• Published 12th Nov 2011
  • 5,397 Views, 103 Comments

Friendship is Deception - Your Antagonist

Twilight hid behind a wall of secrets, but when it comes crashing down, she sees she isn't alone.

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2: Even Hercules Couldn't Beat the Fashion Industry

Friendship is Deception

By: Your Antagonist (VegaKS03)

Edited by: TheWattsMan

Act I: Re-introductions

Chapter 2: Even Hercules Couldn’t Beat the Fashion Industry

Those ties that bind, they may have been there for a lifetime, or a few minutes; we would do anything and go to any length to protect them, some just have the resolve to do a little more and go a little further. How far would you?

Today was an especially important day for Rarity, or more specifically the ivory fashionista’s reputation. Her client today was an up and coming political candidate: Governess Clara Rosemary, who would soon be running a campaign for one of the 5 earth pony representative chairs on Princess Celestia’s private council. Headstrong and compassionate, Clara was always a ‘Mare of the Ponies’, making her voice heard at every political gathering and speaking out against unnecessary tax increases that would only go to line pockets of the upper-class. This had only garnered the disdain of her colleagues, who had decidedly less selfless motives than Governess Clara.

At the moment the governess found herself being bombarded with various threads, measuring tapes, pins, and spools of thread, while the white unicorn to her left worked frantically to ensure that her work was immaculate.

“Honestly darling you can’t possibly wear green it’s such a garish color; you look like an overripe pear. Here, try this shade of teal.” the unicorn slung another roll of fabric at her client, adjusted the glasses she always wore while designing, and looked on with the shocked disgust that only comes with being a seasoned fashion expert. Clara opened her mouth to rebut and contribute some feedback, but the ivory unicorn was already assaulting her with more levitating fabrics “Oh no no no! What was I thinking your mane clearly compliments a goldenrod! Ugghh Rarity are you blind?” The unicorn berated herself quite frequently in front of her clients but not as much as today, her reputation was on the line.

“So miss Rarity, how is little Sweetie Belle? I haven’t seen the dear filly in months, has she finally gotten her cutie mark yet?” The governess inquired, hoping that conversation would make the situation a little less stressful for her tailor.

“Oh she’s out ‘crusading’ with her friends at the moment,” Rarity stopped for a second, took one last measurement, and proceeded to telekinetically thread a couple of needles around the fabric she found to be the most desirable color “and to answer your question no, the poor filly has been stressing day and night about finding her cutie mark. It’s adorable really.” Rarity stated in a detracted voice, and proceeded to start stitching the fabrics together.

“Has she any idea what her special talent could be?”

“To be honest with you darling, it’s right under her snout, I could tell her what it is but that would kill the fun of discovering it on her own.” Rarity was finishing up the initial sewing and the dress began to come together. She rather liked the one sleeve motif she had going on.

“Oh so true, what can the little dear do though?”

“She has a lovely singing voice but I fear she’ll never figure it out, she’s always bounding in and out of one misadventure and into another,” Rarity began to embroider the gems. “Oh Governess please feel free to help yourself to some tea, this might take a few minutes” Rarity suggested.

“Thank you dear don’t mind if I do.” The governess trotted over a table in the middle of the dressing room and began pouring a cup; the steam carried a delightful aroma of honeydew and apples with it. There was something else to the scent though, she couldn’t place what it was but it was very familiar… The governess shirked the thought and indulged herself while Rarity worked. Her worries and concerns melted away with every sip of the brew, it cleared her mind and steeled her nerves, and yet something didn’t feel right. She gasped as she came to a realization about the tea and glanced over to see a grin spreading slowly across the fashionista’s face.

“Miss Rarity did you…. No you didn’t, you wouldn’t….”

Rarity’s grin only grew larger, and she began to chuckle softly to herself raising a hoof to her mouth while still embroidering the gem stones to the dress.

The governess’ eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to the tea, she now recognized that scent. Her hooves began to sweat, her pupils dilated, and her breathing shallowed.

“You… little devil Ms. Rarity…. you added brandy to this didn’t you?”

“What, is a girl not allowed to indulge herself? I find it helps to calm the nerves a little more effectively than tea alone, wouldn’t you agree darling? ” She had finished the dress by this point and gestured for the Governess to try it on so she could make some final adjustments.

