• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,628 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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Dragons and Draconequus

Author's Note:

Episode 4 is available now :D

Applejack was up at sunrise with a satchel ready to go. She fought back a yawn as she started for Fluttershy’s cottage. Her family had kept her up half the night trying to understand what had happened. Applebloom bombarded her with questions, Granny Smith started telling stories from the Apple family’s past of perplexing plagues, and Big Macintosh… well; he let the others do the talking for him, but was certainly as curious. Twilight had told them to meet at the train station at 7:30, which was still quite a ways away but Applejack knew Fluttershy might need an extra hoof getting her animals all rounded up before they left. As the best herder in Ponyville, she was certainly qualified for just that.

When Applejack rounded the bend she was surprised to see Zecora heading her way. It wasn’t Zecora’s presence that surprised her, she had probably come early to take Fluttershy’s critters; it was the look of panic on her face.

“Zecora? Is something wrong?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack you must come with me, there is something frightful that you should see.” Zecora said, urging Applejack to follow her towards the Everfree forest. They only traveled a small distance before Zecora stopped her from continuing on. Applejack looked below them to where Zecora was pointing and her jaw dropped. The forest was being terrorized by a trio of dragons. It wasn’t uncommon to see dragons in Equestria, nor was it unusual that they would be in the Everfree forest. However, these dragons were behaving strangely; almost as if they were too wild. They rampaged through the trees knocking each other over and setting fire to the forest. Animals had long since scampered away, but these dragons still wandered about causing unnecessary damage.

“What in the hay is wrong with them?” Applejack asked again.

“These beasts are not like their dragon kind, something has taken them out of their right mind. Their trail of destruction has been carved for a mile; they’ve been causing trouble for quite a while!” Zecora answered. One of the dragons below let out an ear-shattering roar that shook the trees and caused Applejack and Zecora to turn away.

“Whoa nelly, that’s one heck of a bad mood if you ask me.” Applejack said, shaking her head to help stop the ringing in her ears. “Does anypony else know about this? Though I suppose it’s kind of hard not to with a roar like that.”

“No other pony has wandered by, except our dear friend Fluttershy. She was the one who had found them here; her animals had been fleeing from the forest in fear.” Zecora said.

“Fluttershy!” Applejack exclaimed. “Poor thing’s probably beside herself with worry!”

“She did not know what she should do, so I told her I would help to see this through. Perhaps now it is best to find Princess Twilight, her magic could help us to make this right.”

“No!” Applejack replied forcefully. “The last thing she needs is another catastrophe to fix. No, I say we head on over to Fluttershy’s and see what can be done from there.”

Zecora did not necessarily agree with Applejack, but she nodded all the same. The two of them headed back towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Fluttershy, get down from there!” Applejack said, looking up at an appletree outside Fluttershy’s cottage where she clung to the branches shaking like a leaf. When Fluttershy didn’t respond, Applejack tried jumping up to grab her tail.

“I can’t!” Fluttershy cried.

“Just let go.” Applejack said matter-of-factly.

“I mean I can’t go back out there!” Fluttershy corrected herself, finding it strangely easy to hang on so long without the need of wings. Applejack’s body was far stronger than her own.

“You can’t stay up there forever sugarcube.” Applejack said, trying to calmly coax her down.

“Didn’t you SEE them? There were three of them! And they were so fierce and angry. I can’t confront them, I just can’t!” Fluttershy said whimpering.

“Are you certain that Twilight could not be of use? I don’t think the forest can take much more abuse.” Zecora said.

“Twilight’s not the one who can stop these creatures with ease. Fluttershy’s talent with animals has gotten us out of plenty of scrapes before; including a full-blown adult dragon. These ones in the forest seem like they're a might smaller and younger than the one we faced.”

“But you’re forgetting that there are three of them!” Fluttershy reminded her from above.

Applejack looked back up at Fluttershy and tried to reason with her.

