• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 3,119 Views, 66 Comments

Of mercenaries and.... Ponies? - Lion Tale

RED and BLU gets hired by two new rivals, but it isn't what they have ever encountered before.

  • ...

The Battle of Stalliongrad --Day One; The Gryphon Brothel

Fluttershy rolled over in her bed, stared out of the window, and watched as the rolling hills of Equestria went by. She wondered why she had to fight the other ponies. It felt wrong to do it, but Fluttershy knew that she had to do it for the sake of Equestria! But, what if the other team laughed at her for being such a wimpling? Why couldn’t she have stayed home and be like her usual self at least once? All she wanted was to be by herself for at least a day; in her living room, relaxing on the couch, and eating some candy.
The pegasus softly whimpered about how to fight. Was she supposed to use the medigun against them? Or was it the bonesaw? How do you properly reload the syringe gun?

Fluttershy dug herself deeper into her silky sheets, leaving only her face visible, and whimpered even more slightly louder. She had forgotten how to work the medigun; she even forgotten who she was working with!

The yellow pegasus panicked; starting with a soft wheeze, eventually hyperventilating even faster, to the point where she could barely breath properly.

Fluttershy jumped from her bed, and collided with the ground. She yelped, and threshed to get back up. But her legs failed to do their proper function. The pegasus panicked ever more, and went to the bed underneath hers, where Arvin slept.

Fluttershy violently shook the sleeping German. His response was a sleepy moan.

“Go back to bed Fluttershy,” he mumbled. “I’m sure that nobody is attacking us.”

Fluttershy gave a look of disapproval, and decided to jump unto his bed. Arvin grunted, and scooted closer to the wall, leaving the pony some room so she can snuggle in.

The pegasus grinned. She liked Arvin; if anything, he could be mistaken for a father better than her last one. She frowned, shook her head of the thoughts, and laid her head to rest.

For the rest of the night, she dreamed of having an actual proper veterinarian degree.

Meanwhile, in another car on the train, two ponies where having a secret conversation about their companions.

“Ah tried everything Dash,” Applejack said.

“Are you sure?” the sky-blue pegasus replied. “Did you try the, um, the thingy?”

“What are you talking ‘bout?”

“I mean, um, like dressing yourself up?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “Please don’t tell me what ah think you’re telling me.”

Dash snickered. “You mean haven’t done it yet?”

Applejack blushed. “No, and ah’ll probably never will; next advice.”

Dash put a hoof on her chin, and thought for a second. “Have you tried telling him straight up?”

While this conversation continued, Richard quietly woke up but didn’t make a single movement so that he could hear without disturbing them.

“Dash,” Applejack sighed. “Let’s face it, my partner probably doesn’t even know about it.”

“At least my partner tells all about how he loves me,” Dash lied. “Oh yea, it’s like we could get married tomorrow.”

“I know you’re lying. Richard really doesn’t like you, does he?”

“Now you’re lying!” She replied. “I’ll prove it to you,”

“Dash,” Applejack said. “Just admit that he doesn’t like you. I know how he treats you, more like a sister that he likes to compete with, but only as friend.”

Dash sighed. “Yea, I guess I was over exaggerating. He does treat me more like a friend, but not like a bestie or anything. If anything you guys are like—“

“Why don’t you two just kiss already?” Richard yelled, getting a giggle from Tavish, Dell, Big Macintosh, Nick, and even Zecora, in the same car. “This sappy stuff is getting on my nerves.”

“You know little sister,” Big Mac spoke, has been a lot more open with himself since he started to talk more with Mikhail and has become a lot more talkative in general as a result. “You do know that you two are the loudest ponies that I’ve ever known? It’s like somepony’s holding a megaphone when both of you are together.”

Applejack blushed. “Ah’m sorry, ah’ll just head to bed now.” She slowly climbed up the small ladder leading to her twin-sized bed.

But before she got on the bed, Dell grabbed her by the foreleg and mouthed ‘We’ll talk later’.

The earth pony’s face grew redder than her own cutie mark. “Ok” was her reply.

Rainbow Dash glided to Richard’s bed and jumped on top.

“Ugh!” He recoiled. “Now I have to sleep with a pony who hasn’t taken a bath for at least week!”

