• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 450 Views, 1 Comments

A New Beginning - BurningProse1929

When Burning Prose decides he needs a change of scenery, he decides that Ponyville may just be what he needs.

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Ch. 2: THIS....IS...Ponyville?

Ch. 2 THIS… IS… Ponyville?

After a long trek, with some sudden stops due to Pinkie related things, they finally reach Ponyville. After wiping some sweat that had formed from the heat of the springtime sun from his brow and breathing a sigh of relief, Prose sits back on his haunches and grabs a bottle of water from his bag taking a big drink.

“Man that was some walk! I haven’t walked like that in a long while.” Prose gasped out after removing the bottle from his lips.

“That’s NOTHING! This one time me and my friends had to walk all over the Everfree forest after we got lost from the main trail and then out of nowhere this HUGE Manticore jumps out and is all ‘GRR IMMA EAT YOU PONIES FOR BREAKFAST!’ and all we could do was scream and……” Pinkie stopped talking, looking deep in thought, or at least deeper in thought than Prose has seen her.

“Umm Ms. Pinkie? Is something wrong, you seem to have…” Before Prose could finish his sentence, Pinkie popped out of her train of thought.

“Why would you want to eat ponies for breakfast? I mean there doesn’t seem to be any form of nutrition that you could get from ponies, maybe he mistook us for some yummy cupcakes, or even some delicious cake or even…” It was Prose’s turn to interrupt.

“HEY! What’s that building over there?” Prose quickly said, pointing in no particular direction.

“OH THAT! That would be Carousel Boutique where Rarity lives and works. She makes some of the most prettiest dresses and clothing in all of Equestria!” Pinkie said with her ever present smile on her muzzle.

Thankful for actually pointing out a building, Prose asked, “So, that’s the Carousel Boutique?”

“You mean you’ve heard of it before?” Pinkie inquired.

“Why wouldn’t I have? You did say the owner made the *ahem* most prettiest dresses and clothing in all of Equestria, did you not?” inquired Prose. ‘How could nopony not heard of this place, even with me being on the streets like I was, I saw and heard everypony talking about the different clothing that came from here. Heck even my hat was made there.’ Prose said to himself inwardly.

“That’s super spectacular! Normally when I mention it to new Ponyville residents they act like they’ve never even HEARD of it! I mean come on everypony has to have AT LEAST heard of Rarity’s clothing line, it’s like everypony has kept their head in the sand or maybe in a hole in a tree.” Pinkie said in one breathe, as always.

Prose looked at the Boutique then back to Pinkie when an idea struck him. “Hey Ms. Pinkie, think you could introduce me to this Ms. Rarity? She certainly sounds like an interesting pony, heck maybe she could fix up my hat?” As Prose said this he took his hat off to show Pinkie the hole in it.

“Okie dokie lokie!”

That was all Prose heard from the pink mare as he heard the cart she had been pulling start to move. Prose looked up and noticed Pinkie was further ahead of him then he thought she would be. Prose quickly caught up and settled into a slow trot over to the Boutique.

‘I hope this doesn’t get too awkward, I mean come on it’s not like she’ll remember this hat or anything……right?’

That was the main thought in Prose’s head as they neared the Carousel Boutique. After getting a closer look all Prose could think after that was…

“Wow!” was all that came out of Prose.

“Right!? It’s so beautiful and glamorous and and DELICIOUS LOOKING! Like a big birthday cake or any cake for that matter, it doesn’t even have to be someponies birthday….” Prose couldn’t pay attention to Pinkie all he could focus on was the Boutique.

‘Oh man, I hope this doesn’t turn out bad.’ Prose nervously thought. In fact the closer they got, the more nervous he got. Maybe he should have pointed somewhere else. ‘Why couldn’t I point out some other building, like a café or something.’ Prose thought, inwardly facehoofing.

As they neared the door to the shop Prose stopped, “Wait Ms. Pinkie, maybe we shouldn’t go in, I mean what if she’s with a customer or even in the middle of something else, hehe.” Prose nervously said.

“Well we could wait, but we are already here and I wouldn’t mind seeing her and saying, ‘HEY RARITY LOOK WHO I MET AT THE TRAIN STATION’ and then introduce you to her. She’ll probably take a liking to you really quickly too!” Pinkie said with a smile.

‘That’s what I’m afraid of..’ thought Prose. ‘Well might as well get this over with then, I mean Pinkie said she was nice so maybe this won’t turn out so bad….I-I hope.’

Prose gulped and smiled, “You’re right, and hay maybe I’ll take a liking to her just as quickly as she would me. So let’s go on in.” he said cautiously.

“That’s the friend making spirit Prose! And just think maybe you could buy even MORE hats from Rarity! DOESN’T THAT JUST SOUND SUPER DUPER CHOCOLATE FROSTED AWESOME!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Yea…whatever you say Ms. Pinkie.” said Prose. ‘Yea, ‘buy’ more hats….’ he thought to himself.

As they entered the shop a ring was heard and then an angelic voice followed, “Coming!” sing songed Rarity. “Welcome to the Carousel Bouti…” Rarity paused as she saw Pinkie standing there, “Ahh Pinkie darling, how wonderful it is to see you, what brings you here today?” Rarity inquired as she walked, well more like pranced, towards the pair. “And who is this handsome stallion?” she asked eyeing Prose up and down.

