• Published 12th Nov 2011
  • 5,397 Views, 103 Comments

Friendship is Deception - Your Antagonist

Twilight hid behind a wall of secrets, but when it comes crashing down, she sees she isn't alone.

  • ...

8: Stand as One

Friendship is Deception

By: Your Antagonist (VegaKS03)

Edited By: TheWattsMan

Act II: Wait, There’s a Plot?

Chapter 8: Stand as one

“Obedience breeds discipline. Discipline breeds Unity. Unity breeds power. Power is life”

-Dr. James Marcus

It’s awfully hot today, Twilight observed as she stared down the tracks on the platform at the Ponyville train station. She wasn’t actually concerned with the weather, as she was trying to come to terms with the events from three days ago that had led her to this moment. Now wasn’t the time to be concerned about what had happened however, lest she daydream and miss the train to Canterlot. But how could she not think of--- The whistle of a train interrupted her thoughts as it pulled into the station, and as it rolled to a stop she levitated her suitcase and prepared to board. She wished she wasn’t travelling alone, but the others agreed that it was safer to travel separately in case they were being trailed by any Crossheart agents.

The train stopped, and she stepped inside, it was one of those trains that had several booths with two padded benches for seats in each, nothing like the train she took in Appleoosa which had separate beds for every passenger. Once she found her seat on the train, she stared out the window until the train began to move. She brought some books to occupy her through the trip, but at the moment she was content to simply stare out the window. As the train began to move she resumed staring out the window and soaked in the passing scenery. It took a bit of time before she finally relaxed, closed her eyes, and let the memories flood her mind....

Twilight had lived in Ponyville for all of a year, and it had just occurred to her that she’d never actually stepped foot inside Applejack’s house. The Apple Family Manor was huge to say the least; the foyer she stood in was easily bigger than her room in the library she called home. She didn’t have quite enough time to take in everything, as at the moment she was gently nudged into the separating hallway by Fluttershy, who wore an impatient expression that was rare for the typically anxious Pegasus. Of course with the events that had just transpired, and the information that was going to be disclosed in the next few moments, it was no wonder everypony in the room was on edge.

Applejack led the way down the hall, nudged open a door on the left hand side, and held it open so that the others could make their way in. The room was illuminated by a fireplace that cast an orange glow upon various paintings of Apple family members from generations past. Twilight walked in and spotted two rather large comfortable sofas adorned with an apple pattern facing each other, with a coffee table separating the two. Everypony else had already chosen their spots on the couches, while Applejack herself elected to drag a recliner style love-seat to the head of the table, and Fluttershy promptly joined her side opting to stand.

Twilight and Rarity sat across from an uncharacteristically solemn faced Rainbow Dash, and a ravenous looking Pinkie Pie, who noticed some candy on the table and proceeded to stare at it with bedroom eyes. “You’re such a naughty Applechew. Shhh... there’s no need to be coy, I know what you want, but first what say we get you back to my place and out of that wrapper, and we can get to know each other bet--” It was at this point the Pink Pony noticed 5 pairs of eyes were upon her. The majority looked disturbed, but she could have sworn the look Rarity was giving her urged the continuation of confectionery foreplay. Pinkie quickly snatched up the candy and pointed threateningly at her friends, challenging any of them to take her candy.

“Ooookayyy...”Rainbow Dash started “Aside from...that... There’s something important I need to discuss with everypony. This isn’t easy for me to say, and it might...change things between all of us, but I want you guys to know that I hope you’ll be my friends regardless of what happens after.”

“Oh my gosh Rainbow Dash, are you... a filly fooler?!” Pinkie blurted out, warranting only more strange looks from her friends, however Rarity and Fluttershy both shot Rainbow an “I always knew it” glance.

“Hey look I don’t roll that--”

“Land’s sake sugarcube, Ah’ve been waitin’ since the our little scuffle in the orchard to hear what you’ve been hidin’ from us, so why don’t you just spill the beans already?”

