• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,551 Views, 56 Comments

Blackest Twilight - Zanem-Ji

After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...

  • ...

Clashing With The Corrupted One

“Purple Dragon…wake up and rise…”

Spike snorted as he struggled to open his eyes. He rubbed his head and rose to his feet.

“Purple Dragon…”

He spun around to face Ubenox. He gave a small smirk,

“I uh…expected you to be bigger.”

Ubenox returned the smile, “I am a child of the universe. Do you truly think this is my real form?”

Spike rubbed his chin. “True…” he tilted his head look up at the slightly taller Earth Pony, “How can I help you?”

His smile disappeared, “You are needed once more, Purple Dragon.”

“What could I possibly do at this point? I’ve done my best to help Miracle with whatever you requested of her. And now…I’ve been captured by the Corrupted One.”

“I understand…and if there were no consequences, I would free you...”

“What consequences could their possibly be for a god?”

“I am but a messenger myself, Purple Dragon. Powerful as I may be, even I answer to a higher power. Everything that is happening is as it should be so. If I were to interfere, the gods and goddesses would come town and take matters into their own hands. I do not wish to see the destruction of another galaxy…or worse, a universe.”

Spike nodded in understanding, “That makes sense…I guess…” he looked back into his eyes, “What do you need me to do again?”

“Simple…you will aid the White Pegasus again.”

“I would be glad to…but how? I’m still trapped.

“You are a dragon raised by ponies. You’ve been around the world, teaching other sentient creatures what you’ve learned here. You can do what no other dragon is capable of…you love. You love them, and I can see that. It burns brightly behind your eyes. That love, will be the way you help her.”

Spike nodded, “I can do that…but how do I get out of here so that I can help?”

Ubenox’s gaze fell elsewhere. He turned back to Spike with sympathy in his eyes,

“Your answer is about to come shortly. I am truly sorry, Purple Dragon…”

Spike’s head jarred to the left as something collided with his cheek.

“Wake up, lizard.”

His vision blurred. He let out a small groan.

Another violent smack flared pain through his cheek, returning him to full consciousness. He snarled and let out a fierce roar. Corrupted Twilight gave a small smile,

“There we go. Good to see you’re awake.”

He spat out a little blood, “Why are you doing this?”

“It’s quite simple actually…I wanted to create something greater, and Celestia was getting in the way of that. The citizens love the Eventide Kingdom…but there are a smattering of rebels who still side with the fallen Princess of the Sun.” she turned and started to walk over to a small desk and opened a tome that she had been reading, “But why stop there? Why not create something more than the EvenTide Kingdom? Why not create a whole new reality?”

“Because Twilight would never do that. I know she’s still in there, now give her back to me!!”

“You aren’t calling the shots around here, lizard!! I AM!!” Twilight snarled back. “So sit there, and shut up!!”

Spike leered at Twilight as she opened the single book on the desk and began to read it.


Twilight’s ear flicked as she turned to shoot him an annoyed glare,

“Didn’t I just tell you to be silent? I know that you’re a dragon, but you were raised by ponies. Surely you understand Enquish.”

Spike slowly nodded, “I was…wasn’t i? I wasn’t just raised by any old pony either…I was raised by you.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Where are you going with this?”

He smiled softly at the Alicorn, “You’re my sister, Twilight…and I know you’re still in there…”

Twilight’s glare vanished. Her expression turned to one of sorrow as her irises flickered to their normal purple hue. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes,

“Spike? Oh Spike…I’m so so sorry…”

“Its okay…I don’t blame you. Just…right this wrong, Twilight…while you still can…”

Twilight started to walk to him. Lavender magic started to envelope the cuffs before she started to twitch violently. Black electricity sparked over her body. The spasms locked her form. Her head was facing the ground, her mane covering her face.


No response.


Twilight’s head shot up. She inhaled a big gulp of air and opened her eyes. The crimson that had taken over her pupils before now shined brighter than ever. A sizzle could be hear as her tears evaporated from her eyes. Her fangs had become even longer as she that them twisted in another grin,

“Now I can’t have you sparking life into my host again. Her body, mind…and soul are now mine.” She flew up to his face and lightly patted his cheek, “It was adorable that you thought that you could save your precious sister from me. But worry not…I have a purpose for you. Rest now ‘brother’…you shall aid in bringing about the glorious end of this reality…”


“We’re heading straight into the monster’s mouth right now.” Dash whispered.

