• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 509 Views, 12 Comments

Rarity's New Thread - MoltenXKid

Progress can not happen without trying new things. And in Rarity's case, this is true. What lengths will she venture, so that her shop and fashions soar to the top? Only Fleur de Lis can determine that

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A Secret is Easy to Keep

Rarity and the Cutie Mark crusaders were sitting at the table. Cookies and milk were laid out before them. The younger fillies ate and talked while the older mare was deep in her thoughts about an outfit she had to design and sew. She knew it was going to be a good looking outfit. It was just the moral part about the whole process that was getting at her.

The mare sat the in her thought as the younger ones continued eating. So many thoughts ran through her mind that she could never really grasp one long enough to think it through. Though, the recurring thoughts were about the ponies she hurt in the process of her business venture. “Was Lyra alright?” “Did Big Mac’s head injury heal?", “Will Zecora freeze without her fur?” Fortunately, she was pulled out of her mind, by the three foals leaving the dining area.

“Hey Rarity, we’re going to go back outside!” yelled Sweetie Belle from the front door, “Apparently, you just can’t leave a cannon lying around.”

Rarity waved her hoof at her sister, but quickly called her back in, “Sweetie dear, let me ask you something.”


“…Let’s say a pony did something bad to another pony because they would gain something, but after she did it, she felt really bad. Now, she really wants to right the wrong, but she doesn’t know what to do. What should she do?”

Sweetie Belle stroked her chin in thought before answering, “Well, mom always said an apology is the right way to go. But in your case, a face-to-face apology might not be the best thing. So, maybe a gift or something might work.”

“Hmm…that’s a good answer…wait, what do you mean my case?”

“The whole fur thing. I pieced it together. Fleur wearing outfits you made that coincidentally match the fur of the ponies who were attacked. Lucky for you, no one else reads fashion magazines in this town besides you and me,” Sweetie came closer to her sister and lowered her voice, “I’ll keep your secret. Though, Applebloom is a little suspicious, but I’ll stop that in a bit. Just promise you’ll stop this.”

After finishing her statement, Sweetie ran off to catch up with her friends. Rarity could only stand there in shock. Of course it was only a matter of time before she was caught, but by her own sister no less. Of course, sending her victims gifts would be a good thing to do, yet it seemed as if it wouldn’t really help. Well nothing would help in her situation. She decided to think on it more as she put together her most recent victim’s fur.

“I still think Rarity has something to do with all this fur going missing.” Stated Applebloom.

“I investigated. She didn’t do it.” Replied Sweetie.

“What makes ya so sure? We saw a bag of fur in her saddle bag.”

“I asked her after you all left. She said that would be 'Ridiculous and absurd for a lady to do. Oh, what a scandal that could bring on the boutique. The bad press would ruin me!' She nearly fainted."

“Mhmm. I still need proof.”

“Look, Applebloom. Rarity wouldn’t do something like that,” Sweetie lied and squeaked, “Trust me.”

With that, Applebloom’s doubt went away. If one of her best friend’s said it was true, then it was true. No need to doubt her. She knew her friend wouldn’t lie to her.

“Alright, then. Though, we should find the pony who did it. Don’t want any more fur thefts.”

“Don’t worry. I have a feeling they have stopped.”

“Blah blah blah!” Scoots interrupted, “Are we going to launch again or what?”

The three fillies strapped their helmets to their head for a second time that day as Scootaloo lit the fuse for the cannon.

The last stitch was placed in the outfit made of zebra fur. Surprisingly, it was a hard material to use. Nevertheless, Rarity pushed through and finished the outfit. She looked over it, happy with the design. It wasn’t her best, but anypony would die just to wear it once. Well, as long as they didn’t know what the true fabric was.
She glanced over her product one more time before lighting her horn. A shipping box floated over, the outfit folded itself, and the box swallowed it. With a flash, the box disappeared. Off to greet Fleur in Zebrica. Finally, another job for the model was done. Rarity then swore that would be her last. No more. She was done. Well, that’s what she told herself as she closed the boutique for the day.