Rainbow sighed before resuming “Alright, fine as I already said, I’ve been undercover in the Crossheart Syndicate for the Equestrian Investigation Bureau.” Twilight and Rarity both gave puzzled looks as neither were present for that divulging of information “That being said, during my time undercover I learned of both of your secrets. I know what you do and who you work for” She nodded to Applejack and Twilight.

The news hit Twilight like a ton of bricks “Wha... but I... you... how...security clearance!!” Twilight seemed on the edge of a mental breakdown but was comforted by Rarity patting her on the shoulder with a hoof. Clearly she wasn’t prepared.

“How long have ya known about me Rainbow,” Applejack inquired taking it better than Twilight

“Twilight, I figured out that you worked for the RCIA after the Nightmare Moon incident, and AJ... well let’s just say your family's involvement in the equestrian underworld has been a subject of interest for the EIB for a long time. That isn’t what I wanted to talk to you both about though.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, and Twilight regained her composure.

Rainbow continued “Twilight, my department chief has permitted me to assist your investigation and provide you with any and all intel regarding the inner workings of the Crosshearts.” Rainbow now turned to Applejack who returned the stare with a bemused look “AJ I know that it might seem a bit crazy to even ask you this, but even though we stand on opposite sides of the law, we share a common enemy. I’d like to request the Apple Family’s cooperation in this matter. I ask you not as an EIB agent, but as your friend.”

At that moment, all eyes turned to Applejack who’s expression transitioned from bemused to stern. She adjusted her posture to reflect this, leaning back in her love seat, she placed both of her forehooves together and rested her hind legs on the coffee table narrowing her eyes at Rainbow, who merely stared through. Applejack cleared her throat a few times preparing to utilize her Manehattan accent “You claim to need a friend like me? You’ve been keeping secrets and watching my family for the longest time. There’s no need to pussyfoot around the matter Rainbow, you don’t offer friendship, you merely come into my house on the day my little sister is to turn seven, and you ask me to do murder for bits. You disgust me.”

Rainbow was taken aback for a moment, before she noticed Fluttershy attempting to stifle laughter. A similar grin found its way upon Applejack’s lips as well, and try as the Orange earth pony might, she couldn’t force the grin away. She eventually broke into a fit of laughter with Fluttershy following suit shortly after. “Bwahahaha!! Y’all should’a seen yer face! Ahaha!!!” Rainbow cast a glance at Rarity and Twilight who wore equally confused looks on their faces.

“Rainbow, of course Ah’ll help ya, yer my friend.” Applejack choked out between giggles wiping tears from her eyes.

“Wow, that was... easy....” the blue Pegasus remarked bewildered.

Fluttershy noticed betwixt chuckles that some of the gazes that were affixed to Applejack were slowly making drifting towards her general direction, and almost immediately she ceased laughing. She had been in on the joke and they wanted to know why. It took maybe all of 3 seconds for the Pegasus to crack under the pressure of the gazes spurning her to retreat behind Applejack’s sofa. She poked her head out coyly to see if the gazes were still upon her, and ducked her head back in as she made eye contact with Rarity and Twilight. Applejack spoke up for her nervous friend “Fluttershy works fer mah Grand-Dam as a ...caretaker...of sorts.”

Twilight looked over at Pinkie Pie who was currently genociding the remains of the Applechew candies and it occurred to her she had no idea why the Pink pony was even there. “Pinkie, why exactly are you here?”

Pinkie Pie decided to consult her brain for guidance Brain, should I tell them?

My precious disciple, Oyster Jed approves of this. But first indulge us with another Applechew.

So you’re Oyster Jed now?

Jed is everything and Jed is some. The sadist is another matter. Now spread the message, and they shall bend to our will and give us what we want: Galoshes.

Okie doki loki!

