• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 509 Views, 12 Comments

Rarity's New Thread - MoltenXKid

Progress can not happen without trying new things. And in Rarity's case, this is true. What lengths will she venture, so that her shop and fashions soar to the top? Only Fleur de Lis can determine that

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An Unfortunate Meeting

Author's Note:

This has been swimming around my mind for weeks perhaps months now, yet I could never catch it with my rod. Until now. I reeled in this fish with my strength and determination. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I should let it free and grow more or keep this, and plaster it on my wall. Oh well. As always, leave some comments, tell me how ya feel, positives, negatives, concerns, what you ate for dinner last night, and anything I may need to work on.

It was an average morning for Rarity as she drew designs for new outfits in her sketchbook. Peace and quiet surrounded her, allowing ideas to flow freely. Thankful that Sweetie Belle and her Crusader friends were no where to be found ,Rarity continued working. In another hour or two, she would have finished her latest fashion line: Feels like Nothing Is There. The name may need some work.

Feeling accomplish, Rarity went to sip her unsweetened tea, yet was interrupted by a ring from her front door. The usual rush of excitement from a customer flowed over her, but she quickly calmed herself. A lady should always appear calm and elegant, she remembered. Using her magic, Rarity combed her mane ,and wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. One quick look in the mirror then she was off to greet the customer.

“Why good morning good cus…” Rarity stopped her sentence short. Her customer was none other than Fancy Pants ex-mare friend, “Ms. Fleur Dis Lee, Welcome to the Carousel Boutique.”

Fleur looked apathetically around the shop. Nothing seemed to really catch her eye. Every outfit she did find somewhat interesting was felt, then immediately put down. What was she looking for? Rarity did not know. This unicorn model didn't say one word. She only walked and judged silently.

“Uh…is there anything I can help you with?” Rarity asked. It was more of a suggestion.

“Yes actually,” Fleur spoke, “Do you have any outfits that, how you say, feel like you are wearing nothing.”

Rarity almost could not hold in her enthusiasm. What would be the chances that this Canterlot mare would want something Rarity had only just started to work on? This could be a huge business boom. “Well not yet, but I am working a fashion line that might just suit your needs. If you would follow me to my design room, I’ll show you. Oh, and please do mind the organized chaos.”

Rarity pointed the way and they both started to walk. Just to insure there would be no interruptions, Rarity locked the doors and flipped the open sign to closed. After a short walk, both unicorns entered the “clustered” design room. Every hoof step had to be carefully placed or else something would be stepped on.

“This is the magic behind my life’s work,” Rarity waved her hoofs excitedly, “and now you get see it.”

“Yes…magic.” Fleur responded quite disinterestedly. Her hoof stepped on a used napkin. She jumped visibly disgusted. “So…your new designs you told me about...”

Rarity, after mentally scolding herself about the napkin, simply nodded and fetched her sketch book. She returned with the book, and then proceeded to show and explain each outfit's details. Fleur nodded and waited until Rarity had finished her speech about her new fashion line which took some time.

“So what do you think?” Rarity asked.

Fleur’s mind had drifted elsewhere. “Uh yes…they are very nice, but the design is not what I came for.”

“Then why?”

“I already have the designs I want.” Fleur opened her satchel and gave Rarity sketches of outfits. Each one was expertly sketch with exact measurements. They were so good that Rarity became somewhat jealous of the skill. “What I’m looking for is the fabric… that feels like you are wearing nothing.”

“I hear silk or even low amounts of cotton can making a pony feel free.”

“I also want it to look like I’m wearing nothing at all. Like the outfit is my fur.” Fleur said, continuing her statement.

Rarity thought on Fleur’s statement before it finally clicked. “Look Fleur…I think I know what you’re getting at and that’s completely crazy and a little demented. Besides where would I get the fur from. I’m sure no pony would donate there’s willingly. ”

The Canterlot mare lifted her hoof to silence Rarity. She then walked towards an open window to gaze out. The way she did it made the sunlight perfectly caste over her face like she was in a photo shoot with Photo Finish. She even did a perfect mane flip to add the finishing touch. “You know, this is the seventh shop I have been to that said that same thing, yet each owner always agreed to do it. You know why?”

“Please do tell.” Rarity said disinterestedly.

“Because they soon realize who I am: The number one model in Equestria. They realize where I can take them.”

Rarity blew air through her nostrils. This was complete hay that Fleur, but she decided to play along. “So why don’t you get them to do it? You know, since they all agreed and what not.”

“They all chickened out of course; reneged on the deal. Weak, the lot of them. ” Fleur shook her head,” So when I remembered that an Element of Harmony was also a fashion designer, I caught the next train to this…rustic town.”

Rarity, who stated to ignore the crazy mare, took her sketch book and put finishing touches on her designs. “Interesting, Please continue.” She said, “And when you finish, please let yourself out.” The more Fleur talked, the harder Rarity found it to sketch. It came to a point where Rarity had to strain to ignore Fleur because her constant talking would not stop. Her magic gripped the pencils so hard that three had broken in the process of sketching.

“No one would have to know...I would not tell. If I did, I would also be in trouble.” Fleur continued.

“No. I will not conduct that type of business. Please leave my shop.” Rarity said ending the conversation.

“Okay...” Fleur turned to leave but not without a smirk, “Think over it. The correct answer will come to you.”

Rarity did not turn around to see Fleur leave the shop, but she did hear the ringing of the bell. She decided to close the shop completely for the rest of the day after what she just experienced. So, Rarity checked the closed sign, turned off all the lights besides the one located in her work room, and went back to designing and sketching.

Throughout her work she unfortunately kept getting distracted by thoughts of Fleur: the famous model and who had a lot of connections. She could take Rarity too the next level of Fashion designing. Rarity could just imagine herself designing outfits for top models around Equestria. It would be amazing. But what price would she be paying? Her reputation, dignity, and/or common courtesy? But then what is a little fur? It grows back; rather quickly actually. A snip, here, a snip there, and no pony would know anything had happened or mistake it for something else. Even if she did not make it big from this, the extra bits would help around the shop. Rarity quickly shook the thoughts out her head. Was she really considering doing such a stupid idea? She needed to sleep and she needed it quickly.

As Rarity climbed the stairs to her room, a package at the top of the stair case slowly began to appear. She had no idea where it came from, and approached it with caution. Quick examination showed there was a note on top which she levitated and read immediately.

“Hello Miss. Rarity,

You and I both know that you are going to go through with this, so let us not waste time with your procrastination and thoughts of moral and values.I know where you want to go and only I can take you there. In the package are scissors, multiple bags, sleepy time tea, and chloroform just in case things get drastic. I have always wanted a scarf in the colour of aquamarine. Kind of like the colour of the fur of that unicorn that sits awkwardly on benches. Hurry, I have a trip to the Crystal Empire in two days and I hear it's chilly there. Plus, the unicorn is headed home now. Good Luck.


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