• Published 24th May 2014
  • 2,636 Views, 35 Comments

The Quest for Celestia's Raiment - GaPJaxie

Nine hundred years before the return of Nightmare Moon, five pony heroes struggle to win fortune and glory in the eyes of their princess.

  • ...

Castle Blueblood

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom, and their subjects.

Or, so the story goes, anyway.

Not that it's necessarily untrue. Your elders still recall the time when the sun did not rise for two whole days, and the landscape was shrouded in a lasting darkness and chill. You yourself can see the sun and the moon on many ancient buildings, but that lately, the sun alone has become the more fashionable choice.

It's just that, well, stories about alicorns and cosmic battles of good and evil don't have much relevance to your day to day life. Celestia may rule in Canterlot, but that doesn't mean you've ever been there.

Besides, legends like that always get overstated. Better to focus on the here and the now. Like say, letters. Summons, from the sort of nobility who is a little less legendary and a little more close at hoof.

Even these days, it's rare that a unicorn of any station will request the presence of one of the other pony races. Rarer still that they would accept. But, the letter you received was much to the point, displaying a great knowledge of your history, and making an offer you found uncommonly tempting.

Normally—that is, if one is being traditional—guests are called to a noble keep a few days ahead of schedule, and allowed to rest there until everyone is gathered. Sir Blueblood's missive emphasized a degree of urgency however, and bid you arrive as soon as possible.

For Azure Charger, as fast as possible is fast indeed. She can see Blueblood's castle from a considerable distance in the air. It's a modest keep, but then again, he is a knight with aspirations rather than a real lord. Built in the traditional style, it has high walls of stone and a boat to keep out earth ponies, and a thick, armored roof in case of pegasi attack. Not that the roof would actually stop her, of course. But maybe it's best not to be rude.


Azure glides down to the path with a running landing. Taking a quick moment to crack her neck and give a cool-down flap of her wings, she resumes a crisp trot toward the castle. Moving over the bridge on hoof is a courtesy to the ground-bound ponies on the far side, after all. They could show a little respect of their own in turn.

"Halt!" one of them shouts, levitating his spear up by his side. So, could-but-won't it seems. "What's your business here?"

Azure snorts. “Stand aside. I've a summons from your lord, urgent at that, and I'm of no mind to be slowed down by 'pleasantries'.”

The guard snorts. "I'm sure you do. I'll run and check with him. You just hang on." He turns back to the castle gate, stepping inside.

“Goodie.” She parks herself on the edge of the bridge, taking the time to adjust her armor.

And so, Azure charger waits. And waits.

And waits…

Meanwhile, several hundred yards down the road, a rather strange encounter is occurring.

Normally, of course, a pegasus travels overland, but when navigating to a location they have never visited before, following the roads can be easier. It's not entirely uncommon to run into traveling earth ponies or unicorns during such trips. Nor is it entirely uncommon to have a bit of fun with them, and then zip off over rough terrain where they dare not follow. The profitable sort of fun, if you're industrious. Which Silver Shine usually is.

But, usually, the ponies he encounters don't have a mountain lion as a pet.

That's new.

Silver Shine observes the curious pair of mountain lion and pony of garish pink mane, saying nothing.

The small mare, Moonlight Meadows, is hip-hopping back and forth, humming tunelessly to herself, while the mountain lion, Balti, looks on in aloof amusement. Or whatever it is that cats look at the world with.

Although they're somewhat hard to spot against the skyline, Moonlight takes notice that she're being followed—or perhaps escorted—by the charcoal grey pegasus, a battle-saddle and bags thrown over his barrel. He's not exactly trying to hide himself, though.

Moonlight Meadows stops, turns to look up at him, and waves, a big goofy grin on her face. "Hi!"

Silver Shine flies down to land beside Moonlight, keeping his distance from the mountain lion. "Hello. This is your cat, I presume?”

"Yep! She's a good kitty, yes she is!" Moonlight reaches up with a hoof and gives Balti ear scritches. Balti does not appreciate being called a good kitty one bit. But, she does love her ear scritches, nuzzling in against Moonlight's hoof and leaning up to lick her muzzle.

