• Published 1st May 2014
  • 1,124 Views, 43 Comments

Left With A Feather - Silver Octave

A husband gone after a laboratory explosion a mare must learn how to take care of a filly who absorbed the soul of a phoenix to live.

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Chapter 7: Family is Family

Author's Note:

This Memorial Day has been rough, and in each chapter there is a ponyfied version of my grandfather(from what my mother told me he was like, because I don't remember him) and my uncle who was discharged when I was 4 He tought me to be me, and he doesn't care I like mlp.

Post who is your vet below you appreciate for serving our country of 'Murica!

"Come on Sunny! I know your home!"

Sunny looked out of her window and her mouth dropped to the ground outside. "How'd the buck you'd find me here?!" Sunny shot back around and ran into Blaze on her way down the stairs. Her vision shook for a moment until she regained her stability. "Guess what Blaze!?"

Blaze picked himself up with his wings, while dusting himself off. "Yes, I would like to know why I'm awake before ten on a Saturday..." Blaze sighed. "So who's that?"

"My brother!" Sunny jumped up, and ran down stiars. She flung the door open, so hard in fact it left a whole where the door stop was. Sunny flew head first right into the stallion in front of her house.

"Ooofffff!!!" The stallion cried. "Damn Sunny, I get back from a small TOD, and you mannaged to live on your own? I might say I didn't expect this from you at all..."

"Hello to you too Cloudy!" She hugged her brother in a suffocating hold.

"How long has it been? Five? Six years?"

Sunny shook her head and laughed. "Did you knock your head on something? Cloudy, its been close to ten. How old are you?"

"I look fifty, but I'm really thirty six. Its the stress of war I guess."

"Oh, but first..." Sunny pulled off a cloke she had been wearing. She forgot she had it on when she went to sleep after dealing with a snotty customer. Her wings unfolded, and Cloudy's face turned to total confusion.

His eye twitched. "How-?"

"I'll explain inside, as well about my son." Sunny said, her eyes fell to the ground, and tears started to streamline off her face. Cloudy picked her head up.

"Family is family, no matter who you are. Come on, lets go inside..." He gave a caring smile to his sister.

Cloudy sat back in her chair while he was rubbing his small beard, and he thought for a moment before speaking. "So?"

"Mnnhmm..." Sunny nodded. "Any other questions?"

Cloudy nodded. "One more, and how exactly is my nephew an alicorn-phoenix?"

"I already told you Cloudy." Sunny rubber her temples. "Delphi gave him her soul to save us, and it gave me this cute red stripe in my hair."

"C-can I see him? I mean if he wants to come down, and see his uncle Cloud." He said causally.

Sunny looked up the stairs from the kitchen. She gave it some thought, and stood up. Her head lowered as she looked back at her brother.

"He was affected by Delphi's magic the most of all..." A tear formed in here eye. "Please...don't hate him for what he is."

Sunny walked out of the kitchen, leaving Cloudy alone to ponder. It had been ten long years in services for the griffens as a medical officer, and a general in the Xeris army. The Xeris are powerful and magical deer who gain magic through the nature around them. Their horns will glow in the event of a magical fluctuation that threatens the balance of nature. He'd spent four years in their forest, learning how to tap into such magic, and only learned four spells when he was discharged after an event that nearly cost his life.

Sunny cleared her voice catching Cloudy's attention. He looked over at her, and saw an orange filly behind her. She moved out of between them, and Cloudy nearly fell backwards. After regaining himself, he took a better look.

"Whoah!" He rushed over to Blaze, and grabbed his wings. "How are you so warm?! It's amazing!"

Sunny raised an eyebrow. "What? You don't hate him?"

Cloudy laughed as he shook his head. "Not at all 'sis. He looks cool!" He brushed his hoof through Blaze's mane. "Your mane is like fire!" He took a step back and looked at Sunny. "So what's his race? Surely he's the first. All those medical books I've read don't have any..."

"Equininx..."Blaze said.

"Equininix eh? I like it! So how old are bud? I need to know how to spoil you rotten!" He laughed hugging Blaze.

