• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,498 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 32

“You know... we really should have brought Luke for this,” Kasai stated dourly as they walked through the waist high grass of the plains.

“Shuddup,” Abby replied with a frown. “I didn’t hear you saying anything back at the station.”

“I did actually, remember?”

Abby blinked twice. “You did?”

“Yes, I said are you sure it should have been just the two of us going out and shouldn’t we bring someone else out with us. But no, you said this would been a great time for us to ‘hang out’,” the Arcanine explained.

“Oh... oh right...” Abby said, her ears flapping back against her skull in embarrassment. “But you didn’t protest much...”

“You were distracting me,” the Arcanine pointed out, defending himself. “How was I supposed to think straight when you were promising me what you were?”

“By having the restraint to think logically about stuff,” Abby retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Abby, I’m a canine,” Kasai pointed out flatly. “I do as best I can to think about things logically, but sometimes...”

Abby sighed and nuzzled him. “Yeah, I know, I’m sorry... I’m just frustrated with myself, this was a stupid idea,” she stated, shaking her head. “I just... I thought that it would be so easy, I didn’t think that the plains were this...”

“Expansive?” Kasai asked, looking around at the literal miles of unrelenting green grassland. They’d been searching for Justice for five hours and the sun was beginning to start its descent from the heavens above.

“Yeah, expansive,” Abby agreed, her brow furrowing as she looked up at the sky. Unfortunately, the only thing she saw were the massive birds who were most certainly not Justice. She let out a sigh. “Sorry that I lead us on a wild Braviary chase...”

“Abby, it’s fine,” Kasai stated, nuzzling her. “We’ll find Justice out here eventually, it’s just a matter of me finding his scent. In the meantime, you and I should clear ourselves some space to rest.”

Abby frowned. “You sure? I mean, I think I can see in the dark and we could keep looking for Justice, I mean I owe him that much after leaving him out here for so long and-”

Kasai silenced her by licking her lips. “Justice will be fine Abby, he’s a big bird and he’s older than either of us,” he said calmly. “At the moment, you’re my pregnant mate and I don’t want you exhausting yourself looking all through the night for him.”

“But he could be in trouble,” Abby protested.

“The only one capable of giving Justice trouble was a Hydreigon,” Kasai pointed out. “Well, that and that one Electivire but that wasn’t really his fault.”

“Yeah... I know but...”

“Abby, no buts,” Kasai stated flatly, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “I’m not letting you work yourself into a fit over this.”

Abby was about to protest but Kasai’s stern golden eyes staring into hers stopped her and she simply nodded her head in submission. “Fine... you’re right,” she said quietly. She bowed her head but Kasai brought his down to nuzzle her gently, rubbing against her tenderly and licking her cheek.

“It’s okay Abby, I’m sure he’s fine,” Kasai told her soothingly as his warm fur caressed her side, sending fire through her body. The Ninetales let out a soft sigh and leaned against him, her eyes closing as her breathing regulated.

“I... I know,” she said. “I just don’t... I don’t want to fail him Kasai, I don’t want to fail anyone.”

“I know,” Kasai said quietly as he nuzzled her again. “And you haven’t, I promise you Abby, you haven’t failed any of us.”

Abby leaned against him more. “I don’t know... I mean... this whole time... I... I feel like I haven’t spent any time with Rill or Lex... I mean... I just feel like my family... our family... hasn’t been as together as it should be.”

“You’ve had a lot on your mind Abby,” Kasai said with a shake of his head, bending down to lick her across the cheek. “Rill and Lex understand that I’m sure, heck I bet if you asked Rill she’d say something like ‘have you not been more busy trying to work yourself into exhaustion?’ or something like that.”

“Yeah... yeah I guess,” Abby said, nodding her head. “It’s still no excuse for being such a bad trainer.”

“You’re not a bad trainer, Abby,” Kasai replied sternly. “You’re a great trainer, a Top Ranger, and my incredible mate. Stop doubting yourself.”

Abby sighed. “I don’t know if I can Kasai...”

“Why not?” he asked, nosing her. “You never had this problem before. Is it just because you’ve got some stupid voice in your head telling you that you might become an animal? Because that’s shit Abby! You’re Abby Trombley, Arceus dammit! You don’t quit for anything! You don’t take things laying down, and you most certainly don’t give up because of the doubts in the back of your mind!” His voice was so intense and full of passion that Abby almost flinched beneath it’s power.


“No! No buts from you Abby!” Kasai retorted, cutting her off, fire blooming in his eyes as he brought his face down in front of hers, locking his golden eyes with her red ones. “I’m sick of that. It’s not you. You’re my beautiful, talented, incredibly loving mate and I don’t give a damn what body you’re in, that will never, ever change! I don’t care what that idiotic thing in your mind tells you, I won’t let you become a mindless beast! You know why? Because! I! Love! You! Abby! Trombley!”