With the castle visible in the distance, there can be little doubt that the ponies are both headed to the same place—though that does little to make this roadside encounter less strange.

Moonlight Meadows looks up at Silver Shine as they walk. "So, that's the Blueblood guy's castle, right?"

“I know a thing or two about the place,” says Silver. “In short, yes, this is the keep of Sir Blueblood.”

Moonlight nods. "Oh good, those guys didn't lie then. I thought they hadn't but you never know with some ponies, right?"

As they reach the castle’s bridge, Silver Shine motions to her. "After you."

"Oh, you're going here too?" she says, and walks towards the bridge. A quick rat-a-tat of her left hind leg brings Balti to heel. Balti twitches her whispers at this newcomer, but follows.

As the two approach the bridge to Castle Blueblood, it doesn't take long before they spot somepony waiting on it: a pegasus mare in shining armor, a lance and shield hanging from her saddle. She looks rather impatient, like she's been there for awhile.

Moonlight stares, wide-eyed. "Oooh, you're shiny."

Azure Charger had heard noise of a conversation, but paid no mind. As "kitty" enters her field of vision, she leaps to her hooves and tears her lance out from its restraints, held at the ready. “Back, filly! There's a monster behind you!”

Moonlight Meadows turns around, curiously. "Monster? Where?"

Balti looks at Azure Charger with an expression that might be characterized as bored. Or perhaps indifferent. Or perhaps slightly hungry. After a moment, she starts to groom her ear—licking a paw and running it over her head.

Azure blinks, incredulous. "The... mountain lion? The one right next to you?"

Moonlight blinks in return, then giggles. "Balti's not a monster! She's a friend!"

"Mmmrrrr," Balti growls noncommittally.

"...friend." Azure looks between Moonlight and Balti and back again, then shrugs. "Suit yourself." She holsters her lance and sits back down, staring off toward the moat.

"What's your business here?" the guard demands, now that introductions are over.

"Oooh, you're kind of shiny too! Not as much th—” Moonlight stops her train of thought. “Right. Um, I have this letter thing," she says, shaking her mane and causing the letter to fall out from its voluminous depths.

After a moment's confused pause, the guard levitates the letter over, rolling it open and scanning through the contents. "Yes, this all seems to be in order. Go ahead in. I'll let Sir Blueblood know you're here."

Azure Charger turns slowly, drilling the guard with her focused stare. "...are you joking?"

"Not at all. The letter has Sir Blueblood's seal," the guard replies plainly.

"If all you wanted was the bloody letter..." Azure begins fishing through her bags.

"Did we all get letters?" asks Moonlight.

"Eh?" Azure looks briefly at Moonlight. "Mmm. Guess so." She pulls out her letter, curtly flashing it in the guards direction. "Here. Good?"

"You could have just shown that in the first place, you know," the guard says to Azure, followed closely by a cough that a mistrusting sort of soul could mistake for “featherbrain”. He continues, "Go ahead inside. You can wait in the courtyard until he's ready to see you both."

"Why thank you," Azure says, her tone ice. She gets up and trots toward the entrance.

As Moonlight and Azure trot through the open gates, over the Star of Unicornia, and into the courtyard, the guard looks at Silver Shine. "What about you then?"

Silver smirks. "I'm with them, I suppose."

"You suppose?"

Silver Shine pulls carefully folded envelope out of pack and presents it to guard. After a moment’s inspection, the guard waves Silver Shine on through.

Castle Blueblood is rather new. Not that any castle in Equestria is really old like Unicornia's castles could be. But even in this new land, Castle Blueblood stands out with a youthful sort of power. The walls are new, the stones in the courtyard still smooth, lacking indentations from generations of hooves. The courtyard is even open to the sky, something that past generations would have considered a grievous strategic vulnerability. In many respects, this place is more an odd sort of home than a fortress, a small garden in one corner and a number of fountains flanking the main doors inside.

There are less pleasant places to wait, and for the most part, the ponies are alone other than the guards by the door, and a few more resting in the stables nearby. Conversation can be heard drifting out of the windows. Mostly servants and castle staff talking, or the guards making smalltalk during their long shifts.

"This is so stupid. I can't believe I left a real bed for this job." one of the guards in the stable grouses. A mare, her armor folded up by the stable entrance.