"I'm nine in four months." He answered.

"Eight then? No biggy. Lets see....Oh! I think I have something now!" Cloudy jumped back to his saddle bags. After a couple of minutes he pulled a necklace out of his bags. He ran back to Blaze, and tied it around his neck. Cloudy took a step back and nodded with a smile. "Thats called the Amulet of Balance. It increases your awareness while also improving your balance. I had a friend who gave it to me, and now it's your's."

Blaze looked at it, and smiled. "Thanks uncle Cloudy." He said. "I like it..."

Clody nodded. "Of course you do Blaze, and what makes it more special is that thing saved my life. Without it, I would of been killed in combat. Oh I need to tell you my awesome stories! I fought a dragon, a-"

"I think you should save that for some other day Cloudy." Sunny said. "You only just met him today."

Cloudy sat back in his chair with a long sad sigh. "I suppose you've got a point..." He looked out the window. "Do you know of a place I can stay for a few nights while I wait for my bits to come in?"

"You can stay here?" Sunny offered. "It'll be nice to catch up more."

"Sounds like a plan!"

As things started to settle down for Blaze he began telling Cloudy of his adventures through Canterlot with two princesses. Cloudy laughed when he heard from Sunny what she had shouted at her older sister. Cloudy hadn't known Celestia yas an older sister, but had deep suspicions about the topic. Things even go funnier when Cloudy began to discripe in deep detail on his last tour before being discharged.

Cloudy was walking through a dark forest, the moon and a unicorn cadet creating his only source of light. Their mission was simple enough, bring a crate of explosives to a cave, and detonate it to stop mutated creatues from harming the magical forest. They weren't far, almost a half of a mile away at this point after walking just a little over ten that day alone. Cloudy was used to the long walks he had to take to get from one place to another, but he found it relaxing where others found it a pain in their hooves. Others would complain, Cloudy however didn't.

A twig snapped under his hoof as he stepped over a log. The cadet nearly flew into the air, scared of the sound because he didn't know where it came from. Cloudy rested his hoof on the cadet's shoulder.

"Easy there kid, that's twenty pounds of the best C4 you have. One screw up and both of us and these trees around us would be off the world map." Cloudy said. "You want to talk? We've been silent this whole time."

"Thank you sir, I've actually had a few things on mind."

"Then speak up!" He said sitting down. "We'll rest for ten then finish the job as we run our happy flanks out of that damn cave."

"How long have you been in service sir? This is my second year." The cadet asked.

"This is number ten, and after this I go home. Visit my sister Sunny and her boyfriend." He rubbed his forelegs to ease the pain in his joints. "I was transferred to these deer after the Griffins. Before that I was Celestia's royal guard. Went everywhere she did for the most part. Oh, how could I be dumb, my name is Cloudy Skies, your's?"

"Guys back at the camp call me Dead Weight..." He said. "But my real name is Heavy Weapons. When I'm done with this, I want to meet back with my pals to take out-"

"Sssh!" Cloudy hissed. "Stop that thing!" He pointed to his horn, and it stopped glowing.

"What is it?"

"Cloudy's eyes narrowed on a bush and stood in between it and his partner. For the moment it was so quiet you could hear the night wind blow, making the trees whisper. Cloudy's ear shot around, and so did he with his sword he cut through a tree and it disolved into a black liquid that soon morphed into a creature with red eyes.

"Stay behind me Heavy!" He shouted.

"Uh, sir we're surrounded by these things!" Cloudy turned and saw that there were indeed six other creatures around him. He kissed his necklace, and lundged himself at the nearest mutant.

After a few cuts the mutant dissolved into thick purple smoke, and started on the next mutant. Heavy even joined in after carefully placing the explosives on the ground. Both of them made quick work of the mutants. Heavy fell to the ground breathing heavely.

"Holy buck..." He huffed. "How'd you know?"

Cloudy lifted up his necklace and smiled. "I do love those deer..." He kissed the nacklace again. "You alright bud?"

"I could be better. One nearly got me." Heavy sat up, and waved his hoof. "How about we finnish this mission?"

