• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 1,915 Views, 22 Comments

Killing them with Kindness - Mayhew Cullen

After their rousing success at making friends with Discord, Twilight and the girls are ready for their greatest challenge yet... Redeeming the war criminal Sombra.

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The Greatest Weapon of all is Compassion


Dear Princess Celestia,

The girls and I have been talking. Ever since the redemption of Discord we have been discussing what other villains could be redeemed by Fluttershy’s kindness. We first considered the changelings, but having a swarm living in such close proximity would be quite problematic.

So we decided to experiment a little before venturing further. Under recommendation from the Cutie Mark Crusaders (here after referred to as ‘The CMC’) We started with a pair of fillies. I am happy to report that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have given up their bullying ways and become model citizens. The CMC were ecstatic. Bolstered by that success we went on to test our theories on more matured… goals.

To make a long story short we held a vote on who should be redeemed next and the majority voted for one Patricia “Trixie” Lulamoon. Suffice to say we met with another rousing success. However that may have been in part due to her already being on a self-imposed path to redemption.

We were on a roll at that point and moved on to two particularly ill-mannered shysters, Flim and Flam. The former con artists and tricksters are now happily selling free trade hammocks door to door.

Rainbow wants us to redeem Gilda next, but due to that griffin’s particular choices on her last visit to Ponyville, the rest of the girls and I decided to ignore her for now. It may seem out of character, but even though Rainbow is loyalty and Fluttershy says she is willing to forgive, I just don’t want to see what happens if Gilda eats another family of rabbits in front of her.

Alright back to my point, we as a group feel we are ready for the next step. The girls and I respectfully request that we be allowed to bring redeeming salvation to the war criminal Sombra.

Credibly yours,

Your Ever Faithful Student, Alicorn Princess Twilight “Pomp and Circumstance” Sparkle


“Are you truly certain Twilight? Sombra isn’t the kind of pony to be trifled with lightly.”

The elder Alicorn had raised a valid point, but her student was ready with her practiced rebuttal, “I know, but the girls and I have been preparing ever since you said you would consider granting our request. I have been casting protective spells and readying enchantments to limit Sombra’s power, Rainbow has been training in case she needs to evacuate Fluttershy, Pinkie helped Applejack with building an emergency shelter, Fluttershy has been practicing the Stare, and Rarity has been stockpiling gems in case the economy crashes. Which doesn’t make much sense… in fact we may have to have a talk with Rarity about priorities. So most of the girls and myself have been getting ready to make friends with Sombra or at least survive whatever apocalypse he brings.”

Celestia had to allow silence for a moment to wrap her head around Twilight’s run-on sentence. Even after many years as her teacher the senior princess still could not listen as quickly as Twilight could speak when the latter was excited about some experiment or another. Still she eventually managed to ready her reply.

“I see, now tell me Twilight, what is your true motivation behind all this work redeeming ponies?”

Twilight wore a rather frightening smirk when her mentor asked about her true impulses for her actions. A light chuckle escaped her lips before simply replying, “I am building an army to defend against the Crystal Empire’s inevitable invasion.”

Celestia was shocked to say the least. Had she really been so blind that she hadn’t seen the paranoia growing in her student’s heart, “I’m sorry Twilight, but could you repeat that?”

“Well I understand that now that I am a princess you will likely at some point grant me a kingdom to rule over and protect, or a fiefdom, city, country, democracy, tract of land, or some other form of monarchy.” In the midst of a slight pause the elder princess could not help but muse to herself, ‘Well it might end up being more like a hexarchy.’ “So I will need an army to defend my lands from my brother. After his marriage to Cadence and subsequent takeover of the Crystal Empire his power has become too great for me to have any hope of facing alone. So I will build an army of powerful friends.”

“Why do you think he will invade? That seems quite out of character for your brother, Twilight.”

The student raised an eyebrow in confusion at her teacher’s ignorance, but still kept her calm diplomatic demeanor when she replied only to eventually degrade into a light amount of hysteria, “Because he always invades my protectorates. Any book fort I built would be subjected to invasion, any time I moved to a new dorm while attending your school; he would conquer it within a week. For Luna’s sake, why do you think the Library behind me is flying a Crystal Empire flag?! I…Will…Not…Allow…My…Brother…To…Annex…Twilightopia!” After pausing to catch her breath her tone became meek as she finished, “Twilightopia might not really be my country’s name. The girls and I are still discussing it. It’s just a placeholder until we decide.”

Celestia had not heard that last part and was instead looking up at the branches of the Golden Oaks Library, where for some incomprehensible reason the flag of the Crystal Empire had been firmly planted in a sturdy bough. “All my little ponies have become crazy.”

