• Published 26th May 2014
  • 819 Views, 23 Comments

A new life in Ponyland - nearlyepic1

Bob's life has gone bad. He can't seem to do anything right. Maybe his luck will change after he is sent to a certain ponyland.

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Chapter 3

Two things go through my head at this moment.

I've done nothing to deserve the kindness she's given me, I could stay here for a week then go home and be back with my family. Maybe I can get Luna to send some cash to my family as well? With decor of this place I'm sure she has some to spare.


A winged unicorn, that has just ripped me from my previous life, has just offered me her bedroom... I wonder how far I can run if I jump out of a window...

After taking a whole ten seconds to think about it I decide that thought B is more relevant. I start screaming, Waving my hands around in the air and running towards the nearest stain glass window. After two minutes of running I get within jumping distance of a window. I don't think twice as I put all of my forward momentum into the jump.

I'm not a very fast runner so I should have predicted that my jump would have failed. I bounced of the window and was given a sore head for my troubles. I turn around to see Luna, still sat on her throne, starring at me with a raised eyebrow.

I blink at her.

She blinks back.

I start screaming and waving my hands around again as I start running towards the big golden doors.

Once I'm through the doors I realize something. I'm in the wrong dimension where I know three people, No, ponies. One threatened to drop me out of a castle window, Another is scared of me and the third is the one that brought me here in the first place and is the only one who can send me home.

Wait, The only one who can send me home.

Celestia! The second royal sister! She can send me home!

I look around outside the big golden doors and notice Shield is stood behind me, Between me and the golden doors. I turn to him and smile. He growls in return.

I raise my hand and say to him, "Take me to your leader!" with as much authority as I can. He stares at me for a few minutes. "Um... Take me to your second leader?"

He keeps starring at me as he says "Celestia? She's asleep. And no, I'm not waking her up for you. You've already caused problems for one of our rulers. Celestia doesn't need to be involved."

"But she has more magic! She can send me home now!" I argue. Shield keeps starring at me."Fine! No Celestia. What am I supposed to do for the next week until Luna can send me home?" Shield still stares at me. That stare's getting annoying quickly!

"Who says she's going to send you back at all now?" Shield deadpans. Dammit! I didn't think of that! Well at least Shield isn't starring anymore. Now he just looks like he's talking to an idiot.

"Hey, She brought me here! It's her fault, she should fix it!" I state angrily.

"What do you think she's trying to do? So far all you've done is shout at her and throw everything she's done for you back in her face. She gives you a new life, You complain that you want your old one back. She say's she will send you back, You complain about it not happening sooner. She offers her own living space to make you comfortable and you throw a tantrum, Running, Screaming. I would have you in the dungeons for this," He points a hoof at me. Throw an inter-dimensional being into a dungeon?! Does he know how important I am? I was brought here, Across realities, by his princess! I must be important! "But I know that Luna would not accept it..." He finishes. Too right!

Shield seemed to relax after his little speech. "If I were you I would stop being such a selfish prick and think about how she's feeling right now. I'd go back in there and apologize."

I take a moment to think about what he said. Am I selfish? Nah. I just want to go home! Anyone would! Should I go in there and apologize to Luna? Nah. She's in the wrong, Not me. Maybe I should take her room anyway? Gives me somewhere to wait for her to apologize to me.

"Hey, Shield. Can you take me back to Luna's room?" He blinks at me, Confusion evident in his face.

"I don't even know if that offer still stands..." He puts a hoof to his chin in thought."I guess it'll be okay. I'll have to clear it with Luna first though. I'll be back in a minute, Stay here." And with that Shield walked back into throne room.

For a moment I considered running again to see how far I could get before they noticed when I remembered the two day guards on door duty. I looked at them. They were both starring forward with mainly static expressions. I'm sure I could see both of their eyes burning with rage at my treatment of royalty. That didn't phase me much though. They're the guards! They're bound to have biased opinions!

I look back at the golden doors to see them closing behind an enraged looking Shield. He doesn't make eye contact with me, Instead looking at my feet. "So? Am I staying in Luna's room?" I ask. Shield looks up at my face, Into my eyes. I see that he is about a hairs width from finding out what damage a hoof can do to a human's head. I'm slightly concerned with this. What did I do to make him mad? He wasn't this mad before he went to talk to Luna, Maybe Luna's annoyed with me.

"Her room is yours until morning." He says with a growl as he walks down a corridor. I quickly follow him as he continues "Me and Night Blade have been assigned to you."- Cool, My own guards! Just another thing to show how important I am!-"You're not to leave Luna's room without an escort, Preferably not at all. The princess will talk to you in the morning." Not once did that anger leave his voice. I've clearly done something to upset him... But what?

I'm lead down a corridor towards a familiar black door. Looks like I'm back at Luna's room. Next to the door another bat pony is sat staring at me. At least he doesn't seem to be scared of my anymore. I hope. "Hey Blade! I'm back!" I say.

Blade smiles and replies "Back so soon?" He gives a questioning glance to Shield. Shield replies by slowly shaking his head. Blade's smile disappears. "Meeting went bad?" He asked shield.

Shield replies with less than concealed rage "You don't know the half of it. We're both assigned to Bob for the rest of the night."

Blade shrugs and says "That isn't that bad. Better than guarding an empty room right?" He asks."Plus we get somepo- Someone to talk to!"

For some reason I don't think Shield will be talking to me for a while. "Why don't you go inside with Bob for a while, I'll stay out here." Shield says.

"Huh. Okay..." Blade seemed to be at a loss with the upset bat pony across from him. He turned to me and said "Come on Bob, We can talk inside."

I quietly follow blade through the door to Luna's room. I immediately recognize the dark colors of the room and the paintings on the walls. I turn to blade who was sat at the end of the bed, The bat pony's armor blending in nicely with the background colors. Blade decides to speak first, "Do you know what's up with Shield? He's normally a lot more cheerful than this. Especially after seeing princess Luna."

"I don't have a clue, He was kinda angry when we both left the throne room, But I'm sure I cheered him up! Then he went back in on his own to ask if I could stay in Luna's room. He came back out looking like he was about to maul me."

Blade looks just as confused as I am. He sighs and says "It doesn't matter now, In the morning I'm sure the princess will talk to him. Then we can get back to getting you home!" He ends with a smile.

I decide that I've been awake long enough so I lay on Luna's bed and close me eyes.

I have no dreams tonight.

I open my eyes to see the familiar dark ceiling with little white stars dotted about it. I've woken up 3 times to the same sight. This can't be a dream. I don't think you can sleep in a dream! Let alone wake up 3 times!

I sit up and look down next to the end of the bed. I see a bat pony laid there with it's head tilted slightly towards the bed. I can just make out quiet snoring. I can't tell if the bat pony is Shield or Blade. They both look the same.

I look around the room and notice a set of dark blue curtains. I also notice there's a small amount of sunlight coming around the edges. I'm about to give the bat pony at the end of Luna's bed a 'Fun' awakening when I hear a set of hooves outside the door. The Hooves stop a moment later. I hear a motherly voice outside say "Is the human here?" The voice seems very calm, relaxed yet very strong.

I hear Shield reply "Yes Princess." That doesn't sound like Luna... It must be Celestia.

The motherly voice, Who I'm guessing is Celestia says "Very good. You are relived Midnight Shield. Go get some rest."

I hear a set of hooves walking away and the door slowly opening.

In walks a very tall unicorn who I recognize from the painting as Celestia.

"Ah hello there human. I'm princess Celestia and we have some things to talk about."

Why do I feel like I'm not going to like this conversation very much?