“You saw how stressed Twilight was last night. Don’t you think we could lend her a hoof on this one? You’re the best dragon tamer in Equestria, Fluttershy. Won’t you come down here and join us?”

Fluttershy whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, finally conceding and loosened her grip enough to let her back legs dangle down. With a frightened gasp she lost her grip on the branch and fell. Applejack soared across the room to catch her before she could hit the ground. Fluttershy smiled and thanked her.

“Well whaddya know? These things come in mighty handy if you ask me!” Applejack said flexing her wings and marveling at the fact that she could clumsily and temporarily fly. Shaking her head Applejack regained her focus on the task at hand.

“How do you suppose we stop these critters from fightin’ long enough to get Fluttershy to talk some sense into ‘em?” Applejack asked.

“I might know a spell that is easy to brew, but I need some leaves from a flower of blue. If somepony could help me seek out what I need; I could create a potion that would help us succeed.” Zecora said.

“Fluttershy, do you think you could help Zecora with her spell while I go talk to the others? I’ll send ‘em on without us; we can catch up with ‘em later when these dragons are under control.” Applejack said.

“I guess so.” Fluttershy said timidly. Applejack smiled and nodded to Zecora.

“We meet back here in half an hour.” She said then headed out the door.


When Applejack reached the train station the others were already there waiting to go aboard. Rarity was supervising her baggage being loaded onto the train.

“Be careful with that! There’s very delicate silk material in there.” She informed the pony holding one of her pieces of luggage.

“Yes ma’am.” He replied, making sure to set it down softly in the baggage car.

Applejack found Twilight and the others waiting for the all clear to get on board.

“Applejack, there you are!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Have you seen Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, Twilight about that…” Applejack began. She had to think on her feet and come up with a convincing lie; something that went directly against her nature. “There’s an issue at Sweet Apple Acres that I need to tend to before I can go to Canterlot. Seems there’s a pest threatening our apples. I’ve asked Fluttershy to help me out.”

“Is it parasprites? Do I need to go find my tuba?!” Pinkie pie asked.

“No no nothing like that. It’s just a few woodland critters from the Everfree forest is all. We’ll catch the next train to Canterlot.” Applejack answered.

It was at that moment the conductor called out for passengers to come aboard. Twilight looked from Applejack to the train and back.

“Are you sure? Do you need our help?” She asked concerned.

“No, I’m sure Fluttershy and I can handle it. Y’all go on ahead; we’ll get things sorted here.” Applejack answered.

“Twilight we have to go.” Spike urged.

“Alright Applejack, if you’re sure. Just meet us at the archives as soon as you get to Canterlot. Hopefully we’ll have found something by then anyway.” Twilight answered reluctantly. Applejack nodded and the others boarded the train. She couldn’t think of anything reassuring to say; the lie she told was already eating her up inside.

“Fluttershy and I will see you soon, ya hear?” Applejack called out to them as the train pulled away from the station. She waved until they were out of sight and heaved a sigh. She hoped she’d never have to lie to her friends again.


Back at Fluttershy’s cottage Zecora had the ingredients she needed and, with permission, she used Fluttershy’s kitchen to make her potion. While she was busy, Applejack still had some work to do convincing Fluttershy to help. They had come up with a few tentative plans, all of which were centered on Fluttershy. If the dragons could be reasoned with then it was Fluttershy who would do the reasoning. If not, her remarkable stare might get the job done.

“How do I even know if the stare works? I’m in your body; I’m only used to mine.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Why don’t we test it out?” Applejack asked.

“On one of my critters? Oh I couldn’t possibly do that to them!” Fluttershy gasped.

“I know it might be tough but I don’t see another option.” Applejack said sympathetically. “Maybe one of your critters would volunteer to help?”

Fluttershy’s animals were all gathered around and nodded in agreement. All except Angel bunny, who was sitting in his favorite spot on the couch munching on a few carrots.

