• Published 18th May 2014
  • 247 Views, 0 Comments

Raising Hope - albutus

A mute pony has a long shot at romance in a possible Alternative Universe. All characters are original unless specified

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Chapter 2: Journal Entry One

Chapter 1

Hopeful’s Journal
Entry One


Halfway through September, and I can tell that this year’s oncoming winter is going to prove to be a harsh one. Several Migratory birds and fish have already left this area at least a month sooner than any time in recorded history. The Foliage has already gone sparse and the leaves have gathered in every nook and cranny. Even now some enterprising squirrel is busy collecting nuts before its coat has finished coming in. As for me, business is going to be projected to pick up as other ponies will be more reluctant to leave their cozy abodes.
Wood gathering and sorting of useable scraps had kept me out until just before the sunset. Some ponies have debated of Princess Celestia could even reach the sun from here; I myself have not bothered to enter that type of conversation. That sort of ‘hypothetical possibility’ is best left to those that do not earn much in life. This evening, for relaxation time, I took a small bent branch fork and set to whittling with a fervor I have never flourished before. Still don’t know what it is going to be, maybe I’ll be able to finish this one tonight.
I am preparing for the coming spring, and the festive celebrations that close winter’s season. With the carved knickknacks, which even I don’t need magic to whittle away, I could open a booth during the festivities. I got that idea while I was in Withershire today securing a job order

. . . .

“See anything that might suit your needs?” The stall tender asked as Hopeful continued browsing the local market.
“Just looking around, do you happen to know if anyone may need an order of lumber?” The flat expression caused the dark green unicorn to continue elsewhere.
As he continued his way around the stalls there were several different wares for sale. Small trinkets and other knickknacks intermingled with high quality weaves, outfits, and personal care items. It was a bare stall that caught his attention.
“Um hello,” Hopeful started trying to get the owners attention. “I was unsure as to what this stall was; I am from out of town actually.”
“This stall is the market face for Bakerton’s Building Company.” The yellowish, extra large, equine said looking over the stalls’ edge. With a shake to clear the overflowing light brown mane he leaned over to get a better look at the inquisitive unicorn. “Not often we get unicorns clear out here, you do know where you are? Don’t you?”
“Withershire, home of the largest ponies in Equestria.”
“And what would one of the smallest ponies in Equestria want to do with a construction business?” He asked bringing his head to Hopeful’s level, “If you need business done, I can help you here; otherwise” he crossed his hooves, “You would need to talk to Davey at our main office west of the main intersection.”
“Ok thanks, that is what I need to know.” Hopeful bowed low enough to drop his blue and green mane into his face, “And I must be on my way”

As he made his way back to the main thoroughfare Hopeful paid no heed to the many hawkers offering their goods. He had come to the next closest town in hope of business opportunities, to become an opportunity for somepony else. Now that he had a destination, and proposed plan of action, he was feeling better about his early morning decision.
The route between Rickety Chance and Withershire was newly finished, and the settlement of Withershire relatively old, that he had wondered if the road had led to Rickety Chance from Withershire or if it was meant for Everfree forest. There were some signs of rushed lumbering, but the only established path was one the meandered through rolling fields.
His internal musing was interrupted as he came upon the façade to the business he desired to find. The front of the building was surfaced with interlocking wooden panels of a simple design. The only symbols on the front were a carpenter’s compass and a plum bob that signified it as construction orientated. Carefully stepping inside Hopeful was struck by how starkly different the interior was from the exterior.
The walls were lined with swirled marble, the support columns in contrast were gilded with obsidian and highlighted with amber. Hesitantly he placed a dark green hoof onto a shimmering floor before realizing that running water was covered by a plane of glass. Borrowing a confidence he never could have faked, Hopeful calmly strolled across the wide milieu towards the secretary pony.
“Hello how can I help you?” She asked as he came up to her counter.
“Yes, I would like to talk to whoever is in charge of shipping.”
“Do you have an appointment?” she asked immediately dropping the smile façade, “We have time slots for such occurrences as these.”
“No, I was not aware of such a procedure.”
“Give me a moment, to see if they have time to see you.” She waved a dismissive hoof as she turned and walked down a carpeted hallway.
“Geeze rough day eh?” a voice murmured from behind causing Hopeful to turn around and see whom was speaking. “They don’t really have any procedure,” A huge Clydesdale horse said as he made his way towards the desk where hopeful waited. “They usually throw some smoke in the air to give upper management some time to appear busy before taking in someone they haven’t met.” He offered holding out a steel silver fore-leg for a hoofshake. “Names Davey, and I’ve been dealing with the company for the past thirty years.” He said once Hopeful took his hoof in a firm grip and shook heartily.
“I go by Hopeful, currently based near Rickety Chance.”
“Sounds interesting, by the way, how is Everfree Forest out there. Tried to acquire some decent lumber from that region but most of our teamsters have less then pleasant things to say about the work out there.”
“I don’t know,” Hopeful stalled, scratching the back of his head, “I’ve had nary any trouble for the past year, except allocating which timber needs to come down and which should stay. For the health of the forest and all.”
“What brings you all the way out here, Rickety is new enough it should be needing lumber supplies to further expand on its building projects.”
“Well, not all the. . .”
“Mr. Bakerton is waiting for you.” The secretary interrupted as she stepped out of the office.
“Davey, Did you have an appointment?” Hopeful turned around to ask him just to find out he had left.
“He is a man short on time, if you would rather come back later.” She said starting him into motion. “Don’t waste anymore of his time.” The secretary muttered as he passed the doorway. “Mr. Bakerton, this here pony is looking for our shipping Coordinator”
“He never got around to talking about that” Davey’s voice came from inside the office.
“But, I, was just. .”Hopeful stumbled seeing that Davey Bakerton was on the other side of the desk in a trim suit.
“I said they try to give me time to look busy, but I tend to get a true feel for them in the lobby also.” Davey said before resting his chin on an upraised hoof. “Take a seat and truly tell me what business we may be talking about.”
Taking an offered seat, Hopeful paused a moment to gather his thoughts. “I can help supply Bakerton building with different sizes and types of wood you may need. I am not trying to become a main supplier.”
“And how do you propose to captivate my attention.” Davey asked seeming to get interested in the idea.
“I can get into a variety of woods from Everfree forest that others seem to not be able to acquire. I also have the tools needed to edge the molding or design styles needed.”
“What do you have for examples?”
“Just some little trinkets,” Hopeful said, removing some wooden pieces from his saddlebags. “These are some of the patterns I can consistently make on several types of wood. Some wood needs special treatment while carving.”
“And why would we be interested in possible business deals with you?”
“I. I, don’t know.” Hopeful stumbled “I know that you may be in need of specialty woodwork for various projects. I hope that you will consider my samples in future constructions.” Quickly gathering all his samples Hopeful stood up to leave. “Sorry I took your time when I’m not ready”
“What can you do about railings and balconies?” Davey asked without moving from his chair.
“I can have most designs and styles ready for installment if given enough time after placing an order.” He said perking up.
“How soon can you prepare enough for this order?” Davey said sliding over a stack of blueprints.

. . . .

I would have to say that heading over to Withershire today was a profitable business venture. After spending time with Davey Bakerton discussing different materials needed for construction he has me set up for a trial run. Life finally seems to be settling down on a positive note for me. Once a temporary contract is filled then I can finally start seeing profits from my life experiences.
End of Journal Entry One