"Ah dunno. It's not so bad. Easy to clean. And they refill this thing of oats every day," the stallion next to her replies, his words cut off by crunching.

"You're disgusting."

Azure Charger snickers, the corners of her lips turning up slightly.

Moonlight Meadows idly taps her hoof against the stone in a repetitive rhythm; Silver Shine eyes Azure suspiciously and Moonlight bemusedly; Azure Charger looks over Silver and Moonlight and their equipment.

"We... are here for the same summons, yes?" asks Azure, breaking the silence.

"It would appear so," Silver says.

"I dunno!” chimes Moonlight. “My letter just said something about a big job that needed my talents. Which is funny, because I didn't know the Bluebloods knew about me."

"Mmm hmm." Azure sizes up Silver's battle harness a moment. She can respect a well-made battle saddle, but Silver's is clearly of unicorn manufacture. She turns back to Moonlight. "Your talents being..."

"Uhhhh..." Moonlight pauses, frowning, looking around the castle. "I don't think I should show off in here. Unicorns don't usually like the mess."

She cocks an eyebrow. "Really."

Silver Shine frowns as well. "In words, dear."

"Yeah, well, when I tell ponies they never believe me."

Azure Charger muses a bit. "Well, if it's capable of a 'mess' that irks the unicorns, it already doesn't sound half-bad. Though it still seems odd to call for two warriors"—jerking her head to Silver—"and a filly."

Moonlight frowns. "Who's the filly?"

Azure Charger opens her mouth and closes it. Moonlight stands about a head shorter than Azure, but her massive, puffy pink mane makes up the rest of the difference. Perhaps she misjudged the shorter mare’s age. "Right. Nevermind then."

As Azure considering the full implications of that silly filly and her enormous mane, the main door by the side of the courtyard opens. Out of it emerges a sky-blue mare—the silver star of Unicornia and a fleur de lis on her flank. Her silver mane is perfectly prepared, and a collection of jewelry that was probably more expensive than the group’s equipment combined adorns her ears and ankles. It's all the very traditional sort, and she walks with her head high.

"Excuse me," she calls out to all of you, sounding less than pleased to see you.

Azure Charger closes her eyes, exhaling slowly. “Yes?”

"I am the Lady Up Turn, and it's my family's castle you're now scuffing with your hooves,” says the unicorn. "Could you kindly explain to me precisely why you're doing that?"

"'Cause Sir Blueblood sent us a letter asking to come here," says Moonlight Meadows.

"Mmm. And what is the nature of your business with my brother, precisely?"

"Wanna see?" She retrieves her letter once again, and holds it up for inspection. Up Turn reviews the letter with a critical eye, letting out a tsk and shaking her head. Azure Charger mutters under her breath about letters.

"Well, your... talents," Up Turn says the word with a degree of skepticism, "non-withstanding, I'm afraid my brother is quite busy at the moment. You'll have to come back another day. If we have need of your services, I'm sure—"

From the door behind her, a young filly's voice can be heard, shouting with excitement: "Checkmate!" Something inaudible is given in response, and then the filly asks, "Can we play again, Uncle?"

Up Turn huffs. "As I was saying, he's very—"

"Polo! No, wait, that's a different game," Moonlight mutters.

"Turn! Who is that I hear out there?" A stallion's voice calls, through the open door.

"Nopony!" shouts Up Turn. "Go back to the game."

"I'm a pony!" protests Moonlight.

"Game," Azure says flatly, eyes half-lidded.

"He's teaching my daughter to play chess," Up Turn replies, ignoring the sound of Azure’s hoof tapping the cobblestones. "Anyway, you can be on your way."

"Alright! Just don't hold up the gate guards. I'm expecting important guests today," the stallion's voice calls behind her.

"Ooo, guests. Is he having a party?" asks Moonlight.

"No, we're expecting delegates from Canterlot," Up Turn insists.

Azure Charger lets out an exasperated sigh, rubbing her face with a forehoof.

"There's a perfectly serviceable inn just a few miles down the road. You can stay there until you're needed."

"I'd be happy to," Silver Shine says, a wry smile on his face, "provided I receive recompense for my stay."