Cloudy nodded, and helped Heavy up. "Come on, lets go."

"Cool huh?" Cloudy asked. "We made it out of the cave right as the shit went off."

Sunny held her hoof to her face as the door bell went off. "You can tell me what really happened after I get the door." Sunny shook her head slowly.

She got to the door, and looked through the small looking glass that showed who was on the other side. Sunny looked over at Cloudy, her eyes open wide in shock.

"Go up stairs with Blaze....now."

"Who's at the door?"

"You won't believe me if I told you, now go."

"Who is it?" Cloudy insisted. "Tell me!"

"It's dad..."

Cloudy's eyes opened wide. "What?" He asked pushing Sunny out of the way to see if she was telling the truth. On the other side of the door was indeed their father. "No way...Come on Blaze, I don't think you want to him to know you exist. He'll have a fit."

The door bell rang again. "Go now! Stay up there until I explain these as well." She pulled her cloak over her body, leaving her head open. After waiting a short time for her to hear a door shut, she opened the front door.

"Heeeeey dad..." She gave a fake smile. "How long has it been?"

"More than necessary Sunny Skies!" The old stallion said. "I've been stuck in that old folks home for fifteen years, and you lied about their oat-meal being the best in Equestria! They're shotty a buck! They don't even put raisins in it! How can you eat oat-meal without any bucking raisins? YOU CAN'T!!!"

"Sorry, I thought it was good." Sunny chuckled lightly. "Anyways, how are you dad?"

The old stallion jumped across the room in a single leep, shocking Sunny to no possible end. Her eye twitched.

"I FEEL FINE!" He laughed. "They have some great tonics up in Canterlot! Some increase your muscle mass, bone mass, they restructure your body to make you looking fit as a fiddle!"

Sunny smiled wide. "Well, I'm happy that you're doing fine dad, but why exactly are you here?"

"I heard Cloudy returned to visit you, and heard you have a son."

Sunny started to sweat water falls. "I-I do, and Cloudy is here...but I need to talk to you before I go get them."

He tilted his head. "You ain't a homosexual are you Sunny?" He asked.

Sunny shook her head. "I've....changed, but not in that way..." She said untying her cloak. After it dropped to the hard wood floor, she opened up her wings.

"WHAT THE BUCK!?" The old stallion shouted. "Those must be that new magicy stuff your husband is making! Ain't it!?"

Once again she shook hear head. "No, a princess did this to me. and I told her I wanted to keep them so I can fly with Blaze."

"Now who's Blaze?" He asked. "Is it a boyfriend? You ain't cheating on your husband are ya?"

"No dad! Sunny shouted with a snort. "BLAZE is your grandcolt! And there's something you need to know about what happened!" She got close to her dad with a long frown, she spoke again. "Silver is dead! My phoenix is dead because of my stupid ass-self for getting stabbed. Delphi gave her life to save me, and Blaze. I got this stripe, and Blaze....He's...not a whole pony."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Blaze is part pony, part phoenix..." Sunny began retelling her story of what happened nine years ago. Every second tears slid down her face, as her father sat there not speaking until she was done. She told him how Silver died, how Delphi died to save them both.

Sunny's father sat next to her in silence for the few moments after he long story, catching him up to this point. "I don't know what to say..."

"Just say you still see me, and not ever see Dusk! After he started smoking weed, you stopped talking to him. When mom changed into the pyco she is now!? Are you?" Sunny asked, her voice cracked.

He shook his head slowly. "No, I'm not speaking to them for reasons that are supposed to be kept to me, and me alone. So far, you told me you've been living with an alicorn phoenix as your son, and all on your own. I actually proud of you..."


"I don't lie to my children..." He sighed. "So can I see him?"

"Yeah, you can, just don't hate him..."

It took a few minutes of short excitement, but things calmed down to what was normal for Blaze and Sunny. It was until dinner did they leave them alone once again. Sunny went to sleep early along with Blaze after dinner. They had a long day of catching up, and telling jokes and stories for them. Sunny was happy now, knowing her father accepted the new her, and Blaze.

Happy Memorial Day EVERYPONY!