• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,413 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 11: Death is at your Door

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen (Not yet Pre-Read)

Chapter 11: Death is at your Door

King Sombra stood upon a hill that overlooked his Crystal Empire, a twisted grin on his features as he looked down on the Kingdom. Since he had left that useless Gengar’s body, his magic has started to grow at a rapid rate, as though just that taste of power had been enough to reignite the spark of life that he formerly had. He couldn’t help but let out a dark chuckle at the irony. Just a few days ago, he had once clung to life by a thread, but now...now he was growing stronger and stronger by the hour, and though he was not as strong as he once was hundreds of years ago, he could tell that it was only a matter of time before he would regain his full power. The thought of that brought another sick grin to his face as he bided his time, waiting for the perfect time to strike and reclaim his kingdom, and this time, he’d be sure to utterly break those wretched Crystal Ponies and their Crystal Heart, and this time, no pony shall get in his way.

“These crystal ponies don’t know the horrors that will befall them once I grow to full power…” King Sombra smiled to himself. Other than waiting for his power to grow, Sombra had been planning strategies to attack the city. Unlike last time when his mind was...unstable from his recent awakening, this time he had regained the mind that had allowed him to properly wield his old powers that allowed him to stand at the same level as those Royal Sisters...which he’d deal with once he regained his Kingdom.

Focusing on the oncoming task at hoof, Sombra frowned slightly. With the Gengar body, he was simply able to flow through the shield of the city, completely negating the Crystal Empire’s defences, but now… now he had to find another way in…as foolish as the Crystal Ponies were, even they weren’t THAT stupid. They’d be taking further precautions this time.

“Aaaaahhhhh…” King Sombra looked down at the Pokémon under his hoof. Since leaving the city, King Sombra had gone exploring. To see what else these strange new creatures have to offer. Below his hoof lay a Weavile. It had attacked him some time before, and King Sombra had to assert his dominance.

“I thought I told you to be quiet!” King Sombra stated, before applying pressure down onto the Weavile, causing it to whimper in pain, something that brought a smile to his face. However, he was unable to enjoy the creature's torment for long, as he suddenly saw something large fly over to the Crystal Empire. It circled the shield. Sombra could feel something dark in the creature. Something… something that made him hunger for power.


Ponies of the Crystal Empire. I am Yveltal. By the request of Princess Celestia, and the orders of Lord Arceus, I have come to your aid in killing off this… King Sombra,

Yvelvtals voice echoed throughout the massive shield that protected the Crystal Empire. The ponies that were still outside screamed at his words, and started to run away from him. Trying to find shelter to hide from Death itself.

As for myself. I was… well. Not good. Yveltal was a Pokémon known for being the incarnation of Death. His home was in the Kalos region, and I myself have never been there. I knew a lot about the area, but what little efforts Team Rocket has made in the area never called for my attention…

I request entry into your kingdom… So that I can speak with the one known as Princess Cadance.

“C-C-Cadance?” Shining stuttered. “W-W-Why does he want too see her?”

“She is the ruler of the land, after all… If Arceus did send him, and Princess Celestia did get us help, then he would have to see her...” I informed him.

“Ya, normally it’s a bad thing when Death is at your door,” Volt commented. Wait! I shifted my attention to my shoulder. Standing there was Volt… Just smiling at me. “But in this case it’s… No, wait. It’s still a bad thing.”

“Volt…” I started. “Why are you here?”

“Moral support?” He offered.

I held my tongue at what I was going to say to the boy. In a time like this, I did not need distractions! “Flubber,” I raised my hand, giving the pink blob of jelly to form in. “Transform into something fast, and take Volt back to the castle,” I ordered. He nodded to me, then transformed into a mini helicopter. From there, a small roped ladder rolled out of the door on the Flubber-heli and Volt grabbed hold.

“Check it out! I look like one of those super secret agents in the movies!” Volt called out, as Flubber carried him back to the Castle. It was well… kind of adorable, given the situation at hand.

Do hurry yourselves, ponies. Though I promised Lord Arceus that no pony or Pokémon would come to harm, you still do not wish to anger me. You would not like me when I am angry.”

