• Published 14th May 2014
  • 3,670 Views, 28 Comments

Perspective - Dreamscape

Twilight has thought of Rainbow Dash as more than a friend for quite some time, and, in the midst of the Equestria Games, has finally worked up enough courage to tell her. This presents her with plenty of obstacles, and a rather big problem.

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Chapter 7

Rainbow grew more and more desperate in her search as she flew through the city, her eyes darting back and forth across the fast moving land below, searching for anything lavender. Although her heartbeat quickened with hope each time something purple streaked past her vision, she slowly began to realize that such a search was becoming more and more hopeless by the second. So intent on the ground below, she barely noticed the hard wind ruffling her mane and fighting her back with its powerful force.

She had already checked the hotel room, only to find a moping Spike who said he hadn’t seen the pony all day except earlier that morning before the relay. Along with that she had nearly searched every single location within the city, even places that she was sure Twilight had never even been to. Was her magic actually powerful enough to transport her all the way back to Ponyville? Twilight would never be one to neglect her duties, even if they were just sitting in a throne while she watched the games; but perhaps something as extreme as this would drive her to do something equally as extreme.

As her wings began to push more weakly against the currents of the wind, her pace slowed drastically. The strong winds too slowed to gentle and rather warm breeze; something which would normally be quite soothing as it tickled at her face. Now, it simply signified defeat. She was never one to give up easily, and she certainly hadn’t. Twilight was nowhere to be found, and she had traveled from one end of the city to the other multiple times in her desperate attempts.

If it weren’t for her turning her eyes ahead rather the below in search of a cloud to rest upon, she would have never seen such a beautiful, but heart wrenching sight. Twilight rested upon the cloud ahead and to her right. Her beautiful, deep violet eyes gazed forward into the distant, bright green landscape which consisted of plentiful rolling fields and large snowcapped mountains even further beyond. There was a certain shimmering quality within her thoughtful eyes, and although quite the sight to behold, it only caused Rainbow more pain when she realized it was created from the tears which still streamed down her face. Licked by the breeze, her smooth, silky mane moved in beautiful waves. Although she looked at peace, the pain which resided within her could be seen by the slight downward curvature of her lips and the weakness of her eyes.

Not sure exactly how to begin, Rainbow landed softly on the near weightless vapor beside her friend. “What are you doing up here, Rainbow?” Twilight asked weakly after calming down from the initial surprise. “You’re a really great friend for coming up here and checking on me, but you should get back down there with Soarin’. It was pretty stupid and ignorant of me to think that you felt the same way about me as I do about you. I was too busy dreaming to realize how little sense us being together actually makes. Somepony like you would never want to be with somepony like me. I should have been focusing on the facts like I always do,” she said with frustration, shaking her head methodically as she went. “We’re good friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be. Please, I’ll be fine on my own for now. I think I finally have this all figured out.”

“No, Twilight. You were right all along,” Rainbow said softly as she laid down closely beside her friend, the warmth of their bodies radiating against each other. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who screwed up.”

“How did you screw up?” Twilight asked curiously, busy sifting her hoof through the white vapor in front of her.

“Because, Twilight,” Dash said as she unfurled her wing and draped it carefully over the mare’s body, “I’m in love with you.” Freezing for a moment as her cheeks hued a bright pink and her heart beat with hope once more, Twilight sniffled and turned her attention away from the cloud, up into Rainbow’s determined and equally hopeful eyes. “That’s right, I’m an idiot for not accepting it right away.” she then said with a heartfelt sigh. “Is there any way you can forgive me?”

“Of course I can,” Twilight muttered, her breath seemingly disappearing with the sudden shock. “But what happened with you and Soarin’.

“That was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made,” Rainbow admitted painfully. “To be honest with you, even though I barely know the guy, I thought he was the one, like, the one. Actually, being with a stallion like him has been my dream since I was a little filly. When I started liking you, I was really confused. It made no sense. You know me, I always follow my dreams, so when all of the sudden I was falling for you instead of what I thought I wanted, I was scared, Twi, really scared. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. I sort of tried to ignore it, but the harder you tried for me, the harder I fell for you…Soarin’ was just sort of a way to escape that, and I feel really bad for using him the way I did. That’s why I told him it wouldn’t work out when I saw you there staring at us and realized something, dreams can change, and in reality, you’re a major part of mine. So, if you don’t hate me for everything I did, how about you tell me something I know you’ve been wanting to say for a really long time, and something I really wanna hear,” she said with a genuine smile, her cheeks growing a deep shade of crimson.

Before she spoke, Twilight sucked in a deep breath of air as she inched even closer to the pegasus and then placed a hoof on top of hers. “Rainbow Dash, I’ve thought of you as more than a friend for a really, really long time now. I’ve just been too afraid to say it; but now that I know you feel just as strongly about me, there’s something I need to ask you. Oh wow, this is really cheesy,” Twilight expelled with a shaky laugh, her pounding heart leaving her nearly breathless. Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle as a large smirk grew upon her face. As an act of both reassurance and love, she turned her hoof over so that she could wrap it around the princess’. “Would you be interested in going on a date with me?”

“That would be totally awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed with a grin, grasping Twilight’s hoof tightly. “I’m free all night, what’d you wanna do and where’d you wanna go?”

