• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,120 Views, 66 Comments

Of mercenaries and.... Ponies? - Lion Tale

RED and BLU gets hired by two new rivals, but it isn't what they have ever encountered before.

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Shoot First and Talk Later Pt 1

A stack of papers fell unto a large round table, it had scattered across to the other side. Some pages had photographs paper-clipped to the page, while others had profiles assigned to them. A blue aura surrounded one of the pages of the former; a white stallion looked at it with intense care and then gasped at the sudden recognition of the one in the picture.

“I thought we had gotten rid of her and her army!” The stallion said.

“Well,” a white alicorn replied. “It seems like she still has some of the army with her, but whatever Nightmare Moon is doing, it dealing with this mare.”

“But why would she have dealings with Chrysalis, Princess?”

Celestia sighed, “She said that she would use changelings in her team, as to replace the lack of ponies on both sides. She thought that it would be inexpensive and the risk of losing innocent ponies would be cut down to zero.”

“So what is Nightmare Moon planning to do next?” The white stallion fiddled with his hooves to hide his growing anxiety.

“It would be to take over local cities around Cloudsdale,” the alicorn turned around to the map behind her. Cloudsdale was virtually forever moving, but around this time in the season, it’s around Los Pegasus.

“I assume she would take over Canterlot?”

“No Shining Armor, it would have to be Los Pegasus,” Celestia turned around to look at the Captain of the Royal Guard. “So now’s the time to be the offensive force and claim the city as ours before Nightmare Moon does. So what I want you do, is to go and evacuate the city so we can make sure that it can be safe to claim.”

Shining Armor started to jot down the instructions, he was sure that he might forget a couple of instructions. He stopped, Okay, maybe a few. He looked back up to the princess who looked like she might need a decent sleep, not like she’s sick or anything. I wonder if she can read minds. If she can, then I might to stop thinking about how bad she looks.

Celestia looked at Shining Armor in annoyance. She was unaware about what Shining was thinking of, but she was aware of how he looked at her. “Need something before you go?”

“Not really, but I might need to ask about how well you are.”

“I’m really exhausted, but without another to take care of raising the moon, it gets really stressful,” She rubbed her temples to get herself settled. Maybe I should get a cup of tea, it usually helps. The sun goddess continued with her instructions, “Once you are sure that everypony is evacuated and placed at least two miles away from the city, I will place my team on the Southside of the city. If anything was to happen during the evacuation, send me a letter via magic and then we could set up elsewhere.”

Shining Armor struggled to write it down, mainly because he was sketching a picture of Cadence being a changeling, as what reason why he was drawing her like that was simple enough; he was bored.

“Oh Shining, don’t worry about your wife and child, they will be in good hooves,” The stallion looked up to the alicorn. How in the hay did she know about my child! There was no way she could’ve known! I’ve kept it a secret for the longest time! Shining saw a newspaper in the trash had the headlines ‘The Child of The Crystal Empire!’ Oh, well, that explains a ton. He remembered the first day that he found out that he had a child. Boy, was Cadence ticked.

It started back when the changeling invasion happened, well, before the day of the marriage. Shining decided to have a little fun and then it escalated from there. But what happened was that it was actually Chrysalis and while after the changelings got kicked out; there was a basket with a foal and a note. Shining tried to keep it a secret, but it had only lasted for about a minute before the new wife appeared. He still remembers the night as clear as somepony waving their hoof at him.


Two Years Ago

“What’s this?” Cadence asked. She was curious of the basket, it might be a late present, but it could also be just an accidental occurrence. But whatever it was, her husband couldn’t let her look into it.

“It’s just bread,” Shining tried to keep it away from her, but he had forgotten that she also had a horn as well. “No need to look into it, I’ll take care of it.”

“Are you trying to hide something from me?” She had done her trademark glare. Shining Armor called it ‘The Lie Detector’, as it does what the name implies. “Because if you are, I can find a way to worm it out of you whether you like it or not.”

“You wouldn’t,” He gasped.

“I would, and I will if you don’t hand the basket to me, or we’ll have to have a meeting with the torture chamber. I won’t stop until you almost laugh to death.”

He back away farther from her, she would never make that threat unless she’s serious, it was such a rare occurrence for her to go this far. Those tickling hooves of death would never stop.

As Shining tried to back away even further from Cadence, the basket cooed. Both ponies stopped dead in their tracks as they tried to make out what had just happened. The stallion looked to the basket, then back at Cadence, who was just picking up a note that fell to the ground. Shining Armor knew that he was a goner, and started to rush back upstairs to his super-secret hiding place; the closet.

Once he had reached the door to the room, he heard the unmistakable Royal Canterlot Voice.


