• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,121 Views, 8 Comments

Granny Smith's Walk - JusSonic

When two certain members of the Apple Family changes ages thanks to a spell, the whole thing turns into one crazy adventure.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Old and Young

Chapter 1: Old and Young

It was nighttime in Ponyville. The ponies are having a party to celebrate Pinkamena getting a new Element and the arrival of Flare Tiger and her family.

Due to the evening, the party for Pinkamena was a wonderful time as Megan's family had to leave for home and King Spykoran head back to his kingdom. As they cleaning around the party, at the same time, Flare Tiger had to leave to pick up her herd. They knew that it was soon the next party, which was for Flare Tiger's herd as Pinkie Pie giggle with excited as she bounces around.

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Oh my gosh! I can't wait to meet them!"

Iris Heart Shield nervously spoke, "Oh, I hope all of you never judge their cover...."

Comet Star nodded while commentating, "I'm worried as well, but this is what it's must be done for."

Twilight asked, "What you meant, 'what it's must be done for?'"

Comet Star smiled while explaining, "Because her herd, their job was to protect the Harmony Tree."

Tao curiously ask, "Why protect it?"

Comet Star explained, "Back in our homeland, we had many different Harmony trees, we shared each other by guarding them for good reason; never let it fall into evil's hoof."

Dragon Kick reminds while asking, "Do you remember what Flare Tiger said about the Mother of the Harmony Tree?"

Comet Star nodded while saying, "Yes, she do had it; she did found it and put it into a safe place where nopony could find it."

Applejack chuckled, "Ah hope nothing wrong wit' her herd, right?"

Comet Star stared while answering, "Wrong, there is her adopted brothers and sisters, but one of them who loved scary other, his named is Creepy Anima. He gives me brr, brr!"

Rainbow Dash asked, "Why Creepy Anima give you that Brr brr?"

Iris Heart Shield answers, "You will see why."

As they're waiting, they hear the sound of hoofs beating down as the ponies could see a dust storm coming downhill to them. When the newcomers stop as clear, they are revealed to be Flare Tiger and her herd. The heroes are awed as they saw different kinds of ponies' figure as Rainbow Dash spot something that caught her eyes. It was stallion who had fangs like Flare Tiger had, along with large bat wings, horns on his head, and he had a scorpion tail. Also, the newcomer had not four limps, but eight limps with claws on them. Rainbow Dash stared at it as she snapped out of it when Flare Tiger spoke.

Flare Tiger smiled while explaining, "Starting with mah father, Hunter Iron Shield..."

The big green stallion Pegasus chuckled with loud deep voice, "Hello!"

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Mah mother, Sapphire Rose Heart..."

The blue unicorn mare with a gemstone horn on her head nodded while saying, "Greeting..."

Flare Tiger turned to her brother as she introduces him, "This is mah little brother, Wave Rush..."

The light blue stallion unicorn, like his mother, has a gemstone horn on his head as he stared, snapping, "Hey! I'm not your Little Brother anymore!"

Flare Tiger laughed, "Sorry, and this is his mate, Darkness Angel..."

The cream/tan unicorn mare nodded, bowing as she said, "Honor meeting you."

Flare Tiger smiled as she continues the introductions, "Then, there's Dream Soarin', Images Pod or I-Pod for short, Bluebella Starseeker, Thunder Beat, Mohatu, Saw Cromp, Hammer Strike, King Drago Hellhorse, Stardust Power, Skyview Wisdom, Starfire Courage, Gem Dagger, Glitter Confetti, and this is Creepy Anima..."

As she point at each ponies, when she reached to Creepy Anima, the mare six gasped.

Rarity gasped, "He's look... so...HORRITY!"

Flare Tiger gaze as she ask as if offended, "Excuse me?"

Rainbow Dash pointed while asking Flare Tiger, "That's Creepy Anima?"

Comet Star smiled while answering, "Yep! That's Creepy Anima!"

Scootcloo sighed, "He's not look so creepy!"

Creepy Anima smiled as he opened his mouth wide to show off his fangs and his snake's tongue flick out. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo screamed out as the others froze for good.

Creepy Anima chuckled, "Surprise?"

Princess Luna chuckled, "I admired it, you could scared us really good!"

Creepy Anima smiled while saying, "Thank you!"

Scootaloo asked, "But, you look like..."

Creepy Anima answers, "Sender Pony? No way, I may look almost like him, but we're not siblings."