Upon hearing those words from her princess Twilight’s eyes brightened, “Then you agree?! Don’t worry Princess I will not let you down. With my powerful army and Equestria as an ally, my brother will certainly fail!”

“Just promise me two things Twilight.”

It had seemed impossible but the would-be military leader’s expression managed to show even more excitement and joy at Celestia’s words. Her voice had even grown more passionate as she replied while rendering a sharp military salute, “Of course Princess! Ask what you wish of me and it will be done as you command.”

The aged alicorn nearly threw her right hoof into her forehead at her student’s enthusiasm, as it was she merely struck her face with just enough force that a bruise would begin to show that evening. As for that moment however Celestia had to lay down the law, “One, you are here by prohibited from preemptively attacking your brother. If I find that you have attacked the Crystal Empire I will revoke all rights and privileges that I have granted you over the years.”

Things had officially become serious, Twilight shuddered at her teacher’s words knowing that for all intents and purposes the most important privilege she would lose would be her near infinite admission to knowledge through her VIP all access pass to the Canterlot Royal Library. While to any other pony it really was just an ordinary library card a nervous nod prompted Celestia to continue.

“Two, you must promise me that no pony will die. Sombra by his very nature is a killer and any blood spilled will be on your equally responsible hooves. I have no doubt that you understand fully so without further protest I present the recently overthrown, former king, Sombra.”

A bubbling upheaval of dark magic from Celestia’s horn pooled on the ground before her and began furiously churning as her magic pulled a dark grey unicorn from the pool of black. As the magic slowly dissipated the stallion stood between the two princesses chuckling maliciously through his menacing teeth. “Well if you missed me so much you could have just asked me to visit.”


Standing beside Twilight outside Fluttershy’s cottage Sombra gently rubbed the back of his head. The spot he rubbed was the precise point where the young princess had repeatedly struck him with her hoof when he got out of line. Being deprived of his magic had crippled the tyrant, but it wouldn’t stop him from having his revenge at being treated like a dog who had misbehaved.

A gentle knock on the front door brought the meek yellow Pegasus inside to barely crack open the door after a long series of latches, chains, and deadbolts were opened leaving only one chain as a means of superficial protection. The hesitant mare looked out through the small opening and began quietly speaking, just loud enough that Sombra and his abuser could hear, “Oh, hello Twilight. Is it time already? I’m really not ready yet. Maybe we c-could post-postpone this… i-i-in-in-in-in-indefinitely… if, um if y-you d-d-don’t mind.”

As Twilight was about to roll her eyes at the tentative element of kindness she heard Sombra issue a low growl. It was a vicious snarl that sent the already frightened pony screaming to hide in her room. Still she managed to remember to slam the door shut and lock every available latch before her getaway and though her scream was louder than the volume of speech she had just used, the sound of Twilight’s hoof connecting with Sombra’s skull was still louder.

“Behave yourself Sombra, or I’ll make a thousand years of imprisonment in the frozen north seem like a walk in the park.”

The ancient unicorn hissed at his alicorn guard as she used her magic to quickly unlock and open the door and force him into the cottage. She then called out to her yellow friend, “I’ll just leave him here, I have breakfast plans with A.J. so I won’t be too far if you need help.” While it was true that she would be eating with Applejack, she herself was unaware that she would actually be sharing in a full Apple family meal with Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith sitting right alongside A.J. and herself. Then just before she was about to teleport to Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight remembered one last instruction for the shy Pegasus, “Oh and Fluttershy, try not to spam those chimes all day long over little things.”

“Chimes?” Sombra’s gravelly voice questioned the alicorn so quickly it might have seemed like he was interrupting. Twilight’s response was just as quick.

“Five, crystals attuned to Fluttershy so when she gets in trouble or needs help she can call for help from me or one of the other girls individually or in any combination up to and including all of us. So don’t get any foolish ideas.”

The dark unicorn chuckled as he responded, “I wouldn’t dream of it, princess.”


After only a few hours, Fluttershy managed to take the first steps of kindness toward the stallion who would become her newest friend. That first step was unlocking her bedroom door… very… slowly. She then managed the next few steps all in a row, opening the door, walking through it, stepping into the kitchen where Sombra was waiting, and finally speaking to him, “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier. Is th-there anything I c-can do t-t-to help you feel more comfortable?”

Her fear of him was palpable and the stone grey stallion allowed himself a sinister grin at the thoughts running through his mind at what he could do to such a pathetic creature. Still he managed to keep that part of his thoughts to himself as he slid the kitchen knife through the onions on the board in front of him and replied, “Well you could tell me where you hide the carrots in this backwards kitchen of yours. One simply can’t make a proper carrot soup without them.” And when she came too close, he would happily slide the knife into the silly yellow pony.