The unicorn tried opening the door with his magic, but it was locked. Once Shining looked back at the stairs, his wife was standing right there at the last step with a look that’ll make any full-grown dragon cower in fear.

“I-I c-can explain,” Shining stuttered, raising his hooves in defense.

“Explain,” Cadence said bluntly.

Shining gulped; he knew that he wouldn’t get his favorite spot on the bed. But he knew that he would probably get his favorite couch to sleep at for the rest of the month, no matter the outcome of this situation.


Present Time

The white unicorn shuddered, that night was one that he will never forget in his lifetime. The couch was comfy, but it was just small and cramped. Maybe he should get a bigger couch next time this happens, would be a great investment.

When the captain finished writing the orders down, he stood and started to carry out his duty —which was to head to Los Pegasus with a squad of the Royal Guards and evacuate as many as he can before the mercenaries appear.

Shining Armor was unsure about the team of mercenaries. Nine people having an all-out war against nine other people? That doesn’t sound much to him. He might want to stand-by just to watch what happens. Little did he know of how much of a battle it would really be if he happened to be close to it.


A loud snoring covered the house; it would be a shock to find out where —and whom— it had originated from.

But not to the victim of the snoring, he had found out in the first ten seconds. Ten seconds flat! That was a new record, but Scout could’ve handled it, it was worse when all of his siblings slept at mother’s house. But this! This was way worse; this was all from a small rainbow-coloured pony. And I thought this was a place filled with happiness and butterflies and whatnot.

Once the young fellow actually fallen asleep after an all-nighter, there was a ray of sunshine filing through the windows, telling him that this was just another day. If he had to put up with this every night, he might become an insomniac, or one Luna’s followers.

Either way, we would probably have to sleep during the day, when the monster-pony was gone. Might as well make a pot of really strong, caffeine-rich coffee to get me going, just for today.

He searched through his duffel bag, and finally finding the trademark red plastic container of Saxton Hale’s Power Coffee, ‘So Manly, you’ll grow biceps on your legs!’

Richard scoffed at the slogan, he knew it wasn’t true, but it was pumping to drink a good pot. His mother wouldn’t let him drink it, mainly because she said all coffee makes you shorter. That is somewhat true, but at least he wasn’t shorter than the Engineer.

After all the water changed into coffee, he grabbed a large cup from his duffel bag. He knew that he either had to drink it all, or suffer the consequences of the rainbow pony gaining unimaginable speeds that included nitrous.

But once Richard had returned to the coffee machine, he saw the said pony drinking from a small mug, looking at him with a smug.

“Nice try, although I give you points for trying to make it only for you,” Rainbow Dash shrugged then took a sip. Looking back at Scout she said, “This stuff is strong, what is it?”

“Well, if you took a look at the red container behind you, then you would know,” he replied, pointing to the large container.

After a few seconds of reading, she looked back at Richard, who had a small smile. “Alright, what did you put in this?”

“Nothing,” he grabbed the handle of the coffee pot and poured the rest into his cup. “How much caffeine can you have before you have a crash?”

“A crash? You mean like a sugar crash? I can stand for about an hour before it happens, why?”

Scout chuckled and swallowed a mouthful of the coffee. “Well, if you want to have a crash in about ten minutes, I would advise to stop. Reason why is because that has so much caffeine, that it’s basically made up of it.”

Dash looked at her cup, and then downed the rest of it. “Well, live with no regrets right? Or is it you only live —“

“Do not finish that phrase, I call bull on it,” Richard snapped. “I mean, look at me! I lived about five hundred times, mostly because of a spawn room.”

“Sheesh, a bit touchy aren’t we?” Dash muttered.

“It’s probably the coffee, and a night of no sleep,” But before Rainbow Dash could ask why, the watch on his wrist started to beep. “Looks like I’m being called down by Engie, you think you can give me a ride down to the ground?”

Dash put a hoof to her chin, “Let me think about that…”

“Really? Now’s not the time.”

“Fine, just trying to have a little fun,” Dash picked up Richard with her hooves, and started to lower him through the home’s floor.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t you think what was a little extreme?” Richard said.

“Not really, once you get the hang of it, it’ll be easy!” Dash yelled.

Once they had landed on the ground in the market, Richard started to walk towards a random direction.

“Umm, Richard,” Dash said, pointing towards a road leading out of the town. “Applejack’s place is this way.”

He turned around, “I knew that.”

The day was still early, meaning that not many ponies were at the market yet, but there were a few sellers standing at their shops, waiting for the early ponies to buy something before the midmorning rush. Of course, Richard pulled out his small bag of bits, given to him by Celestia who said that he would have to spend it wisely.

It was only fifty bits, and there was just one thing that caught his eye.

