• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 1,284 Views, 27 Comments

When Worlds Unite Up - The card holder

The Wonderful 101 decides to dispatch a group of Wonderful Ones to Equestria, hoping to secure an ally in the ongoing battle against GEATHJERK.

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Operation E-02: Discussions

About half an hour later, the scene inside the room hadn’t changed much. Elliot elected to take a quick nap, Mariana had starting to touch up her makeup, Luka sat on the bed, waiting, and Will just looked out the window, lost in his own thoughts.

Eventually, the silence was broken by the door reopening, and all four of them (excluding Elliot) turned to see Twilight standing there, her face looking slightly embarrassed.

“Well, funny thing,” she began. “it seems that the princess is awfully busy at the moment, and won’t get a chance to come down here to Ponyville for a while.”

“How long is a while?” Luka asked.

“Eeeeh, about… a week or so.”

Will digested this new information, then nodded. “We can live with that.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh. I was expecting you to not react so well to that.”

“Will we be staying here that whole time?”

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well, I suppose you could, but if you really wanted to, I could probably arrange for you to visit the rest of the town without everypony going into a panic.”

“Why would they panic?” Mariana asked.

Luka answered, “We just crashed here from space.”

“Oh, right.”

Twilight looked around the room awkwardly. “Well, if any of you have any questions, or anything, I’ll be in the library.”

This got Will’s attention. “You have a library here?”

“Yeah, it contains as many books as I could get a hold of. Why?”

“You wouldn’t mind if I take a look, would you?” Will’s genuine enthusiasm as a teacher was showing through.

Upon seeing that he shared her liking of books, Twilight smiled. “Oh, not at all! Just follow me, and I’ll take you there.”

With that, Twilight left the room, Will right behind her. The moment the door closed, Elliot began to stir, and got back up from his nap. “Hey, wait a second, where’s Red?”

“He went to the library,” Mariana explained. “You know how he is.”

Back in the forest, the rest of the mobilized Wonderful 101 were watching the nearby town with interest, taking care to stay out of sight of any passerby.

“You know White, I was wondering…” Green spoke up while slurping down a chocolate shake. “Are we supposed to really be doing anything here?”

“Red-san wanted us to keep an eye on the situation,” White replied, “and that we shall do.”

Green shrugged. “If you say so.” Suddenly, something caught his eye further in the town. “Wait, is that…?”

Grabbing P-Star and using the panicked robot as a pair of binoculars, Green confirmed his visual. “Is that a giant gingerbread house I see?”

White took the protesting robot, and also looked at the town. “It appears so, Green-san.”

Green pouted. “Oh, I really should have gone with them!”

White released P-Star and shook his head in mild amusement.

“‘The Bestiary of Southeast Equestria’,” Will read the title of a book off to himself. The sheer amount of books in the library was astonishing, especially since none of them had been read by a human before. “Ms. Sparkle, is it possible when we leave, can I purchase some of these books for my class? The children, and even my whole planet, should love these.”

“You’re a teacher?” Twilight’s eyes lit up.

Remembering his cover identity, Will stammered a bit. “W- Well, I mean, it’s nothing special… I’m just an elementary school teacher.”

Twilight nodded. “That doesn’t mean you don’t do something important, though. Why, I’m certain that you would be able to change the course of history with your job!”

Will fought the urge to smirk at just how right she was. Instead, he started to lose himself in the books, absorbing as much knowledge as he could. Twilight recognized what he was doing, and softly chuckled to herself.

Suddenly, there was a set of soft footsteps, and Spike walked up to Twilight, yawning. “Morning, Twilight.”

“Good morning, Spike. Any word from the princess yet?”

Spike blinked. “Er, for what?”

Twilight huffed. “Remember, earlier, when I had you send a letter to her about the aliens? And then when she sent back her reply?”

Spike scratched his chin. “I think I was still mostly asleep for that.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “Well, I guess that’s a no, then.”

Spike looked over at Will, who had lost himself entirely in his book. Shrugging, Spike started to walk off. “Is it alright if I go over to Rarity’s to help her with something?”

“You know, Rarity is here at the castle, along with the others.”

Spike nonchalantly turned around and started going the other way, not saying another word. Twilight giggled softly.

“Who was that?” Will suddenly asked, nearly making Twilight jump.

“Oh, that was Spike, my personal assistant.”

“He sure seems relaxed. Wasn’t he surprised at all by aliens?”

Twilight shrugged. “He’s no stranger to what happens in Ponyville, and honestly, aliens are kinda low on the list of odd things.”

Will let out a thoughtful hum, before starting to read his book again. Twilight, not wanting to disturb a fellow book enthusiast, left him to his reading.

“I still don’t like that blue guy,” Rainbow Dash grumbled, crossing her arms.

“Now now Sugarcube, I’m sure ya’ll can get along once you really talk to each other.” Applejack tried to provide the voice of reason to her athletic friend, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Personally, I’m not a fan of that Mariana character.” Rarity chimed in. “Did you hear what she said about my hair? Disgraceful!”

“Rarity, I could hear what you were saying,” Dash commented, “and you were insulting her way more than she did you.”

Applejack looked at the pegasus. “Y’all were busy gettin’ the hay beat out of you, and you heard that?”

Dash fumed. “I did NOT get the hay beat out of me! I beat the hay out of HIM!”

“I thought it was a lot of fun!” Pinkie put in. “I think I like those guys.”

“Pinkie, are you planning to throw a party for them?”


At that moment, Twilight entered the room. “So, anything else happen while I was gone?”

A chorus of “No” and “Nope” was her answer.

“Well, Will, the one wearing glasses, is in the library right now, reading… pretty much everything, it looks like.”

Dash flew up to her friend. “Wait, you’re just letting him learn all he can about Equestria? What if he reports it all back to his superiors?”

“Dash, are you still convinced that they’re spies for an invasion?”

“Oh, sure, ol’ Dashy must be crazy, just seeing potential threats wherever she goes! Just don’t blame me when I say ‘told you so’.”

“Dash has a point,” Applejack admitted. “Should we really let some strange alien learn everything about our culture? He could be learnin’ about how to disable magic spells, or somethin’.”

Pinkie waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fiiiiine. It’s not like they’re part of a secret band of about a hundred powerful people, with the ability to merge together in order to make giant shapes, which they then use in combat!”

Silence filled the room while the others processed what Pinkie said. Eventually, Twilight spoke. “Riiight, anyway, I think we should just sit and wait, and see what they do. If, by some small chance, they really are spies for an invasion, I’m sure we’ll be able to deal with it. We’ve fought worse, right?”

“Haven’t you seen Predahorse? What if they have laser cannons, or weird swords, or huge bombs, or—”

Dash’s ramblings were cut off by a well-placed hoof from Applejack. “Either way, Twi’s right. Fightin’ with Dash and Rares notwithstanding, they haven’t really done nothin’.”

“Haven’t really done anything.”

“I know what I said, Twi.”

Suddenly, there was a small crash deeper inside the castle, followed by barely audible muttering.

“Who’s there?!” Dash shouted, already on edge from her speculation.

There was a pause, before a voice unmistakably belonging to Elliot shouted back. “Hey, where do you guys keep the food? I’m starving here!”

Author's Note:

Just to let you people know that we're still doing this and also still alive.