• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 461 Views, 2 Comments

Falls and Follies of a Princess - Michael Hudson

Celestia is the ruler all wish to achieve. She has the perfect kingdom and happy subjects, but how did this all happen? What caused her to learn what it takes to be a good ruler? And what did she got wrong first?

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Twilight: Seeing Zecora

“AAAAAA!” Zecora was shocked out of her reminiscing. The young purple mare had come in only about half an hour ago asking her to enchant a ring with magic dampening capabilities. Since then the white and gray zebra had been brewing the concoction, happy she could help the new princess. Twilight for her part had started reading a book, a slightly worried look on her face. Now she had a panicked look on her face, and a dangerous light in her eyes.

Luckily, Zecora always kept something around in case one of Twilight’s magical mishaps got to her house, but first she shoved the purple mare out of the house. Afterwards, to a cabinet she flew and grabbed a vial filled with black salt. She threw the vial against the front door and it scattered throughout the room. Just in time Zecora thought to herself as a large flash of purple energy came from her front lawn. Now if only she could have spared her garden.

Twilight was at the moment trying to remember what was going on. She looked behind her as she heard a creak. Looking, she saw a white pony with gray stripes on her body looking sadly at her garden. Wait, Ponies don’t have stripes, nor do they normally wear earrings and golden collars or rings on their hoofs. Twilight’s mind finally got back in gear. “Zecora, oh my, what just ha-.” Twilight looked around herself to see scorch marks on the trees, and could feel the magic radiation in the air.

“What is it that happened to you? So as to make pay these trees you slew?” Zecora’s mystical voice and verse helped calm Twilight a little. As well, a little embarrassment was turning her mind away from what she had-

“Zecora, it was terrible. Celestia gave me this book, said it told why she was troubled recently. But it depicted a resistance against Celestia. Celestia, one of the most generous, kind, fantastic ponies to have ever existed. But what they said she did was simply horri-.” CRASH! Twilight would have probably continued to panic had she not flown into the tree Zecora’s hut was a part of.

“Perhaps tea is in need, before you cause yourself to bleed.” Zecora led Twilight into the house where she was told about merely the first chapter of the book Twilight was reading. Zecora knew she could not help the neurotic mare with what troubled her, but could try to help her think of something else. “Even though you are furious, the state of my hut does not make you curious?”

Twilight took a moment to look around the wooden room, marveling at the similarities to her own home in Ponyville. Of course, where as Twilight’s was filled with books, Zecora’s had masks laid about, medicine cabinets, and potions and poultices for almost all ailments. She was astounded at how clean and neat her house was. Wait, hadn't she just burned trees outside of her house. “Why is your house unharmed when my magical, uhm, incident caused those trees to be marked by burns?”

“Very wise indeed you are. I make a dust that will keep magic barred. Hence why my hut will stay strong, while does not the glade you wronged. It is similar to the damper you require of me. The power of such mixtures you now can see.” Twilight did spend a few moments appreciating at how powerful such small potions she held in her house were, even to be able to stop her magic dead in it’s track. “Now you head to Zebrul, and I will help, so they are not cruel. A piece of advice, so Griselda may be nice.”

“Within the royal courts so they are not terse, you must remember to always speak in verse. Many zebras that are trained, so that they are not caned. Griselda must always be your better, or else you may uneven her kelter.” Zecora looked worried, something that doesn’t occur often when she can normally sit calm while plunder seeds rip apart her home.

“Wait, does that mean you weren’t cursed? I created many theories as to why you always speak in verse, from curses, to potions gone awry, to a zebra speech impediment. Now with this, you could actually give me straight answers!” Zecora stared worriedly at the excited young mares face as it smiled wide at the prospect of learning more from Zecora, without the admittedly confusing verse she always spoke in.

“I am sorry little filly, the reason I object is not silly.” Twilight’s face already turned down hearing the verse. “I was raised for twenty years, only allowed verse within my ears. Now, to even think about,” Zecora paused, once more thinking about her speech, “I do not think I would live without.” Now if I may, I still have lessons to say.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly, nodding her head politely. “The last accord has to do with magic, something with Zebras that is tragic. We worshipped the dragons grand, giving into their every demand. This was in search for magic recipes and potions, ones to fill every function. Then we find ponies, at first to call them phonies. Magic they had learned, all while dragons they scorned. I fear I must admit, that your horn I do envy just a bit.

Twilight nodded, now being able to peer into Zebra culture more. She had overlooked the treaty before, finding a few references to dragons. This also explained why the treaty had been written in verse, and why she still had to finish reading the treaty. “Wait, why aren’t I bringing Spike then? Celestia had told me I couldn’t.”

Zecora nodded, a smile spreading on her face thinking about the young assistant of Twilight’s. He was almot a teenager by now and was maturing fast. “The reason is twofold, to keep Spike’s heart from growing cold. He would be coveted, a dragon by peacefulness and love coated. He would be showered with gems, with greed left unhem. Even if dear Spike found control, Griselda would seek his soul. It would be hard for him to take, unless goodbyes you did make.”

“What, why would Griselda want Spike? Sure he’s nice and all, but I doubt that he would work for her, especially if he was never allowed to return.” Zecora started worrying about having used her powder already, seeing as the young mare now was on the verge of a panic attack, and worse news she still possessed.

She will want him for lust to sate. She will want the virile dragon as her mate.” Twilight by now was glowing her horn ominously, and breathing shallowly from the news. Spike taken from her by some power corrupt dictator, she could hardly think about it. “She would want him as a symbol of her power, but you have no reason to cower.”

“And why is That!?” Twilight screamed, now in the air, a few objects lifting with her as she hovered only an inch from Zecora’s face.

“I think to Griselda’s dismay, that the plan was for Spike to stay.” Zecora smiled at Twilight as she landed, looking thoroughly embarrassed. The poor mare had let herself get completely worked up about a situation that would never come to pass.

“Note to self, long distance teleportation, one successful explosion of magic, and a near freakout shortly after, just a little too much magic for one afternoon.” Twilight let out a yawn and stumbled a bit, her eyes losing focus. Zecora went next to her, steadying her with her own body.

“My bed you may stay, sleep for as long as you may.”