"I most certainly will not!" Up Turn fumes, incensed at the very idea.

Moonlight Meadows blinks, then sidles up to Azure. "She's kind of a grumpy pony, isn't she?" she murmurs.

"Par for the course," Azure mutters back.

"Is there a problem out there?" calls out the stallion from the back, while meanwhile, Up Turn sneers down at Moonlight.

"Do not take that tone with me, commoner! I have half a mind to—"

It’s at this moment that Azure Charger inhales deeply, then snaps to a crisp salute. "Azure of House Charger, reporting!" she shouts at the top of her lungs.

"Oh, good!" the stallion's voice calls in reply. "Show her in, Turn, would you?"

Moonlight sidles up to Silver. "Were we supposed to do that too?"

Up Turn looks like she just swallowed some bad hay, her face turned down into a frown, tail lashing this way and that. "Go ahead then."

Azure Charger grins at Up Turn as she passes, pleased as punch. Entering into the castle proper, she finds herself in a large audience chamber, meant for formally receiving guests. A stallion is there, presumably Sir Blueblood—a regal, refined looking sort of creature, adorned only with a well kept goatee and a tasteful hat. A tan coat and dark mane give him a rather common look, though the castle around him does much to fix that. At the moment, a chess board is balanced on a table beside him, with a very eager young filly sitting on the opposite site of it. The filly’s coat also a rich tan, but her mane shock white.

"Ah, hello! You must be Azure," he greets Azure Charger first, in a friendly tone, stepping up to her to kiss the top of her hoof. "Your reputation precedes you, ma fleur d'acier belle. Although, I don't think shouting is quite necessary."

Azure Charger stares at her hoof, unable to express her emotions. Bemusement perhaps. Or possibly just “what”.

Sir Blueblood looks to the others and smiles welcomingly. "And, Moonlight and Silver as well, if I'm not mistaken. You three have had a chance to meet?"

"Yes!” chirps Moonlight. “But we forgot about sharing names. I don't know why."

On the back of the dias, another unicorn mare is quietly reading while the other ponies play chest, though her rich, dark mane half-obscures her face from this angle. She turns her head up as they approach. It would be somewhat of an exaggeration to say that she's one of the prettier mares laid eyes upon, but not by a great deal, with delicate, fine-boned features and a thin profile. She wears a star-studded robe fashionable among young unicorn mares in the capital, and her hooves are tipped in silver-plated caps.

"These things slip one's mind,” offers Sir Blueblood. “In any case, I'm glad you're all here. Permit me to give introductions then, if it's slipped your collective minds. Azure Charger, Silver Shine, and Moonlight Meadows." The three of them share some murmured pleasantries. "I'm sure you've already compared notes, but I called you here because I have a curious sort of task that must be seen too. One that requires ponies of unique abilities. You were recommend to me."

"Oo! Oo! Who by?” asks Moonlight. “Was it Aunt Maple?"

"Mmm. Not at such~" he replies, with a somewhat amused, sing-song sort of voice. "You make an impression, young mare.”

"My, that she does," says the dark-maned unicorn. She watches the group’s introduction, setting down her book.

“But, I suppose you've been on the road for a while,” continues Sir Blueblood. “Perhaps you'd care to get straight to business?"

Azure's head lifts back up as she rejoins the conversation. "Right. Let's."

"Permit me to introduce my niece, Dot Dash, and my court wizard, Virtue," he gestures to the filly and mare behind him, respectively.

Virtue bends a knee, slightly—a bare minimum appropriate to the station of her guests. She then places a hoof on Dot Dash's back in a very familiar fashion. "Show some welcome to our guests, dear." Dot Dash hurriedly offers a curtsey to her guests. Moonlight Meadows waves back, grinning. Behind her, Balti yawns and lies down.

"The task I need you for should be fairly simple for ponies of your talents. Or at least, I hope it will be." Sir Blueblood returns to his chair before continuing. "You see, something quite curious has happened recently. A very strange creature came into the market town a few miles from here, attempting to sell a number of artifacts in exchange for gemstones. Relics that date back to the Castle of the Royal Sisters, and the old capitol. Pieces that had been thought lost.

