• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 1,191 Views, 85 Comments

No sounds in space - The Psychopath

The Obion Three end up in Equestria with Captain Vor and the Grineer

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Dimensional distortions

Author's Note:

The Grineer do not speak english, so to show this, I shall be putting their dialogue in italics for basic dialogue and bold for their thoughts.

If you wish to start off the story from the point of view of the ponies, please read the second chapter first. If not, well, here you are.

The deserts of Phobos were just as intense as always, with dust storms blowing over the grineer buildings etched into the rock and stone. What lived within these settlements wasn't unknown, but what was performed within them was. Crates and cranes were abandoned almost in the middle of their work, and the sounds of electricity sparking in the air accompanied by the sounds of metal smashing together. Across one of the desert patches of this moon several transport vehicles had parked to render their supplies available. These flattened vehicles were of both immense length and width, and their tires were just as bizarre as they barely sunk in the sands of the desert, leaving the dust storms to blow over them like a sea current. In front of these gargantuan land transports rested a very large cave carved into the rock. This one seemed to have cables coming from it and connecting to several generators resting outside. Grineer troops were stationed here and prowling the environnements for any suspicious activity. As any Grineer clone, these ones had been affected by genetic deterioration, and many limbs had to be replaced by bionic ones.

These grineer troops sported desert camoflauge on their body, shoulder, chest piece, and outside leg plating, and the lower portion of their legs were covered in a thin black armor that showed there was no longer any meat there. Starting from their knees, however, their bulk climbed to extremes, with their legs holding several pouches to hold munitions and such. Their main bodies were covered with a large plating of armor similar to a slug. As for their arms, these suffered the same traits as the legs, but they were covered with additional black armor whilst their shoulders were covered with enormous shoulder plates. Their armor was extremely uneven at many places, but it stabilized at their heads. Completely covered for many, the majority of grineer troops wore a white mask over their faces, reminiscent of the front of a skull without the nasal ports. The only 'holes' in them were two, glowing yellow holes for the eyes.

Several more of the troops were stationed within the tunnels, with many prowling and patrolling while others were working on consoles to stabilize energy flow and observe the security system. All the way at the end stood an Orokin artifact of great importance. This giant circular portal seemed to peer into space with no destination, but a bizarre machine similar to a capsule with a slot on its forward-facing side had been hooked up to it, and the image flickered ever so gently every now and then. A low hum emanated from the machine itself, but this was muffled by the loud roars of grineer technology all around it. Standing next to the machine connected to the portal were several more grineer with an orange coloration and masks showing one single orange view point, and a very old grineer captain.

This man's body had clearly seen better days in its youth, as it had practically become mechanical. Vor's legs had become mechanical extensions ending in bird's feet with raised extensions at the tips of the three front toes. His armor was of a complete brown shade with tubes coming from his back into various portions of his body, such as his stomach and his left leg. His head, though, was bare, and showed a very pale whitish skin color. As with all grineer eyes, his sclera was black with glowing orange-yellow pupils, with his right eye having long been replaced by what was clearly a bionic eye. The left portion of his mouth, starting from his cheekbone, curving around the nose, and finally ending at the start of his chin, was completely replaced by metal plating. The most interesting thing about this grineer was the slot he had over his heart that held an orokin key. This golden artifact is his prized possession, besides his hybrid pistol made from grineer and orokin technologies.

"How are the preparations coming along? I have no need to stay here longer than I must. I have preparations to make with Lecht Krill concerning a method to properly dispose of the tenno." Vor asked a lancer working on a security board to the right of the portal.

"It is almost complete, sir. I am also pleased to report that no tenno have been noticed yet."

Vor rubbed his chin and looked above himself.

"It is unlike Lotus to ignore something so valuable. Her mute slaves should be here any minute. I do not wish to make a repeat of the same mistake as before." Vor said.

"No, sir. I will double patrols and ensure that all corners and backs are watched. All that oppose us shall feel our wrath."