Abby stared into those golden orbs, so full of love that they were nearly overflowing. The Arcanine’s entire body was shaking and he stared at her intensely, his fur standing on end.

“You’re the most lovely woman in the world,” he told her, his voice lowering. “And I’ve loved you since I was a Growlithe. I didn’t care about what the laws said. I didn’t care if I was a puppy. I didn’t care about ANYTHING because you were so wonderful. You cared for me when I got sick. You helped me through my P.T. You had the most wonderful voice in the entire world to go with the most beautiful face of any woman or Pokemon I’ve ever met or seen on T.V. And you know what? I don’t even care about that in the first place! You could be the most ugly and disgusting looking person in the world and I still wouldn’t give a damn about it! Why? Because you Abby Trombley have the heart of someone truly incredible beating within your chest!”

Abby just stared at him, uncertain of what to say in response to that. “... thank you.” Was all she managed. “Arceus... I don’t deserve you.”

“And I possible don’t deserve you... but hey, we’re together anyways,” he stated as he nuzzled her passionately. “Because we’re just... right for each other. Whether you were a human or Pokemon, or heck, even if I was a human and you were a Pokemon we would still work it out. But enough is enough... I love you Abby, that will never change, and it’s my job as your mate to make sure you don’t over exert yourself and keep you cheered up.”

Abby smiled softly and nuzzled him back, her head finding its favorite place in the crux of his neck. “Thanks Kasai... I love you so much. You’re the most amazing Arcanine in the world and I thank Arceus himself for every moment I get to spend with you and dread the times when we’re apart.”

“So do I,” he replied, giving her a loving lick before he glanced up to nearly set sun. “Now... I think it’s time we find a place to make camp, don’t ya think?”

Abby nodded her head and looked around them at the tall grass. “I don’t think we’re going to find anywhere better than this... think you can beat down some of the grass so that we can sleep on it?”

Kasai gave her a toothy grin. “No problem my dear, I’ll have us a nice bed made in a matter of seconds.” He gave her another lick before walking out and began to use his tail and paws to beat down the grass as he walked in a small circle.

Abby sat on her bum and watched him, her nine tails swirling around her rear end, a smile on her muzzle as she did so. Once he was done she walked up and gave him a lick. “You know, because we’re all alone out in the open like this and not in a forest... you can really let loose like I know you like to do sometimes.”

Kasai gave her an archly raise of his eyebrows. “You sure? I mean, what you said is true but all that extra ‘weight’ might make it more difficult for you.”

“Well Kasai, if I’ve learned anything it’s that the more difficult things are in the short term, the better they feel in the long term,” she said with a saucy smile. “Besides, out here you can really light up the night can’t you?”

The Arcanine flashed her a smile. “Oh I bet I can... want to see just how much?”

Abby’s smile turned almost predatory as she advanced on him, hips swaying from side to side, tails swishing and sashaying. “Oh yes, yes I’d like to see that.” Her red eyes locked onto his and for a moment, they were all that mattered, then she jumped him.

Justice set down beside Claire on the branch and nuzzled her as the sun finally descended out of sight, the moon rising into the air. “Hmm, one more day and we’ll start making a nest for ourselves,” he told her thoughtfully. “My, those are some words I never thought I’d say.”

The Swellow chuckled lightly. “Oh really?” she asked with an inquisitive tilt of her head.

“Indeed, I never thought I’d actually see any of my chicks,” Justice said with a small nod of his head. “Let alone raise them myself.”

“Well if you’re worried you won’t be a great father, I’m sure you’ll do find,” Claire assured him as she nestled into his side.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll do fine, I’ll instill them with a great sense of Justice,” Justice said with a grin.

Claire let out a merry chuckle that rang out for a good minute before she took in a deep breath and let out a happy sigh. “Oh, I bet you will,” she replied with a large smile. “My soldier bird.”

Justice grinned and leaned down to nuzzle her once more from his impressive six foot height. “You know, it always amazes me that you’re not afraid of me my little bird, I am rather massive, even for a Braviary.”

“That you are,” she agreed with a nod of her head. “But I know that inside that massive, strong, intimidating body of yours, there’s a gentle heart in it as well.”

“Why thank you my dear,” Justice said, a smile crossing his beak. “As for you, you’re an intelligent, beautiful little bird both inside and out.”

“I like to think so as well,” Claire said with a smile. “So thank you for reassurance, heh.”

“Oh, I’m sure you hardly need any,” he said, wrapping a wing around her. “After all, one so smart as you needn’t worry about such things.”

