• Published 24th Feb 2014
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Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

A Robot's Companion

As the train pulled into Ponyville, Iggy, Cynthia, their pony friends, Spike, and Machine got off and headed into town. Machina looked around curiously, as Twilight spoke, "Welcome Machina, to Ponyville."

"How fascinating." Machina answered, as she walked along side her creator and his friends.

"Well where should we begin first?" Cynthia asked.

"I suggest the library," Iggy answered, "The sooner we get her up to date with everything in Equestria, the better."

"Just what I was thinking." Twilight agreed, as they proceeded onward to Golden Oaks Library.

As they walked, Machina once again noticed several ponies in town giving her the same questionable looks as the ponies in Canterlot. Remembering her creators words, she decided to not pay them any mind. Suddenly they heard the sound of a filly cry. They looked over and saw an earth pony filly crying.

Machina out of sudden impulse, trotted over and spoke, "Pardon me, young one, but what is it that causes you to express sorrowing emotions?"

The filly not sure what she really meant, but spoke up, "I lost hold of my balloon, and now it's stuck in that tree." the filly cried.

Machina looked up in a tree they were under and saw a red balloon stuck under a branch. Through her processor she deduced if a wind were to pick up it the blow the balloon out of the tree, but would continue floating off into the sky. She spoke up, "Understood, retrieve balloon." she spread her wings and the rocket jets activated, taking the filly by surprise.

Machina flew upward before catching the balloon's string into her mouth, before touching back down. He lowered herself down to the filly, as two slots opened up and coming out were two little metal hands that took the string of the balloon and tied it around the filly's right hoof so it would escape, "Mission accomplished." she said.

"Wow, thank you." the filly smiled happily.

Machina nodded, before going back over to the others. When she returned, Fluttershy spoke, "Machina, that was so kind of you."

"The sight of that filly in distress stirred something up in my programming." she explained.

"It's what the humans or in this case the ponies call having feelings of emotion." Gizmo explained.


"Yes, after all you and I are programmed with emotion chips which allow us to feel the same emotions as other sentient beings."

"I see." Machina replied.

"Well come on, let's keep moving." Iggy said, as they pressed on.

Soon at the library, Machina was looking through at least two shelves worth of books, and was going through them very quickly, "How is she reading so fast?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, even Twilight can't read that fast." Spike said, while Twilight shot him a look.

"Machina can encode a single page of a book into her memory in a millisecond." Iggy stated.

Soon, Machina had all the books Twilight loaned her in a neat stack, "All knowledge has been recorded. I am now up to date with the present."

"Well, now that the education part is out of the way, we can finally get to the good stuff." Rainbow said, feeling glad the boring lesson was done.

"Well where should we continue?" Iggy asked them.

"Why don't me mosey on down to the farm?" Applejack suggested, before turning to Machina, "How does that sound, Machina?"

"I am intrigued." she answered honestly, and so they took off.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was with Granny Smith making some delicious apple stew, with Machina assisting, "There we go, now how does that taste?" Granny Smith inquired out of her granddaughter.

Applejack took a spoonful and sipped it, "Hmm, good, but something's missing."

"Huh?" Granny Smith wondered, before tasting herself, "You're right, but what is it that it needs?"

"Perhaps I can help?" Machina suggested, as she tasted the stew, before answering, "Needs a bit more pepper."

"Hm," Granny Smith wondered, before doing so, and Applejack stirred it. When the two tasted it, they smiled, "Hot diggity, it's perfect!"

"Machina, you really nailed it." Applejack smiled.

"I was just helping." she answered humbly.

"Well come and get it, everypony." Applejack said, as the group took a bowl of stew and began eating.

"Mm, this is some good Apple stew." Twilight said, as she ate.

"I'll say." Spike agreed.

"You two certainly outdid yourselves." Rarity said to the two Apple family members.

"Well Machina helped with the finishing touch." Applejack admitted.