"Presumably they were looted after the castle was destroyed. If so, whoever has them might know where a number of other relics that vanished during that confrontation has gone. Many items of great value were lost during that conflict. It would be quite the coup if they could be retrieved.

"Unfortunately, the guards I sent to acquire the items... well. There was a misunderstanding. Which quickly progressed to an altercation."

Azure cracks a wry smirk. "Mmm. I see."

"Now, the creature seems to have gotten the idea that I mean to steal the pieces,” continues Sir Blueblood, “and my attempts to purchase them have only resulted in my messengers being attacked and driven away from its home."

"So, uh…” Moonlight tilts her head to one side. “When you say creature... do you mean, like, a manticore or something?"

Sir Blueblood shrugs. "I've never seen it. But my guards described it as a giant, dog-like creature that walks on two legs. Apparently, they show up in town from time to time, always to trade metals and rare items for gems. Nopony knows much about them though. My guards managed to track the creature down to a cave a few days from the castle, but as I said, my attempts to make contact since then have gone badly.” Nudging his head to the unicorn at his side, he continues, "I would like you to join Virtue and Dot Dash, and retrieve the relics from the old castle. If you can convince the creatures to simply take payment for them, so much the better, but it imperative they be retrieved."

"Oh, so that's the filly," Moonlight murmurs to herself.

Azure Charger looks knowingly at Silver, and his battle saddle. "So, in other words, we're negotiators."

"Hopefully, yes," says Sir Blueblood flatly, with a nod. “Under other circumstances, I'd give the creature a few months to calm down and then try again, but are a few specific relics from the old castle that must be found. I don't want to take the chance that they'll be moved or resold. Ideally, they'll see that you're not one of my guards, and you can simply reason with them. If it comes to it though, you can simply take the relics and leave the gems in return." Moonlight Meadows frowns at that.

Virtue takes a step forward. "We're sure it will listen to reason when presented with suitable incentive."

"I suppose I get the court oversight," says Azure, motioning to Virtue, "but the filly too? This doesn't sound like a field trip."

"I'm a big pony! I can go on a real adventure too!" Dot Dash insists. And indeed, she has a namesake dot-and-dash cutie mark on her flanks, though clearly she’s a number of years from adulthood.

Sir Blueblood chuckles, and ruffles her mane with a hoof. "As Virtue says. Beyond that, my niece's special gift is communication magic. She will be able to relay what happens without your having to make the long trek back."

"The young lass is both eager and prepared,” says Virtue. “She will be no burden upon us. I am more than able to protect her from most dangers."

“Eyes and ears,” Azure mutters under her breath. “Fair enough.”

"And Balti can handle the rest! Can't you, dear?" Moonlight says, giving the kitty earscritches again.

"Mrrr," confirms Balti.

"Your cat is really cool," Dot Dash says in awe. She takes a few cautious steps closer.

"Thank you!" Moonlight says to Dot.

"Don't try to pet it, dear,” warns Virtue. “It's doubtless quite dangerous."

"It's not dangerous. It's cute," Dot Dash counters.

"She's both actually. But not to ponies." Moonlight Meadows blinks, looking upward at the ceiling. "I mean, she's cute to ponies, but not dangerous to ponies. And stuff."


"See?" Dot Dash grins and looks to her uncle. "Can I pet her?"

"No, Dot."

Dot Dash grumbles, and scuffs her hoof on the floor. Moonlight, meanwhile, twitches her tail and suppresses a smile.

"Do you have any questions, then?" Sir Blueblood asks the group.

"Yes. Where are we going?" asks Moonlight.

"There's little to tell, beyond that. As I said, my only interest in the relics are a few specific items. Beyond that, what's there is yours—or the gems that were meant to pay for them, if my theory about the relics is incorrect. Or," Sir Blueblood adds with a smile, "whatever you think the gem's value is."

Azure Charger frowns. "Incorrect? How... confirmed is this intel?"

"The item the creature attempted to sell would have been kept in a treasure vault in the Castle of the Royal Sisters. As I am told it only ever trades for gems, and the item is made of gold, it seems unlikely it would have come into it by barter." Sir Blueblood taps at his chin with a hoof. "My theory at the moment is that the creature took advantage of the castle’s destruction to pilfer its valuables. Ignoble, if not unanticipated.

