• Published 6th Jul 2014
  • 336 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: Family is Magic - MLfan

The Order family, consisting of 4 ponies, wake up, and everyone disappears.They have to figure out what's going on, and what to do. This mystery is a story of relationships and family love.

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The Base (introduction)

Author's Note:

My brother, Devon, and I started a game, and that turned into this story. My friends helped me with the characters, so thank you, all of you. I present... My Little Pony: Family is Magic.

This story takes place in a town called pontree (pronounced pony with a "tr" put between the n and y), a village of tree houses suspended in a forest. This story start in one of said tree houses.

A female unicorn walks through a treehouse hallway. She is bright yellow with green eyes and sleek, orange hair, and 2 quills crossing a pen for a cutie mark "DD... Lawny... It's me, Writehoof! oh, where are they?" Writehoof checks the dining room and kitchen with no luck. "Come on guys, this isn't funny!" She continues to walk down the hallway. "Daredriver! Lawn Order! It's bedtime! She looks in Daredriver's room and sees a flash of purple disappear behind the bookcase. "What was that?" she wondered. She pushed the bookcase aside to find a big cylindrical room filled with books and skate equipment. Lawn Order, a male blue unicorn with white eyes, mane, and hooves with no cutie mark, is reading, while daredriver, a vibrant red male pegasus with blue eyes and a yellow mane and tail.

Daredriver looked at Lawn order and said "Great, we're busted" Lawn order didn't react. "Our sister found us."

Lawn order kept looking at his book until he heard the word sister. It took him a second to recover, then he said "You mean you're busted. I didn't make this base.

"Yeah, but you didn't say anything, so you're as guilty as I am." Daredriver retorted.

"Guys, what's going on here?" asked Writehoof. "Who built this? Why was it built? How... What's going on?

Daredriver and Lawn Order both started explaining at the same time, and what came out was a garbled mess.

Writehoof, annoyed by the lack of order, yelled "Boys! Boys! One at a time please!"

"Sorry, sis." they said.

"So," she said to Daredriver, "Apparently you made this? Please explain yourself."

"Well," he started, "Remember when you went to the summer sun celebration in ponyville?

"Yes..." she said.

"And remember how I got left behind with a foulsitter?

Writehoof thought for a moment and said "Wait, are you saying..."

"Well," he continued, "When she was off buying groceries, I... um...

"Tell the truth..."

"Fine, I accidentally kicked through the wall.

Why didn't you say anything!?" She realized she was getting off topic "Anyways..."

"After I kicked through the wall, I found a new room. When I looked at it from the outside, I thought it must have been inside the tree. It must have been blocked off because of an earlier renovation. I moved some skating equiptment in, and... well, Here I am!

Why didn't you tell me? It isn't bad or anything."

I have 2 good reasons. The first, which I alreay mentioned, is that I would have to admit that I kicked the wall down. The second is that you would take over, and the second is that you would move in with all of your friends and not let me use my own secret base!

Writehoof is taken aback by this. "Am I... am I like that? I..." She suddenly gets angry "Wait, then why is he here?" she pointed at Lawn Order angrily.

"Well-" Daredriver started.

"Well I can speak for myself thank you very much." Lawn Order butted in. "It was a day after we got home from The celebration, and I was reading a mystery novel, and the main character found a passage behind a bookcase. I decided to look behind Lawn's, not expecting to find anything of course..."

Wait, Why Lawn's?

"Well, It was the closest bookcase there was when I read it. Anyways, then I noticed the bookcase was moved."

"I moved it to hide the room" Daredriver said.

"Anyways, the first thing I did then was do a thourough check of the house."

"Wait," Writehoof said, "Why didn't you go check it out? It was different, after all."

"Well, for one thing I wanted to see if I should check anything else out beforehand. It was a real life mystery, after all.

"The bookcase was moving a couple feet isn't really a mystery..."

"OK, I may have over reacted, but that's beside the point. Anyways, everything else was normal, so I checked it out. There was skating equipment everywhere! That kind of narrowed down the suspects, but I decided to do a stakeout, anyways. It was as close to being a spy as I was ever going to get, after all. Anyways, I confronted Dareddriver and he thought he was dead.

"No, I didn't." Daredriver defended "I reminded you what our sister would do, then you revealed that you wanted to use this as a secret spy base! You brought in your books, and we've shared it up till now."

"Thanks for making the story less dramatic."

"You are so welcome!"

Writehoof stepped in. "Boys! Boys! Be quiet! They both stop arguing "Thank you. Now, what do you think your punishment should be."

"Um... well..." Daredriver started.

Lawn whispered to Daredriver "" Let me take care of this He turned to "Well, don't you think this is punishment enough?"

"Huh?" said Writehoof.

"Well, you already found out about this place, which both of us have our reasons not to want you to know about..."

Daredriver is catching on "So isn't this punishment enough?" he finished.

"Hmmm... you make a valid point," she said "but what about the fact that you broke through the wall still stands."

"er... um..." Daredriver didn't know what to say

Daredriver turned to him and whispered "Hey, I said I would take care of things. Do you trust me?" After a moment he nodded and lawn order tuned to Writehoof and spoke. "Hey, If you tell our mom and dad this, they won't let you use it, right?

"Are you trying to bribe me?" she questioned.

"I'm just saying that we haven't done anything wrong. all we did was build a base. Is that a crime?

"Um... well..."

"You could use this as a writing nook."

"Um... well... Fine, I'll do it. I'll bring in my writing supplies."

"Oh, yeah! Don't let Sparky see you! He'll probably use the room for a lab!

"Got it!" She exits the room.

"Thank you." Daredriver said to Lawn. "If it weren't for you I'd be in big trouble.

"Aw, it was nothing" Lawn said back.

"I mean, you are annoying at times, but you can be nice, too.

"HEY!... and thanks..." Lawn paws at the ground.

Awhile later, Writehoof returns.

"Hey, want to sleep here?" Daredriver asked Writehoof "Lawn order and I made fake beds for the 2 of us and brought the real ones in here. We've been sleeping here for a couple months now. I can do the same for you, If you want."

"Sure," she answered, "It would help me write late-night. Wait a minute... a couple MONTHS? Why have I not noticed?

Lawn answered: "You've probably been too busy writing, you finished your story today, and when you went to show it off, we weren't there. so was I right?"

"I forget the fact you read all of those detective novels, and you do this... anyways, aboout my bed..."

So the fake bed was created, and the real was brought to the secret room. That took up the entire day, so they went to bed.

The next day

Daredriver, Lawn order, and Writehoof have woken up and are doing the regular, when Writehoof remembers something: "Oh, great! We need to get out of here! Sparky will wonder where we are!"

Lawn started to answer, but Dare beat him to the punch "Why? he hasn't before now."

"Well," she replied, "I wasn't here before now. What if he sees I'm missing and gets worried!?"

"Fine, let's check." answered dare.

So they all got out and right in front of them was Sparky, a purple earth pony with a similar mane to twilight's, and his cutie mark is Twilight's with 2 question markss crossing it. He appeared to be franticly searching for someone. Sparky noticed them and was confused. "Huh... how did you... what?" He shook it off and thought for a moment. "It's mom and dad. They're... they're gone!"