• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 2,262 Views, 120 Comments

Eternal Night - Lucaro

In an alternate dimension where Nightmare Moon's coup succeeded, three ponies must find their destiny

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Chapter 17: The Worldspine

Persei stared in awe at the immense chain of stone monoliths before her. The mountain range was like the jagged teeth of some great monster, risen up from the bowels of the earth, taking thousands of years to form.

The trees thinned out around them, vegetation grew increasingly sparse as the soil became rockier as they ascended, and soon it was just gray rock for the rest of the way up. A blanket of wispy white clouds shrouded the peaks, giving the mountains a majestic, mysterious charm in the light of the full moon.

Persei stared in wonder. How would they ever get over those?

Ultra Violet was wrapping up their tent with her magic, and noticed Persei staring at the not so distant mountains. “Those mountains, my folk refer to them as the Worldspine.”

The Worldspine…Persei stared in defiance at them. Although beautiful to look at, they were an obstacle that needed to be conquered. “Let’s do this,” she said, determination in her voice.

Violet smiled, and they began to trot towards the Worldspine. Hopefully Cepheus and the other villagers would soon arrive at there as well, and together, they would proceed up the mountains. But that was a problem. “Violet,” she said, and the other unicorn looked at her inquisitively. “How are we going to get the village elders over those mountains? Your camp is on the other side, right?”

Violet nodded. “There is a secret tunnel that bores through the mountains and leads directly to our camp. We don’t actually have to go over the mountains. They are considered impassible, not only by ground, but air as well.” Violet pointed her hoof at the Worldspine, sweeping it across the horizon. “The mountain range extends indefinitely in both directions. As far as we know, they go on forever.”

“So, it’s like a giant wall separating one part of the world from another?” Persei asked, awed.

Violet shook her head. “Not really. The sea is all that’s behind those mountains. You’re not really missing much by not seeing the other side. Our own camp is nestled in a large crevice on the mountain face. It’s a sharp drop off into the ocean.”

Persei nodded. “I heard in old legends that there used to be ancient cities, exotic lands, island nations, but they were all flooded when the tides rose during the start of Nightmare Moon’s reign at the beginning of the new age.”

Violet nodded. “I have heard that as well, but that is beyond our imagining. All written records of the past age have been destroyed, although Nightmare Moon claims that only a tyrannical regime existed before her and they hadn’t developed their language to include a written form.”

Persei imagined a civilization of illiterate barbarians, but could they believe what Nightmare Moon said? Definitely not. “It’s most likely she had destroyed all the records on purpose, to make us think that things were never any different than they are now.”

“Exactly,” Violet said. “Her government is built upon deception and lies.”

Persei nodded, looking up at the mountains again. The trees around them were already thinning out, and the terrain was becoming rougher. Moonlight reflected off the stone face of the mountain. A continuous cold breeze that seemed to emanate from the mountains themselves caressed her face, blowing her brunette mane back.

The frigid wind whistled all around her, and she breathed it all in, the cold chilling her lungs and invigorating her.

Persei felt powerful. She had never felt so secure in her entire life. She dared fate to knock her off her high perch. Nothing was more dangerous than a pony who knew what she was about.

Persei felt like a changed pony ever since she had left that haunted part of the forest. For the first time in her life, she had a direction, a higher goal. She was part of a grand cause that was far greater than herself.

Despite her newfound purpose, the pain of Mother’s death still ached inside her. But instead of sorrow, she felt a hot anger in her heart.

Nopony should have to go through the pain Persei had experienced. No more Dayborns should have to suffer under the whip of Nightmare Moon’s oppression.

Persei felt a fire within her. She would see that tyrant fall…she swore it upon her mother’s memory.

Ultra Violet had been glancing at her every now and then, noticing that something was simmering inside her. Persei wanted to share her outrage with Violet, but that mare had suffered far more than she could ever imagine.

All the ponies in her camp probably all had suffered more than Persei had.

