• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 347 Views, 2 Comments

Meet the Rappah - RickiRappah

The first ever rapping pony is finally here! But he's going to have work hard to reach the top, and he won't stop 'till he gets there! Of course, that means there's going to be trouble...a LOT of it.

  • ...

Let's Start the Show

The light brown earth pony couldn't sleep. Ricki stared up blankly at the ceiling while images of the night flashed through his mind. His blood was still coursing with energy and excitement as he remembered what might of been the best night of his life. Ricki closed his eyes and whispered a " thank you" to nopony in particular. " You're welcome," joked Frizzy.

" Oh, you're still awake?" Ricki raised an eyebrow.

" Of course. After what we pulled tonight, how could I not be?" They boys had rented a hotel room not too far from Club Ice. Of course it wasn't their cash. They babies' parents gave them a few bits before they set off to Ponyville. The poor fools had to live off something before they started their " career." " Dude, this was...like...I-I honestly believe this was the best day ever. For both of us."

" Yeah..." Ricki agreed with a smile.

" Anyways," Frizzy yawned, " We should get some rest. Vinyl said we should meet her early. Tomorrow I can't wait. Night Ricki."

" Good night bro." Ricki whacked off a quick one thinking about Vinyl and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the stallions went off to Vinyl's house to get the day started. She had told them there were a lot of things she had planned out for the two. They gulped down a healthy bowl of the famous " Fuck 'os " cereal and went on their way. The morning in Ponyville was just as nice during the afternoon and evening. The birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and a whole fuck ton of little, colorful, four legged fuckers trotted around like douchebags.

Ricki and Frizzy arrived at the doorstep of Vinyl's house. Before either of them could blink, she burst right the door almost making the stallions shit themselves.

" Hey guys! Glad you're here. I've got something to show you!" Vinyl greeted. " Damn, good morning to you too," Frizzy joked still stunned from the scare.

" Shut up and get in!" Vinyl said playfully and invited the rappers. She led them into her studio room and the two waited patiently for her to dig out whatever it was she wanted to show them. " Alright," Vinyl grunted lifting up a rather large bucket. " Take a look," she said dropping the bucket in front the boys' hooves.

They looked in the bucket and nearly died. The bucket was completely full of bits! The golden coins glimmered in the sun rays piercing through the window. " W-what? But how?" stuttered Ricki almost drooling on the money. This was the most cash any of them had ever seen.

" Well you guys were mingling so much, you didn't even realize ponies were leaving tips for you!" Vinyl explained. " I think almost the whole house left something!" Frizzy picked up a few bits and dropped them back in the bucket enjoyed the sound of their new riches. " Do you know how much it is?" he asked. " Enough for us to get a real studio going," Vinyl grinned looking back at her DJ sets. She definitely had more material than the boys, but it wasn't enough to be situated as a music producer.

" And that's not all," Vinyl continued. " What, seriously?" asked Ricki surprised. " Check this out," said Vinyl pulling out a card. It read " Canterlot Talents."

" What is it?" asked Ricki. " This is an invitation for us to perform in Canterlot! Every few months, famous ponies host a show where ponies will perform live to get sponsored!" Vinyl almost squealed in excitement. " Canterlot?" Frizzy asked. " That's where Celestia's castle is right? Holy crap!" Frizzy threw a hoof full of bits in the air in happiness. Ricki sat down and tried to catch his breath. After just one performance, ponies are already considering him capable of being a star! It was just too much for him to handle. Everything was just happening so fast.

" What's wrong Ricki?" asked Vinyl. " I'd expect you to be the most excited of all!" Ricki was. But he was just too stunned. It was too damn early in the morning. Even I couldn't blame him. How was he supposed to know he would actually be successful?

