> Meet the Rappah > by RickiRappah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Enter:Ricki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, no, no. That won't work," Ricki sighed as he stopped the track. He picked up his pencil and continued scribbling on his paper. "Now what?" asked Frizzy. The two young stallions were in their studio, which is actually Ricki's basement, trying to cook up some new songs which will eventually end up in failure or giving up due to laziness(Breaking Bad reference not intended). They had been trying to create a new music style since they were in highschool. Despite their idiocy, the two earth ponies love music more than anything. "We need something hardcore. Show everypony who we are and what we are capable of. But at the same time, we don't want to scare anypony," Ricki explained. He looked down on his table, which is where they had left all their songs from last week. He reviewed the endless papers and shook his head clueless. He ran his hoof through his spiky, white mane in distress. "Ah, come on dude," Frizzy enlightened cheerfully. He was picking his large, dark brown, afro mane trying to puff it up more than it already was. His tail was long and straight with green fur. He is a very awkward pony to look at which led to him getting bullied. However he never cared about the negative attention he was receiving. He is a confident pony who believes he can achieve anything. Which...can lead to injuries and destruction. "I'll admit, we aren't done yet but come ooooon. We've got so much already! We should just use what we have right now." Ricki thought for a second trying to come up with new ideas. Making these "raps" was difficult. Ricki has an excellent taste in music and great musical skill. But to create a completely new genre is quite tricky. The light brown pony lifted his head up eagerly and smiled his "oh yeah" smile. "Alright Frizzy," Ricki exclaimed now confident and full of energy. "Let's give these ponies something they've never seen before! Sure we've been laughed at before. We've been brushed off and ignored but now it's different! We leave for Ponyville tomorrow to meet Vinyl, so let's finish this!" "Ha ha! Now you're talking!" Frizzy cried excitedly. "SHUT UP DOWN THERE!" Ricki's mom bellowed. Ricki and Frizzy froze in fear before starting up the track again... ********* To Ricki, the train to Ponyville was slow. He was eager to meet Vinyl and start his career. Ricki had discovered Vinyl through a request asking for a music producer. Ricki and Frizzy didn't have the right equipment for creating the music and they definitely didn't have the skill or money. Pffft losers. Ricki looked out the window watching the terrain fly as thoughts of fame, fortune, and most importantly mares clouded his mind. Meanwhile, Frizzy was frantically searching for his pick comb which was stuck in the endless darkness of his stupid afro. Ponies scoffed and snickered watching the poor idiot tear through his mane. After what seemed like hours the train screeched to a halt. The two earth ponies waited patiently as the rest of the ponies poured out into the world outside. Ricki and Frizzy walked outside excitedly and gasped. Ponyville was beautiful! Everything was bright and full of life, strangers greeted other strangers as if they always knew each other, the streets were busy of a vast majority of stores and eateries, everything was just so lively. Ricki closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh aroma of flowers, food, and mares' shampoos and conditioners. "What is it?" asked Frizzy as he stretched out his sleeping limbs. "I smell...our future." The two friends walked and explored their surroundings astonished. They've heard good things about Ponyville but experiencing it for themselves was on a whole other level. "Damn this is nice," Frizzy said glancing around. Unfortunately, ponies were glancing too. At his mane that is. Frizzy caught a few mares giggling at him at like the dumb ass as he is, he took it the wrong way and winked at them. The mares screamed in fear and ran. Frizzy raised an eyebrow in confusion before catching up to Ricki. "And also big," Rcki continued. "It's going to be kinda hard to find this place," he said looking down on the address he had written. "Hey man let's take our time," drooled Frizzy as he caught some pervy looks on mares' flanks. "As much as I want to, I want to find this place now. We've waited so long for this. My cutie mark isn't a microphone for nothing," Ricki explained "I wonder w- oof!" Ricki fell to the floor as he fell to the floor as he ran into somepony. "Whoa are you okay?" asked Frizzy as he helped his friend back to his feet-er I mean hooves. Man, this weed is just not helping me read this crap. "OhmygoshareyouokayIdidn'tmeantohurtyouIwasjustsoexcitedtomeatyoubecauseyou'renewandIlovemeetingnewponies!!!" said the hyperactive, super-fun, random, pink earth pony. Her mane was large and curly similar to Frizzy's. Her fur was a light shade of pink with a cutie mark of balloons. Holy shit, I wonder who the hell is. If only a bunch teens and adults watched shows meant for a younger audience, they could know. Bitch. "Uh say again?" said Frizzy rubbing his head having no idea what the pony just said. "I said -" the pony started before being cut off. "No don't!" cried