My Little Pony: Family is Magic

by MLfan

First published

The Order family, consisting of 4 ponies, wake up, and everyone disappears.They have to figure out what's going on, and what to do. This mystery is a story of relationships and family love.

I'm sure you've heard of Twilight, rainbow dash, and the rest, but what if there was one little change? What if Twilight and the rest failed because of it? Cue the order family, our heroes (from oldest to youngest):
Writehoof, the eldest of the 4, is a female unicorn and a writer. She is often sassy with her 3 younger brothers, but is dependable and nice when she needs to be. She already has her cutie mark, which is 2 quills crossing a book, and often rubs it in her brothers' faces. She is bright yellow with bright green eyes and a sleek orange mane and tail.
Sparky: An earth pony who wants to understand magic. While other earth ponies have their own magic (i.e. pinkie's pinkie sense and maud's ability to destroy boulders), Sparky has none, yet he is devoted to understanding it. He is male, purple, has a mane simillar to twilight's, and has recently gotten his cutie mark: a star(Twilight's cutie mark) with 2 question marks crossing over it.
Lawn Order: A unicorn who loves detective novels and action. He mastered a cloud walking spell when he was little because he needs to be able look up there to be a detective. He is around the age he might get his cutie mark soon , and he can't wait! He is dark blue with white hooves, eyes, and mane.
Daredriver: As youngest of the family, He is often left out of things, but he is a real daredevil! He is also very good with tools. He is a pegasus, and is vibrant red with blue eyes and a yellow mane and tail.
It all begins when the family falls asleep, and when they wake up, no one except the order family remains... (This story falls into the nonexistent "Mystery" catagory)

The Base (introduction)

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This story takes place in a town called pontree (pronounced pony with a "tr" put between the n and y), a village of tree houses suspended in a forest. This story start in one of said tree houses.

A female unicorn walks through a treehouse hallway. She is bright yellow with green eyes and sleek, orange hair, and 2 quills crossing a pen for a cutie mark "DD... Lawny... It's me, Writehoof! oh, where are they?" Writehoof checks the dining room and kitchen with no luck. "Come on guys, this isn't funny!" She continues to walk down the hallway. "Daredriver! Lawn Order! It's bedtime! She looks in Daredriver's room and sees a flash of purple disappear behind the bookcase. "What was that?" she wondered. She pushed the bookcase aside to find a big cylindrical room filled with books and skate equipment. Lawn Order, a male blue unicorn with white eyes, mane, and hooves with no cutie mark, is reading, while daredriver, a vibrant red male pegasus with blue eyes and a yellow mane and tail.

Daredriver looked at Lawn order and said "Great, we're busted" Lawn order didn't react. "Our sister found us."

Lawn order kept looking at his book until he heard the word sister. It took him a second to recover, then he said "You mean you're busted. I didn't make this base.

"Yeah, but you didn't say anything, so you're as guilty as I am." Daredriver retorted.

"Guys, what's going on here?" asked Writehoof. "Who built this? Why was it built? How... What's going on?

Daredriver and Lawn Order both started explaining at the same time, and what came out was a garbled mess.

Writehoof, annoyed by the lack of order, yelled "Boys! Boys! One at a time please!"

"Sorry, sis." they said.

"So," she said to Daredriver, "Apparently you made this? Please explain yourself."

"Well," he started, "Remember when you went to the summer sun celebration in ponyville?

"Yes..." she said.

"And remember how I got left behind with a foulsitter?

Writehoof thought for a moment and said "Wait, are you saying..."

"Well," he continued, "When she was off buying groceries, I... um...

"Tell the truth..."

"Fine, I accidentally kicked through the wall.

Why didn't you say anything!?" She realized she was getting off topic "Anyways..."

"After I kicked through the wall, I found a new room. When I looked at it from the outside, I thought it must have been inside the tree. It must have been blocked off because of an earlier renovation. I moved some skating equiptment in, and... well, Here I am!

Why didn't you tell me? It isn't bad or anything."

I have 2 good reasons. The first, which I alreay mentioned, is that I would have to admit that I kicked the wall down. The second is that you would take over, and the second is that you would move in with all of your friends and not let me use my own secret base!