A bat that looked very similar to his Sandman, but it was black with green flames on it. It also included a description tag;

Celestial Officious Changeling Killer

This weapon was crafted by Chrysalis herself to help punish the changelings that fail to follow her code. It was crafted with the power of Celestia and the pride of pegasi, as to make changelings have satisfaction whenever they take away love from others. The benefits of having this weapon will include; the ability of extreme cockiness, intense happiness, twenty percent more strength and awesomeness, and faster speed. But it comes with side effects; the ability of not wanting help from others, turns you into a changeling if intense usage, and the frequent cravings for chocolate, or wanting love from others.

Richard took a closer look at the side effects, but he just shrugged them off. Then he grabbed it and took a few swings — it felt natural. Then he spoke to the salespony, “How much for this bat?”

The brown stallion with an hourglass cutie mark replied, “That thing?” He scoffed. Then he realized that he might get something for this, “It’ll be forty bits.”

“Deal,” Richard slammed his bits on the stand and then started to walk away. Without realizing, he swung the bat, almost hitting a mint-coloured mare. “Sorry!”

“No worries, it’s not my fault I’m short,” She replied. “Name’s Lyra, what’s yours?”

Before Richard could reply, Rainbow Dash grabbed him by the shirt and started to drag him. “Remember that we have to get to Applejack’s, don’t want to be late.”

“Right, you go fly ahead and I’m going to run behind.”

“Well, a race it is then,” Dash crouched. “On your mark, set-go!”

She zoomed forward leaving a faint rainbow streak behind her. Richard pulled out his new bat and started to run.

After running past many ponies and houses, they reached a sign that had said, ‘Sweet Apple Acres’, and looking into the property, Richard saw endless rows of apple trees. I bet the farmers that live here are even apple-based. Maybe a complete apple family to go along with that! Or even better, apple-based meals! He got hungry after that last thought; he hasn’t eaten anything before he had left the cloud home, and was starting to regret that idea.

He started to walk along a dirt path that seemed to head towards a small country-style house, but before he actually got close enough to see the details, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

“Hey Engie,” Scout said without looking back. “You think we got enough time to eat something before we do this next mission?”

“Of course not,” the Texan replied. “You should’ve eaten before ya’ got here. Once everybody’s here, then we can git to work.”

Richard sighed; he knew that he would have to wait until lunch again, the time that he would — wait! He wasn’t at his home world anymore! So that means no lunch after all! He groaned, he would forever miss his favorite PB&J, and burnt whatever his mother cooked.

“Any idea if we would get lunch?” Scout asked.

“The Apple family here already covered that,” Engineer replied. “With their apples and some cider to go along with us,” He handed the young man a paper bag that had an apple print on it.

I stand corrected! Richard stared at the paper bag, and held onto it. Maybe I should be more careful on what I think of.

“We are bound to leave in ten, make sure ya got everything with you.” Engineer pulled out his mini-computer and started to construct a teleportation pad.

“Um Engie, are you sure you know where we’re going?”

“Of course!” He exclaimed, “Ah was given coordinates by our boss wanting us in a place called ‘Los Pegasus’.”

“Sounds like Los Vegas.” Richard said bluntly.

“Well, when ah researched about our new world, everything named has some kind of horse pun to it.” Engineer chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing really,” the Texan turned a bolt into place, causing the pad to start rotating. “It’s just silly that everything is related to horses one way or another. Now, this pad will lead us to a building at the south side of the city.”

Engineer looked at the entrance to the farm and saw the rest of the team walking in a group, with their assigned ponies, but only Demoman was holding his pony, on his shoulders and she hung limp. The purple pony was noticeably breathing, so she must be sleeping, or was just in a hangover.

Once everyone was standing next to Engineer, the rotating teleportation pad had finished warming up. This would mean that on the other side, the exit pad is finished and is ready to receive the oncoming task of doing its own job.

“Now,” Engineer started. “By the order of our boss, and y’alls princess, the ponies would have to stay here.”

The crowd groaned — to more specific, the ones who had to stay behind — and before they had to ask, Heavy interrupted what was probably on two other people’s minds.

“Do we get lunch?”

Scout facepalmed, and Engineer chuckled, “Like ah said about five minutes ago to Richard here, the Apple family here got it covered. Medic,”

The German looked up from his bag of Skittles ™, no-one asked how he had gotten them, but they wanted to bum some off of him. Instead, he just gave a whole bag to them. Once Arvin finished eating his handful of rainbow pellets, he gave the Texan with a look of acknowledgement.

“Ah want you to carry the lunch for us, and ah know that also works as a legitimate backpack as well, so don’t give me an excuse why you shouldn’t do so.”

