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It's All In Good Fun

Today was an ordinary day for the Mane Six. The Sun was out as always shining brightly, the temperature was warm, the birds were chirping, Market Square just outside Sugarcube Corner was bustling as always. And somewhere, in some world, This fanfic's author was completely unaware that this held virtually no value to the plot of the story. Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were all gathered around one of the tables inside Sugarcube Corner doing absolutely nothing. And I mean that literally. Eventually, Rainbow Dash broke their concentration from them staring blankly at each other.

"Ugh! I'm sooooo bored! Theres nothing to do at all! Why is it always look like those Background ponies have something to do everyday, but not us! Look at them out there... Mocking us," The cyan mare exclaimed, staring out the front window of the pastry shop watching as the medley of nameless ponies walked by engaged in some kind of conversation or errand.

"Ah know what you mean Rainbow. There ain't nothin to do over at the Acres either. Big Mac already harvested all the apples for today, and Applebloom is off somewhere doing some kind of wacky antic in an attempt to get her Cutie Mark Ah'm sure. And all Granny Smith wants to do Is yell at furniture and Winona," Applejack said, adding onto Rainbow Dash's statement.

"We'll. I'm sure we can find something to do around here. Since we already did everything we could today, maybe we can do something we don't usually do. There must be something." Twilight said optimistically.

"Oh? Like what? Name one thing Twilight," Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"Well.....We could go Window Shopping! Or...Go clean up trash on the street! Or even paint bowls of fruit! Won't that be fun," The lavender mare grinned.

"Oh- That does kinda sound fun, Twilight. We should try that sometime, I always wanted to paint bowls of trash on a window...I think," Fluttershy said, including herself in the conversation.

"Ah think she meant that each of those were separate things sugarcube, not one thing in itself, Right Twi," The orange mare said, correcting Fluttershy.

"Even if it was trashing windows with paint. Slamming my head against a wall would be more fun than that," Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Umm- I said painting bowls of trash on a window...Not trashing windows with paint," Fluttershy said, correcting Rainbow Dash.

"Fluttershy, Ah told you that it's three different things, not one thing," Applejack said, repeating herself.

"It doesn't matter! Obviously we can't all agree to it, so lets just forget I asked," Twilight said sternly.

"Ooooh! I got an idea gals, I think it's one we'll all agree on," Pinkie Pie shouted happily, breaking almost suddenly from her bleak staring, and entering the debating ponies.

"Lay it on us Pinkie! If anyone knows how to have fun, It's you," Rainbow Dash said, almost certain of Pinkie's idea.

"We can write fictional stories about ourselves, for the sole purpose of entertaining others in some way," Pinkie decreed.

Rainbow Dash had been stood corrected, and could merely perform a facehoof from the sheer stupidity of everyone's suggestions.
"I guess I stand corrected...Never-mind let's just stare blankly at each other for another hour."

"I thought we were having a staring contest," Pinkie Pie questioned.

Moments later, somepony came through the door and entered Sugarcube Corner, panting from running all the way there, holding a stack of papers in one arm, and gripping his chest trying to regain his breath in the other. Everypony ceased their staring contest, and looked up to see who it was. It was Spike. he approached the table where everypony was residing.

"Hey everypony, I came as quick as I could," The purple dragon said, still panting from exhaustion.

"Came for what Spike? we didn't call you," Twilight replied.

"Yeah, Spike. What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Did something happen?" Fluttershy asked worringly.

Spike managed to finally compose himself, and began explaining his situtation.
"No, no, Theres nothing wrong, I came here to show you guys something, See I've been working on a really big Project of mine for a while now, and I just finally added the finishing touches, and I thought you'd guys like to see it. Also I thought you guys might be bored enough to wanna help me with something else that involves it, and by looks of thing here, I can tell that you're all bored out of your minds."

"You got my attention Spike. Anything to get us out of anymore staring contests," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, leering at Pinkie Pie.

"Does that mean I won this round? Woo-hoo! I'm the champ of this game," The Pink mare exclaimed cheerfully.

"Well, Let's hear it sugarcube. What's your big project," Applejack added.

"Yeah Spike. If you've been working on it for a long time, then it must be something good. What is it," Twilight insisted.

"I wrote a play."