter up (including all the parts of mine in it thus keeping me behind) I decided I'd do a fun little idea that popped into my head, I hope you guys find it cute and fun.

James woke up with a loud yawn while he pulled his back up and stretched out his arms. The young ginger haired teen ran some fingers through his bedridden hair as he blinked fully awake. Curled up beside him beneath the covers, her warm, silver fur pressing against him was Youko, his Ninetales, a happy smile on her sleeping face. Unconsciously, the Ninetales pressed her head closer against his waist, a low murr leaking out of her lips. The man smiled as he reached down to scratch her head lovingly.

“Morning sunshine,” he said softly.

Youko leaned into the scratch and her eyes fluttered open slowly. Oh... good morning James, she said with a soft yawn from her feminine lips. Mmmm you smell grand today, like fire and smoke... she let out another yawn and nuzzled his naked thigh.

James chuckled softly. “I guess the after effect of sleeping next to a fire,” he said, running a hand down her back.

More then likely, she agreed with a foxy grin as she got up and stretched, turning around and bending down as she stretched her back, her tails parting and swirling just enough. Mmmm that’s a good stretch.

“Looks like it,” he said, patting her back with a soft smile before letting out another yawn.

Youko finished stretching and turned, padding up his stomach so that she was standing on his chest and leaning down to lick his face several times, a happy grin on her face as she did so. So how are you my love? Sleep well?

The man smiled down on her. “Very well, I had a lovely dream involving you and me,” he said before he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

Oh? she asked curiously, pulling away from his face to sit down on his chest regally, her tails flaring out. What happened in it? Was I your dashing partner? Your fearsome lover? Some combination of the two?

“My beautiful princess, dancing with me inside a ball room the likes the world has never seen,” he replied, eyes closing to recall part of it.

Youko smiled and moves forwards to rest her muzzle against his chin. Well, I can’t do that but I hope you don’t mind too much, she replied, her eyes closed. I can only be the very best Ninetales I know how to be.

James smirks at her and kisses her on the snout. “I couldn’t ask for any better, you know that my silver sunshine.”

The silver Ninetales smiled back and licked him on the lips. Thank you my love, she replied, smiling as an almost purring noise exited her throat while she delivered a single nuzzle to his chin. So, shall we go downstairs or just snuggle all day? You’re on vacation so we could do that, I know that I’d certainly enjoy more time snuggled up against you... or other things. She raised a playful eyebrow at him and he felt one of her tails dart under the covers.

“Maybe after breakfast,” he replied with a soft smile. “I do need to eat after all. Plus I know you want me to cook your favorite meal right?”

Mmm, a roasted Tauros omelette with MooMoo cheese, the Ninetales said, a bit of drool leaking out from her jaws before she blushed faintly and whipped at it with a paw. Yes, yes I’d love it if you cooked me one.

“Why of course, I wouldn’t dare to think of denying you your favorite meal. I would miss the look you make every time you think of it,” he said with a chuckle as he got up from the bed and head for his dresser.

Youkosmiled and hopped off of the bed, following along beside him, threading around his legs, tails wrapping and unwrapping with every pass. True, and that would be just the worst thing ever wouldn’t it?

“Indeed it would,” he said with a smile as he got some underwear and pants on before pulling over a simple white t-shirt. “I love the facial expression you do everytime I put a plate down in front of you. It’s priceless really.” He chuckled again as he began to make his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Oooooh, so I amuse you do I? she inquired playfully as she walked down the stairs beside him. What if I were to take offense to that and curse you to some terrible fate?

“Then how will you live with yourself if there’s no one to serve you any more Tauros omelettes?” James asked with a witty smile. “The horror of having to eat regular Pokechow for the rest of your life!”

The horror! The horror! Youko shrieked in his mind before giggling. That really would be an awful fate, almost as bad as just not having you here with me.

James nodded his head. “Yes, yes it would,” he agreed as a hand reached down to brush against her back. “Which is why I know you will never curse me, because you love me too much,” he said with a light chuckle.

True, Youko agreed with a small mental chuckle as she brushed against him. Carry me? she asked, pouting up at him.

James rolled his eyes slightly but held out his arms for her to leap into, grunting slightly as all 45 pounds of her did so, curling up against his chest and licking his cheeks and jaw as her tails curled around his head. The man chuckled a bit as he continued to head for the kitchen and kissed her in between licks, secure that no one could see through their shaded windows.