Fluttershy nearly shrieked. Not out of fear for herself but fear for the unicorn holding the knife improperly in his hoof. With a movement that would make Rainbow dash jealous, Fluttershy put her hoof over Sombra’s so that instead of being able to stab her, he ended up with a deep six inch gash in his left foreleg.

Blood spilled to the counter and floor until a practiced hoof wrapped a towel tightly around the wound, “J-j-just stay c-c-c-c-c-c-c-calm and keep your hoof elevated while I g-g-get my first aid k-k-k-kit.” In a blink Fluttershy was gone and Sombra was along with his hoof in the air like some idiot school foal asking to use the lavatory. He then heard the loud scraping of metal on wood and with a glance he saw the yellow Pegasus dragging a brown suitcase with a red cross stitched to the top,

The case looked big enough to fit at least one and a half Fluttershies inside of it if it were empty. Still without his magic to heal himself, he needed this mare to at least put him back together before he stuffed her inside a case throw it into a lake. The one and only Fluttershy was oblivious as she expertly sutured the wound after cleaning it. The bandaging would come next, but not before she pressed her lips to the top stitch in an act of habit from years of caring for animals.

Less than an hour later, after cleaning most of the mess of blood in the kitchen, Fluttershy entered the sitting room carefully carrying a steaming bowl of carrot soup for her guest, “Be careful now, it’s very hot and I don’t want you to burn your tongue.”

Sombra of course had decided that now was his moment and when she got close enough he would push the soup into her face to distract her long enough for him to stomp on her throat until she drowned in her own blood. Of course that was not to be as when the Pegasus neared the couch she found herself tripping over the rug sending the exceedingly hot soup in an uneventful arch onto his uninjured forehoof.

One second degree burn and a bucket of ice later Sombra was again awaiting his chance to strike. The Pegasus mare had turned on the radio and made a large bowl of popcorn for them to share as they listened to a moving forty minute cello solo played by a mare that Fluttershy had called Octavia.

Still now as the shy pony seemed to drift to sleep beside him, Sombra saw his opening. No more tricks, no weapons, just a brutal beating until she stopped moving, right after one more hoof full of the popcorn to help give him strength.

It was at that last bite that he noticed the allergic reaction occurring on his right forehoof, itchy red sores distracted him long enough to make him take no notice of a particularly jagged unpopped kernel. That piece of corn managing to lodge itself in his trachea and as he found himself choking he succeeded at awakening the mare to his left.

Fluttershy flew into action, climbing readily behind the choking unicorn to wrap her fore hooves in front of his chest. She aggressively pulled back, successfully dislodging the corn and causing a violent spasm in one of his coronary arteries. While the corn only managed to bounce off the radio and back into his eye, Sombra’s heart certainly did not bouncing back so easily.

Fluttershy was off like a shot bringing a glass of water and a pair of tiny pills with her as she spoke, “Oh, p-p-p-please Mister Sombra, you have to calm down. Just relax and take these, I’ll get you to a doctor.”

Sombra took the pills without a word and threw back the glass of water. At first it seemed fine, but after brushing the corn out of his eye he began to feel a returning tightness in his chest. Coughing and wheezing tore open his stitches allowing blood to freely flow again. The anaphylaxis caused by his allergy to aspirin brought the heart attack back with a vengeance and the sudden movement sent Sombra’s bucket of ice water crashing to the floor. A concerned Fluttershy slipped in the water, causing her to both kick Sombra in the head on her way down as well as bump her own her on the floor stunning her for about two minutes.

With those two short minutes the now slightly stunned Sombra managed to stand only long enough to bleed all over Fluttershy and fall to the floor dead from a combination of lethal allergic reaction, blood loss, and a massive heart spasm that stopped the already diminished blood supply from supplying the heart itself.


Two minutes after Sombra’s death Fluttershy soaked in blood managed to activate all five of her emergency chimes.

First to arrive was Twilight, teleporting herself and Applejack into the cottage to find a now red Pegasus.

Next to walk in was Pinkie and upon seeing the bloodbath her mane deflated as she stumbled back in shock. Her backstep was quickly halted when she found Rainbow Dash with her retreating flank.

Dashie looked upon the carnage in the cottage with a confounded fascination. How could the kindest of ponies be involved with such a horror?

Rarity was the last to arrive and the first of the six to faint. Twilight of course rolled her eyes as she spoke to her macabre friend, “Alright Fluttershy, tell me what happened.”

“I killed somepony Twilight, I’m such a monster.”