"Good work, Machina." Iggy congratulated her.

"You're... welcome." she answered.

"Though I wonder, how did she know the stew needed a bit of pepper?" Applejack inquired.

"She does have taste receptors and was easily able to determine the needed spice to perfect it." Iggy answered.

"Well thank you kindly, sweetie." Granny Smith thanked Machina.

"My pleasure, Mrs. Smith."

Later after lunch, every pony was at Fluttershy's cottage where Fluttershy was introducing Machina to all her animals friends. As Machina was helping Fluttershy feed the animals, Iggy and the others noticed how calm the critters were behaving around her, especially the cats.

"My goodness, Machina. You're very good with animals." Fluttershy gasped.

"I don't quite understand it myself. Perhaps it is because I am calmer than most ponies?"

"Whatever it is, I like it." Iggy nodded.

One of the cats Machina was feeding purred at her, while Machina gently stroked it's back, "It's amazing." Twilight gasped.

"She really is adapting." Cynthia stated.

Soon they were at Rarity's shop, where Rarity was adding a little touch up to Machina's mane. When she was done, Machina saw her reflection and noticed her hair was now neatly combed, with a single curl like Rarity's, "Fabulous. Though I'm not one for green hair, the look suits you."

"Thank you, Rarity. And I appreciate the touch up you've given me."

"My pleasure, darling." Rarity replied.

"And now it's time for the best part of the tour." Pinkie spoke up.

Machina tilted her head, "I inquire as to what that is."

Eventually they were all at Sugarcube Corner, where Machina was sampling some of their treats, "Well Machina, what do you think?" Iggy asked, as he sat next to her.

"Sugary." she answered bluntly.

"Just the way I like em!" Pinkie cheered.

"Hey, yall!" they saw the CMC trotting over.

"Hello, girls." Iggy greeted them.

"And how're we this afternoon?" Gizmo asked.

"Doing great." Scootaloo answered.

Suddenly the three filly's spotted the new pegasus, and Sweetie Belle asked, "Who's she?"

"Girls, this is Machina." Iggy introduced them.

"Hi, Machina." the three greeted her.

Machina nodded before answering, "And hello to you, subjects Applebloom; Applejack's younger sister, Sweetie Belle; Rarity's younger sister, and Scootaloo surrogate younger sister to Rainbow Dash. Or as you are more commonly known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, whose primary objective is to search for your hidden talents to obtain your cutie marks."

"Wow, how'd you know so much about us?" Applebloom gasped.

"It was a simple scan of your biometric coding." she answered plainly, while the CMC weren't sure what that meant."

"If you say so." Scootaloo replied.

Twilight spoke to Machina, "Well Machina, we showed you just about all the number one spots in Ponyville and showed you to some of our favorite pastimes. How does it feel to you?"

"I am pleased that you all showed me so much since my functioning started, but I feel as if there is still much I need to know."

"Well we're just the group to help ya." Applejack assured her.

Suddenly the entrance to Sugarcube Corner opened, and two Crystal Pony guards entered, taking the group, and the Cake couple by surprise. One of the guards spoke up, "Announcing her royal highness, Princess Neira!"

A carpet rolled in, and walking into the shop was Neira, much to the groups surprise. The little alicorn looked up at the guards, "That'll be all, boys, and I'll see you back at the hotel."

"Yes, your highness." the second guard answered, as the carpet rolled back up, and the guards left.

"Neira!" the girls, Spike, Iggy, and Gizmo went over to their friend.

"Hi, guys." she greeted them.

"It's so good to see you." Spike said, as they hugged.

"We didn't expect to see you today. Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" Twilight asked.

"Well mom and dad had so much to do, and I had nothing to do," Neira began, "So they sent me here for the day. I hope that's not any trouble."

"None at all, sugarcube." Applejack answered.

Neira saw Machina approach, and the little alicorn looked up at her in wonder, "Who is this?"