Shining Armor gulped audibly when he heard that. He had faced plenty of different threats in his time as Captain of the Royal Guard, but this...this was something else entirely. This wasn’t like the other threats he had faced. He was willing to face a monster in the Everfree if it meant protecting that which he cared for. He was MORE than willing to fight Sombra, at full power, one-on-one, if it meant that it would protect his kingdom and more importantly, his wife. And he was more than ready to face any Pokémon that went on a rampage and subdue it by himself if needs be. But this...this was a whole different thing altogether. This was Death. Not some dangerous creature, but literally the incarnation of Death itself, and Shining Armor...wasn’t very confident of his chances if he tried to face this. “John… you’re the Pokémon expert here,” He placed a hoof on my shoulder. “I am going to trust your better judgment. What should we do?”


The plan was simple. It had to be. In a matter of seconds I had to think of a way to deal with this whole situation. Shining Armor told me he trusted me. He trusted me to deal with Death himself on behalf of his empire. Was I really that good of a person to gain his trust in only a week? No matter how I looked at it, I could never find out how to answer that question.

And so I stood outside of the Crystal Empire shield. Standing next to me was Shining Armor. The plan was simple. Just walk over to death, get his attention, and see what happens. He was sent here to help us after all. If Arceus sent all his Pokémon to Equus to protect them, why would he risk their safety? Ya… That was the plan. It was a gamble. Simple as that.

It took us only a matter of moments to run to where Yveltal was waiting. His eyes still roamed the city. His massive form loomed high above us, blocking out the sun. Seeing as this was my plan, I had to be the one to speak first. To somehow get this attention…

Placing my hands around my mouth, I yelled. “YVELTAL,” As loud as I could. His eyes slowly gloomed down to me. “SPEAK WITH US ABOUT SEEKING ENTRY INTO THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!”

He came down fast and hard. Landing his massive form in front of us. He was easily three times as tall as I was, and a hell of alot more powerful. If he were to attack, then Shining and I were toast. Scratch that. There would likely be nothing left. He was a Legendary Pokémon, and a Legendary who represented Death itself at that, while I was just a human in a Infernape’s body. I could do moves, well… I only knew one move, but other then that I don’t think I could help if we were to be attacked. Please don’t attack…

Step one of the plan was so that Yveltal knew who we were. So that he would see us as
people of importance. So that he knew not to attack us…

“My name is Shining Armor, husband to Princess Cadance, and head of the Crystal Guard,” Shining started. “Before we let you into the Crystal Empire, we must know the details of why you are here.”

Step two of the plan was to see if he was lying…

“I have already stated my intention.” He told us. His voice was calm, but his eyes told another story…

“We understand that. However in a time like this, you can’t be too cautious. King Sombra is still alive and well, and he intends to take over the Crystal Empire. Seeing as how he has killed others with the hoof of another, we have to watch all those around us. For all we know, he could be hiding as anyone of us.”

“You Dare Accuse Me Of Being that Wretch King Sombra?!” Yveltal stated angrily.

“No, No, no, by all means no,” I cut in. “What Shining Armor means is that we have to be careful. King Sombra is a crafty one, and therefore we need to watch our backs at all times.” My comment seemed to calm Yveltal down… good.

“Very well then… Lord Arceus has asked me to come to the aid of the Crystal Ponies, by request of Princess Celestia. I was told not to harm any of you ponies,” His eyes lingered to me. “And Pokémon…” He flapped his massive wings, lifting himself into the air. “Now, shall we go inside? I was told to discuss this matter with Princess Cadance, ruler of this land. Or do you keep this shield in place, and reject my help. No… Reject the help that Lord Arceus has bestowed upon you?”

Step three, was to then other let him in, or send him off…

Shining Armor didn’t answer right away. He looked like he was trying to debate something within himself. Should he let Death in his home, and see his wife? Or neglect his help, and send him away. “I… I don’t know how strong King Sombra is going to get. Within the body of a Gengar, he was able to get into the City, bypass the shield, and kill ponies. We had trouble dealing with him before… and if we were to throw Pokémon into the mix… then I fear that more will only die…”

“What Shining Armor is trying to say,” I cut in, seeing that Yveltal as getting impatient. “Is that if we are to fight King Sombra, then we would like Death on our side.”

Yveltal gave me a blank look. I am not a fan of puns. Now I came here to kill King Sombra. I would like to get this all over with. Let us head inside...”