“Well y’all didn’t do it on purpose did ya?” Fluttershy shook her head so hard that the blood in her hair was sprayed about the room and onto all five of her close friends. At that Applejack spoke again this time to Twilight, “Come on sugar cube, tain’t like she killed the Donkey Llama. Couldn’t y’all just look the other way?”

A brilliant golden flash heralded the entrance of Celestia and she spoke with thunder on her tongue, “Yes, tell us Princess Twilight Sparkle, can’t you just look the other way?”

Twilight fell hard on her flank at her teacher’s appearance, but still managed to shake off her fear and reply, “No A.J. we can’t ignore what happened here. However I am responsible and the punishment should be mine.” The youngest princess in the cottage was taken aback when Celestia’s expression suddenly softened into a caring smile when she spoke again.

“Dearest student, I have watched this whole scene unfold and it was by his own hoof and the cruel or perhaps somewhat merciful will of fate that Sombra has perished. You see he attempted to kill Fluttershy on several occasions this night, but each time his attempt came back against him. Fluttershy has no responsibility in this case and for that there will be no punishment.” The girls were about to cheer when their princess of the sun quieted them before continuing, “However I expressly told you Twilight that you would face consequences if Sombra killed anypony. But seeing as Sombra only succeeded in killing himself I will be lenient. Instead of one thousand years, banished to the evening star, I will be revoking your book club membership for ten weeks and banning you from all libraries in Equestria for five weeks, also I will be having a long talk with your parents about what you’ve done.

The youngest princess became the second to faint and never heard A.J. ask, “With all due respect yer highness, if y’all were watchin evrythin, why din’t ya stop Sombra or at least help Flutters?”

Celestia leaned close to Applejack’s ear and whispered, “I am your god and the threads of fate are mine to weave.” Another sudden burst of golden light signaled the disappearance of the sun goddess.

Slightly stunned, the farm pony still managed to speak to her friends“Well let’s get this mess cleaned up. Ah don’t know about the rest of y’all but ah ain’t waitin ‘til Pinkie’s party tonight to get mahself a good stiff drink or six.” Aside from Fluttershy, the conscious ponies began washing away the evidence, ignoring the sniffling mare with the bloodstained mane. In spite of her princess’s words and the kindness of her friends, she still felt responsible for Sombra’s final curtain call. And would continue to feel responsible for quite some time.

Ignoring the quiet sobs, Applejack sighed heavily before leaning down and whispering to the unconscious Twilight, “Happy birthday Twah, sorry your twenty-first couldn’t have gone more smooth for ya. Ah’ll think of a really great present to make up fer y’all losin yer books.”

Author's Note:

Okay here is the comedy story I’ve been working on for a while yeah I suppose I could have put this in the description but I have a couple things I want to convey here rather than in full view of folks who haven’t read the story yet.

For those of y'all who want more, I already have an epilogue written, I just need to do some proof reading and cleanup work. It should be up within a couple days... unless y'all are future people.

For those of y'all who want less... um... don’t read the epilogue? Then unread what you have read?

For those of y'all unsatisfied with just one short continuation, I have considered writing alternate endings. Specifically other ways for Sombra to die... yeah I am a twisted individual however for that all to work I’ll need folks requesting methods of PG-13 death...

For those who are wondering how Twilight and AJ got a main character tag… read the epilogue. Same for the Romance tag.

For those of y'all wondering about Twilight’s middle name and/or the fact that she called herself “Alicorn Princess” I have to split the answer into two parts... One I like giving ridiculous middle names to characters or other alterations to their names... Y’all should see the one I just thought up for Derpy... Second the Alicorn Princess thing is mostly because it seemed funny to me that Twilight might sign her letters that way and if I stop having fun writing I’ll probably just quit writing entirely... That won’t happen, I love y’all too much.

For those of y'all needing a translation for A.J.’s lines, just ask and I’ll see what I can do... after I laugh... at myself.

For those of y'all wondering about the Donkey Llama, it is in fact a play on the Dalai Lama, but in this case it gets to be a strange donkey/llama hybrid instead of a Tibetan Buddhist... My apologies to any Buddhists out there, I do not mean to offend... in this particular case. I promise I’ll offend y’all on a later date.

For those of y'all reading too far into this story... DON’T! It’s very simple; there is no subtext, no hidden meaning, and certainly no moral. This is just a shallow little piece of literature that I wrote because it seemed amusing to me. My amusement is complete!

For those of y'all who want me to stop saying, “for those of y'all,” too bad.

For those of... actually I think I’m done here... yep, cue the end credits.

~ So hath proclaimed the writer Mayhew Cullen and as it is in his mind, so it shall be. ~