“Not true!” she countered. “I took a shower yesterday!” Dash lifted her left foreleg and sniffed her chest.

“Fine, you can sleep here,” the scout said. “And taking a bath with no soap doesn’t count!”

“Yes it does!” She stuck her bottom lip out and nestled into the sheets.


The train came to a screeching halt, literally.

It had awakened everybody on it, and the humans suddenly grabbed a weapon that was hidden underneath their pillow and pulled it out. Dash was surprised at the fact Richard pulled out his Sun-on-a-Stick. She had never seen it before, and wanted to use it.

The conductor walked into the first car of the short train, and was greeted with a knife poking his pack.

“It’s me,” he uttered. “I was just here to pass on the information that we’re at the closest we can be to Stalliongrad.”

“Is he right?” Jacques yelled to Jennifer.

“Yep, appears so. But it looks like we’re at the city’s outer limits. If you want to make camp here, I suggest this is the best spot to do so. If not, then we’re going to have to hoof it a little.”

“Just how far are we from the city?”

Jennifer squinted, and then guessed. “About three hours walk from here.”

Jacques pulled his Your Eternal Reward from the pony’s back, who let out a sigh of relief and headed straight towards the second car. He closed the door behind him, and slid open the entrance to the middle car.

Once again, he was greeted with a weapon, but instead, the level three sentry construct Dell made had discharged a couple of bullets. All of it missed, but the accuracy was enough to scare the unfortunate pony.

“Like I said to the other car, we are as close as we can to the city of Stalliongrad.” He yelled, and walked straight towards the last car. The conductor was nearly having a nervous breakdown. He has started to think these humans are really insane, not like how the radio projects them.

“I would advise against heading towards the last car mate,” Nick said. “Some of the ones in the last car could be more dangerous than us. I’ll go tell them instead.”

The conductor stopped, and turned to see the Australian softly shoving him to the side and opening the door to the other car. But before he opened the entrance, Nick had moved to the side of the door, just before a shotgun discharged in the direction.

“Come out Merasmus! I know you’re on the other side of the door!” Soldier yelled.

“It’s me mate!” Nick replied. “Just here to tell you that we had stopped here because we couldn’t get any bloody closer!”

“I ain’t falling for your tricks Merasmus!”

“Nein,” Arvin yelled. “Merasmus isn’t here. He’s somewhere else.”

The soldier loaded another shell into his shotgun, “Keep your eyes peeled then,” He cocked the gun and strolled into the car.

“Now, I want to know who is serving bacon, eggs and toast today?” Jane demanded in the car.

“After we get off this train, we’ll eat,” Jennifer entered in the opposite side of the car. “And we also have a couple of volunteers to help us. The ones doing cooking duty for the next week is,” she pulled out a sheet of paper. “Applejack, me, and Nick; Nick will go to the market or hunt, either way he’s getting us the food. He’s also preparing the meats. I will start the fires as usual. And Applejack will help cook and prepare the non-meats.”

“Yea, yea we get it,” Richard said. “But can we hurry up? I need to make a pot of coffee.”

Everyone in car agreed and headed for the nearest entrance to exit out of the train.

Once everyone had moved their luggage and weapons out of the train, the locomotive had disconnected from the rest of the train, and started to leave.

“I’ll be back in about a week,” the conductor yelled out of his cockpit. “Hope you have fun! And be sure to tell the changelings I said die!”

The locomotive slowly faded in the general direction towards to the city.

“Wait!” the scout said. “If he went in that direction, then couldn’t he have just dropped us closer?”

Everyone stared at him, then back towards where the locomotive disappeared. A rampage moment happened right after they noticed the situation.

“What the buck?”

“Useless wanker!”

“Damn you!”

“Boys, we have a traitor!”

“Well, he was no fun.”

“Ah hope he’s bucking happy about himself,” Applejack finished.

“And I bet…”Big Mac trailed off. He saw that the locomotive was coming back, but it looked different than the last time.

Eventually, the locomotive slowed to a stop about twenty metres away from them. Rainbow Dash flew towards the now flaming engine. She gasped, and then looked away. The rest of the team finally reached it and saw what Dash had seen; the charred conductor missing some of his limbs. The locomotive also fared no better; the back had explosion damages, along with bullet marks on the side, green blood scattered at the very front, and a cleaver lodged right next to where the conductor’s head would be. There was also an Australiam golden knife lodged into the back of the conductor.

