• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 1,312 Views, 141 Comments

The Kingpin - ocalhoun

Private Investigator Twilight Sparkle takes on the toughest case of her career.

  • ...

A Search Party

Chapter 10 – A Search Party

The sound of Twilight's hoof against the polished wooden door of Filthy Rich's mansion died away slowly, without fanfare, as if the door itself scorned her intrusion.

Long seconds passed. Pinkie stood frozen in place on the broad marble doorstep, eyes glued to the door.

More seconds passed. Birds chirped in the distance. Twilight flicked her tail and scraped a hoof across the polished white marble.

Finally, without any sound of hoofsteps from inside, the doorknob clicked. With a low groan, the heavy door swung inward.

Behind it, in the relative dark of the hallway, a slim stallion glanced down at them with a slowly rising eyebrow. Both his black mane and his thick mustache gleamed of heavy oiling. “Can I help you?” he drawled.

“Yes.” Twilight smiled, expertly keeping her rising impatience hidden. “We would like to speak with Mister Filthy, please.”

The stallion's shiny eyebrow jumped even higher.

“Ah, Mister Rich, I mean.” Twilight glanced away, letting her ears droop.

“Of course.” Moments of still silence passed. The stallion stood and stared at them before finally stepping back.

The door slammed shut before either pony could step inside. Twilight glanced over to her partner.

Pinkie still stood, staring intently at the door. She hadn't moved a muscle.

“Um... Pinkie, are you okay?”

Pinkie's grinning face flashed up in front of Twilight. “Of course!” She bounced in place. “Why wouldn't I be?”

“Well, you've just been staring pretty intensely at–”

“Of course!” Pinkie fastidiously straightened the bowler cap on her head. “A good detective notices everything.”

“Investigator.” Twilight scowled. “Investigator's assistant.”

“Whatever. I still notice everything.”

One corner of Twilight's mouth curled up. “Oh, really? What color was the stallion's coat?”

“He wasn't wearing a coat, silly.”

“His fur.”

Pinkie's face went blank for a moment. “But.. but... that's not fair! The author didn't–”

The door sprung open without warning. Just inside, Filthy Rich stood, a slight frown on his face.

Twilight leaned close to Pinkie and whispered, “It was light blue, ha!” before looking back up at Filthy. “Good evening, Sir. I'm Twilight Sparkle, with Sparkle n' Shine Investigative Services.”

Filthy's eyes narrowed, almost imperceptibly.

“And, well, I'm here following up on a tip that someone in this household might be involved in racketeering or money laundering...”

“That's outrageous!” Filthy took a step back. “I can assure you, Miss Sparkle, that nothing of the sort is happening here!”

“Of course, of course.” Twilight gave her sweetest smile. “We just need to be thorough in checking up on all of our available leads. Since you have nothing to hide, I trust you wouldn't object to the two of us taking a little look around?”

Filthy's jawline visibly tightened. “Fine.” He glared at them for a moment. “Just make sure this one”– he thrusted a hoof at Pinkie –“doesn't break anything.”

“I'll be sure to do...”

Filthy stormed away down the plush-carpeted hallway, disappearing around a corner.

“...that.” Twilight shook her head and levitated up a magnifying glass. “Okay, Pinkie, come on, let's find some clues.”