Writehoof is taken aback by this. "Am I... am I like that? I..." She suddenly gets angry "Wait, then why is he here?" she pointed at Lawn Order angrily.

"Well-" Daredriver started.

"Well I can speak for myself thank you very much." Lawn Order butted in. "It was a day after we got home from The celebration, and I was reading a mystery novel, and the main character found a passage behind a bookcase. I decided to look behind Lawn's, not expecting to find anything of course..."

Wait, Why Lawn's?

"Well, It was the closest bookcase there was when I read it. Anyways, then I noticed the bookcase was moved."

"I moved it to hide the room" Daredriver said.

"Anyways, the first thing I did then was do a thourough check of the house."

"Wait," Writehoof said, "Why didn't you go check it out? It was different, after all."

"Well, for one thing I wanted to see if I should check anything else out beforehand. It was a real life mystery, after all.

"The bookcase was moving a couple feet isn't really a mystery..."

"OK, I may have over reacted, but that's beside the point. Anyways, everything else was normal, so I checked it out. There was skating equipment everywhere! That kind of narrowed down the suspects, but I decided to do a stakeout, anyways. It was as close to being a spy as I was ever going to get, after all. Anyways, I confronted Dareddriver and he thought he was dead.

"No, I didn't." Daredriver defended "I reminded you what our sister would do, then you revealed that you wanted to use this as a secret spy base! You brought in your books, and we've shared it up till now."

"Thanks for making the story less dramatic."

"You are so welcome!"

Writehoof stepped in. "Boys! Boys! Be quiet! They both stop arguing "Thank you. Now, what do you think your punishment should be."

"Um... well..." Daredriver started.

Lawn whispered to Daredriver "" Let me take care of this He turned to "Well, don't you think this is punishment enough?"

"Huh?" said Writehoof.

"Well, you already found out about this place, which both of us have our reasons not to want you to know about..."

Daredriver is catching on "So isn't this punishment enough?" he finished.

"Hmmm... you make a valid point," she said "but what about the fact that you broke through the wall still stands."

"er... um..." Daredriver didn't know what to say

Daredriver turned to him and whispered "Hey, I said I would take care of things. Do you trust me?" After a moment he nodded and lawn order tuned to Writehoof and spoke. "Hey, If you tell our mom and dad this, they won't let you use it, right?

"Are you trying to bribe me?" she questioned.

"I'm just saying that we haven't done anything wrong. all we did was build a base. Is that a crime?

"Um... well..."

"You could use this as a writing nook."

"Um... well... Fine, I'll do it. I'll bring in my writing supplies."

"Oh, yeah! Don't let Sparky see you! He'll probably use the room for a lab!

"Got it!" She exits the room.

"Thank you." Daredriver said to Lawn. "If it weren't for you I'd be in big trouble.

"Aw, it was nothing" Lawn said back.

"I mean, you are annoying at times, but you can be nice, too.

"HEY!... and thanks..." Lawn paws at the ground.

Awhile later, Writehoof returns.

"Hey, want to sleep here?" Daredriver asked Writehoof "Lawn order and I made fake beds for the 2 of us and brought the real ones in here. We've been sleeping here for a couple months now. I can do the same for you, If you want."

"Sure," she answered, "It would help me write late-night. Wait a minute... a couple MONTHS? Why have I not noticed?

Lawn answered: "You've probably been too busy writing, you finished your story today, and when you went to show it off, we weren't there. so was I right?"

"I forget the fact you read all of those detective novels, and you do this... anyways, aboout my bed..."

So the fake bed was created, and the real was brought to the secret room. That took up the entire day, so they went to bed.

The next day

Daredriver, Lawn order, and Writehoof have woken up and are doing the regular, when Writehoof remembers something: "Oh, great! We need to get out of here! Sparky will wonder where we are!"

Lawn started to answer, but Dare beat him to the punch "Why? he hasn't before now."

"Well," she replied, "I wasn't here before now. What if he sees I'm missing and gets worried!?"

"Fine, let's check." answered dare.