Jacques picked up a perfectly clean piece of paper next to the body, and read aloud;

Dear Solar team,
Here I bring you your conductor. We know he planned to turn around and head back towards your direction, so I had decided to help him out. Please do know that we’re challenging you to come and bring your best. The area we’re fighting in is very similar to what we’ve called Viaduct. There will be other places to fight, but this is the main choke point. Also, remember that we’re not total barbarians, so we’ve some rooms you can use at The Gryphon, a brothel still in operation, even while we fight now. Meals are provided, and as long one of you gets a session with all twenty of the tramps, your rooms are completely paid.

As written by; Blu Spy aka François Jacob.

Jacques crumpled the sheet of paper, and threw it next to Jennifer—who burned it to nothing but ashes.

“Well comrades,” He started. “It seems like we have a place to sleep tonight. One question, who is going to take it for the team?”

“Take what?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Take all of those tramps for a ‘session’,” he quoted.

Everyone looked at each other, and then the humans placed a finger on their noses almost instantly. Pinkie also placed a hoof on her nose, but she didn’t know exactly why.

“Alright,” Jacques yelled. “Let’s be mature and not do Nose-Goes, instead, let’s Draw-Straws.”

“Aww!” Richard moaned. “I always end up getting the shortest one!”

“This time I’m having the rule as the longest one. Now I just need some sticks.”

Ten minutes passed, and while Pinkie somehow conjured eighteen sticks, Jacques had organized them.

“Alright, pick your sticks!” The spy announced.

Eventually, everybody had picked their fates and most saw that they haven’t received the largest one; Except for one unfortunate equine.

“Why am I the one that has to do it?” Twilight said.

“Because you joined in the game, so you get the prize!” Pinkie giggled. “And it might be fun! I bet the session is filled with more games and possibly drinks!” Her smile grew at every idea.

Twilight sighed, and felt Nick’s hand on her shoulder. “I guess this is the moment you’re going to tell me some really great advice?” She said.

Nick scoffed, “You thought I was going to do that? I was just going to say ‘good luck and have a bloody good time mate’ but I guess I can just settle with a ‘hi’ then.”

She shook her head. “And here I thought you were going to be a really great friend.”

“More like your acquaintance. But I guess friend is also a great idea.”

“Also, I ran out of jars for Jarate last night, do you have any empty ones?” the lavender alicorn asked.

“’ere, I brought some just for that exact reason,” Nick reached into his camper pack and pulled out seven jars. “There’s some extra just in case.”

“Thank you.”

Richard walked up next to the sniper couple, “Hey, could you two can it? We’re moving! Let’s go, go, go!”

Richard smiled, and started after the scout with Twilight trailing not too far behind.


As the city grew closer, the more that it seemed to loom and tower over the team. Burned flags, destroyed buildings, and small black hives were built on the buildings. A changeling here and there were so engrossed in their duties, that they haven’t noticed the appearing group and some nearly crashed into them a few times, leaving with a quick sorry.

A Zealot changeling noticed them however, and had quickly called over a few grunts to help him. The humans pulled out a few guns, but the most of the ponies cowered behind the tall humans.

“What are you doing here?” The Zealot hissed.

Richard stepped up. “We’re here to kick ass and eat breakfast! But I don’t see any breakfast!”

The Zealot grunted, and motioned for the lesser changelings to leave. “Very well, I see that you’re The Solar team. I’ll escort you to the brothel, but just to say, I am not protecting you whenever the other changelings try and attack.”

Dash puffed her chest. “Let them come! I’ll make sure nothing is left of them!”

“Yea,” Richard said. “Let them try and come, she’ll knock ‘em out with only her smell!”

“Oh yea? Then why aren’t you knocked out?”

“Have you noticed why I haven’t been breathing?” Richard gasped.

“Why I outta—“ She raised a hoof, ready to make a swing.

“Why don’t you two just kiss already?” The changeling spoke. “The feeling of emotion between you two is making me full. And I think a couple of nearby changelings also want a snack as well.”