Ricki. "Hey look, sorry I bumped into you like that. Are you okay?" Ricki apologized. He felt kind of embarrassed of ponies took a quick glance at the run-in before walking way. Wasn't the best first impression ever. "Am I okay? Of course I am silly! I'm always happy to meet new ponies! My name's Pinkie Pie who are you two?" Pinky smiled the toothiest, widest smile the boys have ever seen. "Uh...my name's Ricki Rappah and this is my friend Frizzy Fro." Ricki introduced still staring at the creepy smile. "Frizzy Fro?" Pinkie Pie giggled. "That's cute ha,ha!" Frizzy blushed. " And look!" Pinky continued, " Our manes are the same too!" " Well, uh, you see I, um..." Frizzy stuttered. He had no idea how to handle the situation. Usually, he would start talking to mares first before getting kicked in the genitalia. Ricki smiled and rolled his eyes. " Okay, okay. Don't get this guy too excited. His mane is gonna fly right off his head!" Ricki joked. " Hey!" " Anyways, Pinkie, you mentioned something about meeting new ponies. Do you know everypony who lives here?" Pinkies ears perked up in excitement. " Of course I do! Want me to introduce you to them all?" The stallions eyes widened in a combination of fear and astonishment. " Uh that won't be necessary. We just need help finding this place," Ricki showed Pinkie the address. " Geez that pony was kind of weird." " And cute." "WHAT?" "Nothing." Ricki just rolled his eyes and the two continued walking until they arrived at their destination. It was just an ordinary house similar to others. Two stories tall with a brownish tan exterior with a few flowers here and there. Definitely not a place where you'd expect to find a music producer. " Uh, are sure we're in the right place?" asked Frizzy unsure. " Well let's see," said Ricki walking towards the door and knocked. A few seconds later, a white unicorn with spiky blue hair and piercing red eyes(don't worry she's not high) greeted them at the door. Ricki froze at the sight of her. She...was fucking hot. Don't get me wrong, that's not how I feel. That's what Ricki was thi-you know what? Screw it. Think what you want. " Oh, hey dudes. What's up?" the mare greeted. Ricki was still not moving, just staring at her like a dumb ass. " Um...hello?" asked the confused unicorn. "Uh hey! Sorry, you're Vinyl Scratch right?" asked the now embarrassed Ricki. Once again, not the best first impression. " The one and only! You two must be the ah, what was it? Rappers right? I just gotta say, when you told me you guys were making a new music style, you have no idea how excited I was! It just sounded so cool!" Vinyl gleamed. " Yeah..." Ricki drooled. " Anyways, you guys must be tired from the trip. Come in, come in!" Vinyl welcomed. The three stepped in the house and the stallions looked around the house. Now as the narrator I would describe what they saw but you already know what the inside of a house looks like. What you think I'm lazy? I'd like to see you narrate something. " Yep this is my little slice of Heaven. Well it's actually upstairs in my room. This is kind of my friends house," Vinyl blushed embarrassed. " Sorry. This must be kind of awkward." " Oh, not at all. It's cool," assured Frizzy with a smile. " Yeah," Ricki added. " We are pretty embarrassing ponies too. This guy still wets his bed!" Ricki laughed. " Dude! You said you were gonna keep that a secret asshole!" Frizzy yelled " Vinyl who's there," asked a sort of grumpy voice with a distinguished accent. " It's just a couple of friends Octovia," Vinyl shouted back. "Sorry that's my roommate. Why don't we head upstairs." " Sure," said Ricki. Frizzy nudged him on the shoulder. He looked over and saw Frizzy raising his eyebrows with a stupid grin on his face. Ricki knew what he was thinking and snorted. Vinyl led the stallions down the hall until they came across a door with graffiti sprayed all over it. The knob to the door was surrounded by a blue aura. But Vinyl hesitated before turning the knob. She turned her head back to face her guests. " You guys ready?" she smiled. Ricki gulped. The way she asked sounded discomforting. " Uh y-yeah." With that, Vinyl opened the door and revealed the magic inside. Not her magic but the r- well nevermind. The room was filled with anime, games, posters to movies and 'other' things, instruments, and other cool stuff you would see in a man cave. The boys were dumbfounded like little boys in the porn section of a video store. They couldn't say anything. Everything was in here! A pub, 38 inch flat screen, arcade games, and...um...something else. " Ha ha! I know right! This place took me months to put together and pay for. Watcha think?" asked Vinyl. The boys were still wide eyed and speechless. I almost feel sorry for them. Even if these buttholes had the money for what they are seeing, they wouldn't know how to put everything together resulting in wasting their cash for food and fake poop pranks. I'm actually embarrassed narrating this story. I should've taken that job as a janitor. Better than this fanboy piece of fuck. " This is so cool." stuttered Frizzy. "Alright," Vinyl started. " You guys ready?" Vinyl walked over to the side of the room where her equipment was located. She started setting everything up, eager to get ready for some tunes. "Yeah, but how will people be able to