The governess chuckled and obliged her trotting leisurely over. It took a moment to get dressed as it was a little tighter than anticipated, but nonetheless, the results were fantastic. Her every curve was accentuated by the goldenrod palette, the topaz gems strewn about generously on the front of the dress complimented her auburn mane, and the single sleeve gave off a toga feel.

“Soooo… what do you think?” Rarity asked in hopeful tone

The governess observed herself in a mirror once more before responding “I simply love it! It’s so graceful yet powerful! Oh and the material, what material is this?”
“Oh you like it? It’s a fabric from overseas; I believe it’s called Nessus fur*.”

“It’s wonderful, how much is this work of art going to cost for you to part with it?”

“Oh no darling, please take it free of charge.”

“Wha… are you sure Miss Rarity?”

“Oh yes absolutely, I insist.”

“That’s so generous of you… surely there must be som--”

“No, I insist. I’m just so glad that you like it; besides I think it looks very nice for the last dress you’re ever going to wear.”

The Governess raised her eyebrows opened her mouth to question Ms. Rarity’s choice of words, but in that instant the dress suddenly tightened and constricted her chest, and a burning pain shot through her body, She was on fire! The Governess struggled, screamed, and bucked in attempts to get out of the dress, but it kept growing tighter and tighter, the flames only increasing in intensity, and smoke began to fill her lungs and clouded her sight. With one final scream, the flames had completely engulfed her. In all of 2 minutes, the light and life of Governess Clara Rosemary had been extinguished ironically enough by fire.

Rarity was glad she had stone floors and walls in this particular work room of Carousel Boutique; it would cause several issues if she left burning bodies just laying around in a wooden room, also that helped with the problem of noise reduction as screaming typically accompanied death by fire.

“Bravo, encore! Ms. Arachne that was a splendid performance; I always did like a good bonfire.” Proclaimed the disembodied voice of a Mare from the hallway.

Rarity turned and glared at the owner of the voice as she walked in: an older looking Mare with a graying Mane and reading glasses, sporting a rather smug grin. “Mayor Mare…” Rarity hissed through gritted teeth.

“My little pony, don’t be so glum, you’ve done such wonderful work!” The elder Mare giddily trotted over to the smoldering corpse of the late governess and gave it a little kick. “Come on you should be happy! With this you’ve brought the organization’s goal one step closer to fruition!”

“I don’t care about your organization, your plan or any of it.” Rarity’s glare had only intensified.

Mayor Mare sighed “Your parents were the same way… so foalish they just couldn’t see the bigger picture; it’s a shame what happened to them really.” She now turned to face the ivory unicorn who was staring daggers into her soul, just wishing she could do something about it, but leverage is a powerful thing and fortunately for the elder mare she knew how to flaunt it. “Do you know where little Sweetie Belle is right now?”

That one question slowly drained the fight from the unicorn's face. “I certainly do, and so does the organization. In fact no matter what she does, where she goes, the organization will always know. I suggest you remember that. You know what we’re capable of.”

With that the unicorn lost all hope, and bowed her head in submission. “Yes, I understand.”

“Very good My little pet, now as for this mess,” Mayor Mare gestured to the carcass on the ground and gave it another little kick. “there’s a clean-up crew currently en route, it shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. We’ll be in contact when we need you again.” Mayor Mare had proceeded to leave the shop, and 2 minutes later 7 colts dressed in overalls with black caps trotted in and began to sanitize the area, all the while avoiding the melancholy mare that lay sobbing on the floor cursing her weakness. They left as quickly as they had come with several bags and containers in tow, and the work room was spotless; almost as though Governess Rosemary had never been there.

Minutes later, Sweetie Belle hopped excitedly into Carousel Boutique to tell her sister of her exploits for the day. She found Rarity in her room laying still on her bed. “Hey Rarity,” The white unicorn turned to face her sister. “guess what I did today! I bet you’ll never guess—”

Rarity didn’t hear the end of that sentence, and Sweetie Belle didn’t finish it. Rarity drew the younger filly into a deep embrace, and simply said “I love you so much; I’ll never let anything happen to you,” as she sobbed and sobbed into her younger sisters coat.

End Chapter 2

*The Nessus shirt-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirt_of_Nessus