After completing her convoluted decision making process, Pinkie gazed up at Twilight. “You want the story dame? Let me spin it for you quick,” and she began to recount her story from when the Crosshearts burned down the rock farm, her period at the clinic through the time when the Cakes adopted her, and concluded with her ongoing vendetta against the Crosshearts recounting the events from earlier today. “...and that’s why chapter 4 was the best chapter in the whole story.”

“Wait darling, what was that last thing you said?” Rarity inquired

You foalish filly, you say too much! Jed did not approve of such desecration of the fourth wall.

“Anyway, now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way, I suggest we come up with a plan of attack.” proclaimed Twilight

“That won’t be necessary deary,” called new voice from behind, every eye in the room was affixed to the source of the outburst and most were surprised to find the grinning face of Granny Smith. Applejack and Fluttershy both made their way over to the elderly mare, and proceeded to nuzzle her neck affectionately, and helped her over to the love seat Applejack was using for the majority of the meeting. After settling into the chair Granny Smith turned her attention towards the other four mares.

“What do you mean a plan won’t be necessary?” Twilight pried

“Let me tell you a story deary, the Crosshearts have been tryin’ to intimi-imi--intim--”

“Intimidate, Granny”

“Dagnabbit Ah know! They’ve been tryin’ to intimidate us fer years, and through all that time they only got bolder ‘n bolder with ev’ry attempt. Ah knew that conflict would be inevitable at some point, so Ah began preparin’ fer a particular day, three days from now, when all the slimy mules git together in Canterlot. We’ve been ready to go to war with em for a good couple’a months now, Ah reckon tonight was the night we decided to send em a formal declaration,” She finished while winking at her Granfilly and Fluttershy.

“Well I suppose it’s my turn contribute to this conversation,” The attention was on Rarity now. “It would be a major faux pas if you were to assume that the Crosshearts are the major players in this matter.”

“What do you mean by that?” Rainbow inquired.

“What I mean Rainbow, is that the Crosshearts are a puppet organization under the control of another more powerful entity.”

“Wait, how do you know that?”

Rarity looked at Twilight who shot her an encouraging grin, and feeling a little more confident in revealing herself to the group, she responded: “Because I was forced to commit murders against my will by that organization.” She began to recount everything she had confessed to Twilight earlier that day, and she found it didn’t hurt as much the second time around, but tears still found their way out of her eyes and onto the material of the sofa. She turned to Twilight and began to cry softly in the purple mares coat, and Twilight comforted her by stroking her mane. The room remained quiet save for the sound of light sobbing and the crackling that emitted from the fireplace.

“We’ll make them pay...” declared a soft voice from behind the couch. Fluttershy was standing now and she carried herself with an emboldened posture and a determined look in her eyes. She trotted over to Rarity and nodded reassuringly to the unicorn while stroking her side with a wing. Even Rainbow had to admit Fluttershy looked a little bit cool at that moment.

And there it is Rainbow thought, as the yellow pegasus turned to resume her position next to Granny Smith’s seat, she slipped on some of the Applechew wrappers that were scattered around on the floor due to Pinkie’s negligence.

“Dangit young’n did you eat all of my Applechews?” Granny Smith, turned to Applejack with a grim look in her eyes, and stated plainly: “Hold her down.”

Pinkie looked around nervously as Applejack and Granny Smith approached her. “Uhh.. umm...”.

Quickly child, you know what must be done, you’ve not much time!

“Right, thanks brain!” She jumped on the arm of the couch and pointed an aggressive hoof in the direction of the approaching mares and shouted “You’ll never take me alive, because this memory sequence is over! Mwhahaha!!”

“What in tarnation is she talki--”

Twilight stirred lightly from her nap as she heard the door to her booth open and a stallion with a pastry cart stood in the entranceway. “Would you care for anything from the trolley Miss?”

Twilight rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned before responding“ No, but thank you for offering.”

“Sorry to bother you Miss.” The stallion left and Twilight was still in the mood for a nap, so she laid back down on the bench using her suitcase as a makeshift pillow, and made the transition into the world of dreams.