listen to our music?" asked Ricki. " Is there some place we can perform?" "Oh, that's easy," Vinyl remarked. " I'm a DJ for a club not too far from here. Every once in a while, music executives come in to see what I'm sellin'. If they like, I get sponsored." Vinyl explained. " Unfortunately, I haven't been sponsored yet. But now that I have you guys, I think that might change!" " Okay cool. So all we gotta do is come up with something good and show it off." said Frizzy. " Sounds easy enough." " Speaking of which," Vinyl gleamed , " I've been dying to hear the new music genre you guys told me about. We could make a few tracks, try to make something we like and go to the club tonight. That is if you guys want to." " Alright sounds good," said Ricki now getting excited. The three ponies spent a few hours making some tracks before setting off in cool night for some fun. ********** " This is awesome!" Ricki shouted. Vinyl had taken the rappers to Club Ice showcase their music. This gonna be the night where they get started. They could hardly wait. " WHAT?" yelled Frizzy. They couldn't hear eachother and they didn't care. Everyone in the club was enjoying them pulsing sound of Vinyl's music until it faded out. " Alright everypony," said Vinyl from the microphone. " Tonight is a very special night. We got two singers coming all the from Fillydelphia to make some music. These guys are going to blow your minds with what they got! Give it up for Ricki Rappah and Frizzy Fro!" the ponies screamed and cheered in excitement for the performing newcomers. " This is it man. This is what we've been waiting for." sighed Ricki nervously. " Yeah. Are you ready?" asked Frizzy equally scared. Ricki smiled and nodded as they trotted up the stage and began their performance. LYRICS We've got the motivation, we set our dedication, no limitations on us, feel our sensation. Party till we die, no respiration. This is elimination, this is our salvation. We admit we're kind of scared. Someday we'll get balls and grow. So shut the hell up and watch us get there, hoe. We're on another level, bitch I hope you know. We're gonna take this world, get money, and be on our roll. No time for stupid shit, we've only just begun. But somehow I get the feeling that we've already won. We spent our time in the dark now, we get to feel the Sun! Bitches gonna be praisin' us like they fuckin' street bums! We want all you ponies. We know you want us too. Males don't get confused. So mares just come in twos. But we are crazy, we must warn, so you better be prepared for it. Messed up in the head, we're just delirious! We're not well known so, for now, we'll just be infamous. Come on mares, come hang with us. Park your flanks right next to us. If you don't wanna be with us, that dumb ass decision just might feel rough. Okay, we're not that tough. Sometimes we may bluff. But when it comes to our stuff (rap) you better understand we're serious. So now we hope you know. Hope you enjoyed the show. We are Ricki Rappah and Frizzy Fro. The crowd was wide eyed and silent just staring at their performers. Nopony moved a muscle. " Do you think that was too much?" Frizzy whispered to Ricki. Suddenly every single pony cheered. They bellowed in an astonishing roar of satisfaction. They stomped, clapped, jumped, yelled all in excitement for the what they have just experienced. Ricki looked over to Vinyl who was nodded her headed at him equally excited. " No," Ricki smiled his " oh yeah " smile. " I think we did just right." Ponies ran up the stage to further applaud and take a closer look at the surprisingly talented, and now sweaty, performers. The two earth ponies couldn't believe it. This was easier than they had hoped! Ricki and Frizzy were now surrounded by what seemed their first fans. " This is crazy!" Frizzy cried overwhelmed. " This is awesome!" Ricki corrected while being tampered with mares. The boys enjoyed the rest of their night of drinking, dancing, and pathetic pick-up lines and flirting. Their time was coming. They could feel it... > Let's Start the Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light brown earth pony couldn't sleep. Ricki stared up blankly at the ceiling while images of the night flashed through his mind. His blood was still coursing with energy and excitement as he remembered what might of been the best night of his life. Ricki closed his eyes and whispered a " thank you" to nopony in particular. " You're welcome," joked Frizzy. " Oh, you're still awake?" Ricki raised an eyebrow. " Of course. After what we pulled tonight, how could I not be?" They boys had rented a hotel room not too far from Club Ice. Of course it wasn't their cash. They babies' parents gave them a few bits before they set off to Ponyville. The poor fools had to live off something before they started their " career." " Dude, this was...like...I-I honestly believe this was the best day ever. For both of us." " Yeah..." Ricki agreed with a smile. " Anyways," Frizzy yawned, " We should get some rest. Vinyl said we should meet her early. Tomorrow I can't wait. Night Ricki." " Good night bro." Ricki whacked off a quick one thinking about Vinyl and drifted off to sleep. The next morning, the stallions went off to Vinyl's house to get the day started. She had told them there were a lot of things she had planned out for