King Sombra watched the event from afar, an amused look on his face as he wondered how the Crystal Ponies would get out of THIS one. The creature that stood before the Crystal Empire was powerful. Far greater than any of the other creatures that had appeared. In his mind, knowing how foolish they were, they would continue to hide behind the shield, expecting it to hold the creature at bay, thus angering the creature, and the creature would prove just how wrong they were.

As such, Sombra was understandably surprised when that did not happen. Instead, the shield surrounding the Crystal Empire started to dim, then vanished. His eyes widened at the sight, but he quickly regained himself, not intending to let this chance go to waste. Looking down at the Weavile, Sombra reached down with his magic, and a part of him entered the Pokémon’s mind. The Weavile started to scream, and Sombra started to root himself in her mind, taking control…

As before, the Weavile could do nothing but watch as her body was taken from her. The darkness around her controlling her every movement, and moving she was, like a puppet on strings. She felt herself running, as if she was running for her life, but no. King Sombra held her body in his magical grasp, and was forcing her to run to the Crystal Empire. She was fast. He was moving her body faster than she could ever could, and she didn’t know how or why, only that it was agonizing for her as her body was pushed beyond its limit.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” The voice that came from her mouth was not her own. It was a dark twisted evil male voice. At this point, if she could scream… she would be screaming harder than she had ever screamed before...


It worked… It somehow worked! Yveltal did not kill us, and he had no intention of killing anyone… other than King Sombra. The incarnation of death was here to help us deal with King Sombra, and though I was still suspicion of Yveltal, I could help but think about the one who sent him. Arceus. He was the one the brought all of the Pokémon to Equus. If he was strong enough to do that, then why does he not just come here himself and deal with the matter in seconds…?

“Please wait here, Yveltal. I shall bring out my wife for you to speak with.” Shining Armor spoke up.

I glanced to Shining Armor who began to stroll within the Crystal Castle, then over to Yveltal who just hovered next to me. Since we had entered the shield, all ponies hid. We didn’t see a single soul out on the streets, other than for the crystal guard. Like me, the Crystal Guards were scared, but for different reasons. No matter the size of a Pokémon, they were not that much of a threat. His Pokémon could handle them. But this? This was a Legendary…

“I grow tired of waiting…” Yveltal muttered.

I could not help but strike conversation with the Legendary. “Well… look at the bright side. The sooner this is over, the sooner you can leave…”

“Yes, and the sooner the ponies Princess arrives the sooner I can go end Sombra…”

“Yveltal… do you mind if I ask you something?” I started. His eyes slowly moved over to me. “Why… did Lord Arceus send you?”

He did not answer right away, but when he did, I was rather taken back. “...Given the question, I take it that you do not wish for me to be here.”

“What? No… Just… curious is all?”

“Do not hide behind a lie, Infernape. No one ever wants Death’s help, for in the end I am the end of all life. For only one can stray from Death, and that is Lord Arceus.” His words were… right. No one ever wants death. Well… no one sane. “As for why, well, Sombra has escaped his end for too long, and I am here to see that he no longer exist in this plane of existence.”


Princess Cadance sat at her throne. Around her stood many guards, and two Powerful Pokémon. Oh, and Volt. Can’t forget about him. Flubber did drop him off moments ago, only to fly off back to John.

“...so why are we here in the Castle, and not with John where the danger is?” Snow asked.

“Because.” Lex answered.

“That’s not an answer.” Snow pointed out.

“Yes it is.” Lex smiled.

“No it’s not. How is because a answer?”

“Because I said so.” Lex smiled grew as Snow pacepamed.

Princess Cadance could not help but laugh at the two. John did say that the two were a couple, and though they acted more like brother and sister, she could feel the love between them.

“I wonder how John is doing, since you know he’s dealing with Death an all.” Volt commented. This made Lex and Snow stop their bickering, and slowly turn to him.

“What did you just say?” Lex asked.

Princess Cadance looked puzzled for a moment. “I… didn’t say anything.”

“Oh, sorry Princess Cadance,” Lex apologised, before pointing a paw at Volt who had somehow perched himself on her head...without her realizing it. “I was speaking to Volt.”

“I said, that he is out there dealing with Yveltal. You know, the Legendary Pokémon of Death or something. Not that big of a deal, unless you’re into that kind of thing.”