Heheh, I love it when you carry me, she giggled in his mind and licked his lips again. You’re so strong James.

“It helps that I work out and you’re... so easy to carry,” he said with a smile.

I do make it rewarding, she agreed with a grin as she nuzzled his cheek with her forehead, completely missing what he’d probably been about to say. That and I’m adorable like this. She pulled her head away from his and pouted up at him.

“There’s no denying of that,” James assured her as they reached the kitchen. “You’re the most adorable Ninetails of them all,” he said, nuzzling against her snout.

And don’t you forget it, Youko agreed with a joking grin as she nuzzled back. If I ever catch you looking at another one I’ll tail whip you.

James smiled at her, though he knew she wasn’t joking about that last part. “You have my word.” He kissed her again before setting her down to start on working on her omelette

Youko smiled and licked his leg once before wandering out of the kitchen towards the living room where she found Lexius, the shiny Flygon on the couch, a small pink package pressed asleep on his chest. Morning Lexius, she said with a smile.

The Flygon looked down at the Ninetails and smile. “Ah, how’s it going Youko? Slept well last night?” he asked very quietly.

Yes, yes I did, Youko replied with a grin. James was in a rougher mood than usual so I had a very nice time, the sleeping wasn’t bad either with his cute butt beside me.

Lexius chuckled lightly. “Well, I’m glad the two of you had a good time, and as you can see so did Ribbon,” he pets the Sylveon extremely gently. “She always enjoys it whenever we fly and mate at the same time, I think it helps her to just forget everything and enjoy the moment at hand.”

Good, I’m glad, Youko replied as she walked forwards and nuzzled Lexius’ side. She deserves it after what she went through Lexius, she added softly as she rested her muzzle on his side and looked up at the sleeping form of Ribbon.

“I know...” he said in the same quiet tone with a sigh. “It’s not right someone as graceful as her should’ve been put in the hell she’d been in.”

We shut it down though, Youko said softly as she nuzzled him.

“Still... I wish I did tear her ‘owner’s’ throat out when I had the chance,” he said with narrowed eyes.

I would have helped, Youko agreed as she lifted her muzzle and got onto her hind legs so that she could lick him on the cheek. Anyways, I’m going to go back and wait for James to finish my breakfast, should I tell him you’re up or are you and Ribbon going to snooze all day? she inquired, not a drop of humor in her voice.

“You can tell him I’m up and Ribbon is asleep, and I wouldn’t mind getting something to snack on,” Lexius answered.

Will do, Youko said with a small nod as she left the two and walked back into the kitchen to see Lucy the Gardevoir sitting at the table already. Her eyes gazed into the distance, apparently lost in her thoughts and Youko knew better than to interrupt them. Lexius is up though Ribbon’s going to be out for a while, she told James who was in the middle of flipping her omelette over.

James nodded his head. “Noted, I’ll make sure not to make any loud noises then.”

I’m sure Ribbon would appreciate that, Youko replied, smiling as she hopped up into the seat beside Lucy’s.

The Gardevoir turned her head slightly and a soft smile touched her lips. Ah... hello Youko... it’s good to see you this... morning, she said, moving a hand over to gently pet the Ninetales with her blue energy.

Same to you, Youko replied, leaning into the blue energy as it ran down her body. Sleep well?

As I ever... do, Lucy answered quietly. As... I ever do.

“You want anything specific for breakfast Lucy?” James asked as he glanced over his shoulder, doing the final flip for the omelette.

Just some... toast... with butter and jam... please, Lucy replied, looking down at the table, her fingers drumming across it. And maybe... some milk if we have any to spare... James.

The man nodded his head as he turned around to set a plate full of a large Tauros omelette down in front of Youko. “I’ll get right on it, also did Lexius say he wants anything to eat as well?” he asked the Ninetails.

Youko was too busy staring at the large, meaty, cheese laden omelette, a goofy grin on her face, saliva dripping from her jaws, to answer him. Her ears were perked and her tales flowed around her in anticipation before she dove muzzle first into the center of it, jaw snapping out from one side to the other as she began to eat like a true canine.

...I believe... that he did, Lucy said quietly as she flinched away from the rabid display. Though... what that is... I do not know... I’m sorry... I could find out... but that would be a violation and... she closed her eyes, shivering horribly as memories swam through her mind.

James walked over slightly to rest a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. I’ll just give him some of the leftovers of the Tauros meat, but first let me make you that sandwich.” He patted her assuringly as he turns to head back to the counter.