They looked, and for sure, there were a few changelings feeding off of their emotion. They could tell because pink auras — similar to the look of a medigun heal— had the source from them and it was pretty large.

“And I sense other feelings as well,” He sneered. “Jealousy, lust, envy, anger, happiness, love—brotherly, fatherly, and regular—, friendship, and what seems to come from the humans; the hunger for blood and fighting.”

“Damn right I’m hungry you bastard!” Jane yelled. “Give me some bacon or I’ll make some from your dead flesh!”

The Zealot looked at him curiously, and then started to walk in a random direction. “Follow me,” he said.

The team shrugged, and walked wherever the changeling was leading them to. Eventually, the team came upon a two-story building, with neon lights flashing to show a pink griffon in a pose. The area it was suited in seemed to look like where the clubs would be. It was still in good condition compared to the city, but a few ponies and griffons were still wandering around even after the invasion —and evacuation— happened.

“Please mister,” a small colt spoke. “I’m hungry, can you help me?”

The team walked past the young pony, but Pinkie decided to hand him a loaf of bread. “Here,” she said. “I hope this makes you happy.”

The young colt smiled. “Thank you and Celestia bless your soul.”

The Zealot stopped in front of the brothel, “And here is where I’ll drop you off. Now, the Red team—or what we call the Lunar team—are planning to have a talk with you about things. They said something about having a battle strategy once you appear.”

Arvin whispered into Dell’s ear, “They’re going to talk with us about control points. This discussion with not be good overall.”

“Ah agree,” he replied. “But first, let’s at least eat some brunch—it’s about noon.”

“Now, time for you to get situated, I’ll be waiting here in about three hours to escort you to Lunar Team.” The Zealot left, leaving most of them to wonder why they would want meet up with the other team.

Richard was the first one to enter the building and was greeted with a griffon wearing a kimono.

“Hello sir,” she said. “Welcome to The Gryphon, do you want me to show you the girls?”

“No, I’m just here because I’m part of the Solar team,” He replied while grabbing The Winger from his pocket.

“Oh, I see,” she said distastefully. “We got our mercenaries here!” she yelled to the back. “And get the rooms ready! I don’t want anybody walking into the special rooms assuming that it’s the room they’re staying in!”

“Yes headmistress!” A griffon in a French maid outfit yelled.

By now, the whole teams had filed into the medium lobby, and were waiting to get their rooms. Twilight in the meantime, was mentally preparing herself for the worst.

“Hey Jacques,” Richard spoke. “Think that maid one would be the best for you?”

The Frenchman frowned, “That was funny,” he said sarcastically. “But do you think that rainbow one would be perfect for your so-called ‘problem’?”

Richard muttered something, but left it at that.

“That’s what I thought,” Jacques said.

The headmistress came back, “So I’ve gotten some rooms for you, about nine overall, and they’re on the top floor. Only have one bed per each room unfortunately so some of you would have to double up. If I am correct, there are eighteen of you, right?” Arvin nodded. “Great! Then that mean two a room. Now to business, who will be the one to take a session? This will pay for all your rooms, but not meals.”

The unfortunate pony walked up to the front of the group, “I will be the volunteer,” Twilight said.

“Good!” the griffon ecstatically said. “You’re an alicorn? Well, this is going to be interesting. But as many would say; there’s a first for everything. This is your first right?”

Twilight blushed. “Yes,” she squeaked.

“Oh don’t worry, we wouldn’t hurt too badly,” she smiled. “Now follow me, and you’ll begin your session. You also get to pick your first one!”

Twilight looked at the score of griffons standing in front of her. She gasped, and recognized one of them, and so did Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Six.

“Gilda?” they yelled simultaneously.

“Yea chumps?” She replied. “You’re picking me right?”

“What happened to you?” Dash asked. “I didn’t think you would be here!”

“Well, I’m just earning money so that I can head back to Grayphon,” Gilda said. “Besides, I’ve only been working here for about ten days, and not a single client decided to pick me. So don’t judge just yet! Maybe I’m just too cool for them,” she joked.

Twilight coughed, “I guess there is a first for everything,” she muttered.