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked, to which her animals repeated their gestures of approval. She sighed and closed her eyes, when she opened them again she gave them her famous stare. Much to her surprise it worked, and her animals watched her in frozen awe. Fluttershy only held the stare for a moment before returning back to normal. Applejack was smiling and Fluttershy returned the smile with a soft one of her own.

“That was mighty strange watching you make that look on my face. I don’t know how you do it Fluttershy!” Applejack complimented. “If all goes well we won’t need it, but we’ve got to be prepared for anything.”

Fluttershy nodded solemnly, she was still torn up about facing dragons, but she didn’t want to let down her friends. When Applejack saw she was getting frightened again, she attempted to distract her.

“What’s this here potion gonna do for us, Zecora?” Applejack asked. She and Fluttershy joined their Zebra friend and watched as she worked her mojo over a boiling pot of a strange green liquid.

“This potion will dispel with a resonating boom, a thick green cloud of a precarious fume. When the dragons inhale its strange earthy smell, they will be under a confusion spell.” Zecora answered.

“What if we inhale it?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“I have a spell that will protect us from harm, it is not a potion it is more of a charm. We keep it close to the chest so we will be immune, but we must move with haste it will wear off soon.” Zecora said, adding another ingredient to her potion and stirring it slowly.

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to all that. I think Fluttershy can talk some sense into these creatures.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy whimpered and fought back the urge to cry. No amount of reassurance would make her fear go away. Some part of her regretted letting Twilight and the others leave without her.


“Um, mister dragon?” Fluttershy said in a voice barely over a whisper.

“He can’t hear you Fluttershy.” Applejack called from her hiding place behind a bush. Applejack and Zecora were only a few feet away. Zecora’s potion was contained in a small flask that she held in her mouth, ready to break it if needs be.

“Mister dragon?” Fluttershy asked again, her voice was even softer than before, her legs shook and she squeaked in fear.

Applejack sighed and joined Fluttershy putting a hoof on her back with a reassuring smile.

“Hey!” She called out. “Could y’all quit your ruckus and hear us out?”

The dragons, now alerted of their presence, turned to the ponies and narrowed their eyes. One of them let out another mighty roar which caused Fluttershy to scream. The three of them began to charge at them. Fluttershy was frozen in fear. Applejack pushed her aside before one of the dragons could snatch her. The third dragon breathed a long line of fire at them. Applejack grabbed Fluttershy by the tail and dragged her behind a boulder to avoid the flame.

“Zecora!” Applejack called out.

Zecora threw her potion at the feet of the dragons. It did as she had said; exploding into a thick green cloud of smoke. The dragons stopped dead in their tracks and swayed uneasy on their feet. Applejack seized the opportunity and snatched her lasso. Her first attempt to lasso the first dragon failed. Fluttershy’s body was far weaker than what she was used to. She had to put forth a lot more effort just to keep the rope in the air long enough to aim it for the dragon. Once she had successfully caught the beast around the neck and tried to tug him away towards a nearby shallow cave.

“Fluttershy! I need your help!” she called out. Fluttershy was still hiding behind the boulder, her face buried under her front hooves.

“I can’t!” she answered.

“Fluttershy! I don’t have the strength, I need you!” Applejack pleaded.

Zecora took ahold of the rope and tried to help Applejack. The dragon teetered on his feet and took a step in the right direction, but didn’t move another inch. One of the other dragons could see through his haze what the ponies were trying to do. He growled his head still fuzzy and disoriented. He charged at Applejack, who was too occupied to notice him.

“Applejack, watch out!” Fluttershy screamed, springing into action and head-butting the dragon before he could trample her friend. The dragon cried out and stumbled to the ground, rolling into a boulder and hitting his head. Fluttershy saw the dragon that had been lassoed getting angry, he opened his mouth to breath fire but she kicked him in the side before he had the chance. Applejack and Zecora took advantage of his unsteadiness and yanked the rope making him crash to the ground. Fluttershy helped them push against him, causing him to roll into the shallow cave. The third dragon roared in defiance, charging at them.