“You’re right, I don’t,” she agreed, her smile growing as the warmth from within his wings transferred into her. “I’m gald you can see it that way, hehe.”

“Hey, I never didn’t think that you were smart, I just didn’t think you’d bother with a Pokemon like me,” Justice replied, chuckling. “I thought you’d be intelligent enough to settle down with someone more befitting of your obvious superiority.”

“I did,” she replied, glancing up at him with another large knowing smile.

“Oh, that’s right, I suppose you did didn’t you?” he asked, glancing down at her with a smirk.

“Mhm, and I think I made the right choic-” she paused with a frown. “Is that a flamethrower?” she asked with a small frown as she noticed something lighting up the night air between the gap from the wing draping over her.

Justice frowned and looked in the direction she was pointing. There was a flash of light as a column of fire split the night, followed by a smaller one. Justice frowned for a moment before nodding his head.

“Yes it was, it appears that a pair of fire types are getting frisky,” he said with a knowing expression.

“Huh... I didn’t know they did that,” Claire mused to herself. “I mean, launching their flamethrowers up in the air.”

“I only know because of the night I spent with a Talonflame,” Justice replied with a small chuckle. “Though in that case, it was more of a ‘ring of fiery passion’ as she put it. I kind of wanted to find her out there somewhere before you and I got together, she was fun and spunky.”

“Oh I’m sure she was,” she said with a small rolled of his eyes before they refocused on another sprout of fire in the air. “Well... the two of them seem to be having a good time at least.”

“That they do,” Justice said as he turned in that direction and focused his eyes. “... it’s Kasai and a Ninetales.”

Claire blinked blankly. “You sure it’s Kasai?”

“Do you know another shiny Arcanine with a mechanical leg?” Justice asked her with a raised eyebrow.

“No... when you put it like that... but if he’s here... then that means Abby shouldn’t be too far away and....” She stopped as a thought came to her. “Could it be she is the Ninetales?”

“Well, Kasai would never mate with anyone but Abby... but... how could she be a Ninetales?” Justice pondered with a frown.

“Remember that message Arceus sent a couple of weeks ago? Not only that but during my travels here I ran into a few... confused Pokemon who claimed to be human,” Claire explained.

“Really?” Justice inquired, frowning faintly. “Huh... then that Ninetales just might be Abby. Hrmmm... I don’t think they’d appreciate our interrupting them. We’ll go see in the morning okay?”

“Sounds fine to me,” Claire replied with a small nod of her head.

“Excellent! Oh I’m so glad that she’s alright!” Justice exclaimed, a happy grin on his beak. “I was so worried for her... so worried that she’d been without the strong guiding example of Justice, so worried that something bad had happened to her without the power of Justice watching over her!”

The Swallow chuckled lightly. “Well she seems to be doing fine... and yeah, it will be nice to see her, and hopefully she knows where Scarlet is too. It would be nice to see her and tell her the good news about me,” she said with a smile.

“Oh yes, speaking of that, do you think she will have any harsh words for me?” Justice inquired with a tilt of his head. “After all, Justice may be a force for good... but I haven’t always been as responsible as I should’ve.”

Claire frowned slightly. “Not that I can think of... I mean she very understandable, the only thing I can really be certain of is that she might want to talk to you in private.”

“Makes sense,” Justice said with a small nod of his head. “Oh well, I’m sure I can take whatever words she has for me, after all, Justice is unbreakable.”

“What about if she sends Lance after you,” she replied with a small teasing grin.

“Then I will fly away,” Justice replied. “Or, grab him by the wrists and fly away, one or the other. I’m not getting into a straight fight with someone made of blades, heh. Despite what they say, I’m not blind.”

Claire chuckled. “Which is a good thing, though for warning, never grab Lance by his arms. He probably knows ten different ways to get out of grip like that.”

“Fair enough,” Justice replied before a pair of Fireblasts lit up the night, a pair of burning passionate stars in the sky. “Well, I think that was the last of that, shall we sleep my dear?”

Claire nodded her head. “Yes, let’s.” She nestled herself once more deep into his side. “Goodnight Justice.”

“Goodnight Claire,” he replied, pulling his wing tighter around her and bowing his head down. Claire did the same, letting out a happy sigh as the sound of his heart put her to sleep.

Abby awoke the following morning feeling extremely happy, curled up beside Kasai’s warm side, his hot breath washing over the back of her neck. It may have smelled bad, but that didn’t stop Abby from loving the sensation. After all, he was her amazing mate, a bit of dog breath was nothing really. Besides, she was sure that her breath wasn’t all that wonderful either. A smile played across her face as she turned to see the Arcanine’s sleepy face curled up against her, his lickable ears bent down against his head.