"Enough of your blather. The sisters need only your work, not your speech."

"Sorry, sir. Continuing my work, sir."

Vor was not convinced of the actions and preventive measures undertaken to keep the tenno out. He knew how crafty and discreet they were. He had fought some and killed quite a few himself, but they were never easy to deal with. He had to verify.

"Soldier, demand a status report from the patrol at the entrance."

"Yes, sir." the lancer replied as he began to type in some commands on his security board.

"I have a bad feeling about this whole endeavor, but no matter. The tenno shall fall to our empire no matter how hard they try to stop its progress.."

Despite the silence, the grineer lancer responsible for a portion of security began to switch from frequency to frequency whilst trying to get into communication with the patrols. Nobody answered any of the calls. Captain Vor noticed and became angered. He stormed towards the station.

"Get out of the way!"he yelled as he tossed the soldier aside onto the floor."Troops, report! This is Captain Vor speaking. Answer at once or be condemned to rehabilitation.They aren't answering...The reason is obvious."

Vor smashed his fist on the alert panel, causing an alert to echo throughout the complex.

"All grineer, the tenno have reached our base! Stop them at the costs of your lives! I will not have them rescue another of their own! All heavy grineer must report to the chamber at once!"

Several grineer bombards and grineer heavy gunners ran into the room and surrounded the portal. Grineer bombards looked similar to their lighter, lancer counterparts, save for their white armor and a weapon they held which resembled a red box and fired rockets. The heavy gunners, however, were females, and although their white armor was thinner, said armor was very similar to the lancers'. One unfortunate aspect of the heavy gunner was that both her arms and legs were mechanical, but this did prevent her from being knocked over due to the added weight and the gyroids built into them. Unlike her bombard counterpart, the heavy gunner held a long green weapon with its cartridge held diagonally on the side, allowing for quick load and reload while still aiming at her enemies. A rapid firing machine gun is always welcome to the grineer arsenal.

The soldiers waited calmly and with stress while Captain Vor sternly waited with boredom in front of his machine, his Seer pistol firmly held in his grasp. Subtle noises of armor moving and fingers tightening around the weapon grips were the only true noises still being heard in the air as each grineer soldier scanned every nook and cranny of the large cave opening, much to no availing, as the incoming teno could not be found, until a Nekros flew from the sky and smashed into a grineer lancer with an ether reaper, spraying blood everywhere. This Nekros' armor was reminiscent of a necromancer. Its head having the appearance of a lich's cowl, save for the mechanical apparatus underneath portraying nothing but metal and two small vertical optical viewports of an orange color. Its legs were very thin and spindly, as if they were nothing but bone, and possessed three metal handles pointing downwards. Its elbow had the same decorative appearance, with the addition of two miniature arm blades pushing forward. The back of its shoulder and a small portion of its arms held another one of these "handles", although this one was closer to Nekros' body. As for its chest, it just looked like purple flesh pulled over it to reach the neck. The inner portion of the legs, the bony hips, the inner portion of the arms, knuckles, as well as the cowl were all white. It even gave the impressions that the ribs of this warframe had melted out and were falling down. The rest of its body was purple, and there were small glowing lines of orange energy laid from the front of its ribs and on the lower part of the Nekros' wrist.

It expelled a very desolate aura of death and decay as it raised itself up ever so slowly. Its ether reaper scythe's blade being just as invisible and etched with energy as what lay beneath the tenno's mask. The grineer took a short time to realize what had happened, then they finally retrieved their senses.

"T-Tenno scum! Kill it!" a lancer shouted before he was cut in half by the nekros.