“So you are picking me,” Gilda cooed. “Well then, follow me.” She turned around and headed towards a random door. “Oh! I forgot to mention purple pony, that you might need to prepare for the worst, lasting all twenty of us is almost like the thingy you call the Iron Pony, only more, cardio I should say.”

Twilight gulped, and entered the room, with Gilda closing the door behind her. “I should say it would take, at least an hour.”

“Have a jolly good time mate!” Tavish yelled, raising a bottle of Scottish rum.

The door closed, and the headmistress motioned for the humans to follow her. She opened another door, and it led to a long wooden hallway with stairs leading the next floor at the very end. The eight doors on each side all had a sign, a couple doors had said occupied while the rest said empty. The hallway smelled heavily of pine, the Polo Ralph Lauren trademark scent, and a distinct odor that’s so weak, you might not even think it’s real, but you can still smell it.

Mikhail took in a deep breath, and let out a sigh. “Reminds me of home, I miss Russia…” he trailed off.

With that being said, the humans also started to feel homesick, each remembering a smell of home. Whether it was the Polo scent, pine, or the faint odor; it make them realize that they might never get home. Some of the humans sat down next to the wall and shed a few tears before the curious ponies. The meltdown touched the ponies, and had made a few futile attempts to get them up and walking again.

The headmistress looked back, and saw the weeping humans. She never saw such a scene in her brothel. Then, she instantly remembered an enchanted candle nearby and blew it out.

Slowly, the distinct odor faded away and the mercenaries were slowly getting themselves together. Richard and Jennifer were still crying softly, and hugging each other for comfort because they both were very emotionally attached to home; unwilling to leave their childhood for the sake if it suddenly disappearing from their grasp.

Dash watched, and felt a pang of jealousy, but couldn’t understand why they couldn’t just deal with it? They’ve been doing that for the past couple of months, have they? She checked the couple again, they slowed to nothing but soft whimpers.

“Oh cut it you two,” Dash said after a few moments. Everyone was ok and was now wiping the loose tears away from their eyes.

The two stopped, and saw everyone else had stopped. Richard jumped from Jennifer’s arms and coughed. “I was um,” He stuttered. “I was just making sure she was okay.”

The pyromaniac crossed her arms; she liked that cuddle and was demanding more with the look in her eyes.

“Of course you were mate,” Tavish said. “I can tell by those tears running down your face. What’d you do? See a Rainbow… Oh wait.”

Dash facehoofed, “Oh wait my flank!” She snatched the bottle of rum from his hands and chugged the rest of the bottle.

Richard just watched, and started to head up the flight of stairs. He stopped where the headmistress was standing. “Do you have any breakfast or any food? I’m pretty hungry.”

“We only have meats,” she replied. “I’m pretty sure the ponies can’t eat it, but I don’t about you humans. You’re going to have to pay for them though.”

“We’re omnivore,” Jacques said from behind the scout. “If you any bacon, eggs, and toast we’ll do fine. Also, we were told meals are provided, we had gotten a letter from the Lunar team saying so.”

“Ok,” the griffon said. “We have bacon and eggs, but no toast. We ran out of bread a couple days ago and aren’t getting any until the day after tomorrow. And the Lunar team sent you? Well they’ve paid for meals. So now meals are now provided, anything else needed to be mentioned?”

“That’s good enough,” He said. “We might need to get vegetables for the ponies, but other than that, we’ll survive on bacon.”

A noisy slurping sound came from the back of the group, and saw Jane drinking his coke with a straw. He also lifted his burger bag, to remind the humans that he had burgers.

Dell snatched the bag, and pulled out a bacon cheeseburger. “Getting bacon,” he salivated.

Jane snatched the bag back and started to hand out biscuits with sausage and egg in the middle. “Eat up, I just found out more secrets about this thing!”

“Like what?” Mikhail asked.

“I can get anything from sandwiches to breakfast sandwiches and veggie burgers to steak burgers!” He said while handing a veggie burger to Big Macintosh.

“Can I at least get into my room?” Richard said.

“Yes, let’s,” the headmistress said. “So I can finally check up on what’s happening on your pony friend.”

As if on cue, a scream from one of the rooms was heard.

“Talk dirty to me Gilda!” Twilight screamed.