She was back here again, in that dream. The world was dark, and the only illumination came from a pulsing red light. The ground was covered in some red liquid, she couldn’t quite tell what it was. She had lived this recurring dream so many times before, but this time felt different, as though she had more control.

She poked around on the ground for the thing that she always bumped into but couldn’t make out, and after sloshing around in the liquid, she found it. This time the light didn’t interrupt her. She knelt down in the liquid and traced a hoof along the surface of the object, and recoiled in horror to find it was a body. Had it been any run of the mill corpse, she might not have reacted as such, but through the strobing lights she could make out the facial features, and through another pulse of red light, she could faintly make out the cutie mark of a quill on the cadaver’s flank. There was no mistaking it, this was the site of her zero mission, which meant that the corpse in front of her was... Violet.

Twilight backpedaled for a moment stopping only because she noticed that Violet’s hoof was placed along the wall, with a trail of liquid that seemingly flowed upwards from its placement. She attempted to ignite her horn, and for the first time in this dream it actually obeyed her command. Upon shining the light from her horn along the wall she could finally read the words that were scrawled hastily in a liquid she could now identify as blood: You Damned Traitor, You’ve Doomed us all... and from there it trailed off.

Turning away from Violet she noticed another body splayed out in the liquid, and upon further investigation, she began to regret her investigative nature. The body in the corner was not quite as... intact.... as Violet. Twilight found she was staring at the lower half of a blue unicorn, and she had only managed to find out what race the pony was because there was a horn floating next to it in the water. Redirecting her attention to the source of the pulsing light, she saw a strange device that looked like an 8 foot glass cage with wires and complex machinery attached to it, and upon further observation her eyes were drawn to what she assumed was the other half of the blue unicorn, hanging by a forehoof from a lever of some sort.

What happened in here? Does the message on the wall have anything to do with that unicorn? And what was in the--- Something slithered past her legs very quickly, and she whipped around in time to see a shadowy figure cast a very peculiar smile in her direction, but it wasn’t looking at her. She traced the thing's gaze to what she recognized as a younger version of herself picking itself off the ground. She heard herself speak “You... You’ll pay for what you’ve done!” And she saw the horn of her younger self begin to glow, and eventually the area was flooded with a constantly brightening light, that flooded the area, and forced her from the realm of dreams

Twilight awoke to the sound of a loudspeaker filling her booth “Attention Passengers, This is your conductor Russell Waddell Majors, we have arrived in Canterlot. Please dismount the locomotive in an organised fashion, and enjoy your stay. Thank you for riding with Pony Express”

Twilight rubbed her eyes, levitated her suitcase, and exited the train. As she made her way through the station to the busy Canterlot streets, the dream weighed heavily on her mind. She had read the case files for that mission several times before, and she had actually been there in pony, but she hadn’t been able to determine what happened since. All she could remember about the incident aside from what she could salvage from dreams, was a flash of light. This time though she had more context to what happened, but she still couldn’t discern what the figure in the darkness had been. It was an enigma that haunted her until she noticed a familiar face staring loathingly at a poster on a wall.”

“Hello Rarity.” Twilight had successfully broken the white unicorn’s death glare upon the poster that she recognized as an election poster for Mayor Mare.

“Oh, hello Twilight, have you seen the others?”

“I was just about to ask you the same thing to be honest,” Twilight explained

“Oh well, it’s a small matter, we’ll see them at the campaign rally won’t we?”

“I suppose you’re right, we’d best get going.”

The pair proceeded down the crowded Canterlot streets and made their way to Princess Celestia’s castle, where the council elections would be held. As they approached the castle gates they could see that, due to this being a public access event, finding their friends amidst the sea of Ponies who would be participating in the election was going to be a chore in itself.... Well almost. At that moment, a Pink pony with a poofy mane trotted past the pair.

“Hey Pinkie, hold up you blind mare!” Twilight called ecstatic that she had found one out of 4 so quickly.

