• Published 20th Jan 2014
  • 5,523 Views, 58 Comments

Dark Magic - DawnedDusk

After Twilight's use Dark Magic, it begins to infect her. Causing damage to her mentality and is ruining her friendship. She seeks help and tries to stop the darkness from consuming her.

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A Rebirth Into Light and Darkness

"Let's see those pretty wings of yours, Celestia," Midnight laughed as she raised her forelegs high in the air with each step in a mighty stride. Celestia twitched in pain as she tried to take control of her body again. Midnight grinned as she forced the mare's wings open. "Tia, its best not to struggle. Its just a waste of engergy," Midnight informed her as she began to mangle her wings; twisting and breaking them. The princess screamed in agony. Midnight dropped the mare's wings and turned her attention to the trapped ponies who were banging on the force field walls.

"Everypony, look at this peon before me! Look at your dear sweet Princess Celestia. She's suppose to be your all powerful ruler!" Midnight paused as she levitated the broken pony into the air, "But she's just as pathetic and weak as the rest of you!" With that statement, the deranged mare began throwing Celestia's body against the walls and ceiling.Luna snapped out of her depressed state to see her sister be thrown around like a rag doll. She smashed her hooves onto the invisible wall and began shouting her sister's name. "You're sick!" Luna yelled. Smashing the broken mare's body onto the floor one last time, Midnight looked over her shoulder to the blue alicorn. She quickly levitated the mare towards her, freezing her body in one place. "I'm sick?" Midnight repeated, "That doesn't even begin to describe me." Just then, a shot of magic blasted from Luna's horn, sending Midnight flying across the room. The blue alicorn flew to the roof after being released from the dark magic. She heard the muffled cheer of the ponies shouting her name. Midnight looked up to the mare, "You're gonna regret that." The gray alicorn disapeared in a flash. Luna paniced, looking around only to have the pony appear before her. Midnight thrusted her hoove forward and gave a powerful blow to the mare's stomach. It sent her flying through the roof and into the sky. Midnight followed, keeping her up in the air by delivering powerful blows to the mare's face, sending her higher in higher into the air. She then dashed above the lunar princess and gave a powerful kick with her hindlegs. It sent the mare to fall at a rapid pace towards the ground. She landing with a power thud, next to her dying sister.

Luna stared at the hardly breathing and bleeding alicorn with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry." Celestia mustered enough strength to speak, but it was in stutters, "It's okay. I still have h-hope. St-Still have f-f-faith in you." Her breathing got slower, "There's always a light within the darkness." With those last words, Celestia's breathing stopped completely. Luna's eyes widend as she raised a hoof to nudge her sister awake. "Tia? Tia?!" she screamed before she began to sob uncontrollably, slumping herself over her sister's dead body. She sniffed, hearing the flapping of Midnight's wings as she drew close, about to re enter into the throne broken throne room. She recalled her sister's final words, Light in the darkness? What did that mean? Celestia also said something else. What was it? Hope. "That's it," Luna said as a her eyes lit up a strange mix of colors made up of both light and dark.

Midnight entered the room, landing gently on her hooves as she looked to the blue alicorn who was holding her perished sister. She grinned, "It's about time you join her." She shot a large powerful magic blast at the pony and the space blew up in smoke. Midnight laughed maniacally, "I've won!" She turned to the ponies approaching the force field, "Bow to your ruler peons! For I have won!" Applejack grinned and pointed her hoof forward, "Guess again." The smoke cleared revealing a powerful Luna who was bathed in light and darkness. "Twilight Sparkle," she called in booming yet graceful voice. The alicorn's body glowed with a mixture colored aura of both light and darkness. Beams of the colors grabbed Midnight tight and pulled her so close that she stared into the alicorn's eyes. She could see the stars, sky, and universe reflect in them and it was overpowering. "How?" Midnight screamed as she felt her fur and skin burn. "You forgot Twilight. That there are other powers than light and darkness. There is always light with in the darkness and darkness growing within the light. There is magic of friendship and love, but there is also the magic of hope. For your crimes to Equestria, I banish you for as long as eternity until you've learned, until you're ready to return," Luna spoke as she casted a spell. "No. No. NO. NO! This is my time! Mine!" Midnight screamed as the room was bathed in colors in all sorts.

When the magic faded, all that stood was Luna next to the body of her sister. She had a bold and serious expression as she stood tall. "Woo!" Pinkie Pie shouted as the ponies galloped to her, the force field gone. Fluttershy looked up at the princess, "Princess Luna, where did you send her?" The alicorn looked down to the pony, "I sent her to the realm of light and darkness. She'll return when she's ready." The yellow mare nodded as she walked over to join the ponies around Celestia's body to mourn. Applejack removed her hat and looked up to Luna, "Equestria looks to you now, Princess."

The pony was right. With Celestia gone, she will have to rule Equesria on her own. It'll be difficult now that everything wouldn't be the same anymore, but maybe that was a good thing. Equestria can start anew, it can be reborn and Luna will have to be the one to guide it in the right direction.

Author's Note:

TA DAH! Released it a bit earlier, at first I was going to release it tomorrow morning, then I decided what the heck, I'm gonna publish it tonight. I wish I could've made that ending scene better, but still good. Still good. The OVA chapter should be released tomorrow since its not that long. Anyways, the story of Dark Magic is over. I hope you all enjoyed the ride. I have other stories I'm in the midst of writing and I shall publish them soon. Anyways, thanks for reading Dark Mag