Pinkie pulled out a sax from nowhere, and started to play a song. It went perfectly well, but a couple of the mercenaries knew where the reference came from. The others, they thought it was a good joke.

The griffon facepalmed— or was it clawed? — And started back up the stairs. Again, the hallway was wooden, but it was brighter than the other hallway, and instead it smelled of oak rather than pine. So the result was a warmer feeling; a feeling of being at home, knowing that you’re safe from the outside terrors of a child’s point of view. Instantly, the mercenaries sighed, and ran to a room. Each member picked a door. The first three were Richard, Jennifer, and Jane. The second was Dell, Tavish, and Mikhail. And the third was Arvin, Jacques, and Nick.

The rooms were set into four on both sides; one started on the left and nine was on the right. Richard opened the door, half-expecting his room to be filled with posters of the Red Socks, the Boston skyline, various hats he found, and his pet dog sitting on his bed.

What was in the room, had not only made him disappointed that he didn’t see them, but made him kind of curious that he had only one bed, and had to share with a pony. He instantly slammed the door behind him and locked it. Then he started to grab his belongings, only realizing that they’re still outside of the room, with a very disapproving blue pony waiting outside of the door.

“You know you cannot hide in there forever!” Dash said. “You gotta have your cans of Crit-a’-cola sometime!”

“At least I have my,” he stared at the current items in his hand, the plasma pistol he bought in one hand, and a hamburger in the other. “At least I have my meat!”

Dash snickered. “Of course you have your meat, but I have your stuff!”

“Oh yea?” He stood, and was about to open the door.

Richard thought up a plan, what if he could take a slice of bacon from the burger, and throws it right in Dash’s mouth? She’ll most likely react, and possibly spit it out. In that exact moment of time, he’ll take his bags and throw it inside the room. She’ll probably still be reacting to the meat in mouth, and try to get the flavor out. And once she’s done, the door will probably be locked and he’ll be safe from then on!

If only plans worked out like how you thought it would be.

Richard grabbed a piece of bacon, and opened the door. He instinctively threw the bacon, right into the headmistress’ face and grabbed his bags. Then he finally closed and locked the door. He let out a breath of air he had been holding since he opened the door. He finally then noticed the person he threw the piece of bacon right at.

Richard slowly opened to door, the reveal the headmistress still standing where she was and a piece of bacon on her beak. Richard grabbed the bacon, and ate it. While he munched, the griffon stood and stared at him with the blankest expression she had ever given.

“You know,” she started after a moment of silence. “If you wanted your meat in face, you could come and join your purple pony friend downstairs.”

Richard swallowed, and spoke. “I really don’t want to, but where’d the blue pony go to?

“She went with the pink-coloured one and went into the room next door.”

“Well, I hope you’ve had a good day so far!” Richard smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and relax in my room.”

“No problem,” the headmistress said. “My name is Drako and,” she looked down the hallway. “If you want a private session, then come ask me.”

Richard back away a bit, “I, uh, I’ll think about it.”

“It’s on the house,” she persuaded.

“Maybe I will, but not now.”

“Okay then, the offer stands until the day we get bread,” she turned and started to leave.

Richard closed the door, and turned to find Dash napping on a cloud she’d brought in from the nearby window. He sighed, and started to take his weapons out. He failed one plan, but if the pony brought her own bed, then this day will be just fine. It’s only; he looked at his watch, “Two o’clock.”

“What about two o’clock?” Dash muttered.

“That changeling said something about he’ll be back in about three hours from noon,” Richard explained. “And that’s three o’clock; I hope Arvin and Dell thought up a decent plan to takeover this city.”

“Oh well,” she muttered. She then removed the cloud into nothing but fog, and glided towards the bed. “Richard, please come and nap with me.” She slurred. “I’m soo tired, an Ah betchu you are too!” Dash rolled to her back and lolled her tongue. “I demands belly wubs...”

Richard walked to the bed and started to rub the soft fur of the belly. “There I hope you’re happy!” he said. “I’ve got to go and see what our plans are.”

“Please,” she moaned. “Can I at least cuddle with you?”

“No, you’re drunk.”

“Fine,” she rolled to her side and started to snore.

Richard rolled his eyes, and exited the room. He walked across the hallway and opened the door to Arvin’s room. He found Fluttershy munching on a Payday bar while watching a topless Arvin do sit-ups.