Persei exhaled, calming herself. She had to focus on getting there first. She noticed that the trees had thinned out, and Violet stopped her. Her horn began to glow, and there was a lilac flash that blinded Persei for a moment. “There,” she said. “Protocol demands that once we leave the cover of the forest, we must wear our camouflage. To anyone flying above, we’re going to look like bushes.”

Persei was still rubbing her eyes. “Why would any of Nightmare Moon’s soldiers come here?”

“We haven’t stayed hidden from the Empress this long by not exercising extreme caution.” Persei nodded, gesturing to the gradually increasing steepness of their climb. “We will be meeting two of our agents when we reach a certain point. They’ll check our identities, they’ll ask you a few questions, and then they will lead us to the tunnel.”

Persei felt nervous, but she was certain she could pass their little inspection.

Soon, they had emerged from the forest. Pale green grass and small shrubs adorned the stone feet of the mountains, and they continued to ascend. They crossed a meandering stream, stopping to drink the pristine mountain water.

Persei could taste the small tinge of salt in the breeze from the sea, but it was subdued by the cold, algidity of the mountain air.

“Persei,” Violet said. “I was thinking about this for a while now, but do you know your mother’s actual name?”

Persei sighed. “I asked her once about what her name was, but she always told me that she no longer had one. So we just called her mother, since that’s what she was to us. She had always been secretive about her identity, and now I know it was for good reason.”

“Hmmm….” Violet thought pensively. “Do you know your father’s name? Was he a unicorn like you, or a pegasus like your brother?”

“I don’t know my father’s name either, but I do know he was a pegasus.”

Violet stared at Persei. “Then how are you a unicorn? Genetics would dictate that you either be an earth pony like your mother, or a pegasus like your father.”

Persei shrugged. “Maybe it was a mutation, or some remnant blood from some other unicorn ancestor.” She put a hoof under her muzzle, stroking it. “I haven’t given this much thought. I was sharing womb space with my brother, maybe that caused it.”

“You two are twins?” Violet asked.

“Yes, fraternal.” Persei answered.

Ultra Violet shook her head. “Interesting, you must tell me more about your origins when we get back to camp.”

“Same here,” Persei whispered.

They continued their ascent of the mountain, and Violet had stopped to give her some hoof-wraps to protect her hooves from sharp rocks and help her grip the mountain face better.

Soon, they arrived at a waypoint in their journey. Persei struggled as she climbed up a particularly high ridge, and was out of breath as she followed Violet.

They were standing in some wide, flat space. The mountain went up in an almost vertical direction at the other end of the clearing, and behind Persei was an open view of the vast green forest stretching out below as far as the eye could see. But what was most intriguing was what was at the center of the clearing. There was a wrecked statue of some regal looking mare, her shattered head sitting at her feet.

Persei jumped when two armored stallions emerged from within the cracks of the ruined statue. They gave her a guarded stare, and then looked around the clearing before facing Ultra Violet. The pegasus with a minty green coat and mossy colored mane addressed her with the utmost respect. “My lady, you’ve brought only one mare with you? Drawnzer managed to bring half of the ponies in his assigned village a week ago, not to mention….”

“Silence, Grass Blade.” The stallion suddenly fell quiet, as if he had been bitten. “I will be personally escorting this mare to our camp, and I want you to descend the mountain and wait at the very foot. Her entire village should soon be arriving, and they will require assistance in the climb.”

Violet faced the other guard, an orange earth pony with a blue mane. “Broadsides, you wait here for Grass Blade, and maintain your guard duty. I want you personally held responsible for this task here: when the villagers arrive, a pegasus named Cepheus should be leading them. Immediately send him to my pavilion once everypony is settled.”

Violet looked at Persei for a moment, and then addressed the two guards once more. “You have your orders. Carry them out.”

Grass Blade gestured towards Persei with his wing. “What about her background check?”

Violet’s lilac mane flared up. “I will take care of her. You focus on your own assigned duties.”

Grass Blade flapped his wings and in a moment he disappeared down the ridge.