“And we’re gonna buck all of its teeth on the way there.” Applejack responded.

Rarity rubbed her forehead, “My word…I can feel the power the…vileness that’s radiating from Twilight’s castle.” She looked up at Miracle,

“How are you feeling?”

Miracle gave a small sigh, “The power coming from her castle is making me sick…and its only going to get worse the closer we get…” she looked around, “Its coming from all around, as if the city itself is evil…”

“There are EvenTide crystals everywhere…” Fluttershy pointed out, “I’m surprised we haven’t been caught yet…”

“More than likely, Twilight is using them, waiting for us to use magic.” Rarity theorized. “The disturbance signature form the Elements of Harmony is distinct enough to catch. So…no magic use of any kind until we’re close enough. No cloud walking or Sonic Rainbooms.” She pointed at Fluttershy and Dash, “And no ‘Strong Hoof’ magic,” she glanced over at Pinkie and Applejack.

Miracle nodded in understanding, “Right. Now, lets just get inside the castle as fast as we can, before anyone figures out who we are…”

The group nodded and continue to follow her. As they ‘walked calmly’, they nervously eyed all the crystal pillars that loomed over them as they made their way through the city. They noticed that they were finally nearing the castle when they saw the sudden increase of guards in the area.

“How the hell are we gonna get past all these guards?” Dash hissed. “They’re everywhere.”

“We could hit the sewers.” Pinkie suggested. “I know my way around thanks to visiting gummy and his family…”

Rarity rolled her eyes while Fluttershy placed a hoof on her pink shoulder, “That seems like a good idea…but I don’t think it’ll work.” She looked around, “Something doesn’t seem right…those crystals are everywhere…for her to have not noticed us yet is very wrong. It almost feels like we’re walking into a trap…and if something happened to us down there, it could be possibly no one would ever find out…”

“Walkin’ inta a trap ya say?” Applejack repeated, “Then I guess the only way we’ll get close enough ta her, is ta set said trap off.”

Applejack trotted up to the nearest crystal pillar, against the whispered protest of Rarity and Fluttershy. She spun around, her hind legs taking on a soft glow. She slammed her backlegs into the crystal with a powerful buck. Hairline fractures spread across the crystal.

“Show yer face, monster! Ah know ya can see us!”

The crystal glowed a red-tinged lavender. The alicorn’s voice could be heard through it,

“Finally…I’ve been watching you wander through the city for so long, I’d almost thought you forgot how to get here. Don’t worry though, you wont have to wander anymore.” There was a sound of hooves clacking together, “Guards, bring them to me!!”

In a matter of moments, dozens of guards swarmed them. They got back to back, glaring as some of the guards closed in on them,

“Now now, don’t make a scene. It’d be unfortunate if anyone saw you turning against the very soldiers sworn to protect them…”

The group’s eyes scanned the swatch of soldiers, noticing how some of them had apologetic looks on their faces. They then glanced at one another, making a silent vow to not pull anyone else into this, and let themselves be led into the center of Twilight’s domain.


Black electricity arched through him, slight tremors racking through him as a result of it. He didn’t know how long he could off the dark influence that coursed through him. The crystal she embedded into the side of his skull was full of magic that was stronger than he’d imagine.

‘Purple Dragon…’ a voice whispered in the back of his mind. ‘You are running out of time…’

Spike internally sighed, ‘I know I am…’

‘You must help her, Purple Dragon. She needs your help if she is going to defeat the Corrupted One…’

‘I know she does…’

‘Then do it…’

‘Don’t you think I would have done so if I could?’ Spike’s head drooped, ‘I can’t…not like this. I have to get out of these shackals…’ he closed his eyes, ‘In order to get free…I must let myself be consumed…’

‘Be careful…Purple Dragon…’ the voice whispered, as his minded was enveloped in black.


“Thank you guards. You may take your leave from here…” the princess ordered as she remained hidden in the shadows of her throne room.

The guards bowed before vacating the room. The group a collective glare at the shadowed form. She focused her gaze back on them,

“Why are you all looking at me like that? Are you not happy to see me?”

“Drop the act, ya monster! Ya ain’t no friend of ours!” Applejack snarled.