Several of the blue armored lancers began to open fire on the Nekros who would slowly walk towards them as it almost 'danced' between each and every bullet. Somehow, it appeared in front of one of the lancers in an instant and smashed its palm against him. An orange energy blasted out of the nekros' palm and expelled what looked like the grineer himself, against his comrades. He did not survive the process and fell down limply. The others were simply cut down by the Nekros a he would backflip onto some, cut them in half, then throw their halves against other grineer after attaching its deathly energies into hikou shuriken jammed into the halves pieces. This went on for awhile until the nekros was blown away by a shot from one of the larger bombards.

"Hahaha! Tenno scoom. Va nes ga gva tyr," the grineer taunted.

Nekros was having trouble dodging the shells from this bombard and had to jump away several times using its hands. It tried to get its cernos bow unfolded from its back to fire a few arrows into the head of this grineer, but the tenno was completely pinned. That is, until the bombard suddenly fell into two separate halves. A glaive had been thrown from behind the group in complete discretion. Its owner was a Volt. This warframe simply thrust its hand forward and erected an enormous shield of electricity in front of it as it took out its own gorgon machine gun that had been customized into a wraith variant by a faction unknown to all but the tenno. As it fired at the grineer, its bullets became coated in an electric field and would electrocute the impact target, making for some rather amusing muscle contortions.

The Volt stood in place and stared at the grineer through its shield, the bullets bouncing back and creating tiny little distortions in the shield. Its legs were completely purple, just like the Nekros nearby, but the joints of its ankles and the toe placement and fingers of its armor were blue. The knees pushed forward into pseudo-horns as did the nose area of the helmet. His chest was a complete white as were several linings around the body. The rest had a similar purple tint as before, giving suspicions of a pattern between the two warframes. The helmet held two vision ports on both sides, and the whole warframe tingled with electricity as it coursed through the armor. This was all amplified by three coils on each arm that intensified the current when it reached them, and allowed the tenno to harness thunder itself.

As the Volt drew attention to it, Nekros raised its hand and let out a pulsating stream of orange enemy that twirled like several snakes around its body. A loud, frightening scream echoed through the cave while a burst of orange energy emanated from it and covered the whole group of grineer that surrounded the Nekros. The soldiers suddenly began to yell and threw their weapons at nothing and ran away. Vor looked around at them with surprise and angered and clenched his fist.

"What are you doing, cowards? Get back here!" the captain shouted.

As he did so, a few sounds of gun fire muffled the screams of the grineer as they were pinned to the far cave wall by their heads. Golden bolts had pierced their heads completely. Through the main entrance came a third warframe, this being the obvious elder of the group. The weapon it held was a boltor prime; a fearsome weapon of great power. It was long like any rifle, but was lined with a golden frame. Its butt, handle, and even its iron sights were all golden. The boltor had an elongated barrel and six golden rings surrounding the main portion of the rifle. While said main portion and stock of the rifle were purple, the long portion of it holding the sights and the barrel were white. The warframe was also a prime version of what was a commonly used by tenno. This was a frost prime, and the prime warframes were extremely rare and possessed tremendous power compared to their 'knock-off" counter parts. After all, the primes were the original versions created by the ancient Orokin.

The frost prime was the most organic looking of the three. Its lower leg armor was very bulky and had an almost "chewy" looking spike rising from the knees. The boots were similar to a thorned cocoon of white while the main body looked like it wore a thick overcoat, with three distinct portions with two hanging off the sides and a large portion hanging off the rear. On the sides of its waste were laid golden trips echoed with wiring, and on its back was a cryo-inducer with two tubes, one atop the other, flowing from it into the warframe. Like the boltor prime, these also had golden portions. The forward arms, like the legs, were very thick, but the underside was completely flat, white, and had golden cryo tubes flowing through them. Most astonishing, however, was the head. A single, vertical blue line served as a viewport. The viewport itself rested in a rectangular golden holding on the rather large helmet. One golden ring, similar to the boltor prime's, surrounded the visor in a semi-circle. Three more covered the rest of the helmet, with the one directly after the visor ring being the largest in size, the other two progressively diminishing. The helmet itself was rather flattened and very large, with a blue line going around it like a flowing crack in ice. One last aspect concerning this warframe were the bizarre exhaust ports on the rear sides of its arms. These constantly emitted shockingly freezing cold mixture of white mist and blue gas.