“Hey medic,” Richard said, leaning on the doorway. “What are your plans for the capture point?”

“We couldn’t get a decent plan set-up since we don’t have a map anyways,” he said. “So we’re just wingin’ it.”

“Really?” he asked. “So not like, ‘I go capture first and everyone else could try and catch up while Dell builds a teleporter’?”

“What are you talking about,” Arvin replied, still doing sit-ups. “That’s always the strategy! We only change it if we’re on limited people. Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred,” He got from the floor and stood up to replace his shirt. “This time, we’re evenly matched and there’s no way to build a proper strategy since we don’t know how the changelings act.”

“Remember?” Richard’s body was suddenly swarmed with green fire, and he had changed into a griffon. “We’re part changelings now, so we might be able to read what they are thinking of! Actually, right now I’m getting orders from the Hive Mind to collect us so that we can have a meeting.”

“Oh right…” Arvin placed a hand to his chin and also changed, but it was into a changeling. “I’m surprised the Zealot didn’t notice about our condition. By the way, you partner has started to use the bat. She’s virtually finished becoming a changeling. Fluttershy!” She squeaked. “Go and tell Dash that she should never tell anybody about her new power, and if she asks you why you know. Just say magic.”

The pegasus did a small salute and walked out of the room. Richard watched the pony head into his room, and then turned his attention to the German. “So, do you think that Dash will actually follow your orders?”

“I doubt it, but it may actually work,” Arvin said, changing back into his normal form with Richard following suit. “I still need to know how this new power exactly works.”

“I barely even use it,” Richard replied. “It’s like getting a haircut, you only need it just to fix yourself once a month.”

“That’s true, but it was really helpful trying to disguise myself as Fluttershy’s Dad when her school reunion came.”

“By the way,” Richard started. “Did you ever find out how old are these ponies?”

“I have no idea!” Arvin shook his head. “It would be helpful though.”

A tap was felt on Richard’s shoulder. It was the headmistress. “I’ve got important news, an armoured changeling is here to take you to the Lunar team.”

Richard checked his watch, it read three o’ five. “Tell him all us will be there in about five minutes.”

“He told me that he wanted the ones named Richard, Arvin, Jacques, and Dell.”

“Well tell him five minutes anyways.” Arvin said.

“I will my dears,” she turned and headed down the stairs, but not without giving a wink at them.

“Well, time to gather the ones we need,” Richard said.

“Agreed,” was his reply.


Several hours later found the unfortunate four back in the lobby of the brothel with some new items such as; cuts from knives, half ripped clothing leaving most with just boxers, shoes and socks, Arvin still trying to replace Jacques’ left arm back into place with the medigun, and Dell repairing his right machine hand.

This all started because one person made one too many snide comments. The starter of such fight was the one and only Richard. The enemy spy, had continued to poke fun of his fear, and not only gotten a hit from Richard’s Holy Mackerel, but responded with an attempted stab with a Kunai at Richard’s stomach. The two set out a brawl by Richard hitting the Lunar Heavy with the fish, and he responded by making a shot from his Family Business. The shot missed, but it hit Jacques in the left arm, and he fell to the ground, holding the now twitching stub. Arvin tried to heal Jacques while at the same time heal Richard while he was getting into a bitter fight with the Spy.

By the time order was re-established—which by the way, was made possible by a level three construct sentry standing behind the Lunar team ready to fire—they departed ways. They were done with the meeting anyways, but they only needed to gossip about their clients—which was very popular when there was nothing else to do.

Jacques held his arm in the exact position it was supposed to be, and Arvin released the newly-coloured yellow aura to heal the injured limb.

Richard started chuckling. The rest of the small group stared at him curiously.

“What are ya laughin’ about?” Dell asked.

“Oh nothing, it’s just that we are still who we were back in Arizona,” Richard said, giggling. “Only this time we’re in a country with nothing but ponies and we still act like nothing ever changed.”

Arvin smiled, noticing that virtually nothing had changed in their behavior. “Ain’t that the truth?”

“Heh,” Jacques said. “I still remember how Richard came up behind the RED Heavy and started to hit him with your Atomizer.” He started to laugh. “He acted like there was nothing even touching him!”