“Hiya Rarity this is Burning Prose, he’s new here to ponyville, me and him met at the train station after he tripped over me cause I happen to be standing there with my supplies for the Cakes and…LE GASP! I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT, I’LL BE BACK!” Pinkie was gone the moment the last word came out of her mouth, which left two slightly confused ponies standing there staring after her.

“U-umm….” stammered Prose.

“Oh don’t worry about her darling she’s always like that,” explained Rarity, “anyway, she said your name was…”

“Burning Prose, at your service” said Prose bowing his head courteously, “but if it isn’t too informal you can just call me Prose.” Prose brought his head back up sporting a nervous smile.

“Oh, handsome and a gentlepony, well Mr. Prose my name is Rarity, and this,” she said sweeping her hoof around, “if you couldn’t tell is the fabulous Carousel Boutique, home to the most beautiful clothing and dresses in all of Equestria.” beamed Rarity.

“Well Ms. Rarity, I have to say I never imagined this is what it would look like from all the descriptions I’ve heard.” stated Prose, “And please you can just call me Prose, Mr. Prose was my…father….” He said with a hint, but only a hint, of sadness, before smiling again.

Rarity eyed Prose curiously before asking, “Well what, pray tell, have you heard about my place of business dear?”

Prose quickly realized how he may have sounded and stuttered, “W-well I-I’ve hea-heard that it was much larger than it is, hehe.” All Prose could do was sit there nervously while he awaited her response.

Rarity chuckled, “It’s ok darling, no need to be nervous. I was simply curious to any gossip about my place of business, and honestly if that’s the worst someone says, well, I wish it was a bit bigger. But this is my home as well as my shop and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Prose opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut as inspiration struck him. He started circling Rarity as he spoke,

“Beauty, cleanliness and properness seems to define
But a deeper look and one will see that behind the bodily and the polity
Lies a much grander and dandier trait

Prose, finished speaking, shook his head to stop the spinning and looked at Rarity with a slight frown. “I-I’m sorry Ms. Rarity, I shouldn’t have done that d-don’t be upset.” Prose hid his face behind his hooves as he said this, “Oh hay, I shouldn’t have done that! Why, why, why?” was all he could say.

Rarity blinked a few times and then burst into a fit of controlled laughter at the sudden outburst from Prose. She slowed her laughter once she noticed Prose hiding his face, she brought him out of his self pity by grabbing his hooves into hers.

“Darling, no need to feel so shameful, honestly it was out of nowhere, but still it sounded so passionate and heartfelt.” Rarity said with a kind smile.

“S-so y-you’re not mad?” asked Prose

“Mad? Why, if anything it made me happier than I’ve been all day. Now, why don’t I make us some tea and you can explain as to why you thought anyone would be upset over something like that, does that sound good?” replied Rarity

“Y-yes, that sounds lovely Ms. Rarity.” He said shakily, as he was lead to a soft looking pillow on the floor. Sitting down he calmed slightly and watched as Rarity made her way towards the kitchen.

“I have Dandelion and Chamomile tea, which would you prefer dear?” she called back.

“C-chamomile is fine with me Ms. Rarity.” Called back Prose.

‘Oh hay, I was hoping to not be an awkward mess and here I am, stuttering and…’ Prose thought pensively as he sighed to himself, ‘Well at least she wasn’t mad, or she’s just being nice to me since I’m new here, today feels like it’s going to be one of those days.’

Rarity came back carrying with her magic, an admittedly beautiful, tea pot and two cups and set them on the table in between her and Prose. Rarity set a cup in front of Prose and the other on her side and poured him and her a cup. Prose shakily picked up his cup and took a sip. Although he wasn’t completely calmed down he could feel his nerves starting to subside.

“So, now that you’ve seem to have gotten slightly a hold of yourself dear, talk to me. Tell Rarity what has you so upset about that gracious little poem you gifted to me.” Said Rarity taking a sip of her tea.

“Well you see…” Prose flattened his ears back as he told her what he told pinkie back at the train station and how, so far, he seems to make more ponies upset than happy with his poetry.

“T-that is until today, you and Ms. Pinkie are a select few that seem to not be angry with what I like to call my ‘personal performances’. I try to prevent it every time, but every time it seems I can’t control myself enough to not speak every word that comes to me during my bouts of ‘inspiration’.” He sighs heavily as he finishes, and looks over to Rarity.

“Darling, that sounds like your life hasn’t been too easy up to now has it?” she asked worriedly.

“Ms. Rarity you have no idea.” He said sadly. “All I’ve ever wanted was to make everypony happy, but it seems no matter where I go I end up with more ponies upset than happy.”

“Well you have my full attention dear, if you’d like why don’t you tell me about it, maybe you’ll feel better after you’ve gotten it off your chest. I’ll even make us a full kettle of tea hmm?” asked Rarity, partially out of curiosity, but mostly out of concern for the pony in front of her.

“Honestly, that sounds like a lovely idea Ms. Rarity.” Replied Prose.

‘Well, now’s a better time than later I guess.’ Prose thought to himself while Rarity went to make more tea. ‘I just hope she doesn’t feel sorry for me or anything like that after this, but she does seem genuine about lending me an ear to tell.’