They nodded as Flare Tiger laughed until a sound of young colt spoke, "Ma! You forget something?"

Flare Tiger smiled as she speaks, "Ah, yes," As she step out of way, the mare revealed four little foals standing there as Flare Tiger point each at them. She smiles while answering, "This is mah brother's daughter, or mah niece, Harmony Song, and other foals are mine; Blaze Leo, Midnight Moonlight, Ace Swift... Wait minute.... Where is Aurora Borealis?"

Midnight Moonlight groaned, "She hid in your tail, again."

Flare Tiger looked at her tail as she saw her daughter peeking out then whisper to her as her daughter nodded as she step out of her hiding place.

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Sorry about this, this is mah youngest daughter, Aurora Borealis."

Aurora Borealis looked at other ponies with shy eyes as Nyx noticed something.

Nyx smiled, "Mom! She looks like Grandma Celestia!"

Nyx was right, they did take another looked at Aurora Borealis, she had a mane and tail's colors like Celestia's and she's an Alicorn like her mother was. But there's something off about her which is because she had paws and her tail is like a lion.

"Very interesting," Twilight said, glancing at Aurora curiously. "This one looks like she's born differently."

"Ah know, mah daughter is often teased...which is why she was hiding." Flare Tiger explains with a nod.

Applejack then notices something: her grandmother Granny is sitting by a tree, glazing out. It's the same tree that the mare came to every year on this day for some reason. The mare goes up to her grandma saying, "Granny Smith? Ain't yew going 'ta have a conversion wit' Flare Tiger's family."

"Oh, that's okay, Applejack. You go ahead." Granny Smith said, looking up ahead.

"Granny Smith; is there a problem? Yew seem rather...off today."

"Oh shucks. It's nothing but..."

"Granny," Applejack said to Granny Smith with a deep frown. "No lying."

"Ugh! Okay, okay, fine!" Granny Smith groans. She hates it when her grandkids pushed her like this. "Well, I am waiting for someone, someone I waited for for 50 years."

"'50 years'?! Hoo doggie! Who is yew waiting fer during all 'dat time?"

"A colt-friend; We went out for a while...and he was one hot stallion...of course, next to your grandfather of course. Then one day, he has to leave but promised to return one day. But it was 50 years ago and it was today when he left."

"Shucks, Granny. Ah can see why you're waiting here every year." Applejack said in concern. She can see why her grandmother came here on this day

"Yes...but I betcha when he does shows up, he won't want me. I wish I was in my 20s again..." Granny Smith sighs in sadness, glancing at herself. This old mare ain't what she used to be.

"Granny, it's okay. Ah done betcha he wouldn't want ya 'ta be depressed, mourning fer him...kinda like what Twilight has done. Come on, come over an' see Flare's family."

Granny Smith sighs but nods as the old mare goes over to meet Flare Tiger. But her mind is still set on the stallion that she once knew.


Pinkamena was reading while Gold Wing was Perched; Beside her was Jack Zen who gave Golden Heart some new info while he tells him what happen during his time away, "That must of been tough for many."

Golden Heart nods, commentating, "Indeed but in the end all went happy."

"Well, I better get back to work."

He then heads off as Golden Heart overheard Omega telling her of the stats of the elves and something about a pony as Pinkamena says in surprise, "Seems like he is willingly letting the darkness be removed. Guess I was right about him after I found his wondering weak soul."

"What are you talking about little sister?" Golden Heart asks Pinkamena puzzled.

Pinkamena sighs and says, "Ok Big brother, I think you should know what's going on but that will be on next chapter of this fic or next future fic after 'Granny Smith's Walk'...which is happening right now."

"Um ok."


It was a while after Ben and Sentry has told the gang their story about their foalhood together as well as Ben getting new weapons. The ponies are at work doing their training.

"Geez, Fluttershy; that is a nice flower you got there." Sweetie said to Fluttershy who is wearing her flower in her mane, doing her best to keep it from getting harmed.

"Why, thank you, Sweetie Belle." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Yes, very nice." Golden Heart said. He and the CMC are watching the Mane SIx train for their future evolution. The Alicorn notes that it is flashing a rainbow like color. "I presumed the Breezies gave you that."

"They sure did." Fluttershy replied with a nod.

Rainbow flies around, knocking Applejack off guard, knocking her to the ground. The Pegasus pony frowns, saying, "Geez, AJ; you're getting slow today."