“I actually think we might be in the perfect spot already,” Twilight said, nodding her head at the scenic view before them, slowly tinting with orange as the sun lowered in the sky. “I know it’s not anything fast paced or exciting, so I hope you’re okay with it.”

“It’s perfect, Twi,” Rainbow said with a loving sigh as she gently nuzzled her cheek against Twilight’s. “So let me ask you something. What made you think we could never be together…you know, besides the fact that I was acting so stupid about it?”

“Because, Rainbow, you’re strong, brave, athletic, cool, and so determined. I’m none of those things.”

“Yeah right,” Rainbow said, mocking Twilight by performing her signature eye roll. “I think the only thing on the list you mentioned that didn’t describe you, is athletic. You’re definitely determined, brave, strong too, and cool. You’re way more than cool. You’re awesome. Yeah, not gonna lie, we are pretty different when it comes to most stuff, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have similarities. Besides, the reason I like you so much is because you’re you. I love everything about you, you big egghead,” she said, sticking her tongue out teasingly.

“I love everything about you too…even if you are always so cocky,” Twilight teased resting her head against Rainbow’s strong chest. “It keeps things…well, interesting. Cadance was definitely right when she said a pony’s partner compliments their flaws and the pony then compliments their partner flaws, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, we do make a pretty great team after all,” Rainbow said with a laugh.

In a state of complete joy and bliss, something which just minutes ago, she would have thought unable to reach in such a depressed disposition, Twilight turned her eyes to the stunning landscape before them. To her, it was amazing to think that beyond those orange cream colored skies and past the reach of the Crystal Heart’s protection, was a world of white and frigid cold. Even further was the rest of Equestria. Yet, here she was in a perfect sanctuary of her own, snuggled up against the ‘most awesome pony in Equestria,’ without a worry in her mind save sitting through more competitions and events the next day. Although this perfect world would only last another day, till the games reached their close, Twilight was sure such a sanctuary would follow her home in the form of the mare beside her.

I sudden but gentle touch of a hoof against Twilight’s chin pushed these thoughts away, and her head was raised up so that she gazed directly into her lover’s eyes once more. As her face grew heated and caused her cheeks to hue a deep shade of pink, she couldn’t help but admire Rainbow’s hasty, unkempt, but naturally beautiful look. It reflected the pony’s personality almost perfectly. The shadowing effect caused by the lowering sun created a deeper definition upon Dash’s face, better showing off the shape of her rather cutely rounded face. The fierce pink stare of her eyes perfectly displayed her more competitive and speedy side; and her bedraggled mane, it’s already messy styling unaffected by the breeze ruffling its way between her hairs, displayed her fun, carefree attitude.

As Rainbow’s mouth widened into a gleaming grin, Twilight responded by doing just the same. The pegasus then brought her other hoof up to the beautiful eyes before her and gently wiped away any remnants of her crying. Twilight’s heart then pounded quickly as the lips before her puckered and those eyes which were so fierce just moments ago became completely relaxed before falling closed as Dash leaned forward. Following her lead, the princess nervously pursed her lips, tilted her head slightly, and closed her eyes as she brought forward her snout.

If asked to describe the sensation which overcame her as she felt Rainbow’s slightly roughened lips wrap around her own, Twilight would be unable. All she knew was that such a sensation was one of the most amazing feelings she had ever experienced in her entire life. It certainly wasn’t just the kiss that caused this, but the realization that she and Rainbow were finally together as one. Something she had begun to believe would only ever be a hopeful dream. The care which Rainbow Dash had put into brushing away the tears from Twilight’s eyes was ruined as another stream of the warm liquid trickled out of her eyes and down over the crease of her muzzle. These tears were different though, ones caused by extreme happiness, rather than sadness.

After what only seemed like a few seconds in which Twilight was barely able to kiss Rainbow back, the pegasus broke away, her cheeks glowing with red. “I don’t think you know how badly I wanted to do that to you this morning when you gave me that ‘good luck’ kiss on the cheek.”

“Well, I do now,” Twilight said with a giggle, stroking her hoof against Dash’s while she used the other to dab away her tears.

“I really wish I would’ve too,” Rainbow said with a sigh. “Would’ve made things a lot easier.”

Twilight smiled smugly. “What’s done is done, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make up for it now,” she whispered, leaning forward and locking her lover into another kiss, enjoying every single moment of the feelings and sensations which it caused. Letting out a warm, ecstatic breath into Rainbow’s mouth as she broke away, Twilight rested their foreheads together, her eyes still tightly shut.

After a few moments of silence, Rainbow gently lay down upon her side and patted the moist vapor beside her, motioning for Twilight to do the same. The alicorn did exactly that, and lay down with her back facing her marefriend so that their bodies cradled perfectly together.

Wrapping her hooves around Twilight’s rounded chest, Rainbow Dash pulled herself up against the pony. The princess let out a soft but pleasurable sigh as Rainbow’s fur along with her solid, but sleek frame pushed up against her back, engulfing her in warmth. All that was left now, was to watch the sun lower behind the distant hills and mountains as their shadows grew longer and longer until they were fully engulfed by the night. For this, Twilight had the perfect seat, wrapped in the strong and loving embrace of who she believed to be the most amazing pony she had ever met.