"The items I'm looking for would have been kept in the same vault. Or, near it," he adds, after a moments thought, frowning. Still, it is possible that the creature came by the relic by chance. If so, we must learn where it acquired it."

"Mmm." Azure’s frown twitches slightly, as her gaze wanders to the wall. "Enough to merit investigation, then. Very well."

"Have you other questions,” asks Sir Blueblood, “or might I allow you to become introduced?"

Moonlight Meadows opens her mouth, thinks better of it, and closes it.

"I've all I need." Azure turns. "Silver Shine?"

"Indeed," he nods.

Sir Blueblood rises from his seat. "Well, I'll let you three, Virtue, and my darling niece get acquainted then. You may have the room for as long as you need it. I'm done with courtly business for the day in any case. If you need to recover from the road, you may consider yourselves guests here—and of course, Virtue can answer any of your other questions. A pleasure to meet you all," he says, making his way for the door, tugging Up Turn along with him. "Come along, Turn."

Azure Charger salutes on instinct. Sir Blueblood nods in return—and then the door shuts behind him. She slouches immediately. “Feh.”

Virtue steps forward, her shod hooves ringing like bells against the stone—likely deliberately, since she need not walk in quite that fashion—sweeping a hoof. "Virtue, as noted. I am personal attache to the lady Up Turn, and court wizard to Sir Blueblood."

"Um. And Dot Dash. As noted. I'm a wizard too! Just in training."

Virtue gives her mane a few loving strokes. "My sometime apprentice, before we can find her a more formal arrangement."

"Hi!" Moonlight says, to the filly. "I'm Moonlight Meadows, from Whitetail Woods. I'm a... um. It's hard to explain."

"...earth pony?" Dot Dash hazards, after a moments hesitation.

"Well. Yes. But that's not the hard to explain part."

Azure casts a curious eye on Moonlight again, before introducing herself. "Azure Charger, House Charger." After a moment, she offers, "Lancer First Class."

"That's really cool,” coos Dot Dash, awestruck at once. “I've never met a pegasus before. Mom says I shouldn't hang out with ponies who start fights."

"Surprisingly sage advice," Azure chuckles.

"Ah, House Charger,” says Virtue with a nod. “Your great-grandmother led the spearhead against King Platinum in the battle of Marehead Peak, did she not?"

Azure raises both eyebrows, taking fresh stock of Virtue. "Zephyr Charger, yes. You know your history."

"I make it a point to study such things. One might know the future of things by seeing whence it came." She shakes her head. "Truly tragic, the battle, but we are past such squabbles."

"And I am Silver Shine," he says, stepping out of the shadows of the other ponies with a slight smile. "Entrepreneur, accountant, and part time investigator. At your service of course."

"Your service is noted, Master Shine, and such a curious collection of services.” Virtue gives Silver a polite nod. "You investigate and account all on your own initiative. What, I wonder, do you account for in your investigations?"

"It's quite boring really," he says in a bemused tone. "Financial audits mostly."

"Indeed," Azure says, smirking at the battle saddle.

Virtue smiles, herself. "A freelance auditor. The treasure rooms of all Unicornia tremble at your coming."

"Rightly so."

Moonlight Meadows surreptitiously motions for Dot Dash to come on over while the others are talking about boring things. Dot Dash looks up at Moonlight, then trots over.

Virtue nods to Silver, paying no mind to the other conversation. "Perhaps it is that we will find ample use for your investigative talents going forward. And with a fine scion of the House of Charger at our vanguard I doubt many will lightly trouble us."

"That's the plan, it would seem." Azure glances out the window. "Speaking of, we've a few days travels ahead of us." She looks back at the party. "Hopefully just a few. We should set out before another day is lost to us."

"Ah, but you are a strong charger," Silver Shine says. "Not all of us are so used to travel across country. Let us rest a night in this fine castle, to properly prepare ourselves for the journey ahead."

She looks to Silver, frowning in thought, then sighing. "It seems it's as you say, then. No sense pushing them beyond their measure."