“Don’t move! Wait for my signal!” Applejack shouted, putting her hooves up in front of Zecora and Fluttershy to keep them from running away. The dragon continued to charge and Fluttershy started to cry in fear.

“Wait for it!” Applejack shouted.

The dragon was only a few feet away when Applejack shouted, “NOW!” They dodged out of the way and the third dragon crashed into the first who was still unconscious inside the cave.

“One to go!” Applejack added, attempting to push against the second who had just woken from his collision with the boulder. He sprang up and roared directing a line of fire at the ponies below him. Applejack called out in pain when her tail caught on fire. She flapped her wings and clumsily lifted herself up off the ground for only a second. When she came crashing down she rolled around on the ground attempting to extinguish it.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Fluttershy screamed, charging at him. Rather than making a full-on collision, she darted to the side stomping on his tail. The dragon cried in pain and snapped his jaw at her. Zecora helped Applejack extinguish her tail.

“Fluttershy!” Applejack cried, fearful for her friend. She watched Fluttershy move with amazing agility avoiding his teeth and claws. Applejack looked up above the cave and saw a pile of boulders waiting at the top. She turned to Zecora and pointed at them, Zecora nodded in agreement; understanding what Applejack had in mind. The two of them raced up the side of the cave and positioned themselves behind some of the smaller boulders that were holding up the larger ones. Fluttershy was oblivious to them; she just continued to annoy the dragon and caused him to chase her.

“YOU DON’T EVER GET TO HURT MY FRIEND LIKE THAT AGAIN!” she screamed, and using the same strategy as before she led him towards the cave and darted out of the way so that he would crash into the others inside.

Applejack and Zecora kicked out the smaller boulders and moved out of the way as the rockslide barricaded the entrance effectively trapping the monsters inside. The three ponies collapsed in exhaustion, breathing heavily. Applejack had a big smile on her face and she touched Fluttershy’s hoof.

“I… knew… you could do it.” She said, still out of breath.

Fluttershy smiled appreciatively. She was surprised at her own performance, and was glad it was over. Zecora stood up and helped up each of her friends.

“Do you think that will hold them?” Fluttershy asked.

“I sure hope so. At least till we figure out what to do with ‘em.” Applejack answered.

“These beasts’ behavior was far too strange; I wonder what trick might have caused them to change.” Zecora said scooping up the broken pieces of the flask from the forest floor.

“Three guesses and the first two don’t count.” Applejack replied. Fluttershy and Zecora looked at her, confused. “Isn’t it obvious? Trixie sent ‘em here.”

“Trixie?” Fluttershy asked skeptically.

“Are you sure she has the power to send them in rage? Seems rather complicated for a unicorn her age.” Zecora said.

“Well, I don’t reckon this is a coincidence. She’s been messing with powerful magic. I figure she’s gonna wanna stop Twilight from finding a cure and what better way to keep her busy than sending a bunch of hormonally crazed dragons?” Applejack asked.

“Do you really think she’s capable of something like that?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack looked a little annoyed and looked Fluttershy up and down, and then herself. Fluttershy understood the reference.

“Maybe she got her hooves on the alicorn amulet again.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“I assure you that amulet is very much secure, of this fact I am certainly sure. No pony could find it without the Princess’s aid, only alicorn magic could find where it is laid.” Zecora said.

“Speaking of Trixie, I think it’s time to join the others in Canterlot. Maybe Twilight can shed some light on all this.” Applejack said.

“I sure hope so. I don’t want to face any more scary monsters.” Fluttershy added.

“Are you alright to watch the critters now and maybe even keep an eye on this here cave Zecora?” Applejack asked.

Zecora nodded in response. Applejack and Fluttershy returned to her cottage to grab their things. Fluttershy went over some basic care information and Zecora reassured her that her animals would be safe and well cared for. It was mid-afternoon when the two of them reached the train station to catch the next train to Canterlot. With any luck they could be there before evening.