The Pink Pony turned around, and much to Twilight’s dismay a gruff masculine voice replied “You insensitive foal, not all Pink horses are mares. You never seen a Pink stallion before!?” She was staring face to face with a pink stallion.

“Oh, I’m sorry I just didn’t think th--”

“That’s right, you didn’t think! Nopony ever thinks about the possibility of a pink stallion....” Tears began to well up in his eyes, and the pink stallion turned and ran out of the castle gates.

“Chester come back!” Called two stallions from behind Twilight. As they passed her, they both shot dirty looks in her direction, and one muttered something unpleasant under his breath at her .

Twilight looked at Rarity who seemed just as confused, if not more so, than her lavender counterpart; finding the others in this crowd was going to be difficult to say the least. Proceeding through the crowded courtyard it wasn’t long until they found a bumbling yellow Pegasus trying her best to avoid getting caught by the flow of the crowd. They confirmed it was Fluttershy after they drew closer upon hearing rapid fire apologies for seemingly nothing. “Hey Fluttershy, where are the others?”

“Oh, hi Twilight, ummm... I don’t know I haven’t seen any of them here...I’m sorry...”

My disciple, Jed has seen the weakness of the yellow one. When we siege her palace on the ‘morrow, we must bring crowds. She will fall and we shall claim the yogurt covered pretzels for the clan... Take her, she will be no match for you...

“Brain, stop plotting against Fluttershy!” Twilight and Rarity looked behind Fluttershy and spotted their other quarry; this one was definitely female.

“Oh, it’s alright Shy, I don’t think we’ll have too trouble finding the others. Pinkie Pie!”

The jovial Pink Pony bounced over merrily humming tunelessly to herself/ “Hey guys, just you three so far?”

“Yeah, have you seen any of the others?”

“Only Applejack, and you guys!”

“Where’s AJ?” Twilight inquired

“This way,” she announced as she proceeded to bounce deeper into the crowd with the other three in tow.

They came across an Applecart with several Pastries on display, and a small line had formed in front of it.

Pinkie guided the others behind the cart and there stood none other than Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith in a lounge chair.

“Howdy y’all, you hankerin’ fer anythin’ to eat?” Almost reflexively at that invitation Pinkie dove into the surplus fritters which only warranted a scowl from Granny Smith.

“Actually AJ, where’s Rainbow?” Rarity asked

“Said somethin’ about makin’ some kinda grand entrance and hooey.”

Pinkie spoke up with a mouthful of fritters “Sounds like lazy writing to me.”

Fluttershy cast an unsure glance at the Pink Pony “umm... Pinkie what did you say?”

“Nothing--- Oh my Celestia... It’s the cake!” Sure enough, Pinkie spotted the cake the Cake’s were baking 3 days prior to this event, and it was huge, probably large enough to hide a couple of manticores.

“Yes dear that’s nice, but--” Rarity’s voice trailed off as the sound of fanfare erupted through the courtyard and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna trotted elegantly upon a giant stage followed by the fifteen well dressed ponies, 5 five of which were Pegasi, five of which were unicorns, and five of which were Earth Ponies; one of whom in particular caught the white unicorn’s eye: Mayor Mare. However she managed to get to this point in the election was beyond any pony except for Rarity who knew first hand how dirty the Mayor was willing to play in order to win. She tensed up at the sight of the mare who had single-handedly ruined her life, but Granny Smith’s hoof on her shoulder convinced her to maintain her composure.

The Princess proceeded to make her speech regarding the event, and the purpose of the election, and almost everypony in the area was intently focused, everypony except one.

My child, Jed regrets to inform you of this, but I must relinquish command to the shadowed sadist. Do not cry for Jed, for I shall always be part of youuu...

Pinkie suddenly heard a crackling sound from her mane, “Hey guys I’ll be right back,” she announced to her friends before she trotted off on her own. She reached into her mane and pulled out the toy headset, and inserted it into her ear “Agent Manic, this is Shaded lady, we have intel that there is a bomb in the courtyard. It will be up to you to disarm it over.”