" Yeah I'm fine. It's just...wow." Ricki breathed out. Vinyl looked over to the bucket. " So you guys have all this money. What're going to spend it on?" Vinyl asked. Frizzy raised an eyebrow and turned to Ricki. " Hey Ricki, we should-"

" We should be smart about this," Ricki interrupted. Yeah, okay. Like that will ever happen. I know these idiots better than they know themselves. The day they " be smart" is the day a black guy joins the KKK. " I like Vinyl's idea," Ricki continued. " We need to get ready for this Canterlot thing. We need buy thing all the materials we need before we get to mess around."

" Oh, and I should warn you guys," Vinyl said in a now serious tone. " The ponies in Canterlot can be a tough audience. You see, they're all into 'class' and what not. And not that I have a problem with you guys, but I wouldn't make any music like you guys did last night." Vinyl explained. Well that sucks. Inappropriate things is all these idiots ever rap about. They're done, it's over. Thanks for reading guys. Sorry for wasting you time. " Well that's fine," Ricki said ruining my hope of freedom. " It'll take some time, but we can come up with something for all audiences." Okay sure. That's exactly why this story is rated for teens. Whatever.

" Hey Vinyl, how long 'till the event start?" asked Frizzy stuffing his afro with bits until they all spilled out.

" The event starts in a week. Do you guys think we can get something done by then?" Ricki just smiled in complete certainty. " Of course we can. That's more then enough time! Hell, we can even kill a few days" Ricki stated proudly.

" Well in that case," Vinyl said grabbing her glasses, " Why don't I tour you guys around Ponyville? You haven't even spent an entire day here yet." Vinyl offered. Ricki almost jumped up at the question. " Sure, why not?" And with that, they set off.

Vinyl took the stallions to the biggest parts of Ponyville and told them about the special events they held. She told them about the princesses, cities, and other crap I couldn't give two shits about. They spent their time buying proper equipment for their performance and enjoyed the day. Ricky and Frizzy (by the way, I'm getting tired of saying that) were getting accustomed to Ponyville and did they ever feel great. The only other time they felt happy was...when...that one thing happened that one time.

Now by now you're probably thinking " This shit sucks! Where's the adventure?" And to that I say patience is a virtue. Because at that very moment, a giant shit monster arose from the sewers of Ponyville! Nah, I'm just playing. Sorry but this shit gets boring after a while. So I'm just going to do everyone a favor and just skip to the day of the thingy or whatever. Bitch.


Canterlot was packed with ponies. The venue was located in a local square in the middle of Canterlot. Ponies couldn't contain their excitement. They talked and wondered who they're next victims will be to put on their " Top 10 worst" lists. Some of Equestria's famous ponies even attended included a few Wonderbolts. A wave of chairs and cushions were sprawled out across the floor in nearly endless rows. And in front, was the stage. The classic red curtain with stage lights above. Ah yes, the area where ponies would either redeem themselves or die in failure.

Behind the curtains were the performer including our " heroes." A variety of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies amped up what they could before the event started. To make a long story short, this was basically an " America's Got Talent" but with, you know, ponies.

" How are we lookin'?" Ricki walked up to Vinyl who was busy finishing their preparations. " We are almost a go," Vinyl exclaimed. " This is going to be great!"

" Hey Vinyl," Ricki hesitated, " I just wanted to thank you. Without you, known of this would be possible." Ricki blushed. This truly was luck to have a pony like Vinyl come in and give his dreams hope. He was truly grateful for all she had done for the poor bastards.

" Awwww," Vinyl hugged Ricki. " Thank you too Ricki. Despite just meeting, I've already been having a terrific time with you dudes. But you're being too modest. It was thanks to you that got us here."

" Well ain't that sweet." A rather mocking voice came from behind. The two turned around and saw their competition. There were three ponies. The first was a blue earth pony with a wavy black mane that covered his eyes. He had the cutie mark of a pair of drumsticks. The second was a light green Pegasus with an orange mane. His mark consisted of a electric guitar. And the last was another earth pony with white fur similar to Vinyl's. He had tall, red mohawk mane, a golden tooth, piercings on his lip and ears. He also had what seemed like a burn in the shape of a tribal tattoo on his upper right leg. His " cutie mark" was a menacing image of a skull.