... ... ... thank you, she said softly in his mind before she closed her eyes.

“Hey, it’s no problem,” he said with a smile as he went to the bread box to pulled out two slices and headed to the refrigerator to get the jam, butter and milk.

Youko was too embroiled in chewing her way through the omelette to do even notice anything else going on around her, small happy yips and purring sounds exiting from her body as her jaws flashed again and again into the yellow flesh.

... she is very... excited, Lucy said softly in his mind as she scooted a little further away from Youko. I... it’s rather... rather scary.

James chuckled lightly as he walked back with her two slices of toast, covered in jam and butter along with a glass a milk. “Yeah, it kinda is, but she’s just enjoys it a lot. I made it once for her when she a Vulpix and she never lost the taste for it.” He set the food and drink down in front of the Gardevoir.

Lucy closed her eyes and used a hand to try and bring the glass up to her lips, projecting energy at it as she did so. The glass wobbled for a moment before rising to her lips, she drank slowly, savoring the lovely taste of milk. It was the only luxury she’d ever known, and then set it down before starting to the slowly nibble on the bread.

Thank you... James... it is... it is lovely, she murmured in his mind, her eyes still shut as the simple yet amazing taste of the jam ran over her tongue.

“You’re welcome Lucy,” James with a soft smile as he quickly leaned down to give her a simple kiss on her cheek before leaning back up and heading back to the counter. The Gardevoir's eyes snapped open, color rising in her cheeks before she closed them again and let out a small sigh, returning to her meal, a small smile on her lips.

Youko had by this point finished her omelette and got up, walking over to James’ legs and rubbing against them. Mmm, wonderful as ever, she whispered in his mind. So very wonderful my love. Mmmm, definitely my second favorite meal you make me.

“Do I want to ask what the first is?” he said with a small chuckle, grabbing a towel and kneeling down to clean her snout.

Youko leaned in and licked his mouth once before letting him clean her exceptionally dirty snout. Well it’s something that you make naturally and is full of love so I’ll let you figure it out, she replied as she purred softly.

The man rolled his eyes slightly as he shook his head and finished wiping her snout clean. “I kinda figured it was that,” he said as he gets up to check on the frying Taurs strips for Lexius.

She has... a rather... one track mind... sometimes... Lucy agreed quietly as she kept her eyes firmly closed, concentrating on the bread hovering in front of her face.

Hey, it’s true, Youko shot back, a little indignantly. It’s like drinkin- she cut herself off as she realized who she was talking too. I... sorry.

It’s... fine... I do know what you are talking about but I... never found it to taste that good... now can we please... please... please... move on? Lucy all but begged.

“Yes, we can,” James said, shooting an irked look down at Youko before shaking his head.

Sorry Lucy... I wasn’t thinking, Youko replied, hanging her head.

Just... drop it, Lucy said. Her body was shaking slightly. Please.

Youko just nodded and slunk out of the room, ears back against her head, good mood utterly destroyed. James walked over to her to giver her a small pet against the back of her head. “Let’s just forget it and move on? Like what we are going to do today?” he said before heading out with a small plate in his hand to hand over to Lexius.

I thought we said cuddling earlier, Youko said, leaning against him as they walked towards the couch. I’m all for that if you are.

“We can do that for a while, but not the whole day,” he replied in a soft voice as he handed the plate over the Flygon who nodded his thanks as Ribbon continued sumber on his chest. “Like maybe once everyone is up we can go to a Pokepark,” he added for an example as he headed back to the kitchen. “Or maybe go on a hike or something.”

Hmm, I kind of want to go to the park and get a good run in... Youko said with a small frown as she looked up at him. No staring at Poke asses though! At least, other than mine!

James rolled his eyes. “I promise I won’t look at any other Pokemon rear,” he said with a small shake of his head with a thin smile across his lips.

Good! Youko replied with a grin as she stretched up on her rear legs to lick his face. Carry me up the stairs?

“You do know I haven’t had my breakfast yet?” he infromed her.

She blinked twice. Oh right, sorry, she said, blushing faintly before she licked his face again. I always forget that I don’t take that long to eat.

“That you do,” he said with small chuckle as he went to make himself a simple PB&J sandwich.

Lucy was gone, most likely having fled back to her room leaving the two of them alone in the kitchen for the moment. I really am sorry about what I was saying before... I’m just not used to having her here yet, Youko said quietly in James’ mind. It’s only been... heck... three weeks?

