• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 1,191 Views, 85 Comments

No sounds in space - The Psychopath

The Obion Three end up in Equestria with Captain Vor and the Grineer

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The Obion Four

The whole room had gone quiet. It was just as soothing as the meditative chambers of the tenno dojos. There wasn't even a movement caused by the slightest breeze, but while this remained true for the tenno who remained perfectly still and immobile, the griffins and ponies were slightly moving due to their breathing patterns.

"What in Equestria..." Twilight exhaled.

"What's goin' on, Twi?" Applejack yelled as she was followed by the others.

"We heard commotion and rushed here as fast as...we...could..." Rarity stuttered as she looked at the scene in front of her.

The griffins were the first to react to these newcomers.

"What are these? Your 'secret weapons'?" a griffon barked. "Kill them and we'll ensure the safety of our nation!"

Several of the griffin soldiers broke off their attempts to break into the circle of troops and set off towards the humanoids. The frost prime certainly relayed a message to his comrades as they put their weapons back into their sheaths. The prime smacked two spears to the side with the back of its hands before punching the two griffins away. The volt simply grabbed one of the swords and electrified it, giving off the fresh scent of fried griffin in the air. As for the nekros, sweeping underneath the incoming griffins, kicking them in the air, then jumping up and smashing the soldiers down with a split was more than enough to take them down, but griffins were resilient. They hadn't managed to fight against the minotaurs during the Frontier Wars so long ago just because of their flight capability. The tenno did not know the physical composition of the griffins, so they could not disable them by attacking the nerve clusters. Right before the Volt was going to unleash a surge of electrical energy throughout the area, the capsule creaked open as the warframe within slowly got out, still covered in frost. The thumping of rebooting systems emanated from it until everything reactivated.

The frost quickly melted into a torrent of water and steam surrounding the frame like a cloud as it jumped towards a group of spear wielding griffins, pushing the prime away. As it ran towards them, it took out what looked like a cutlass with a hand guard and a watery blue blade and smashed the sword against the spears, literally causing them to explode into pieces and shards. a little orb of energy remained in place and seemed to be accumulating energy towards its center until releasing it all into a violent explosion, blasting the griffins and the shards into all directions. The entity then took out what looked like an old flintlock pistol, the barrel slightly widened at the end with crossbones serving as the protective casing of the pistol. A long cartridge was held underneath and seemed to have false green kelp designed onto it with the kelp slowly climbing upwards to stop at the middle of the gun. The weapon fired off several times, creating small explosions as the pellets hit their targets. Finally, the sounds of mechanical movement and gear spinning came from the mist as flashes blinded everyone looking at it. Several cannonballs had fired into the air and came crashing down, creating immense explosions that the frost prime protected its group from with an orb of extremely solid ice. Celestia and Twilight protected themselves with the help of a their own magic shields.

As the smoke cleared, it gave way to a catastrophe. The throne room had been devastated. Holes and cracks were everywhere. Pieces of the walls had crumbled, and the floor seemed to want to do the same thing. The griffons lay strewn about like confetti and their weapons would certainly not see combat anymore, but the bombardment was not finished. Two cannon balls flew towards Celestia, where they were blocked by the shield with some difficulty. Before another shot could be fired, however, the Frost Prime jumped in and signaled the newly awoken warframe to stop, much to the surprise of the two alicorn sisters and the ponies around them. The frost prime grabbed the warframe by the shoulders and shook it gently, much to the confusion of the surrounding entities.

A short few minutes of recuperation, and the mist had receded from the awoken tenno. Its appearance caught the Obion Three off-guard. This was a brand-new warframe model with a pitch-black coloration and lines running all along its body. It was about the same width, girth, and showed an extreme muscle-mass similar to the very bulky and power-oriented Rhino. On its back there seemed to be two rounded, very long vertical lumps. They had the length of the torso, and judging by the smoke emanating from the portion near the neck, these were two cannons built into the frame. The white lines running along the body seemed to round themselves up around the knees and elbows of the frame. The body seemed rather...fleshy, as it was not smooth, as technology would be, and seemed to be rather wavy and "melted" along the surface. Two circles lined themselves on the chest as well with a line on the stomach, but these lines were practically unviewable. As for the helmet, it was pulled back and had some torn cloth hanging from the back of its head. A row of six white optical cameras lay in a circle upon the right side of the helmet while only two were on the left, and these two were the lower optics. Several pieces of the helmet had been chipped off from some unknown cause, with a large chunk having been removed from the left side of the helmet, giving the impression of an eye patch. The head itself seemed to have been pulled back from all sides towards the back, but the face was still rather squarish, if not for the pieces missing and the very 'melted-flesh' appearance shared with the rest of this warframe.

Twilight carefully tiptoed around the humanoids towards Celestia and Luna, nearly tripping over a crater in the process.

"Princess, what are those things?" Twilight whispered.

"I...I don't know." Celestia answered.

"Oh my. It seems I was late to something." Gaddaveer said as he vaulted over the rubble of the entrance doorway.

Celestia quietly gestured to him to come towards her. The griffin, as usual, seemed disinterested in the whole ordeal. He did notice that a very large black one of these bipeds seemed to be getting analyzed by three others. It didn't seem to react much. It did, however, open something from its mask and belch out a whole ocean of water before closing it back up, retaining much of the water.

