• Published 21st Apr 2014
  • 437 Views, 0 Comments

Zetsagar, the Zombie Hunting Demon! - trahzo

A demon comes to Canterlot to kill the zombie outbrake.

  • ...

This Time it's the Belle who was Saved

The largest hotel in Ponyville has been overrun with zombies & he was certain Sweetie Belle was in there. Canterlot was her 2nd to last city in her Equestrian tour! Spike used his fire breath to explode the front doors! A sound that loud alerted the zombies in that level of the hotel. It was too late for Button Mash, Feather Weight and Pip. Sweetie's 3 Ex-boyfriends.

"Spike, help us!" Buttons cried out.

"...I'm sorry, but it's too late for you guys..." A tear rolled down his face. "...Forgive me my bros.!" Spike turned to not see his friends get bit. Then Spike entered the elevator to go to the pent house which is where Sweete Belle is. As soon as the door opened, a buff zombie was waiting there. Spike showed no fear, then tried to parody Godzilla's Atomic Fire Breath. The buff zombie was still standing and was now charging, Spike countered with double slash removing the head. He saw that the zombies were trying to break through the door to the penthouse which Spike could not allow. Spike slashed them all away to nothing, even crushed a few of their heads in his hands! Spike found the all access key to every room on the manager who was of the zombies trying to get to Sweeie Belle. He took a peek inside the penthouse.

"Sweetie Belle? Hello, are you there?" He the started walking in. "Don't be scared, it's just me Spike here to rescue you."

"Spike?" Sweetie Belle then poked her head out from inside the vent.

"Oh, what a relief you're oka...mmph." Spike was given hoof to the face trying to silence him.

"Shh, the zombies might hear you!" Sweetie explained in a hushed voice.

"Don't worry, it's only when they hear a loud noise, now come-on, let's barracade the doors with the furniture in this room, then crawl throughthe vents."

"Okay, but why?"

"2 things, one I'm gonna attract every zombie in here with a trap and two, I know my way through every vent in Canterlot, don't ask how I know that because it will take whole lotta time we don't have."

So the 2 quickly blocked the doors with all the furniture they could find. Spike & Sweetie Belle got ready to run.

"Okay, as soon as I begin the music, we start running, got it."



The music player was put a very high volume which in fact did get the attention of the zombies. The all ran or walked upstairs to the top floor screeching & shrieking.

"Whoa nelly, here they come! Go Sweetie Belle, I'll activate the trap."

"Okay, good luck Spike."

"I'll catch up so don't worry."

Spike then set the barricade on fire which was soaked in oil! Spike entered the vents as fast as he could because their was gonna be a huge explosion as soon as the fire made contact with the gun powder Spike had Sweetie Belle teleport with her magic. (1st of all, Sweetie Belle's talent is singing, not magic, that's why they couldn't just teleport out, she hasn't mastered it.) He managed to catch-up with her before the room made a great...


"Whoa, that was loud!"

"Yep, damn it, I can't believe this, I was trying to get away from my usual life for a while, but my vacation had to be fucking ruined by this zombie invasion."


"Yeah, sometimes the usual gets boring, so you try to do something that isn't boring. I'm actually still horrendously terrified of zombies, the bravery I'm expressing, is my desire to make sure friends like you are safe!"

"Aww, you."

"I wish I could say the same thing about Pip, Buttons and Featherweight though."

"What happened to those 3?"

"It was too late for them, they pleaded for my help, but by my calculations, I couldn't make it, they were too far, so...I let them die."

"Finally, what a relief!"

"What, Sweetie Belle, how could you say something like that to those 3!?"

"They only dated me for my looks, didn't even care about my singing at all, and after I dumped those losers, they kept on stalking me, they threatened me with blackmail to let them continue on following me if I alerted the cops, but now that they're dead, I'm free!"

"You think you know a guy? But then turn out to be something else, wow now I'm glad I didn't save their asses."

Spike & Sweetie Belle finally made it to the 1st floor.

"Okay, I yhink the coast is clear, let's, eek!" A tentacle grabbed and dragged Sweetie Belle away!

"Sweetie Belle!" Spike rushed out of the vent to a startling image! "Oh my Celestia, what in her name?"

So, you like our new fused form? Because, we're gonna use it to kill you, then turn our lovely Sweetie Belle over hear into a zombie!"

A buff humanoid torso with 4 tentacles coming out of the back, Pip's head occupied the left shoulder, Featherweight's, the right, and Button's head was in the middle, finally all 3 of them had glowing blue eyes.

"What the fuck? Are you guys sentient zombies?"

"Yes, we were enraged by how you snubbed us to save "OUR" girlfriend!"

"Guys, you how smart I am, with the speed & distance, there was zero chance I could have saved you 3!"

Minotaur Shit, you scaley piece of crap! Well, looks like we'll have to kill you now, you better say your prayers, because we are infact tired of how much of a pimp you naturally are!" He then left Sweetie Belle dangling on a chandelier.

"We'll return to you victorious our sweet!"

"Kick these creeps' asses Spike!"

Spike look behind him & found a spear that was abandoned by a guard who turned into a zombie. He picked it up and was going to use it as his weapon! A tentacle was coming right for him, but Spike stabbed the palm of it, then with his great might, yanked it clean of the monster!"

"Ah! Wait, why am I going ah? I'm dead, I don't feel pain!" While he was commenting on that, Spike cut off the othe 3! "Hey, stop doing that you cheater!"

Pip then fired a beam of magic that was then blocked back by the spear, then it managed to pierce tge flesh.

"How'd you know that would work!?"

I used to live at Canterlot Castle and my mom for a while was Princess Celestia, of course I know these spears are resistant to magic & therefore deflect it! Use your heads next time, also you should've tried using them when you were dating Sweetie Belle!"

"Shut-up!" They then tried to punch Spike but he dodged it & slashed the arm off!

"Quit it, damn you!"

"What's wrong Button Mash, are you crying again & want your mom to comfort you by having her suck you off again?"


"Well, you're dead, so the promise has become null & void!"

"Dude, your mom sucks your dick?" Said Featherweight. "I can't believe a guy as cool as you would resort to incest."

"Now my wet dreams of your milf are ruined."

"You are now an even larger creep to me than before."

"Yeah, and even though I repeatedly told her not to tell me about her sex life, she told me that your dick is still as small as a Tylenol pill!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPP!!!" He then charged at Spike, but Spike side stepped left, thrust the spear through all 3 heads, then pulled them off, killing the beast. Spike then discarded the spear & the caught Sweetie.

"You okay girl?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Fine, now let's get you to Canterlot Castle."