“Yes, and I’m not mad at you, but you do have the tendency to run your mouth without thinking,” he said as began to spread the peanut butter over the two halves of his sandwich. “Something you need to work on now that she is here.”

Yeah, yeah I do, she agreed, letting out a sigh as she threaded between his legs. Oh well... we’re still going to the Pokepark and I’m looking forwards to it!

James smiled and nodded his head and began to eat his sandwich. After he finished eating and licking his fingers clean, he then held them out for her to jump into. Youko smiled and did so, hitting him in the chest with her body hard enough to make him stagger for a moment as she began to lick his face.

He began to chuckle as he got a better grip on her. “Hey, you don’t want me to fall down now do you?”

Hehe, sorry, I just like doing that, she replied playfully as her tails curled around his head and she nuzzled him lovingly. Besides, you’re my strapping ranger, you can take it.

“Yes, but sometimes you could take me off guard with your strenght,” he tells her as he began to make his way upstairs.

Oh well, you caught me and that’s what’s important, Youko replied with a smile on her muzzle as she licked his face. Mmmmmm I love you James, she said as she rested her head against his neck, closing her eyes. I love you so... so... so much.

“And I love you too my silver sunshine,” he said, nuzzling her head as he made it to his room. He sat down on the side of the bed and lay down, still holding onto the Ninetales.

Heh, I love that name, it makes me sound like a soda brand, Youko said as she nuzzled him back, licking him again.

James chuckled in amusement. “Really? That what it sounds like that?”

To me anyways, she agreed, nuzzling her head against her chin as her tails swirled around his legs. Drink Silver Sunshine! It’ll make your hair shiny and brighten your day! she said with a smirk though he couldn’t see it.

The man shook his head. “Definitely does sound like a drink when you put it like that.”

Heheheheh, oh well, I like it anyways, she said, snuggling closer to his chest. It means that you love me.

“Yep, that is true,” he said with a nod of his head while a hand ran up and down her back.

The fox let out a purr and nuzzled against him more, her eyes closed as she luxuriated beneath his hand. Mmmm that feels good. You know just how to pet me.

“Years of practice,” James said with a smile. “All I have to do is just pay attention to your purrs to know when I reach the right spot.”

Youko gave his chin a lick and purred a bit more as her tails curled tighter around him. That’s true, and you’ve had since I was a Vulpix to figure them out so you’ve got that going for you too. She smiled. Heh, I was such a cute little thing back then.

James closed his eyes and nodded his head. “Oh yes you were... and curious a little thing. Sticking your nose into lots of crooks and crannies you could get.”

Heheh, yes, yes I did, she replied and then chuckled. And didn’t that give you a surprise one day. Though out of fairness, I knew exactly what it was before I stuck my muzzle there.

James chuckled softly. “Still, I wasn’t expecting you to do it and you couldn’t blame me from reacting the way I did.”

My muzzle still smarts when I think about it, Youko said with a small chuckle. Right across it, heh. I won’t say I didn’t deserve it but... I’d been longing for you for a while and you’d been ignoring me.

“Hey, I didn’t have a physic with me at the time to know,” James said with a shrug.

True, and you were only fifteen, so I guess I should have realized how dim you were back then, she said with a small chuckle, licking his cheek. Teenaged boys have no idea when a girl likes them.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, hardy, har har,” he said flatly before nuzzling her face.

Heheh, that’s the only reason I can come up with for you not realizing why you woke up with me sleeping on your face every morning with my tails around your face, she replied with a giggle.

“Don’t remind me,” he said with a shake of his head. “I still can’t believe you did that.”

Hey, a vixen’s gotta do what a vixen’s gotta do, she replied with a chuckle. Besides, it’s not like you minded that much.

His eyes glanced away slightly. “A bit... mostly after the third or fourth time...” he shook his head. “Still, you could’ve waited till I could get a fire stone to evolve you into a Ninetales.”

True but that ended up taking another year and at the time I just wasn’t willing to wait that long, she replied, snuggling closer to him. And in the end, it worked out alright for us didn’t it? None of the other Rangers have found out so far and unless one of them bursts in right now, they’re not going too. We’re happy together and I love you more than anyone else on earth.

James smile as he hugged the Ninetales closer to his chest. “True, and I love you all the same Youko.” He kissed her on the snout.