"Awww shucks. Sorry, Rainbow," Applejack remarks as she got back up. "Mah mind isn't focused today."

"What's wrong?" Twilight ask Applejack, noting the worried look on her face. "Is it has something to do with your little problem with Apple Bloom again?"

"Yeah," Applejack replied, "Ah just can't get over the fact I was being so overprotective of her."

"Buuuuuut, it involves something else, right?" Rainbow asks, arching an eyebrow at this.

"Well, okay. It's about Granny Smith. She is plumb sad. My grandma is still pining fer 'dat stallion who left 50 years ago." Applejack remarks with a sigh. "Ah don't know what 'ta do 'wit' her. She wants 'ta be in her 20s."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Twilight said in concern.

Hearing this, Apple Bloom spoke up, "First off, big sis, yew doesn't have 'ta worried about yer protectiveness o' me. Second, Twilight, yer're an Alicorn now, right? Why not use an aging spell since yer're good."

"Apple Bloom, as much as I would want to help Applejack, I can't go using magic for every problem." Twilight said to Apple Bloom with a frown. "I haven't practiced using the aging spell yet like how Trixie performed it during the incident with the Alicorn Amulet. It's not a spell that can be used easily."

"And besides, what if it's permanent?" Nyx asked in concern, "I don't like the sound of it."

"Yes, but still..." Apple Bloom remarked, crossing her upper fore legs. "Ah don't want mah family 'ta be sad again."

"So Rainbow; how is the training for the Equestrian Games going?" Ben ask Rainbow who practices with her nunchucks.

"We're doing better by the day. We are so going to ace them!" Rainbow exclaims with a smirk.

"Well, try not to get overconfident. You know what happens when that does." Rarity remarks to Rainbow, knowing that overconfidence that lead to trouble. "Just like the contestants of Chris McClean's show."

"Say ponies? Do you have the feeling that this incident should be out of canon?" Pinkie asks her friends, who look at her funny.

"Uh, no, why," Sweetie ask Pinkie, weird out by Pinkie’s question.

"I got a feeling that one of the authors doing this best wanted this story to be non-canon, but the first one ended up making it canon to his series, and of course, both has to do it because some other guy wanted it to be based on an episode of a TV show that they never heard of." Pinkie said randomly, weirding out her friends some more. "And then, it's likely this story may or may not end in only 3 chapters."

"Well, if you ask me, the authors should stop this fic and be done with this annoying guy for good." Nyx remarked dryly. She glanced towards the camera and said, "That means you, jeh517."

The ponies look at each other oddly then Rainbow spoke up, "Pinkie Pie. You are so random that it's impossible! Same goes to you Nyxsie."

"Well, that's all the training for today, ponies." Twilight said, deciding to call an end to the training for the day, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Not yet. Apple Bloom an' Ah got chores 'ta do." Applejack said as she motions her sister to come on. "Come on, little sis."

"Coming, big sis!" Apple Bloom exclaims happily as the Apple sisters head off back home.

"And well...I got practice with the Pony Tones later." Fluttershy said with a smile as she flies off. "We're doing a performance for my animals tonight. Oh, I just know they will love it."

"And I gotta go remodeling on Cloudsdale, my Cloudsdale." Rainbow remarks as she picks up Scootaloo, putting her on her back. "I am planning on putting a case for my trophies from RDTAU."

"It isn't a real university, Rainbow!" Twilight exclaims in annoyance as well as the fact that Rainbow's university doesn't even exist.

"You're just jealous because you can't get in." Rainbow mocks, sticking her tongue out at Twilight.

Twilight groans a bit as Rainbow flies off with Scootaloo on her back. The Pegasus pony is hard to talk to, it's impossible!

"Well, see you later when AJ and her granny are in for a big surprise!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she bounces away, leaving the others a bit confused.

How did she do that?


"Come on, Big Mac! Let me have a shot at it." Applejack exclaims to her big brother. She and Apple Bloom just got home and are working on their chores.

"Nnope; Sorry, AJ, but dis is for big ponies like me only." Big Macintosh said as he pulls the plow int he fields.

"Dang nab it, yer're been doing 'dat chore fer a while now." Applejack remarks to her big brother with a frown. "Any chance when Ah git a turn?"

"When you're old enough to have the same privileges like I do." Big Macintosh said to her sister, letting her down gently.

