• Published 26th May 2014
  • 818 Views, 23 Comments

A new life in Ponyland - nearlyepic1

Bob's life has gone bad. He can't seem to do anything right. Maybe his luck will change after he is sent to a certain ponyland.

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Chapter 5

I'm stood in a tree. Not in tree's branches but in the tree itself. Someone hollowed out a tree and turned it into a library... How Ironic, Take wood from a tree to make paper, then put it back into a tree to read...

With me inside this tree were eight ponies. two of which were stood at either side of the door with blank expressions on their faces as they stared forward. the other six were just glaring at me, Just waiting for me to make an aggressive move so they would have an excuse to kill me I bet.

Apparently Celestia had seen fit to write ahead to inform the locals of the situation...

She forgot to add that I was to be treated kindly.

And now I have five ponies looking like their about to murder me, two guards that would most likely let them and a yellow pony huddled in a corner... Maybe I shouldn't have annoyed so many people...

Nah, Completely worth it.

A purple unicorn says "My name is Twilight Sparkle.", Venom dripping from her voice. "Looks like you'll be staying here in the library with me." she points behind her at the other five. "These are my friends, Rarity, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy" I'm guessing that the one with a picture of apples on her flank is Applejack and the one with the rainbow mane is Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie is most likely the pink one and I'd say that Fluttershy is the one in the corner, Leaving the white pony to be Rarity. I can be smart if I put effort into it!

I nod to all of the ponies, they still look like they're going to maul me.

"Hi, my name is Bob. I'm here to learn the magic of friendship not the magic of glaring daggers." I say to the ponies. It seems to just make them angrier, If that was possible.

The room is silent for a few seconds. I shove my finger up my nose, They don't seem to recognize the gesture.

I stick my tongue out at them, The pink one sounds like she's holding back a giggle. Getting better at least.

"Can you show me to my room please?" I ask Twilight.

Her glare is replaced by a frown as she replies "Fine, Follow me." She walks out of a side door, I quickly follow with both Shield and Blade following me. We enter a room with two small beds and a tiny blanket in the corner. "This is my spare bedroom. You nice stallions," She points to the guards,"Can have the beds. Bob, Spike tells me there's a comfy spot around that area of the floor." She moves her hoof to point at the blanket and I'm sure I can hear two bat ponies laughing.

"Who's Spike? Your dog?" I ask, Shocked at the conditions I am supposed to be living in.

"No, He's a dragon and my assistant." Dragon huh? I guess I've heard stranger... Like a world full of talking horses that can do magic and fly perhaps?

"Ok, I'll leave you three to settle in, Let me know if you need anything." Twilight says as she walks out of the door.

Blade wastes no time, Jumping on his new bed with a cry of "Canon ball!" and landing with a soft thump. Shield sighs and shakes his head slightly while I just stare at the bed, My eyes twitching slightly.

"Okay! Who wants to swap?" I ask eagerly. My only reply is another round laughing.

I realize that I've pretty much gotten what I deserved here so I grab the blanket and set to work finding a remotely comfortable spot on the cold, hard floor.

I finally get comfortable and am about to drift of to sleep when I hear a loud snore.

I can't sleep with that noise! I think to myself but I quickly realize, there's nothing much I can do about it.

About ten minutes later sleep finally takes me and into the land of dreams I go.


Lost of turnips. Turnips everywhere. I float out of my window into the street. More turnips. Turnips! The wonderful land of turnips! I think to myself as I do a slow motion dive into the street of turnips. What is this? Heaven!? I land with a face full of turnip. I notice something that makes me frown. A single carrot is lying on the streets of turnip. I feel a tear roll out of my eye and down my cheek. I take it back... I take it all back... This is hell! I turn around and look in awe at what I was seeing, my previous sadness forgotten. Waffles!

"What a strange mind you have..." I turn back around to look at the voice. I see a dark flying horse with a unicorn horn. All of a suddenly I remember everything, Equestria, Luna, the bat ponies. I frown.