“Applejack…how could you say that?” the mare responded in faux hurt. “I haven’t done anything to you…”

The orange pony snorted angrily, “The fuck ya mean ya ain’t do nothin’?! Ya almost killed us in the damn forest!”

“You were warned not to be there…” the mare pointed out as she chuckled.

Dash stepped in front of Applejack, “Don’t play dumb with us, Twilight. You know what we’re here to do…”

A pregnant silence filled the room as the Wonderbolt and the princess locked eyes. She finally stepped from the shadows,

“Twilight?” the mare chuckled, “As smart as she was, she was too stupid to do what needed to be done to kill you when the chance had first presented itself. So no…I’m not Twilight…” the sneer on her face contorted, as she splayed her wings to their full length,

“You may call me…Veil Breaker.”

Her horn glowed a rich and blackened violet, and the group took a defensive stance to prepare themselves.

“And unlike ‘Twilight’, I have no qualms with doing what needs to be done to get what I want…”

She slightly flicked her head upward, and the ground rumbled. A horrified shriek ripped through the air as the voice it belonged to called out a name.


The group turned to see Pinkie skewered onto a jagged crystal that had exploded from the ground. Pinkie’s eyes went wide as she placed her forehooves on the pillar. One of her hooves slipped in her own lifeblood that spilled from her, and she felt her body going numb. Applejack galloped up to the pillar and violently bucked it until it broke. Rarity caught Pinkie in her magical grasp and gently placed her on the ground. The floor was quickly painted red as her blood pooled around her,

“Pinkamena!” Applejack knelt beside her and scooped the upper half of her lover into her forelegs. “C’mon Sugar, stay with me!”

Pinkie slowly opened an eye, “I am here silly…I just…I don’t think I can stay…”

“Don’t say that!” Dash ordered. “Who’s gonna pull pranks with me, if not you?!”

Pinkie tried to giggled at the comment, only to cough up blood onto Applejack’s chest. The farmer focused on the giant chunk of pillar still speared through her,

“Dash, help me get this outta her!”

“DON’T!” Rarity shouted. “Its what’s plugging up the her wound! If you take it out, she’s going to bleed out!”

“She’s bleedin’ out already, Rarity! H-her Element should heal her right?! She w-won’t be a-able ta heal with this thing pokin’ through her gut! Now fuckin’ help me get it out!!”

“Jackie…love…its okay…”

Applejack refocused her attention to Pinkie’s face. Pinkie weakly reached up with a hoof to cup the mare’s cheek.


“It’ll be okay…This is way too big for Laughter to heal me in time...” Pinkie coughed, “If this is how I go…then I’m happy you’re by me. Nothing makes...me happier than...being surrounded...by my loved ones…”

She let out a soft sigh, her hoof dropping back to the earth. Applejack stared at her face as her features relaxed, and her dilated pupils began to glaze over. She nuzzled Pinkies cheek, her scarlet fluid smattering orange fur. The group encircled her, mourning the loss of one of their closest companions. They nearly jumped when they heard a sob escape from the Princess.

“Pinkie Pie…” the mare weeped. “No…”

Rarity took a few tentative steps, “T…Twilight?”

“RUN!!” she screamed. “GET AWAY FR-”

Her body violently spasmed as black electricity surged through her once more. Her irises flickered before settling into the familiar deep shape of crimson. A vile grin plastered itself on her face,

“My apologies.” Veil Breaker brushed the tears from her face, “My host seems to be quite an emotional one. I guess most of you mortals tend to lose it when your ‘friends’ die in front of you, and all that pizzazz.”

Applejack gently placed Pinkie onto the ground and closed her eyes. She rose to her hooves and looked up at Veil Breaker. Her pupils pinpricked, hot tears flowing on her face. The emerald of her eyes burned bright,

“Fuck ya…” she hissed. “Fuck ya…fuck ya…FUCK YA!!”

Veil Breaker clacked her hooves together in delight, “Oooh, there we go! Is that what it takes to get you girls moving?!”

“YER A FUCKIN MONSTER, AN’ ITS TIME TA PUT YA DOWN!!” Applejack roared before charging full speed at her,

“Applejack, wait!!” Fluttershy cried out. The group started to follow her, but a flash of magic crossed through Veil Breaker’s eyes and her horn glowed brightly. Her magic pinned them to the ground and held them in place.