So they all got out and right in front of them was Sparky, a purple earth pony with a similar mane to twilight's, and his cutie mark is Twilight's with 2 question markss crossing it. He appeared to be franticly searching for someone. Sparky noticed them and was confused. "Huh... how did you... what?" He shook it off and thought for a moment. "It's mom and dad. They're... they're gone!"

The mystery

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Sparky just said that their mom and dad were missing, and the 3 that just emerged stood still. The first to recover was Writehoof: "What do you mean "gone"? You're sure they're not just "out"?"

"Yes, I'm sure. There appears to be some sort of struggle going on. I was afraid you were gone, too! Where were you, anyways?"

Daredriver and Writehoof explained what had happened up to that point.

Suddenly, Daredriver was frantic "Where's Lawn Order? He was there when we got out!"

They began to look around franticly, when Lawn appeared in the doorway.

"We've got a real mystery...." he said trying to keep calm "I mean it's a real mystery..." he shakes it off "And you're gonna be my assistant, Dare!" He throws Daredriver a magnifying glass.

Daredriver instantly forgets his worry and goes into annoyance, and says "Oh, yeah, like the last 5 "real mysteries"."

"Hey, this is different!" Dare retorted.

Sparky said angrily: "Are you guys seriously arguing at a time like this? Our mom and dad are missing!" He turns to writehoof and says "Help me out here"

Unfortunately for him, Writehoof is thinking about something else: "Hey, why are you the detective, I'm older!"

Daredriver answered "Because I've read detective books left and right, I especially love pegatha christy, and you... well You read adventure novels.

"O.K., fine, but why am I not at least the assistant?" Writehoof said, ignoring him.

"We were behind the bookcase for months, and you didn't notice! Plus, he's always been my assistant, and he's getting pretty good at it. One more thing: He's a pegasus. He can reach high up clouds

"Fine." (she sighs)

Daredriver and Lawn order go upstairs to examine the room. In the room, there is chaos! Pots are smashed, the rug is in little pieces, and the bed is in ruins! Lawn said to Daredriver: "Remember when I found out you took cookies from the cookie jar?"

"Yeah, you were SO dramatic about it."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, I took hoofprints and magical traces of everypony, and I still have them! I brought them with me, so let's take a look around..."

They took a look around, and eventually got to comparing the results.

"Well, that's strange." Lawn said.

"What is it?" asked Daredriver.

"Well, you tell me."

Daredriver looked over the hoofprints, After that, he said "That is starange! Only dad's footprints are here!"

"Yeah, and while you were lookeing for hoofprints, I was looking for magic, and guess what I found!

"Um... mysterious magic?"

"No, I found Dark magic. There are no traces of mo at all!"

"Wait... Dark magic... are you saying that this is serious?"

"Yeah, this is more than just an ordinary fight..." he said, but he was thinking excitedly: "Oh, yeah, things are really heating up now!

Daredriver was frantic! He rambled: "Why did they get captured? Was it only them? Were they captured because they were secretely spies? Why weren't we captured? If they couldn't find us in our room, why wasn't sparky captured? What if our parents are evil, so they cast the spell! Is anyone else evil? Is sparky evil? Is our sister evil? (GASP) Are you evil? What about-"

"DAREDRIVER ORDER, BE QUIET!... Thank you. Now, as for your questions, I don't know. We need more evidence."

"Okay."He whimpered.

They went downstairs and Lawn explained what had happened: "Basically, we looked for hoofprints and only found dad's, with another unrecognizable set. We also found traces of dark magic!"

It took Sparky and Writehoof awhile to calm down after that, Then Lawn explained the plan: "I have taken the hoofprints and the dark magic with me, so now all we should check out the rest of the town."

They went to their neighbors, and found similar stuff. He had their hoofprints from another anticlimactic case, and the same thing happened, but this time there were no traces of the dad. The hoofprints were different, so there was no connection there, but the dark magic was almost the same! The strangest part, however, was the rooms of the 2 kids.