"Is that an insult? I'll have you know my mind is brilliant! With the help of a dictionary I can spell over 100 words!" Luna's expression turns from curiosity to panic as she tries to correct herself.

"No, n-no you misunderstand me, I have no doubt of intelligence. It's just rare that I find a mind as... Special... as yours." I notice the way she said special and am wondering if that was some kind of compliment when she lands on the street (Now covered in model spaceships). I stare at her for a while before breaking into a smile.

"Sooo... Princess, I'm guessing your here to take me home?" She frowns and shakes her head, my smile faltering slightly. "Are you here to let me back to the castle?" Again she shakes her head and my smile disappears completely. "...Then why are you here?"

"I'm just keeping an eye on you, Checking if you are okay and if Twilight is taking good care of you." No one is telling her anything are they? Why don't the night guards report my conditions to her?

"Everything's just Perfect. I'm living in a land where I'm the only one of my kind, a place where I'm hated, made to sleep on the floor, and I doubt I'll get a good meal in the whole time I'm here"

"I'm sure they don't hate you Bob, That's a very strong word. Why would they hate you?"

"Apparently I upset you or something. They were acting as if you had feelings!" I see Luna has a look of shock from my outburst but I ignore it."I mean, Your a horse! A magical, flying, powerful horse maybe,but still a horse!" I can see tears in her eyes at this point, again I decide to ignore them. "And horses are dumb, they have no feelings!" I hear whimper from Luna, but all I see is a flash of light.

Once the light is gone, I don't see Luna. She had obviously teleported away or something. Was it something I said? I quickly shake my head and look around once more... Where was I? Oh yeah... Waffles! I jump into the nearest pile of waffles but I notice something in mid air, Those waffles have legs... I land in the middle of the waffles, syrup is my eyes. I quickly stand up and wipe the syrup away, feeling things move around my feet. I look around and am disturbed by what I find. My happy land of turnips is no longer happy, In fact it looks like it's midnight, and all of the waffles appear to be... "SPIDERS!" I climb a nearby ladder going up a building but they follow me.

I feel my hands slip, and I notice that what I thought was syrup was actually green goo. I stop climbing to let out a quick "Eewww" but it was too late, the spiders had grabbed my leg. One after another they climbed onto my body as I fell backwards off the ladder into a massive piles of spiders. I scream as my body goes numb and the spiders climb over my face, Blocking my vision as I desperately try climbing out of the pile. The last thing I see is darkness.

"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I scream, Rapidly moving myself to a sitting position from my curled up ball.

My scream seems to have woken up Blade as he jumps out of his bed, quickly looks around and sees me on the floor, eyes wide, shaking and starring straight forward. He just stares at me for a few minutes before giving a smile and turning to Shields still sleeping form. "Hey Shield, Shield wake up!"

"Wazzat? Wazzup?" Shield groggily replied.

"I think Princess Luna just got her revenge on Bob." Shield rubs his eyes with his hoof and sits forward, Looking at me, before breaking into a huge grin. They both start chuckling and before long it's full blown laughter. I feel tears in my eyes as the first ponies I met in this strange world are laughing at me. I lower my head into my hands and ask myself... Where did I go so wrong in life?

I notice that the laughing has stopped and I feel a hoof on my shoulder. I look up to see Blade smiling at me. He says "Don't worry Bob, We may act like idiots to you but if you need a friend we'll be there to help," I hear a cough behind blade and his smile turns into a frown. "At least, I'll be there to help."

"And I'll be going back to bed." Shield says and I see Blade roll his eyes.

"Anyway, do you need anything? A glass of water perhaps?" Blade asks. I think I can see a hint of genuine concern on his face.

"Yes please, a glass of water sounds great about now." Why did I feel the need to say please? I'll probably never know...

Blade smiles as he says "Coming right up buddy" He walks out of the room and returns a few minutes later with a glass of water balancing on his back. I take it with a murmured thanks, taking a few large mouthfuls of water. I watch as Blade gets back into bed and I start hearing snores again that I finally drift back into a more peaceful dream.

Author's Note:

Trying to write more often... Been a bit of a gap but I'm trying.