Machina answered, "I am Machina, a pegasus automaton created by my master and father Iggy Douglas. You are identified as Princess Gwneira or Neira adoptive daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza aka Princess Cadence, former Queen of ice and snow, and currently Princess of the seasons."

Neira giggled, "You got me there."

"Since you're here, why don't you join us?" Fluttershy offered.


"Yeah, the more the merrier." Pinkie smiled.

"Thanks." Neira said, as she joined them at their table.

After they had lunch, they were taking a stroll through Ponyville park. Neira smiled, as she walked side by side with Spike and Machina, until a voice spoke up, "Look it's her!"

They looked and saw the filly who Machina rescued her balloon, along with a whole pack of fillies and colts, "That's the pegasus who rescued my balloon."

"She sure looks different than most pegasi." a colt said.

"And look who's with her." another filly gasped.

"The princess of seasons!" they cheered.

"Uh-oh." Neira gasped.

"I am processing that this is turning into a critical situation." Machina stated, as they saw the children charging right for them looking like raging autograph hounds.

"I'm out of here!" Neira charged up her magic.

"Neira!" Twilight and Spike cried, and suddenly in a flash of light she was gone.

The group of children and the older ponies looked and saw no sign of Neira, "So she knows teleport magic too?" Rainbow asked Twilight.


"Uh, where's Machina?" Cynthia asked, as Iggy looked seeing no sign of his creation.

"She's gone." he gasped.

"You don't think Neira teleported her as well do you?" Gizmo asked, and the girls feared she did.

Suddenly the little alicorn and mechanical pegasus appeared in the dark forest known as Everfree, "Oh my, Machina, are you ok?" Neira asked her.

"My parts seem to be functioning at normal capacity. What about you?"

"I'm ok," she looked around, "Where are we?"

"I though you would know since you activated the spell." Machina answered.

"Well actually when I activated it I didn't think of where I would teleport too."

"You weren't thinking?" Machina wondered.

"I panicked ok!" Neira cried, "I've been under a lot of pressure what with all the special tutors that have been teaching and training me as of late. You know what it's like to be not only the princess of seasons, but the daughter of the royal couple who rule the Crystal Empire? Let me tell you it's not all fun and games. I can't even step outside the castle without guards to keep the fan mobs away."

"I see." Machina answered.

Neira sighed, "I came to Ponyville to get away from all my worries for a day, and now look I teleport us both into someplace I don't know."

Machina looked down at the troubled princess and lowered her head down to nuzzle Neira in comfort, "I promise we will get out of here, Neira."


"I swear it on my own EPU." she promised.

"Ok." Neira replied, as she put on her brave face.

"Stay close to me, while I scan the area for any potential threats," the robot instructed, as the princess did so. Machina did a scan of the surrounding area, before reading some large lifeforms approaching, "I'm detecting approaching life forms."

"What are they?" Neira asked in worry.

"We'll know in T minus five seconds." she answered, and suddenly four timberwolves emerged from the threes.

"Timberwolves!" Neira cried.

"Neira, run!" Machina ordered, as they hurried off, with the timberwolves chasing them.

As they ran, Neria suddenly tripped over a root. Machina looked back and saw the fallen Neira, and the timberwolves closing in on her, "Help!" she cried.

Suddenly, Machina's eyes tightened as she activated the jets in her wings before taking it tot he air. She flew forward tackling one of the timberwolves in the face, "Leave her alone!"

Neira watched as Machina was flying around tackling the other timberwolves, knocking them off balance. She watched in awe at the mechanical pegasus fight the timberwolves. However she gasped as another one that came out of nowhere swiped it giant paw at Machina sending her flying in turbulence before crashing into a tree.

"Machina!" Neira cried, as she galloped over.

Machina had bits of her body opened up exposing some wiring and such, "Neira." she gasped.

"Are you ok?" Neira asked hopefully.

"My flying's been shut down." she answered, with a whir in her voice.