"Okay, so that's the parents' room, so what about the kids? Daredriver asked. "Maybe they're still here...? He said hoping it was true. They checked the first room, which was what you could expect, with tattered rugs and all. Again, there were completely different hoofprints from the other 2 mysteries, and similar magic. But when they checked the second...

Lawn and Daredriver stared at the other kid's room. It was pristine! They found subtle footprints, which they analyzed.

"This can't be right!" Lawn said "These... These are the same as the other footprints!

Daredriver was confused. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Lawn stammered "These... These are the same as the ones that attacked the other kid!"

Daredriver was Terrified! "What do you mean, The same as the one who attacked the other kid? Does that mean... what does that mean?"

"I think I might know, but I don't want to say until I have more data."

When they got back out, Sparky and Writehoof were waiting. "So, what did you find?" asked Writehoof.

"We'll tell you on the way." answered Lawn Order. He thought of something: "From now on, we need to stick together. There's no telling what might happen if we don't."

Their other neighbor had a house of clouds. When they got there, Lawn order did a cloud walking spell.

"Hey, I didn't know you could do that!" Exclaimed Writehoof.

"Yeah, I learned it a few years ago. I need to be able to check out clouds to be a detective, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She answered.

Up there was the same as the last house, and because of this, and the fact that no one was in the streets, they assumed it was the same in all of pontry. They went back to their house at Lawn's request.

In the doorway, Lawn said: I want to do one last test...alone." He disappeared into the house. A couple minutes later, He came out.

"Just as I suspected..." he muttered to himself He cleared his throat and said Someone among us... is not who they seem to be." The 3 stannding in front of him say "What?" and glance around. "One of you 3.... Is a traitor. And that person... Is You!" Lawn Order said, dramatically turning around and pointing to one of the three ponies in front of him...

The conclusion

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"Huh? Why me?" Sparky said nervously.

"Well, let's recap." Lawn answered. "Writehoof, Daredriver and I all ended up in a secret room no one else knew about. Daredriver and I have been sleeping there for the past few months, which I will come back to later. Wrighthoof is with us on this night. Sparky, however, is not. How did he avoid them? Why did he not hear screaming? Because he was in cahoots with them.

"Bu-But that's only speculation" He stammered.

Okay, let's then (ahem) "speculate" that you are in cahoots. With this information, let us continue. Now, he claims that he was looking for mom and dad, but I think he was looking for Writehoof.

Writehoof is shocked! "Why me!? Why not you two?

"I'll get to that later. Next, we found out about the footprints and mysterious magicIn all kinds of places, but that in itself doesn't give too many clues. Something that does give clues is that all footprints are different, meaning more than one pony did this. The evil magic is also similar, but not the same. This means that we have an evil army on our hands!

All three of the others were scared now, but for different reasons.

"Now, I can think of only one army with evil magic, but I'll continue anyways. The final nail in the coffin is the fact that the mysterious hoofprints' source can be traced back to the seemingly normal ponies' room. Finnally, the thing that confirmed my suspicions that Sparky is in cahoots... is the hoofprints."

"What do you mean?" asked Wrighthoof.

"I don't understand..." said Sparky.

Lawn turned to sparky: You didn't know that I had your hoofprints. Think back to what I said: "Basically, we looked for hoofprints and only found dad's, with another unrecognizable set. We also found traces of dark magic!" I didn't mention how I got them: from a mystery. Because of this, You were unalarmed. But I have you old hoofprints... and I compared them to the ones in your room. Would you like them to be compared to your own?

Not sparky stayed silent.

"You're a changling, aren't you?"

He remained silent.

"It's your choice. Should I tell them, or will you?

"... fine." the changeling said "You've caught me. I'll tell you, not that you don't already know. We have slowly been replacing ponies. Each changeling studied movements for months, then, in the middle of the night, replaced them. when half the population became changelings, in the middle of the night, all at once, the changelings brought the victims back to the hive to feed on them.

"But there was a problem," Lawn interrupted "Me or daredriver, I don't know which yet, were in our top secret hideaway, and couldn't be found. When the time came, you couldn't find who you needed... Writehoof. So we made it through the night, while no one else did."