“...so why are we here in the Castle, and not with John where Death is?!” Snow asked angrily.

Princess Cadence’s eyes widened.“Wait, Death? What did Volt say? We seriously need to cast that translation spell on him or something. He’s been a week, and we’ve done it!”

“He said that a Legendary Pokémon is outside and is the incarnation of death!” Snow yelled out in distress. “Now can we please go help John?!”

Cadance stared at Snow. Did she just say… death? As in Death himself? When I told myself that I would face anything, even death himself, I DID NOT MEAN IT LITERALLY! She screamed to herself.

“Princess Cadance,” A generic castle guard stated. “Sir Shining Armor has lowered the shield and is allowing the monster outside into the city!”

“He’s what?” Her mouth fell open.

“And it seems the monster wishes to speak with you!”

“What?” She asked again.

“And the monster is here to speak with you about dealing with King Sombra.” The guard added.

Princess Cadance facehoofed.


As Shining Armor approached the doors to the throne, he did not expect them to be thrown out in his face. Knocked onto his flank, Shining Armor looked up to see Candace. Only she looked mad… Very mad, and the way she was looking at him told him that she was mad at him…

“Um… Hi Cadance?” He offered.


In a small town called Ponyville, Mr.Cake stood cleaning one of the many tables in his restaurant. Happily picking up the empty cups and dirty plates. But then he took notice to something, and his attention was turn to a nearby window. It was a mental feeling that demanded his attention… Something he knew all too well.

A married stallion was facing the wrath of his wife for the first time in his life.

And Mr.Cake was not the only stallion to notice this. Many others did too. Everywhere from Manehattan to Appleloosa, married stallions knew that some stallion was getting yelled at. And all they could do is pray for him.


Princess Cadance stood at the entrance to her castle. Standing before her was… well, Death...or at least the Pokémon’s version of Death. His name was Yvelta, and from what Shining Armor had told her, he was here to help deal with King Sombra. A part of her told her that this was a bad idea, and to run away. But another part of her told her that having death on her side was a good thing.

Giving her husband an unsteady sidelong glance, Princess Cadance gulping to herself, before walked up to him, her thoughts going so fast they could have pulled off a Sonic Rainboom. “Hello Yveltal,” She started. Hello? This is Death! Why would I say hello! I should have said greetings! “I am Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire. “From what my husband has told me, you have business with me?”

“Yes. Lord Arceus has tasked to destroy King Sombra. I am here to do so. And so that you do not have to worry, I have also promised Lord Arceus that I shall not harm any living Pony or Pokémon while I am here,” Yveltal spoke again. Cadance noticed that he sounded irritated. “Oh, and it was by request of Princess Celestia, that Lord Arceus has sent me.”

“I… see… It is good to know that the letter I sent to Celestia was received,” Princess Cadance took on a smile. Why did Celestia ask Arceus to send death?! Or does she even know!? I need to send a letter! “And we in the Crystal Empire will welcome anyone who is willing to help defeat King Sombra.”

“Good… Now tell me what you know about King Sombra,” Yveltal demand. “I would like to end his miserable life as soon as possible, and as fast as possible.”

“I do believe my husband can inform you on that,” Cadance gestured to her husband Shining Armor. Yveltal noticed that his right cheek was red. “Please ask of him anything, and for now, I need to make sure my ponies know that you shall be helping us. If you do excuse me, we shall speak another time,” Cadance gave Yveltal a bow, before turning to John. “John, if you would please join me, I am in need of your assistance.” John, please, oh please, tell me you know how to deal with a situation like this!


I gave Yveltal one last glance, before strolling after Princess Cadance. As I did, I wished Shining Armor good luck. Oh, and Judging by his cheek Cadance was not happy with how this all went down.

We walked for several moments before Cadance turned to me, her eyes wide. “John, please tell me you know what is going on. Shining did NOT explain it that well.” She sounded scared… and that surprised me. Her poker face was a lot better then mine was!

“Well…” I took a deep, and let out a long sight. “Yveltal is the Legendary of Death, and is here to take care of Sombra. He wished to speak with you, so I told Shining Armor to lower the shield. Since he got here, Yveltal has been getting more and more irritated as time goes on, meaning he is other anti social or very irritable. And finally, he is a Legendary Pokémon. Meaning he is very powerful. We would have to do our best not to anger him, and it would be best that he does not stay in the city while his time is spent here in the Crystal Empire.”