“Oh, oh!” Dell started. “Remember that time when you came up to that RED Sniper and said, ‘seduce me’?”

They started laughing harder now, “Oh I remember that! He started to try his best, thinking that I was an actual teammate!” Jacques said. “Also, remember that comeback Nick came up to the RED spy?”

“Oh yea!” Richard yelled. “That spy was like ‘what’re you going to do about it? Run five miles away and try to shoot me there?’ Nick didn’t even know what to say!”

They laughed even harder; so hard, that Drako appeared wondering what the conversation was about, but didn’t say a thing.

“Remember that time we had started that conga line?” Arvin gasped.

“Aw man! That day was the best!” Richard stated. “The RED team just stood there and just watched as our line came and capped the point!”

They laughed even more. But they eventually slowed to a stop. Wondering where the days had gone by, Jacques pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“You know, I wonder what would happen to Mann Co. now that we’re gone.” Richard said.

Suddenly, Jacques’ cigarette fell out of his mouth and he didn’t make an attempt to pick it up. “If the dark coloured alicorn said that she hired us, doesn’t that mean Mann Co. is no more?”

“But what would happen to Blutarch and Redmond? Would they just, die?” Dell said.

“Who knows, but somewhere I heard there was a rival company of Mann Co. that wanted the company gone. The biggest secret, I hear they’re building robots to doing the exterminating!” Arvin replied. “But it’s just a rumor I heard. I even bet they’re even programmed to yell exterminate as they go and do their job.”

“Are you sure it was ‘just a rumor’?”

Arvin shrugged, “It’s probably about as real as Richard dating Jennifer.”

“H-hey!” Richard stammered.

“It’s true is it?” Jacques asked. “No, wait! You still don’t properly know how to ask a girl don’t you?”

“I-I- I have no comment about it,” Richard blushed. “I’m just going to head upstairs and sleep. We got our first fight tomorrow.” He left the remainder three for themselves.

“That’s true,” Dell said. “Let’s go and… Wait, headmistress, how long have you been standing there?”

“You can call me Drako,” She replied. “And I’ve been standing here since you’ve talked about that conga line.” She fixed her Kimono, which was somewhat loose on her.

“Oh,” Arvin said. “Well goodnight Drako.”


Dell just waved his hand back as he climbed the stairs to the second floor leading to his room. Once he reached his room, he opened the door to see Applejack lying on the bed peacefully sleeping.

The Texan shook her awake, and her eyes fluttered at first, but opened once she noticed who was waking her.

“Ah think it’s about that time we should talk,” Dell said. “And I just want to say-“

Applejack placed a hoof on his lips to shush him. “Just let me be honest and say that I love you, and that’s it.”

Dell nodded. “I understand. So let’s keep this a secret, alright?”

Applejack lightly gasped. “You mean?”

“Yep,” he said. “Also, don’t tell your brother, he might kill me.”

She giggled, “More than that, he’ll give you a rundown to make you not do this.”

“Well, I guess that’s it,” Dell finished, changing into pajamas. “So let’s sleep and that’ll be it.” He slid into the bed, pulling the sheets over him, and turned off his lamp.

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh stood outside of the door, with a shocked look on his face. He was about to finally have that talk with Dell, but it resolved within its own realm. Now to deal with sleeping with huge burly human; never he had shared a bed with another stallion, except with his cousin on a bad camping trip. But that was because he forgot to bring a sleeping bag.

Big Mac shook his head. He really didn’t want to talk to the engineer about taking good care of his sister, but that can wait until this trip is over. The way this week is starting out, he’ll need less to think about and more action instead.

He yawned, and heard Twilight scream from downstairs. With every ‘session’ an hour long, she should be at number ten. He chuckled, and started to wonder how this evening would turn out if he picked the longest one?

It wasn’t hard to pick the shortest one; it was poking out of the bottom Jacques hand. You could’ve only gotten the largest one if you were the last one in line to pick. And that’s exactly what happened.

Mac opened the door to his room, and found the Russian sleeping underneath a fur blanket. Where he got it was mystery, but it was warmer than a campfire.

He walked to the bed and slid under the covers, and fell into a deep sleep.