Neira gasped, as she frowned and looked up at the timberwolf, "You hurt my friend... YOU HURT MY FRIEND!" she screamed as he magic activated which sent a blast of chilly wind on the creature. When her magic died down, Neira panted before looking up to see the timberwolf frozen in solid ice. She gasped, "I froze it."

She went back over to Machina, as the robot spoke, "Neira, you saved me."

Neira smiled, "Well, you saved me first."

"Yes, I believe I did." she smiled back.

"Can you get up?" the princess of seasons inquired.

"I believe so." Machina struggled, until Neira managed to use her magic to help keep Machina up.

"Come on, let's get moving." Neira said, as they trotted along a path.

As they continued along the path, Neira saw light up ahead, "Look, it's light."

"We must be getting close." Machina suggested, as they pressed on.

When they finally reach the exit, they saw they were at Fluttershy's cottage, "That's where Fluttershy lives." Neira remembered from one of her previous visits.

"Which means we were in the Everfree Forest." Machina deduced.

"Neira! Machina!"

They all looked and saw Iggy, Cynthia, Gizmo, Spike, and the ponies hurrying over, "Guys!" Neira cheered.

When they reached each other, Spike hugged Neira in worry, while Twilight checked her for injury, "Are you ok, did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine, Twilight. Machina protected me."

"Machina?" they asked, and saw Machina in her condition.

"Machina!" Iggy ran to her with Cynthia and Gizmo, "What happened to you?"

"Forgive me for my current appearance, but I had a what you would refer to as a brawl against some timberwolves."

"Timberwolves?!" the ponies and Spike gasped.

"Correct, I handled a few of them, but one came at me from my blind spot."

"Then how did you get out of there?" Iggy asked in confusion.

"Neira protected me." the robot answered.

"Neira?" they asked collectively, while looking at her who gave them a sheepish look.

Sometime later, Iggy had given Machina's body some repairs, while Rarity fixed her mane. When nighttime came they were outside the hotel in which Neira was staying with her two guards, "Now no word of this to the guards, do you understand?" Twilight asked her.

"Right." she nodded.

"It's best my brother and Cadence don't know about this," Twilight began to her friends, "You know they'd worry their flanks off."

"Just like your parents." Spike chuckled, while Twilight rolled her eyes.

Machina approached Neira and spoke, "I had quite an enjoyable time with you today, Neira."

"And I did with you, Machina." Neira agreed.

"I believe I have some corrections to make to my analysis of you," Machina continued, "Subject Princess Gwneira or Neira; adoptive daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza aka Princess Cadence, former Queen of ice and snow, currently Princess of the seasons, and my good companion and friend." she smiled.

Neira smiled, "And you're my good friend too," she used her magic to make a flower pop out of the ground and offered it to Machina. The robot looked at the flower, and at Neira with curiosity. Neira nodded and levitated the flower into Machina's mane, "Goodnight." she trotted into the hotel.

"Well, it's late and we need to get back to Canterlot." Iggy told the girls and Spike, as Machina and Gizmo stood at his sides.

"And I need to get home too. See you later." Cynthia said as Iggy activated a portal for her, and she went through it.

"See you all tomorrow." Twilight told the group, as they all went their separate ways.

As Iggy activated his rocket boots, he flew off with Gizmo and Machina following him. As they flew back to Canterlot, Gizmo spoke to his surrogate robot sister, "I must say, Machina one day and already you are behaving just like a regular pony."

"I thank you, Gizmo. How long did it take you to fully develop your full emotions and traits?" Machina inquired.

"A week. Nevertheless I am proud of you as much as Iggy is."

"I wouldn't have been able to develop these new found feelings I have if not for Iggy and all my new friends." Machina answered.

"And guarantee they won't forsake you. Because Iggy once taught me this," he sang a tune, "If you've got a true blue EPU, then your friends will always stick by you!" Machina smiled, as they flew on to catch up with their creator and father.