Applejack groans in frustration, trotting off. Granny Smith was doing some work on a quilt, when she notes her granddaughter upset. The old mare asks, "Eh, what's wrong?"

"Shoot. When am Ah going 'ta git 'de same privileges 'dat Big Mac has gotten?" Applejack ask her grandmother in frustration. "Ah ain't as bad as Apple Bloom but Ah want 'ta at least be able 'ta do so!"

"Relax, AJ. When you get to be about Big Mac's age, you will be able to do so." Granny Smith assures her granddaughter while sewing in a patch.

"Shoot. Ah wish Ah was old enough now...just like how yew wanna be young." Applejack mumbles a bit. The cowpony wants to be old enough to get Big Macintosh's privileges. "But wishes don't just happen, right?"


Jade Adventure was hanging with Nyx, as the black filly was looking at the books while Jade seem almost bored.

"Hey Nyx, what are we trying to study here?" Jade asked off in not seeing any fun in doing this.

"Spells that mommy said could help make one a great magic user." Nyx explained this to Jade of their reason being.

"Tch, I've live long enough to know most of these spells." Jade rolled her eyes in looking at the simple spells; they are old as she is.

"Really; do you know which of them you can perform?" Nyx raised an eyebrow in hearing this claim.

"Well, there's an Age Spell with a delay time set. I've been practicing that one after a hundred years to learn some of the other basics." Jade shrug off to boast about her own use of certain spells, especially a spell for the highest level of unicorn magic.

"Have you tried it out?" Nyx asked off curiously in hearing of this.

"Nah, Uncle Dragon Kick doesn't want me to do it much, cause it could cause an unlikely effect." Jade waved off in saying she knows the spell, but her uncle doesn't want her to fool around with it.

"How about trying them on those two plants my mom has been working around to perfect her own age spell?" Nyx points to two plants that's a seedling and one as an old oak.

"Well, guess it couldn't hurt? Let's do it!" Jade shrugs off her shoulders in feeling eager to try something as long as it's an object or plant vessel.

Soon Jade focuses her magic to where Nyx watches, and as the little Mystic filly prepares to fire however...

"Hey Nyx," Phobos comes in from behind the two fillies unannounced.

"Waaaugh,"Jade yelps out from having her eyes shut to not pay close attention. "Thrusvhmmm..." Soon Jade's spell shot off that was bounce off a reflective pan and went out an upper open window.

"Phobos, don't scare us!" Nyx scolds her pet pal for what he did just now.

"Sorry, have you seen my favorite gem stone I saved to have today?" Phobos apologized while explaining his reason of being here.

"Ask Spike, he was seen putting it with a gem stash." Nyx points off in what her friend was looking for.

"Oh no, if he thinks of eating it, he has another thing coming." Phobos issued off in not about to let a gem stone he wanted to eat be taken.

As Phobos left, Jade soon realized her 'oopsy' mistake just now. She wasn't focus on her aim and it bounced out of the room, not good. If that spell hits anything, it'll either reverse one's age to be young or old depending on their current age state.

"Jade, you okay?" Nyx spoke in breaking her friend from her own state to return to reality.

"Ugh, yeah, say, how about we try that spell another time? That surprise kinda caught me off." Jade spoke off in looking nervous while deciding it's best not to try a spell that's most likely for more mature ponies.

"No problem." Nyx nods off her head in seeing the clear point.

Course while Nyx left, Jade seem worried in what will happen when any pony learns she fired off a high level spell without permission.

"Oh, I hope that random spell hits an object and not a pony or two or I have some explaining to do with Uncle Dragon Kick & Granduncle Tao." Jade spoke under her voice tone in feeling she'll be so busted if her family learns of what she did, or how that spell could affect one's lifestyle to upset balance, etc. stuff her uncle Tao keeps reminding her.

And speaking of the spell, it was soon come into a contact with a pipe line that it went through and traveled. And we look below to find Applejack & Granny Smith walking & talking near their barn's pipe works.

"Now remember, AJ, ya gotta expect anything to pop out of them things. Ye gotta listen?" Granny Smith was telling AJ about some use in handling pipes.

AJ listens closely to one pipe and hears a weird whistling wizzy fire-cracker sound.

"Ugh, Granny, one o' them pipes is making a weird noise." AJ points to the big one she was at that seem to be making weird sounds.

"Huh? Let us see." Granny Smith spoke puzzled to hear this and decided to see the problem.

