• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 5,365 Views, 30 Comments

A Ghost of a Nightmare - Wildcard25

The Ghostbusters are back and ready to protect Equestria from the ghost of Luna's darkest side that's back and out for vengeance.

  • ...

The Boys are Back in Town

The very next morning, Twilight, Spike, and their friends were on their way to Canterlot castle. Early that morning Twilight received a letter of great importance from Celestia. So she and Spike rallied their friends and went to the kingdom right away.

When they arrived at the castle, they saw the two sisters on their thrones waiting for them, "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" Twilight greeted them.

"Good morning my little ponies, and Spike. It's good to see you all made it here." Celestia greeted them, as she and her sister came down from their thrones.

"As soon as we got your letter we came as fast we could." Twilight began, "You both sounded urgent."

"That's because we have trouble on our hooves." Luna answered.

"What kinda trouble?" Applejack inquired.

"I'm not sure how else to say this, but Nightmare Moon has returned." Celestia explained.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie shrieked, as the others were in shock.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa, Nightmare Moon?" Rainbow asked, "The same Nightmare Moon that Princess Luna once was?"

"Correct, Rainbow Dash." Luna confirmed.

"But how is this possible?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Yes, didn't we vanquish her with the elements of harmony?" Rarity asked.

"You did, but it appears some of her dark essence had been left over," Celestia explained, "And has been harnessing magic from the moon that has been collecting Luna's magic every time she raises or lowers it. Now she's apparently drawn enough magic to assume her old form, but this time she is her own being, and her form is now that of a ghost."

"Nightmare Moon's ghost?" Fluttershy trembled.

"I'm afraid so. And just like before she will eventually attempt to keep the moon up so nighttime will be eternal." Luna explained.

"That's horrible!" Applejack asked.

"We gotta do something." Spike suggested.

"But what?" Pinkie wondered.

Twilight pondered before realizing, "Wait a minute, who do we know who has the talent of catching ghosts?"

"Ooh, a guessing game!" Pinkie cheered, "Don't tell me let me think, let me think. Is it- no that's not it."

Rainbow realized it, "The Ghostbusters!"

"Darn it, I was so close!" Pinkie grumbled.

"Precisely," Celestia nodded, "Last night, Luna contacted the Ghostbusters through their dreams and warned them of the situation."

"And?" Rarity wondered.

"They've agreed to return and help us in stopping Nightmare." Luna finished.

"All right!" Pinkie cheered.

"It sure will be nice to see them again." Applejack admitted.

"Oh, yes. They were such great friends." Fluttershy added.

"Well I was just on my way to bring them here," Celestia began, "A moment please." she started concentrating, as her magical aura surrounded her.

In New York at the Ghostbusters HQ, the guys and Slimer were collecting all their equipment, and were awaiting for the portal to bring them back to Equestria. Peter spoke up, "Ok ladies, everybody packed?"

"Yeah!" Slimer cheered, as he held a giant duffel bag filled with food.

"Just make sure you all come back safely," Janine said, "When you last left for this Equestria you wouldn't believe how nervous I was for you."

"We'll be fine, Janine. The girls there will always have our backs." Ray assured her.

Suddenly a portal appeared, as Winston spoke, "That's our ride."

"Come on, let's go." Egon said, as they took their equipment and entered the portal that closed.

Back at the castle, Celestia woke up from her meditation and spoke, "They're on their way now."

The portal opened, as the group saw four figures step out. It was the guys back in their same pony bodies they had the last time they were in Equestria, but this time they retained the same styled jumpsuits Rarity had made for them during their stay. The four realizing they were ponies again couldn't stand on their back legs alone and dropped on all fours.

"We made it!" Ray cheered.

"Hello ladies." Peter said to his wings as he spread them.

"Guys!" Twilight called.

They looked over and saw their old pony friends, "Hi, girls!" Ray greeted as they galloped over to each other.

"It's so good to see you all again." Twilight said.

"Well, it's nice to see you too." Peter replied.

"Hooray!" Slimer flew in about to tackle Rarity, until she shrieked.

"WAIT!" Slimer stopped in place, as Rarity used her magic to put herself in a hazmat suit, "Ok, now." she said, as Slimer flew at her and nuzzled her.

"You all look like you're doing well, despite the situation that's occurring in the land." Egon noted.

"Yeah, we just found out recently." Rainbow noted.