When the train pulled into the Canterlot station Applejack and Fluttershy were met with a surprise. There were wanted posters blanketing the walls of the station walls and windows with Trixie’s face staring back at them. Applejack ripped one from the wall and read it; Fluttershy read over her shoulder.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy gasped. Applejack growled and crumpled it up, throwing it on the ground.

“Who does she think she is?” Applejack demanded. “Does everypony actually believe her lies?”

“Maybe Twilight did this. Maybe she found the cure and changed them back to normal. If Trixie is still out there somewhere she could cause more harm.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“I hope you’re right, sugarcube.” Applejack said, not convinced.

“Applejack! Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie shouted, running towards them and tackling them to the ground with a hug, relieved to see them.

“Thank heaven we found you!” Rarity added, helping Fluttershy up.

“Have you seen this?” Applejack asked, pointing to the wanted posters. Rainbow Dash, Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity nodded. The smiles on their faces melted and were replaced by sadness and worry. Then Applejack realized Twilight was not with them. “What’s happened?” she asked.

“Trixie did it!” Spike said, his eyes watering. “She’s taken her away; we saw them dragging her off to the castle!”

“Oh no!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“We barely escaped with our lives!” Rarity said, a little overly dramatic.

“Then what in the hay are we waiting for? Let’s go get her back!” Applejack said, ready and raring to go.

“I’m with AJ on this one; we can’t just let her take Twilight without a fight.” Rainbow Dash agreed. Applejack nodded in agreement.

“How exactly do you propose we get past all the Canterlot guards AND Trixie, into the dungeon, somehow get her out without a key, and back out again undetected?” Rarity asked rationally. No pony had an answer for that.

“Well there’s got to be a way to get in there.” Rainbow Dash said frustrated.

“How about we dress up as the pizza pony and deliver a pizza to the castle? We can distract the guards with cheesy goodness while we steal their key and get to the dungeon!“ Pinkie Pie said. “I think I packed us some mustaches...”

“I don’t think anypony would be able to get in tonight, if Trixie just caught her it’s unlikely she’d leave her alone for a while. If I know Trixie, she’d want to brag about catching her.” Applejack pointed out.

“Then what are we going to do for the night? I didn’t bring enough bits for a hotel…” Rainbow Dash asked.

“And we need to find somewhere a little more private to talk about this.” Rarity said, looking around for any eavesdropping ponies.

“Um, I think I have an idea where we could stay.” Fluttershy said shyly.


“Well, This IS a surprise. Everypony missed me so much you all came for a friendly little visit, did you?” Discord said, holding his door open scanning everypony’s faces. Fluttershy was the only pony who greeted him with a smile. Discord’s place in Canterlot was a last resort; otherwise the others would not have even entertained Fluttershy’s idea.

“We have a little problem; Do you think we can stay with you tonight?” Fluttershy asked sweetly.

“Fluttershy?” He asked in shock, he disappeared and reappeared smaller circling around her in confusion. “And let me guess… you’re somepony else?” he asked Applejack.

“Yes, Discord, we’re in somewhat of a pickle.” Applejack replied shorty.

“Oh my, what fun is this? Such a beautiful bit of chaos, why didn’t I ever think of that?” Discord said laughing. He began to change the color of each pony’s fur, cutie mark, and the style of their mane interchanging them several times like it was some sort of game.

“Cut it out Discord, are you going to let us in or what?” Rainbow Dash asked disgruntled.

Discord snapped his fingers and every pony returned to their original body-switched state.

“Now now now don’t be ‘short’ with me Rainbow Dash.” Discord said, holding a paw over her head indicating her smaller stature as a dragon.

“I’m just sharing a bit of laughter among friends, isn’t that right Pinkie Pie?” he asked. Pinkie Pie was trying her best not to laugh up until that point, but she let out a giggle when he mentioned her name.