"You got it" said the changeling, now... amused? "You stand no chance! Our queen has sent messages! She successfully posed as cadence. She took down even Celestia! You don't stand a chance..."

With that, the changeling tranformed into it's original form, and Teleported away.

Lawn was stunned. Wrighthoof noticed and yelled: "Quick! Follow the teleport!"

When Writehoof said it, he snapped out of it. "Okay!" He leaned over to Wrighthoof. "Thanks, sis." He said in complete earnest.

They followed the trace to Canterlot: their new hive. They just arrived at the gate, and they stood there, not wanting to face this impossible challenge.

"How do we get in?" asked Writehoof

"Hmmm... let me think, Okay?" said Lawn.

Daredriver had an idea: What if we... nah..."

"What is it?" the other two said simultaneously.

Daredriver said "Well... what if we rescue everyone that was kidnapped? If they're on our side, we have a fair chance..."

Lawn order said "You know... that just might work! Okay, Writehoof and I will confront the queen while Daredriver rescues...

"No." said Wrighthoof.

"What do you mean?" asked Lawn.

"I mean that I shouldn't confront the queen.Daredriver came up with this, and has helped you this whole time. Without you, we would never know that Sparky was a changeling. You two... Take down the queen!"

Daredriver and Lawn were stunned for a few seconds, and nodded, proud of their sister for the self sacrifice.

There weren't any changelings out and about, probably because they were too busy feasting on the love of the captured ones, so the two of them ran straight to the throne room, where the queen changeling, Queen Chrysalis. "What-... how-... What are you doing here!?"

"One of your changelings was unable to find me," Daredriver answered, "and then revealed your plan and led us right to you!"

"That imbicile..." she started angrily, then regained her composure "Oh, well. There is no way you can defeat me. I can just call my changelings to me-"

"Um... no you can't" said Draedriver

"And why not?"

"We have an operative on standby, ready to release everyone from prison. She is doing it as we speak. I think your operatives are a bit... preoccupied."

"You're bluffing."

"Am I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Fine then, I can defeat you on my own!

Christallis fired a bolt of dark magic right at them! they each rolled in different directions. she charged up a bolt at Law Order

"Keep dodging until backup arrives!" yelled Lawn.

Queen Christalis realized that this wasn't working, so she changed tactics. She flew at daredriver at top speeds! Daredriver had no time to react, and was tackled to the floor! Lawn Order saw that they were losing, and sent a magical SOS to Writehoof

Meanwhile, Writehoof's job was going smoothly, ands he started a rebellion. soon, everypony was chaseing the changeelings away! The changlings never stood a chance! Then she got the SOS! She started to lead the rebellion to he castle, she hoped she would make it in time...

Meanwhile, Lawn and Daredriver were losing. She was just too fast. Eventually, Lawn said: "I give up."

Daredriver whispered: "Are you crazy?

"Just trust me, Okay?"

Daredriverr looked at him long and hard, and finally nodded.

Lawn turned to look at queen Christalis and said "Do what you want. We give up."

Then... she started boasting! It was like a gift from heaven. She boasted for so long, that the rebellion came! She knew she had no chance, so she flew away. Fortunately, canterlot is so high up, there were clouds nearby! So, with everyone else stunned, Lawn cast a cloud walking spell and gave chase!

He ran across the clouds, bounding across the clouds, Free... alive! he was getting closer and closer, and Queen Christalis knew she wasn't fast enough! So, she kicked the cloud behind her! Lawn fell right through and started to plummet. Then... he had a magic surge. His eyes glowed white, and clouds started being shot from his horn! Through all of this, he managed to focus his energy into a cloud under him, and he landed. He used all of his might and shot a cage of clouds straight at the ex-queen. She was caught! When the rest of them caught up, he explained what had happened so far. Then Daredriver pointed at lawn's flank. "Look, your cutie mark!" He looked down. It was a magnifying glass and hammer crossing a cloud. "What does it mean?" Daredriver asked.

"Well, I'm a detective, I can make clouds, and with this, I can build pegasus cities! Although, I've never read about this ability. I'm going to read up on this magic when I get back."

So, they all went back home. The end... of this story. they have many mare adventures to come!