• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 3,690 Views, 126 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: The Equestrian Chronicles - ed2481

Sora and company crash land in Equestria

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Chapter one

Kingdom Hearts: The Equestrian Chronicle

Chapter one

“You know guys out of all of the crazy places we’ve been and crazier things we’ve done I have the sinking feeling that this is going to be crazier!” Sora shouted to his friends as he smashed his Keyblade into yet another Shadow Heartless that leapt out of the shade of the surrounding trees dissipating it into black mist. Sora, Donald, and Goofy had been traveling from world to world when suddenly a new world had appeared on the radar of their Gummi ship. The ship had then of course taken the opportunity to do a nosedive onto it, Chip and Dale had told them that it would take at least a week to fix the ship so in the meantime Sora should look around. The moment that their feet had touched the ground he and his friends had been transformed into small horses. Sora was a black unicorn, Donald had become a white unicorn, and Goofy had become a large brown plow horse.

“What makes you say that Sora?” Donald asked as he launched a blizzard spell out of his staff which impacted among a group of Shadows causing the several to vanish.

“Well normally the ship only crashes us into worlds that really need our help and judging by the fact that we’ve been fighting Shadows for twenty minutes straight the situation here must be crazy.” Sora said swirling the Keyblade around his head and deflecting four Shadows who had jumped towards him.

“Gosh Sora this place is coated with them.” Goofy said as he bashed his shield into a Shadow.

“I don’t know Sora, it’ll be crazy but I doubt it can top the World that Never Was.” Donald replied as he ducked under a Shadow and blasted it to pieces with his fire. Suddenly Sora heard a wild cry for help off to the right.

“HELP!” Sora looked at his two friends who nodded in confirmation before they went running towards the sound of the scream, killing Heartless as they went. They arrived in a clearing to find a purple unicorn sending out magic blasts of energy from her horn into an onrushing swarm of Heartless that were fixated on her position. Goofy expertly plowed through a group of them clearing a straight path for Sora and Donald to follow, the purple unicorn looked up in surprise at her rescuers as they lashed out at the Heartless surrounding her. “Who are you?” she called out as she sent a blast of energy into one of the heartless.

“I’m Sora, that’s Donald, and that’s Goofy.” Sora told her, somehow managing to point at each of his friends in-between swings of the Keyblade. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Twilight; I came out here to discover if the rumors that Everfree had been overrun by odd creatures were true, as you can see they were. I’ve been fighting for my life ever since.” She let out another blast of energy while she was talking sending Heartless flying.

“Nice to meet you Twilight, now is there somewhere that you consider safe, because if I know the Heartless, and believe me I do, then they won’t stop until you’re someplace considerably safer?” Sora asked her while he stabbed his Keyblade into the chest of a leaping Heartless.

“Ponyville would count I guess.” Twilight said uncertainly, she didn’t want to lead these monsters back to her home.

“If you tell us the direction we can get you there safely.” Sora told her reassuringly while he wondered about who in their right mind would name a town that.

“We just need to follow that path over there…” Twilight told them and pointed with a hoof at a dirt path that was running through the forest. “…but if you can keep me safe for a few seconds I can just teleport us there instead.” Twilight told them confidently, Sora shrugged, or at least he pulled off something slightly resembling a shrug and replied.

“If you can do that it would be great.” Twilight nodded and began to concentrate as Sora Donald and Goofy formed a triangle around her, deflecting all of the incoming Heartless away from the purple unicorn with quick flourishes of their weapons. Then there was a bright flash of light and the clearing was empty, leaving several disappointed Heartless behind. Sora looked around him blinking his eyes quickly, trying to dispel the flashing lights from his eyes, when his eyes cleared they were met with a vision of a quaint small town filled with brightly colored horses.

“Well that was an interesting spell.” Donald murmured to himself while he looked around “I wonder how she cast it without an object to focus the magic.” Twilight looked at him oddly and replied.

“I use my horn, just like everypony else.” Before Donald could respond Twilight was tackled by a blue rainbow maned pegasus.

“Twilight what happened out there, I was flying overhead like you asked then you started to scream for help but the canopy was too thick for me to find a way through? I was about to go and get help when I saw your teleportation spell and came here to check, are you ok?” The blue pegasus seemed guilty about not being able to help her friend, but the purple unicorn waved away her apology with a hoof.

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash I’m fine, thanks to those three that is.” She said pointing at Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

“Well then I guess that I have you to thank for keeping Twilight safe, thank you.” Dash told them sincerely offering them her hoof.

“Don’t mention it ma’am saving people is what we do best.” Sora told her while he shook her hoof; the Keyblade had helpfully dropped back into its hamerspace pocket so that Sora would look less conspicuous. Dash looked at him sideways for a moment before she said.

“I think you mean ponies, not people.” Sora nodded

“Yeah let’s go with that. Anyways I’m Sora, that’s Donald, and that’s Goofy.” He said pointing at his friends in turn.

“Well it’s nice to meet you three, but I have to fly, there’s a storm scheduled for tonight and I’m on cloud duty.” She flew off in the direction of a large mass of dark clouds leaving Sora wondering what she meant.

“Why don’t you three come over to my house and I can ask you some questions about what’s been going on around here.” Twilight told them, it wasn’t a question, and Sora had the sinking feeling that by the end of the day the purple unicorn would know everything she wanted to.

Alright guys if you want more just let me know, me writing another chapter is dependent upon what you have say