“He called you short! It’s so ‘punny’!” she said, giggling again at her own joke.

“Do tell me how this happened to you all. And where is dear Twilight? Did she cast this hilarious spell? Perhaps we’re a little sore at her for mixing us up, hmm?” he asked, leading them in an attempt to get some backlash against the alicorn.

“For your information, Discord, Twilight was the first of us to be cursed this way. That dreadful Trixie did this to her; to us!” Rarity exclaimed looking Discord in the eye with an angry glare.

“Trixie… Trixie… now where have I heard that name before? Ah ha!” Discord said, disappearing again and reappearing on a flyer drawing a large bushy mustache on the picture of Trixie under the WANTED caption. “You mean to tell me poor Princess Twilight is a wanted outlaw?” He asked, snapping his fingers and the image on the wanted poster turned into an image of Trixie frightened in a dungeon somewhere. “What are we to do?” He asked, faking sadness.

“Well, I’m sure you could pop in and get her out couldn’t ya?” Applejack asked warily.

“Alas my dear Appleshy, The castle is enchanted. It seems Princess Celestia doesn’t trust me to pop in and out as I please.” Discord answered, reappearing as normal standing in his doorway.

“Do let us inside now, Discord. It’s freezing out here.” Rarity complained.

Discord turned himself into a scarf and wrapped himself around her neck.

“Yes of course my dear Pinkity. We wouldn’t want you turning into a popsicle now would we?” Anything for a friend, please come in.” Discord replied with a mischievous smile.

The ponies filed in and looked around in confusion. They appeared to be standing on the ceiling, everything above them held down by some sort of reversed gravity.

“Do you like the place?” Discord asked, sitting on the ceiling smoking a pipe of bubbles which floated down to the ponies.

“It’s lovely.” Fluttershy complimented.

“It’s weird.” Spike replied.

Pinkie Pie was trying to reach a plate of cookies sitting on a coffee table in the corner, getting close but still unable to reach them.

“What a terrible host I am, you all must be hungry!” Discord said, snapping his fingers presenting each pony with a covered silver dish. Pinkie Pie was the first to open hers and was surprised by a tray of lively vegetables running around and screaming in little voices. “Oh my, it seems the main course might be a trifle uncooked.” Most of the ponies backed away from their dishes, with the exception of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie had taken a bite of celery, it’s little legs still kicking about as she gobbled it down.

“So what’s the plan?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’ve got to figure out how to get inside.” Rarity pointed out.

“The Gala!” Pinkie shouted with enthusiasm.

“If everypony is busy with the Gala, maybe they won’t notice us coming in?” Fluttershy asked.

“Trixie won’t risk letting us in, I think the guards will be on high alert for any uninvited guests.” Spike said.

“Then let’s get our hooves on some tickets.” Rainbow Dash said, “Or… claws.” She corrected.

“They’re giving away Gala tickets to the winners of the rodeo this year, I bet I could get win us some.” Applejack said.

“And the Wonderbolts are always performing for the Gala! I’m sure Spitfire would give us some if we explained the situation, I could talk to her; she knows me.” Rainbow said proudly.

“And exactly how will you get to Cloudsdale?” Rarity asked.

“I could do it. If somepony could teach me how to fly.” Spike volunteered.

“I’m on it.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

After a few more minutes exchanging ideas and plans they had a rough idea what they wanted to try. When Fluttershy yawned Applejack noted the hour, although it was difficult to read on Discord’s backwards clock.

“Looks like we’ve got a big day tomorrow. Why don’t y’all get some sleep?” Applejack suggested.

Reluctantly, the ponies followed Discord to their assorted rooms. They hoped somehow they could manage some sleep in this den of chaos. Every pony worried and wondered what might be happening to Twilight. If all went according to plan they could get her out as soon as tomorrow night, but wondered if that might be too late. Trixie was unpredictable and vindictive now, she has proven to be an even greater threat than any pony could have imagined. All they could do now was wait and worry.