“Michael, Shadow Lady, you can count on me, around.”

“Say ‘over’ over the comms net when you finish speaking, over!”

“Sheesh, lighten up, under,” Pinkie remarked. At least Jed wasn’t as mean as shaded lady, I miss him...

Jed knew you would be back, on forehooves and knees no less....get down so Jed’s analogy can be accurate.

Oh no, now I have two voices telling me what to do, let’s hope the fonts don’t get mixed up.

“Manic, intel suggest that the bomb is under the dais, and there are also several Crossheart agents in the crowd, proceed with caution, and don’t pull any cowcolt stunts, or I’ll have your flank for it.”


Ignoring Jed, Pinkie proceeded to make her way to the stage, which was lacking surprisingly in security. Upon waltzing to the side of the stage unobstructed, Pinkie peeked around the corner and saw that the backside, at least, had tight security provided not by the Princesses guards, but instead by several Crossheart agents standing in front of a door; the Princesses’ usual White Pegasi were nowhere to be found, though a few white feathers on the ground behind the Crosshearts indicated that they might have been ‘relieved’.

Wasting no time, Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a ball similar to the one she used at the mansion (she always kept one just in case), threw it around the corner, and covered her ears. Princess Luna had taken to the stage at this point, and proceeded speaking in the Royal Canterlot Voice, which drowned out the sound of the cries of the guards as their eyes and ears were assaulted by the most awful flash of light and ringing they’d ever heard.

Pinkie hit the corner galloping and stomped on a few of the closer guards as she ran. Upon reaching the door, she spun and bucked it open, using this opportunity to see if any of the blinded guards had recovered yet: They had not, and to confirm this, one headbutted the ground attempting to stand up.

Once inside the lower level of the stage she noticed the bomb right away, as it wasn’t well hidden or or particularly discreet. Cantering up to it, she decided to contact Shaded Lady

“Shaded Lady, come in, I’ve spotted the bomb, and it’s huuuuggeee, over.”

Roger that manic, I’m bringing up a bomb disarming manual right now, over”

This is nonsense, Jed demands you hit it with a wrench, it shall appease Jed.

“All right manic, remove the access panel, and tell me how many wires you see, over.”

Pinkie complied, and reported “There are three wires, a number pad, and a digital timer.”

“How much time remains on the timer?”

“22 minutes 00 seconds...err... h2...ummm...E2?”

MANIC, It’s upside down! You only have fifty seconds, You have to work fast!”

Pinkie Gulped and focused on the instructions she was being given, she had less than a minute to do this.

“Cut the blue wire.”

Pinkie obliged, “Done.”

Now follow through with the yellow and red” Pinkie gulped and obeyed. A little hesitant, she over thought the instructions and began to second guess herself. 30 seconds remained. “Manic cut the wires”

“I...I can’t, what if I’m wrong?”

“Then you die without trying”

“Alright, here goes...” She cut the yellow wire and then the red after some deliberation. “Okay, it’s done” The clock stopped with 19 seconds to spare.

“Good job Manic, you’ve saved the princ---”

“It’s still going!”

“What? But we don’t have any more steps... the code...Damnit...”

12 seconds remained, and Pinkie didn’t dare push any of the numbers, she almost turned tail and retreated until a familiar voice rang out.

Trust Jed my disciple and use the force... the force of the WRENCH!

Seeing no viable alternative, Pinkie seized a monkey wrench propped against the machine with her mouth, and proceeded to swing with all her might against the soft components of the bomb. The clock read 5 seconds, she swung again, 3 seconds, she swung a final time, and the timer died.

Pinkie back away cautiously, not sure if she had successfully disarmed the bomb.A couple of seconds passed, and she heard nothing.

“I did it! Wow, that was easy--” Pinkie’s moment of relief was interrupted by the sound of rapid beeping emitting from the bomb, followed by a spark.

“Oh Motherbuck...”

Chapter 8 End