Arvin shrugged and then picked up the sack lunches. He didn’t mind carrying the stuff, but maybe one of the other teammates should do it once in a while, maybe Heavy should, or the Pyro. He suddenly regretted the idea of both carrying it, even though Arvin knows what the Pyro looks like now, the fact that the paper bags and her together, don’t mix very well at all. Even worse, both of them would probably eat the lunches. Arvin decided to forget the situation and thought it was better to leave it with the professionals.

Once the Medic finished placing the bags in his backpack, Fluttershy nudged his leg, wanting another bag of Skittles. “You know Fluttershy, I’m going to stop giving you some for a while, and it’s not good for you.”

The butter pegasus looked at him with the most pleading eyes she can do, although she knew the fact that it would be bad for her, Fluttershy would never give up the delicious flavor of artificial fruits it carried. It was better than the candy Pinkie Pie gave her sometimes, but she would never admit it to her face. It would hurt Pinkie’s feelings and she was sure of it.

But Arvin knew better, “No, and that’s final. Not until I get back, then maybe you can have some.”

Fluttershy pouted, although the two became friends literally overnight, she felt like she was his daughter, which was weird to the ‘fatherly’ figure of the relationship. But Arvin had gone along with the flow, and decided that maybe Fluttershy needed to someone to guide her. At least, for now that is.

Scout took a step towards the pad, “Alright guys, you know the drill. The best person always goes first you know.”

As he placed both of his feet on the pad, it had started to whir faster and little beams of light started to gather around Richard. In a small, white flash of light, he was gone; meaning that the long-distance teleportation was successful. Engineer smiled, he knew that it was another job well done.

“Alright, who’s next?”


With the humans gone, the ponies stood there wondering where they went. After a minute or two of silence, Twilight was the first to break the glass.

“How did they do that!” she shouted.

“Wow, never thought that you were going to ask that,” Dash rolled her eyes.

“I know they don’t have magic, because Sniper explained it to me, and…” Twilight trailed off, but she decided that maybe she would ask the creator of this thing and find out more later. Then she asked what was on everypony else’s mind.

“Any idea on where they went?”

A pink pony appeared and mushed Twilight’s cheeks together. “They went to Los Pegasus silly!” She giggled.

“Oh,” Twilight replied, she would like to know how Pinkie knew, but she didn’t want to risk another headache.

Applejack’s stomach growled. “So, ya’ll want breakfast with the apple family?”

Every mare nodded their head, well, except for Berry Punch. Who was just waking up, and decided why not. She had nothing to do for the rest of the day anyways.


A black hoof stepped on a pile of bits, which was kicked shortly after, scattering them towards a black shoe. A red gloved hand picked up a couple of them, and inserted them into a nearby slot machine. The ringing noise thereafter from the machine echoed throughout the empty building. As the machine finished the selection, it rang a sound that was none other than the jackpot prize.

“Whoa, dude! You just won a million bits,” RED Scout said.

Spy looked at the machine, then grabbed a small pouch from his left pocket and placed the bits inside. “Heh, then that means luck is just on our side today.”

A RED Heavy punched a slot machine, wanting some bits as well. Unfortunately nothing came out. A changeling about half of his size walked up to him and spoke in way that would describe how a snake talked, “These things work on magic, so that means unless you actually won something, nothing will come out.”

“Heavy does not care, just wanted to punch something.” He said. Heavy grabbed his Australium Tomislav and his Warrior's Spirirt and walked towards the rendezvous area where they were planned to meet with the ‘Queen’.

A changeling held up its left foreleg, signaling that they were to stop here.

There was a theory that every changeling spoke with the same kind of tongue and accent, but that wasn’t true. In fact, all changelings had a different way of talking, much like how average ponies talked, but instead, they all had one similar way of talking; they all talked in a voluptuous way. It was an adaptation to earn their love, but sometimes it just wasn’t necessary and kind of made them feel foolish.

So you can imagine what it sounded like when the changeling that lifted her foreleg sounded like when she said this, “Can you feel it? It feels like nothing I've ever felt before.”

The male section of the group coughed and shuffled their feet. The moment became really awkward, until there was a flash of green light.

There, standing in its place was the defeated queen of the invasion of Canterlot; Chrysalis. As she opened her eyes, she chuckled while flashing her viciously white fangs. Then the RED Soldier placed his helmet over his groin.

It looks like there will be no end to this attack.

Author's Note:


This ended up being a long one to type than I had expected to do!
But just to place it on the line, I had already thought up the chapter, but I ended up doing more, so this one will be a two part chapter.


Will Chrysalis play a big role in this?
Are Australium weapons better? Or are they just cooler?
Is it possible that humans can turn into changelings when using the C.O.C.K?
What happened last night with Demoman and Berry Punch?
Are these questions becoming annoying?

Find out next time!