The Ninetales was suddenly reminded of when the pair had shared a bed in Cynthia’s house back when she was still a human and a small smirk crossed her face as she leaned over and licked the outside of his ears. The ear twitched away and the Arcanine muttered in his sleep as his head rolled slightly to reposition itself.

Abby smirked and continued to lick his face all over, no spot of his head was safe from her pink tongue. Kasai suddenly awoke and flinched away from the rapid assault. “Alright, alright, I’m up!” he said as he pulled his head away and push himself up to a sitting position.

“That you are, heh,” Abby said, smiling up at him before sticking her tongue out at him. “Sleepy head, wet head.”

He gave her a small, flat annoyed frown. “Well, your fur is all messed up, so I’m not the only one waking up with a bad fur day.”

Abby glanced down at herself and blinked, her fur really did look a mess. “Oh well, I don’t really mind, I’m just happy to have you here with me,” she said, moving forwards and putting her head into the crook of his neck.

Kasai let out a small sigh and nuzzled her once. “Yeah... that is true.”

The vixen was about to say something when the sound of large wings flapping towards them reached her ear. She frowned and cocked her head to the side, glancing in the direction of the sound. Her expression split into a wide smile as she saw who it was that was flapping his way towards them.

“Justice!” Abby cheered with a grin.

“Abby! It is you!” Justice called back as he increased his speed and then came to a rapid stop in front of them, sending out a whirlwind in either direction as he descended and sent grass flying.

The Braviary wasted no time before he rushed up to her and pulled her into a large winged embrace. The Ninetales grinned and got up on her hind legs, licking his noble face and the Braviary nuzzled her back, a happy laugh rolling out of his throat

“Oh Abby, I was so very worried about you!” the Braviary said, shaking his head once the assault had stopped. “I know how much trouble you can get in without the guiding talon of Justice.”

“Hey, I didn’t get in that much trouble,” Abby protested.

“Mhm,” Justice harrumphed before glancing over at Kasai. “How much truth is there in that statement Kasai?”

“Kind-of half true,” the Arcanine replied. “I mean, that whole curse thing wasn’t totally her fault but-”

“Kasai!” Abby cried, annoyance in her voice. “Don’t ruin the happy moment.” She then nuzzled into Justices’s warm feathers. “I’m happy to see you Justice.”

“And I’m happy to see you as well little Abby,” Justice replied, nuzzling her. “Oh, and I have some rather good news.”

“Oh?” Abby inquired, raising an eyebrow at him before she licked his beak again.

“I found myself a mate,” he said with a grin.

“Another one?” Kasai asked. “That really isn’t new news you know?”

Justice rolled his eyes. “No, a real one this time, someone with whom I shall most likely stay with the rest of my life,” he answered with a shrug of his wings.

“Really?” Abby asked with a frown. “Who?”

“Me,” a new female voice spoke out as a familiar Swellow landed beside them. The Swellow smiled towards the two. “Hello Abby and Kasai, it’s nice to see you two again.”

“Claire?” Abby asked, tilting her head to the side.

“In the flesh,” Claire replied with a chuckle. “Surprised?”

“Yes actually,” Abby stated, nodding her head. “Oh, I’m sure you’ve been wondering about this so I’ll let you know now, I know where Scarlet is!”

Claire’s eyes perked up. “Really?” she asked excitedly. “Where is she?”

“She’ll be in Las Pegasus by the time we get back,” Abby answered, smiling at the excited Swellow. “She’s been worried about you.”

“So have I... slightly, but it’s nice to know she is safe and even found you,” Claire replied, a happy smile across her beak. “What about Lance or Vivi? Are they with her too?”

“Lance is,” Abby answered, nodding her head. “No sign of Vivi so far, though I’m sure she’s mostly taking so long because of all the huggable ponies around her.”

The Swellow chuckled and nodded her head in agreement. “That does sound like her... she probably made a ton of new friends by now.”

“Yes, well, I think it may be time for us to get back to the city,” Justice said, clearing his throat slightly. “Abby, Kasai, are you comfortable within my talons?”

Abby blinked twice. “Are you sure I can’t just get on your back?”

“I’m not sure...” Justice replied before shrugging. “But I’m sure it doesn’t really matter which way we do it.” The Braviary’s massive wings extended. “We’ll get there somehow I’m sure, heh.”

“We just have to get back to the train station and wait for the next train to come by, that isn’t too far away,” Kasai stated.

“That works too,” Justice said, nodding his head. “Shall we?”

“Sure,” Abby said, nodding her head, a smile on her face. “The family is back together and nothing will break us up ever again.”