Soon, both young and elderly mares peaked inside to learn of what the noise was in the big pipe. Course none of them knew what was happening until, a bright glow was seen and was coming out....at them!

"Frsuvhmmm...." Suddenly, the age spell was shot off that knocked right into the two ponies. "Waaaughh...." Both AJ and Granny yelped to cry in being knocked over on their flanks. By the time they opened their eyes, everything was clear, and the bright orb thing that knock into them was gone while raining particles were flaking around them.

"Wha in Sam Hill was dat?" AJ asked off in not knowing what hit them just now.

"Don't know, never seen a flash ball out of them things." Granny Smith pondered off in not knowing what kinda thing they saw or what it was doing.

"Maybe it was a glow bug covered bird or chipmunk 'dat knock us out." AJ stated her guess of the thing being some glowing critters and that were coming and surprised them was all.

"Oooohhhh, I feel if I was 50 years younger, that would have been nothin'." Granny Smith spoke off to try to get her old bony body up, but AJ helped her up from being knocked down.

"Come on, Granny, let’s get back ta de barn. Ye still gotta get Big Mac ta help around other parts, remember?" AJ spoke to help her granny while knowing the old girl still has to supervise her big brother to listen in what works need doing.

Soon the two Apples were leaving, but neither of them notice a weird glowing aura that surrounded them. Apparently, the spell Jade misfired of a delayed Age Spell will seemingly take in effect, but when does it happen is anyone's guess.


Pinkamena was finishing telling Golden Heart of what was going on, "And now you know about what is going on."

Golden Heart shocked and surprised spoke, "I am really shocked and surprised of what you done this time but then again you've done lots of surprising things."

"Indeed and once Autumn Gem gets the letter, that might take some time, she will be coming here to see Sombra alive and good once again."

Omega and Havis nod as Gold Wing was Golden Heart's shoulder. The Alicorn says, "So how long you plan to keep this secret from everypony?"

Pinkamena grins as she explains, "Well maybe when Sombra is ready and Autumn Gem comes but that might take a while for her to come here."

"Ok but how will she help?"

"Well I would not like to ruin it but I know something about Autumn Gem and who her lover is and you might know that would be right now." Pinkamena explains. Golden Heart thinks and then then realizes what her sister was saying and he nods, knowing. "Good."


It was a new day in Ponyville. Applejack yawns, tired as she barely got out of bed. The Earth pony hasn't been this tired since the time she refused to have her friends helped her with her apple bucking one time.

"Boy howdy, Ah done should've gone 'ta bed earlier." Applejack mumbles a bit. Weird, she is speaking funny...as if like an old mare.

Applejack tries to open the door but is slowly having trouble. Finally she opens it and heads to the bathroom. Upon entering, the cowpony begins brushing her teeth while looking into a mirror, seeing an old orange pony looking back at her.

Applejack put water from the sink into a glass and then begins garbling; weird. The Element of Honestly looks rusty and wrinkling today. It's as if...

Suddenly Applejack's eyes widen in shock as she spits water right into the mirror. The mare took a double take and is horrified as her reflection shows Applejack herself...wrinkling, old and her mane is gray!

"Great horny toads; Ah is an old mare!" Applejack screams a bit quietly, "AHHHHHHH!!!!"

"What is going on in here?" Apple Bloom asks as she came into the room. The little sister yelps in shock as her sister turns to her, wrinkling and almost falling, "Applejack?! Is 'dat yew?!"

"Dang right, it's me! Ah am an old mare!"

The two sisters look bewildered and concerned. How did this happen?! Suddenly, they heard some wild yelling from downstairs. Applejack and Apple Bloom rush downstairs...though the former is having trouble moving, forcing the little one to stop and helps her sister out a few times.

Upon coming into the kitchen where the noise is made, the Apple siblings got a nasty shot to see a green young mare wearing Granny's clothes, swinging on the lights before landing. She uses her tail to twirl a rope, making breakfast without a problem.

"Oh, howdy, Applejack, Apple Bloom," The mare calls out in a familiar voice but young and prosperous. "How are ya this fine day?"

"Granny Smith; is 'dat yew," Applejack ask, almost falling asleep but her sister elbows her, waking the pony up. "Yer're..."

"50 years younger and ready to kick some flank! Yahoo!"

Apple Bloom gasps a bit, looking stunned. Her grandmother is a young mare again?! Applejack suddenly fell to sleep before falling to the floor. The little sister groans, this is getting way too complicated.