“Let her come for me…” Veil Breaker stated. She rose to her hooves with a smirk on her face, “You want to play? Very well then…let’s play…”

Applejack charged up to Veil Breaker, before sliding to the side and bucking her in the ribcage. Despite hearing the crunch of broken bones, the alicorn seemed unaffected. She turned and smashed her hoof into Applejack’s cheek. The Earth Pony’s head snapped to the left from the impact and her hat flew off her head, but she remained firm in position. Her legs glowed with an orange aura and the ground beneath her hooves cracked from the pressure. She shot a foreleg out, delivering a quick jab towards Veil Breaker’s face. Even with the alicorn quickly moving her head to the side, the air around Applejack’s hoof ripped the skin under her eye open. Applejack leapt into the air, spinning mid air to drive a hindleg to the top of Veil Breaker’s head. The alicorn was momentarily stunned, and Applejack took the opportunity to dip low to ground, spin, and violently buck Veil Breaker in the chest. A chorus of crunches echoed out as Veil Breaker let out a wheeze,

“Not bad…your strength matches the stories that are told.” She jumped out of kicking distance, “But perhaps, you should see what true physical prowess looks like.”

Veil Breaker nearly teleported with speed before leaping over Applejack. The farmer spun halfway in an attempt to face her when she landed, exposing her hips. Veil Breaker drove her forehooves into Applejack’s hips with an audible crack, causing her to immediately crumple to the ground. She slowly walked over to her as the Earth Pony struggled and failed to get up.

“We don’t want that pesky Element of yours to heal too quickly, now do we?” Veil Breaker asked. “Let’s give it a real challenge, and see how you’ll recover from this…”

She reared up onto her hindlegs, then slammed her forehooves onto Applejack’s spine. She brayed out in pain as her spine was fragmented by Veil Breaker’s stomps. The group looked on in horror, writhing in the alicorn’s magical vice grip. Veil Breaker dropped them, before picking up the limp Applejack and bringing her in close,

“You couldn’t save your sister…you couldn’t save your lover…you can’t even save yourself. You’re pathetic, and I cannot fathom why you were thought to be one of the strongest ponies in Equestria…”

She tilted her head, flinging Applejack back to her friends. She rolled and tumbled, her bones crunching with each thud on the earth. Fluttershy protectively wrapped her wings around Applejack, who was slipping in an out of unconsciousness from the pain. Rarity’s horn came alight, and Dash splayed her wings in opposition of Veil Breaker. Miracle was still frozen in shock from Pinkie’s death, and stared at the alicorn with pin sized pupils. Dash looked over at her,

“Miracle, snap out of it, we need you!”

Miracle remained frozen.

Dash snorted in frustration, “Fine…” she started to walk forward, but Rarity latched onto her shoulder,

“You stay here.” Rarity softly commanded. “I’ll hold her off while you try to knock some sense into her.”

“Are you crazy, Rarity?” Dash sputtered. “She’ll fuckin’ kill you!”

Rarity softly smiled, “Perhaps, but I’m going to make sure I’ve left my mark on her. If I must go, I shall do it protecting my dearest comrades!”

Rarity pulled Dash behind her and stepped forward, “Your behavior is quite uncouth, Veil Breaker. Surely you wouldn’t want the opportunity to sit down and discuss this like proper ladies, would you?”

Veil Breaker scoffed, “Let’s not, Rarity…”

Rarity cleared her throat, “Very well then! Shall we commence in a magical duel?”

The princess giggled, “Now you’re just being silly. You really think you stand a chance against me?”

Rarity’s horn glowed a fierce and bright blue. A spear of sapphire shot through the earth and pierced Veil Breaker’s foreleg, earning a surprised grunt for the alicorn.

“I can assure you, my magic has been expanded beyond fashion thanks to many, many battles.”

Veil Breaker yawned, before snatching her leg off of the crystal. “Still not enough. However, I’m sure the magic you possess will be of more entertainment for who you’ll be fighting.” Her foreleg hissed as the wound quickly cauterized and shut. “And it’d be nice to show you my newest little experiment…”

There was a moment of silence, before a beast burst through one of the walls. Dark violet crystals were erupting all over his body. He twitched violently as he turned his gaze to Rarity. The remaining group members looked on with renewed horror, as he gave a wicked smile before roaring.

Rarity shook her head in slow denial, “My gods…Spike…”