Persei faced Violet, confused. “What did those stallions mean by assigned villages? Did you…did your camp already know the Night Guard was going to attack all of the fringe colonies?”

“Yes,” she said in an authoritative tone. “I had been spying on Nightmare Moon’s activities, as I told you before. The increased amount of military personnel at her forward bases suggested that she was preparing to attack. Though I, and as a result my forces, underestimated the tenacity and swiftness of her Night Guard. I thought I had more time, but we did manage to gather as many refugees as we could and bring them here.”

Persei nodded, and thought out loud. “Do you know what caused the Night Guard’s interest in our colonies in the first place? They had left us alone, then all of a sudden they were all over us.”

“It was the Night Terrors,” Violet said immediately. “Somehow, they found your mother and wanted her dead. That was the catalyst behind the Night Guard raids. That’s the reason why all the villages were destroyed, turning thousands of our fellow Dayborns into refugees.”

“How did they find mother? Do ponies give off a signature when they sleep that acts as a beacon that the Night Terrors can see?”

“Each dreaming pony’s mind gives off a certain signature, but definitely not a beacon. Even without the Nightlock, she would still have evaded notice. It was either she had very bad luck, or somepony ratted her out.” Ultra Violet looked at Persei very closely. “No Dayborn would help Nightmare Moon, so it had to be a Nightborn.” The unicorn grew closer, looking her right in the eye. “Was there anypony like that in your town? A Nightborn who knew your mother, or had something against her?”

Sirius…It had been him. He had flown off and had told Nightmare Moon about their location. So many ponies had suffered because of him. Persei had been right to hate him. She sighed. “It was a pony named Sirius. He was the only Nightborn in the village, and was friends with my brother, Cepheus.” Persei shook her head. “I knew he was wicked. My Mother tried to kill him. I should have helped her finish the job.”

Ultra Violet nodded. “You should have. All Nightborn ponies are inherently traitorous and wicked. But I’m sure you won’t make the mistake of allowing one to live again.”

Persei nodded, feeling guilty, but hating Sirius more. If she ever found him, she would not hesitate to kill him. So much blood was on his hooves.

Violet was trotting away, and Persei began to follow. But as she drew close, Violet looked back at her. “Oh, and you said your brother was friends with this Nightborn?” Persei remained silent. “Straighten him out,” she growled. “Or I will do it for you.”

Ultra Violet continued trotting alongside the face of the mountain, and Persei followed. She had to tell Cepheus what Sirius had done.

Persei felt bad about telling him though. Cepheus had honestly loved the threstal, and the betrayal would break his heart. Even more so once he learned of Mother’s death.

They arrived at another, much smaller clearing. Persei looked around, and Ultra Violet stood in front of the mountain face. What was she doing? There was nothing here….

“Who dares to approach my lair?” a deep voice boomed from above.

Persei stared up in horror, and saw a silver and gray dragon staring down at them from his perch. Smoke issued from his nostrils, and he bared his razor sharp teeth at her. “Leave now, and I may spare you.”

Ultra Violet moved into the dragon’s eyesight, and there was a visible change in his demeanor. “What have I told you about theatrics, Sarim? I will have none of that nonsense while you watch the gate.”

The dragon wilted. “I was just having some fun, my lady. I meant no offense.”

Sarim retreated out of view, and Violet shook her head angrily. Her horn began to glow, and she touched it against the mountain. The illusion of the featureless rock face dissipated and a large crevice appeared. It was dark inside, narrow, and looked treacherous.

Ultra Violet’s horn began to glow, and she led the way inside. “Follow me, Persei. The camp is through here.” Persei followed her inside, water dripping on her head. “Consider yourself one of us now,” Violet whispered.

Author's Note:

Sorry if there was any trouble last night or this morning. Fimfiction was glitching out on me. I think I may have lost an upvote because of that.

It seems Persei has finally found her place in this world. Maybe she'll be able to make some friends now.

Discussion/feedback is encouraged

Important Note: The next chapter will have a clop option. Have fun with that.

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