"I think your people have done enough for today!" Luna violently whispered at the griffin.

"I am more than aware that my compatriots have been...rather strange lately. They went from discussing diplomatic and economic issues to a full blown war with you. I believe that they were intoxicated and hallucinated, although there's naught we can do for them now." Gaddaveer said as he non-chalantly kicked a charred griffin corpse

"Intoxicated? By whom?"

"If you haven't noticed, a few of the griffins here are missing. While it is true that your new princess threatens the military balance already shattered by the return of the Crystal Kingdom within your domain, this isn't the main concern. Our people have undergone an immense drought, and wild fires ended up destroying more than sixty percent of our cities and towns. Not only that, but we are having diplomatic issues with neighponese accusing us of invading their territory and stealing artifacts. For several reasons, that land is not theirs."

"Do you REALLY think this is the time?! These...THINGS are here for who knows what reason! We'll take care of diplomatic matters when we can assess the current situation." Celestia scolded.

"Fine. I will give you a forty-eight hour reprieve. In the mean time, I shall search for somepony to verify my claims of intoxication. I must attend to other matters, furthermore. Good day."

Gaddaveer proudly walked out of the room, nearly scraping the electrified sides of the Volt in the process. Meanwhile, the alicorns began to talk amongst themselves who would greet these humanoids. Twilight was chosen, so she hesitatingly walked towards the group and said:

"H-h-hello th-there. Wh-wh-wh-what's your name?" she asked the frost prime.

The tenno ignored her.

"H-hey! I'm trying to say hello..."

The group continued to ignore her and continued with whatever tasks they were giving their fellow tenno. Twilight just turned around towards Celestia and shrugged. This wasn't going to be easy if they neither understood the equestrian language nor spoke their own. Without warning, however, the black warframe bowed to the golden one who nodded in acceptance and did something which properly reactivated the new warframe's systems, as shown by what looked like a growing blue bubble that quickly receded around it. A simply was carved into the shoulder of the new tenno with a quick slash of the nikana, but it was too small for the ponies to make out. Celestia called back to Twilight as the humanoids, seemingly certain that their environnement was harmless, crouched down and began to meditate for a short period, certainly to help their new comrade properly reawaken his mind.

"Twilight, these four look like they have some cultural similarities to the Neighponese. It might serve us to get one of their meditative masters over here."

"But that's a bad idea! They-Woah!"

The four warframes let out blasts of energy as they meditated. The nekros let out energy that filled the ponies around with fear, the black warframe let out ash and cinders, the frost prime let out a chilling wave that covered the whole room in a thin layer of frost, and the volt let out an electric wave that broke away the mist.

"As...As I was saying. That's a bad idea because they clearly have immense powers and are extremely skilled in martial arts, if what we've seen is enough. Plus, we have several treaties with the Griffon Empire, and you know how the Neighponese are with griffons. What if he or she sees Gaddaveer? Tensions are already grown like this, and now we have these things!"

"I know, but that best we can do is try to direct them into the garden using picture messages. The golden one seems to be the leader, and I'm not sure why, but I think what we just witnessed were the actions of a confused individual who just awoke from a long coma."

"I hope you're right. Well, I just need some ink and paper..." Twilight nervously said as she slowly turned around to see the tenno looking at her.

The lavender unicorn gave a deep gulp as she looked at them. It was quite frightening to have practically two frames of sight to see them already up and looking directly at you.

"Gah. What happened? Where are we? The forests of Earth?" Captain Vor wondered as he returned to his senses.

The other grineer all rose up steadily as well, but they were just as groggy, if not more.

"You. Lancer. Come here. I need to contact the empire."

"Y...Yes. Yes, sir. Allow me a moment to reach you."

The grineer had all landed in what seemed to be a thick forest with no mountains nearby, at least, no mountains that could be seen.

Vor took a communications device from the lancer and activated it, spinning several holographic crescents in the process, then pushed something on his left ear.

"Empire. I require exfiltration. The plan to reach into the void has met with some...unexpected consequences." Vor said as he tore his key out of the hands of a soldier."Empire? Any troops? Answer your Captain this precise moment or be executed for failing your duties."

"Sir?" the lancer wondered.

Vor slammed the communications device into the chest of the lancer and looked around.

"The dimensional collapse tossed us across the solar system, if not, the galaxy. If worse, across into another galaxy entirely. If it is only in our galaxy, then rescue ships will reach us within days after activating our distress beacon, that you have done, I hope?"

"Yes, captain."

"Good. We cannot stay in unknown territory. As this is an alien planet, we need to make a camp somewhere safer. While open plains would make us easy targets, it would be much easier to spot threats and to defend than waiting to be ambushed or dragged away in this forest."

Vor took a spiked orb from a socket in his armor and threw it at something behind one of his bombards, creating a violent shock and expulsion of yellow electricity. It seemed that a gigantic simian was about to make off with the soldier in secret. The captain stepped on it and pulled out his shocker, putting it back in his socket.

"Do not use your ammunition. Melee weapons only. Until we can find suitable materials, we cannot craft more bullets. We will make our camp with trees from this forest, then I will choose a group of scouts to send to the areas around for sustenance and materials."

The grineer all nodded and followed their captain wherever he was heading. They knew no better, but they lived for the empire. That was reason enough.

Author's Note:

Yes. The Teech warframe was an idea of mine that, like several others, never took off on the forums.