"Well it shouldn't be that hard, huh? Peter asked, "We'll deal with this Nightmare Moon, the same way we defeated Sombra."

"If only it were that easy," Luna interrupted him, "Nightmare Moon is all my bitterness, rage, and anger manifested into life. Like Sombra, she is also smart, sneaky, and merciless."

"That's never stopped us before." Peter replied.

"And we'll be there to help like last time." Twilight offered.

"Thanks again, girls." Egon thanked them.

"I will also be joining you." Luna put in.

"Really, Princess?" Ray asked.

"Yes, Nightmare Moon is also my responsibility. It's time I faced the shadows of my past," Luna said seriously, "Besides if I hadn't fallen into Sombra's trap I wouldn't have been as bitter and jealous as I was."

"Sombra's trap?" Twilight asked.

"Sister?" Celestia wondered.

Luna looking guilt stricken turned to her sister, "You remember that day we stormed the Crystal Empire to fight Sombra a thousand years ago?" Celestia nodded, "Well, while you were recovering from one of his attacks, he used his illusion magic to show me my greatest fears. I saw myself being overshadowed by you and left in the dark. You broke me free of it when you attacked Sombra, but those visions I saw remained scarred in my mind. And they've been with me since. Eventually I saw those visions were coming to pass, as our subjects seems to have only regarded you as the only true princess of the land, while I was nothing. Well you know what followed." she sighed.

"Luna, I didn't know." Celestia gasped in shock, while the group were just as surprised.

"I should've said something to you before, but I thought I could swallow my pride and pass those visions off. But I was wrong." Luna said in guilt.

"It's all in the past now, Princess." Applejack assured her.

"She's right, you're different now." Twilight agreed, making the Princess of the Night smile

"And we'd be more than honored to have your assistance." Ray added.

"Thank you, all." Luna bowed her head.

"Hey, now don't overlook me!" a sly voice said, and suddenly appearing before them was Discord.

"Discord!" The ponies cheered.

"A good day to you, my little ponies." the being named Discord waved.

The guys however were taken by surprise and backed away, "What is that thing?" Winston asked.

Egon put a hoof to his mouth, "Based on his structure and combination of creature parts he's a draconequus."

Discord lowered down to Egon and spoke, "Correct you are, Dr. Egon Spengler."

"You know me?" the unicorn asked.

"Of course. Fluttershy and my friends told me all about the famous Ghostbusters who defeated the ghost of King Sombra," Discord poofed before each of them, "Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Raymond Stanz, Winston Zeddemore, and Slimer."

"And you are?" Peter asked.

"I am Discord, the master of Chaos!" he announced as lightning flashed behind them, making Ray and Slimer tremble.

"Discord." Twilight said dryly.

"Oh relax, I'm just doing that for fun." Discord chuckled.

"Discord..." Egon pondered, "If what my memories from Equestria history serves you tried to take over Equestria by causing mischief and chaos."

"Well don't believe everything," Discord acted modest, "But in all seriousness I'm not as much of the same chaos creature as I used to be. I've turned over a new leaf." he held up a leaf with a devil Discord on one side, and turned it over revealing a Discord with an angel halo above his head.

"It's true, thanks to him we managed to defeat someone who was just as dangerous as Sombra." Twilight stated.

"Who was that?" Winston asked.

"Perhaps some other time," Celestia interrupted them, "Right now we need to focus on the matter at hand."

"I agree." Egon nodded.

"What's the first thing to do?" Spike asked.

"First off, I think we need to once again get back in touch with our pony abilities." Egon stated.

"He's right," Peter agreed as he was able to fly up a bit before almost crashing down, "Not being in these bodies for so many months we kinda lost our touch."

"Then it looks like it's back to basics." Rainbow said.

"I just hope you guys can get used to them again fast enough before Nightmare Moon strikes." Twilight said in worry.

"We should at least have until tonight." Luna answered.

"How do you figure?" Ray asked.

"Nightmare Moon's powers will be at their peak when the moon is up, only then will we have to worry." the Princess explained.

"So then, get everything prepared until nighttime. No biggie." Peter said.

"Well then we better get to Ponyville and get started right away." Twilight suggested.

"Yes, let's go." Luna said, as she and Discord followed their friends and allies out of the castle, as Celestia watched.

"Good luck to all of you." she said to herself.