" Too bad your bitch of a coltfriend is going to send you guys home," the mohawk pony snickered. The Pegasus laughed at his remark and the blue pony didn't say anything. His face was plain and emotionless.

" Just who the hell are you," Frizzy snapped back trying to look cool. " We're the boot that's about to squash you. We're the 'Inhabitants!'" the mohawk pony yelled.

Ricki just yawned. " Yeah," he said. " Inhabitants of that boot up your ass. Tell me, how does rubber feel from the rear?" Frizzy and Vinyl laughed until they couldn't breathe. The mohawk pony smiled in return. " You're about to find out," he answered back before walking away. As the blue pony walked past, he whispered a " sorry " before rushing back to his group.

" What was that about?" asked Vinyl still giggling. " Guess that's our ' competitors ' " said Frizzy. " No, they're called the ' Inhabitants ' remember?" Ricki corrected. The three laughed again until they head a screech from a microphone.

" Filly's and gentlecolts," said a loud voice. It was the host. He was about to begin the show. As he continued talking, the performers frantically finished their preparations. The moment where ponies' dreams come true was just moments away. Ponies were panicking, practicing, and worrying all but the " Inhabitants " and Ricki's group. They just stared eachother down mouthing curses back and forth.

" And for our first performers, give a hoof for the ' Inhabitants ' " the host cried. Ponies roared outside cheering eager for the show to begin. The trio gathered their equipment and headed for the stage. The " otherworldly " band began their music. Other ponies continued their preps while Ricki, Vinyl, and Frizzy listened closely to the music:

We're walking in the night. Conquering all of our frights. We drift inside the stars, gazing upon Heaven's yard. The black crow sings. We dance to the tune that life rings. The Sun's light grows, look upon the light, it glows. And Celestia knows, there are no ponies who will oppose. All the fillies show. They'll carry on Equestria's role. We sing with the priest. Sip the wine then we feast. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine!

The crowd boomed. Ponies whistled and clapped and cheered. A few ponies even cried to the blissful tune. and midst of all the excitement, stood an o-mouthed Ricki, Vinyl, and Frizzy. They couldn't believe their ears. They've been completely fooled! Who would've thought a couple of thugs like them could make such beautiful music?

As the " Inhabitants " walked back behind stage, they stopped in front of our protagonists. " How sad," the Pegasus started, " We wanted to save the best for last. Oh well. And one more thing, how does it feel in the rear?" The assholes laughed, except for the blue one, and just walked off with a " fuck you." The three didn't say anything. What could they say. The only thing they could do was get them back with their song.

The rest of the event flew by for Ricki. He was angry but he tried not to let that bother him. He stayed focused, extra focused. He reviewed the work, practiced, and fixed every error he could spot. He was ready. However, the same couldn't be said for most of the other performers. There were constant slip-ups, rushed acts, and just stupid crap. There duets, awkward dancing, and magic. How the hell are you going to magic if Equestria is already filled with it? That's like putting another Mario in a Mario game. Everybody already knows the second is fake!

" And last but certainly not the least, I hope," the crowd laughed, " We have Ricki Rappah, Vinyl Scratch, and Fizzy Fro!" The crowd cheered louder than they did for the rest of the performers. Perhaps it was the fact that it was the last performance. " Hear that?" asked Vinyl, " sounds like some ponies still remember you from the club!" The trio gathered their preps at set for the stage. The sight to Ricki and Frizzy was amazing. Never had they seen so many ponies. Not like this. No, this was different. This time, ponies want them, waiting for them to start, waiting for their curiosity to be fed. They wanted to see, to hear, to feel what the two had to offer.

" Yeah," said Ricki, " let's make sure the rest of the ponies remember us too." Ricki stepped forward and grasped the microphone in his hoof, cleared his through, closed his eyes, said his prayers, and smiled his infamous " oh yeah " smile. The real show was ready to begin.