While the majority of this frost prime was black, the inner portion of its "overcoat" was white, as were the sides of its body. The rest of the overcoat, however, were etched in magnificent designs of a purple hue.

This tenno walked forward casually with no fear whatsoever of its surroundings. He didn't seem to consider the grineer besides Captain Vor as being a threat and had unsheathed his dragon nikana katana; One of the most powerful melee weapons in any and all tenno weaponry. Only the most elite were authorized to carry one. Said threat simply nodded his head and began to laugh as he walked towards the machine and moved himself in a taunting manner.

"So, I see that the Lotus has sent the Obion Three after this operation. No matter what tenno rescuing operation there has ever been, she has rarely ever sent you three towards one of these operations. It truly is a pity. What must hide behind this portal that she is so eager to keep from us? No matter. I have explosive drones ready to jump into here the second the portal opens, so say goodbye to your precious artifacts!"

There was almost a moment of slow motion as the Frost Prime resheathed its dragon nikana and pulled out its boltor prime while running towards Vor. The grinner captain pulled the golden key from his chest socket, creating little bolts of energy as the key protested its removal, and moved towards the slot of the machine connecting to the portal. The Nekros had thrust its ether reaper into the spine of a grineer and was raising it into the air, and the Volt seemed to have jumped on a half of a lancer after throwing its glaive and slicing through several soldiers at once. He was aiming a bolt of electricity at the captain, but it was too late for the three. Vor had already placed the key into the slot, and the portal was beginning to stabilize. One could see the forming of the white marble architecture of the orokin void ship appear, but there was something else behind that. Something seemingly dark orange and mobile. Before Vor's drones could ready themselves, the volt's electric bolt struck the machine, followed by several boltor bolts. The machine began to short circuit, belching explosions and sparks at Vor who took several steps back as he shielded his face. The portal began to form erratically as it started to collapse on itself. the explosions chained throughout the complex as the energy began to overflow.

"What have you done?! Idiots!" Vor yelled as he pulled out his pistol.

There was no point, as dimensional energies flowed throughout the room and distorted reality, creating a bizarre, extremely wavy view to those affected. Before anyone could react, the entirety of those held within the cave were sucked into a black singularity. This vision of black, silence, and calm were the only things any of the tenno or grineer could experience for quite a time, until the tenno were blinded by a bright shining of light. They seemed to be hurdling towards an exit, but the speeds were such that they could not distinguish anything. Finally, they left the dimensional anomaly and landed on their feet with a great acrobatic feat, although the Volt had to land on a wall and backflip off of it onto his feet. The vision of the three was still blurry, but they recognized the sound of a loud 'thud' as being that of an orokin capsule. The three walked towards it as they waited for their sight to readjust, then stood next to the object. With utmost haste, the frost prime input several commands into the console on the stasis pod's side, and it reacted just as quickly. The pod opened, expelling cryonic air, leaving the tenno to eventually thaw out on its own and recuperate progressively.

The Obion Three were going to have to protect it from the grineer, no matter where they were. After a long period of patience, the three tenno met an unfamiliar surrounding. They had landed in what seemed to be a palace of the grineer, although it was very bright and not as bizarrely technological and organic as the grineer had a habit of creating, but what struck the three most were the 'intruders'. What seemed to be a white and blue equidae surrounded by smaller ones wearing a golden armor were being threatened by what seemed to be a large assortment of angry and frustrated griffons from ancient folklore. They had all stopped their activities and stared at the armored figures for quite a long time as well as looking at the pod. The frost prime unsheathed his dragon nikana, preparing for combat. The other two did the same, with the volt readying its electric powers, and the Nekros preparing his gorgon wraith.