Princess Cadance just stared at me, not answering. She looked… blank. As if I broke her. It would be the human comparison to an a emotionless face. “So…” She finally spoke. “It was your idea to let him into the city?”

“Yes…” I answered.

“Oh Celestia, I slapped Shining for no reason! I need to apologize to him! Wait! I made him deal with Yveltal because of it, and he didn’t to it in the first place! Oh what kind of wife am I when I blame my husband for something he didn’t do?!” Cadance then looked like she was going to cry.

“Princess,” I placed my hand on her shoulder. “We can deal with that latter, but for now, you need to go tell your ponies that Yveltal is not going to eat them, or destroy them, or kill them, or turn them into road kill. Alright?”

“Right, right… Worry about the love of your life after your kingdom is taken care of…”

“No,” I cut in. “Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like… making sure the demonic Pokémon is happy and doesn’t kill everyone, including Shining Armor, because we all annoyed him. How would Shining feel if you went to his aid, only to annoy Death, and then we all die?”

“John,” Cadance and I turned to the side to see Snow standing with Lex. “You are horrible at cheering ponies up.

I then noticed Holly Heart was trying to hide behind them, only to perk up at the sound of my name. “Well I don’t know about that,” She stated. “John makes me really happy when I feel down.”

“That’s because you like him,” Lex added in. “And he makes you feel and warm and fizzy on the inside. Kind of like how Snow makes me sometimes.”

“You want to know what I think John makes Holly?” Snow asked. And I already knew what she was going to say… “We-” Stepping forward, I raised my hand to slap Snow, cutting her off.

“Snow,” I started. “Normally I would just put in your Pokeball for saying something like that, but since I no longer have them, I’ll just send you to your room instead.” I yelled.

“Aaawww! John that hurt, and what do you mean you’re sending me to my room?”

“Wait, wait, wait. John, Snow didn’t mean it. You know how she is. It was just a joke,” Lex said, trying to defend her.

“I understand that, but it doesn’t change the fact, and since I know you are going to go with her Lex, please just keep an eye on her.”

Snow slumped her head, then turned around. “This is fucken bullshit…” She muttered under her breath. I heard her, but held my tongue. I had enough to deal with at the moment. Lex then followed after her.

Turning back to where Princess Cadance was, I found an space empty. “Um… Princess Cadance?” I called out looking around.

“Oh, she left,” I turned to see Holly smiling at me. “Said something about getting to work.”

“Right… anyways, I would like to apologies for Snow. She gets out of hand sometimes, and now that I can understand her it has kind of gotten worse.”

“Ya… I’ll try to not let her bother me, but um, John…”

“Yes, Holly Heart.”

“Was that… really Death?”

“Yes, Holly. That was really death outside. The Legendary Pokémon named Yveltal.”

“...um… is he here to hurt us?”

“No. He is here to stop King Sombra, but if he tries to then I promise I will protect you.”

She smiled at me. “I know you will John… Oh, and one more thing…”

“What is it?”

“It’s about what Snow said…” She tilted her head and stared into my eyes. A soft smile adorning her lips. “She’s kind of right.”

“...” I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. “...” I opened it again, but again, nothing came out. With one comment, Holly Heart made my face red and my mind blank.

Leaning forward, Holly Heart kissed me on the cheek. “Now come on you,” She then started to trot off, only to wave for me to follow her. “I said come on, I have something for you,” And with that, my face grew redder. Holly Heart noticed this, then blushed herself. “Oh Celestia, John. I don’t mean that… I’m not ready for that… anytime soon…”

“Ya… I think I need a drink…” I finally spoke.

Author's Note:

Don't really know what to say about this chapter. Yveltal is here. Sombra is growing. Cadance is freaking out. Holly Heart is becoming more attracted to John.... Ya I think I covered a lot in this chapter. What do you all think?
Zeus- I wonder how long Sombra will last now. I honestly can’t wait to see these two fight. *Grabs popcorn
TDN- Nice way of showing Yveltal. I also love Cadance’s reaction to hearing that Yveltal is Death. Tempting fate really comes to mind here.

And 200+ likes! Whooo! Can we get to 300?