"They did not say that you were such a lovely mare, either.” Virtue smirks. “Why, you would fit seamlessly into Princess Celestia's own."

Azure looks at Virtue, her mouth flapping open and shut a few times. "Yes, mmm... Thank you."

Meanwhile, Dot Dash approaches Moonlight. "Hi."

"You wanna see if Balti will let you pet her?" Moonlight says, keeping her voice low, underneath Virtue’s conversation.

"Can I?" Dot Dash asks, trying not to show her excitement. She is not successful in her efforts.

"Mrrrr," Balti murmurs, turning around to lick her tail.

"We'll see. Balti?" Moonlight whispers, putting a hoof gently on the lion's head. "Would you let her pet you?"

Balti looks over at Dot Dash, eyeing the filly with the scruffy white mane and eager eyes. She reaches over with a great paw, pulling her in close.

"Eep!" Dot Dash squeaks in surprise, the guards in the corner of the room leaping to attention. Balti starts to groom Dot Dash's mane, licking down her wild strands of unkempt hair. "Oh, um. Okay. Help," she says, held in the lions powerful grip. "Help."

Moonlight Meadows sighs. "No, Balti, the other way around."

"Dot!" Virtue calls out, her manner shifting at once, the gracious host melting into a frightened, but determined mare. Her horn blazes with azure fire. "Release her at once, creature!"

"Mrrr!" Balti growls, letting go of Dot and retreating to a corner of the room to curl up.

Dot Dash stumbles to one side, her mane now lifted on one side in a massive cow-lick. Cat-lick. "Stop fussing! I'm fine. I had it totally under control!"

Virtue rushes over to Dot Dash and runs a hoof over her, looking for damage and fussing over her. She smooths the filly's mane with a rush of magic light, holding her close.

Moonlight Meadows sighs. "Miss Virtue. May I say something?" Virtue looks to Moonlight; Moonlight takes that as a yes. "That was exactly the wrong reaction. If Balti wasn't my friend and thus 'specially trained, that could have ended very badly."

"Precisely, Miss Meadows,” snaps Virtue, “which is why I will take it as a kindness if you reigned your companion in and did not tempt my apprentice into dangerous acts."

Azure Charger eyes Balti warily.

"I was fine!" Dot Dash protests. "She just gave me a hug and licked me a bit."

"Miss Virtue, there was no danger. Not until you provoked her.” Moonlight Meadows’s expression grows firm. “There is a good chance that we will run across wild creatures on this journey. In fact, I can guarantee it. It is critical that we understand that these creatures are not deadly, if handled right."

"And you're up to the task, I take it?" Azure asks, still looking to Balti.

Virtue puts Dot Dash aside, rising over Moonlight Meadows with an icy upturn of her chin. "I have made myself clear."

"Yes," Moonlight says, looking up at Virtue with a slightly sad expression on her face. "You have." She turns to Azure, and jerks her head in Balti's direction. "Yes. I am."

Dot Dash walks up to Moonlight’s side and offers a smile. "Don't be sad. There's no arguing with mom or Virtue when they get like this. They're super-overprotective."

Virtue cools, adjusting her mane and dusting her robe, as if to say she's moved on. "Well. I can show you where the guest quarters are, if you want?"

"Yes, please," she says, then heads for the door, giving the rat-a-tat of her hoof for Balti for heel, Azure and Silver close behind.

Author's Note:

Pav here with the Author’s Notes! I’ll be covering character bios, OOC moments, or any of the Pathfinder-specific explanations. This chapter, we start with Virtue’s bio.

Character Name: Virtue
Player Name: Ether Echoes
Race: Unicorn Mare
Class: Wizard 5
Role: Mind Control (but y’know, for good), Charisma and Beauty, Adopting All of the NPCs

As the “face” of the group, Virtue makes for an interesting character. She sports the charm and grace of a Canterlot elite that you might expect, but her character has depth and nuances that really start to weigh down on her conscience. Enjoy the happier times while you can, I suppose~

And so the adventure starts! This must have been over a year ago, at this point, so it’s really interesting to see how strongly the characters are present in their first outing. I suppose it’s quite beneficial that all of us, GM and players, are writers here on Fimfic, and thus we have minds both for narrative and character-driven stories.