Youko smiled and licked him on the lips. Thank you James, I love you too. She then ducked her head into the bottom of his chin and purred heavily as her tails ran down his legs happily. James just smiled happily as he closed his eyes and rested his head down on the pillow, content with her warmth and the softness of her fur pressing against him.

I love the park! Youko exclaimed with a grin as she rubbed against James’ legs as they walked down the gravel path of the park. It’s the best place to go to just run around!

“That they are,” James agreed with a nod of his head. “And to play Frisbee too.”

Youko’s eyes darted up to said Frisbee, red and black with a Firestone emblazoned in the center. Oooh yes, I love Frisbee!

James smiled down at her as he waved the Frisbee in front of her, Youko’s eyes watching it intently. “Well then... go get it!” he yelled as he flung his arm out and it soared through the air.

Youko shot off like a bolt of lightning after the Frisbee, her legs pumping hard beneath her as she built up speed and then launched herself at it, grabbing it out of the air in her jaws and landing stylishly, tails flaring. Hah! You are mine!

James chuckle with a smile. “Good girl, but I was going easy on you on that one,” he said, holding his hand down for her to give it back to him. Youko walked over and gave it to him, or seemed to anyways, at the last minute she clamped her teeth down on it.

Are you man enough to take it from me? she challenged rebelliously.

The man raised an eyebrow at he before grasping the disk with both hands. “One way to find out,” he said with a challenging smile as he pulled back.

Youko replied in kind, pulling back just as hard with all of her might, starting to pull him forwards, growling playfully the whole time. James just chuckled as he continued to play tug-of-war with her, the disk going back and forth between the two of them. Youko held on tightly until James thought he was winning and then suddenly let go of it, causing him to stumble backwards, hitting the ground with an ‘oof’ as she charged forwards and began to lick his face.

I win! she cheered in his mind.

James rolled his eyes slightly and pet the back of her head. “Yes, you win,” he said with a small chuckle. She continued licking him for another few seconds before she reversed, getting off of him and swatting him on the face two or three times with her tails.

Again! she exclaimed in his mind.

“Alright, alright,” he said, pushing himself back up and dusting his pants with a hand. He then held back his throwing arm and flung the Frisbee once more, it flying high and longer than before.

Youko grinned in excitement and took off after it, tails fluttering behind her as she ran, chasing the spinning plastic dish for all she was worth. Time seemed to slow down ever so slightly as her eyes locked on the disk and then, her knees bending, she launched herself at it. The Frisbee connected with her jaws but she’d miss timed it and it fluttered over her head, it’s path uncertain. She landed with a slight stumble but her eyes snapped upwards again and she saw the Frisbee falling towards the ground a few feet away. With a yelp she leapt for it, her jaws snagging it out of the air a moment before it could touch the ground.

HA! I got you! Youko cheered, getting to her feet and giving the Frisbee a good shake. James ran up to her, panting slightly.

“Good catch, thought you were going to lose it for a moment,” he said, petting her head once more. Youko dropped the Frisbee and nuzzled him, licking him lovingly a few times like any other canine would. James smiles as he continued to pet her for a moment long before picking up the Frisbee and was about to through it again, but something caught his eye.

A red haired girl wearing a light green sundress was walking by with a Gallade, a soft smile on her face, what really caught his eye was that they were walking a little too close to each other down the path. In fact, their hips were touching and the Gallade was one hand gesture away from having his arm around her shoulder. Youko caught his glance and sniffed.

He’s been all over her, the Ninetales told James with a small frown. Should we do something?

James frowned slightly as the two walked by, tossing the Frisbee from one hand to the other. If we run into them later and there’s hard evidence of one manipulating the other, he replied loud enough for her to pick up.

Well then, let’s get back to it! Youko replied, grinning as she got back to her paws, clearly awaiting another round with the Frisbee, her tails flaring around her. James smiled and nodded his head as he tossed the Frisbee out once more, though after it was flying through the air his eyes glanced back at the girl and Gallade.

The Gallade was looking back at him, his eyes locked on James, a look somewhere between fearful and protective in his eyes. James looked at him for a short moment before turning away as if he saw nothing and waited for Youko to come back. The girl and the Gallade continued down the path as Youko sprinted back to him, Frisbee in her mouth.

Again! she cheered, a grin on her face as held it up to him.

James smiled down at her. “Of course, my silver sunshine,” he said as he took the Frisbee and the two continued to play in the park.