the two. They gulped down a healthy bowl of the famous " Fuck 'os " cereal and went on their way. The morning in Ponyville was just as nice during the afternoon and evening. The birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and a whole fuck ton of little, colorful, four legged fuckers trotted around like douchebags. Ricki and Frizzy arrived at the doorstep of Vinyl's house. Before either of them could blink, she burst right the door almost making the stallions shit themselves. " Hey guys! Glad you're here. I've got something to show you!" Vinyl greeted. " Damn, good morning to you too," Frizzy joked still stunned from the scare. " Shut up and get in!" Vinyl said playfully and invited the rappers. She led them into her studio room and the two waited patiently for her to dig out whatever it was she wanted to show them. " Alright," Vinyl grunted lifting up a rather large bucket. " Take a look," she said dropping the bucket in front the boys' hooves. They looked in the bucket and nearly died. The bucket was completely full of bits! The golden coins glimmered in the sun rays piercing through the window. " W-what? But how?" stuttered Ricki almost drooling on the money. This was the most cash any of them had ever seen. " Well you guys were mingling so much, you didn't even realize ponies were leaving tips for you!" Vinyl explained. " I think almost the whole house left something!" Frizzy picked up a few bits and dropped them back in the bucket enjoyed the sound of their new riches. " Do you know how much it is?" he asked. " Enough for us to get a real studio going," Vinyl grinned looking back at her DJ sets. She definitely had more material than the boys, but it wasn't enough to be situated as a music producer. " And that's not all," Vinyl continued. " What, seriously?" asked Ricki surprised. " Check this out," said Vinyl pulling out a card. It read " Canterlot Talents." " What is it?" asked Ricki. " This is an invitation for us to perform in Canterlot! Every few months, famous ponies host a show where ponies will perform live to get sponsored!" Vinyl almost squealed in excitement. " Canterlot?" Frizzy asked. " That's where Celestia's castle is right? Holy crap!" Frizzy threw a hoof full of bits in the air in happiness. Ricki sat down and tried to catch his breath. After just one performance, ponies are already considering him capable of being a star! It was just too much for him to handle. Everything was just happening so fast. " What's wrong Ricki?" asked Vinyl. " I'd expect you to be the most excited of all!" Ricki was. But he was just too stunned. It was too damn early in the morning. Even I couldn't blame him. How was he supposed to know he would actually be successful? " Yeah I'm fine. It's just...wow." Ricki breathed out. Vinyl looked over to the bucket. " So you guys have all this money. What're going to spend it on?" Vinyl asked. Frizzy raised an eyebrow and turned to Ricki. " Hey Ricki, we should-" " We should be smart about this," Ricki interrupted. Yeah, okay. Like that will ever happen. I know these idiots better than they know themselves. The day they " be smart" is the day a black guy joins the KKK. " I like Vinyl's idea," Ricki continued. " We need to get ready for this Canterlot thing. We need buy thing all the materials we need before we get to mess around." " Oh, and I should warn you guys," Vinyl said in a now serious tone. " The ponies in Canterlot can be a tough audience. You see, they're all into 'class' and what not. And not that I have a problem with you guys, but I wouldn't make any music like you guys did last night." Vinyl explained. Well that sucks. Inappropriate things is all these idiots ever rap about. They're done, it's over. Thanks for reading guys. Sorry for wasting you time. " Well that's fine," Ricki said ruining my hope of freedom. " It'll take some time, but we can come up with something for all audiences." Okay sure. That's exactly why this story is rated for teens. Whatever. " Hey Vinyl, how long 'till the event start?" asked Frizzy stuffing his afro with bits until they all spilled out. " The event starts in a week. Do you guys think we can get something done by then?" Ricki just smiled in complete certainty. " Of course we can. That's more then enough time! Hell, we can even kill a few days" Ricki stated proudly. " Well in that case," Vinyl said grabbing her glasses, " Why don't I tour you guys around Ponyville? You haven't even spent an entire day here yet." Vinyl offered. Ricki almost jumped up at the question. " Sure, why not?" And with that, they set off. Vinyl took the stallions to the biggest parts of Ponyville and told them about the special events they held. She told them about the princesses, cities, and other crap I couldn't give two shits about. They spent their time buying proper equipment for their performance and enjoyed the day. Ricky and Frizzy (by the way, I'm getting tired of saying that) were getting accustomed to Ponyville and did they ever feel great. The only other time they felt happy was...when...that one thing happened that one time. Now by now you're probably thinking " This shit sucks! Where's the adventure?" And to that I say patience is a virtue. Because at that very moment, a giant shit monster arose from the sewers of Ponyville! Nah, I'm just playing. Sorry but this shit gets boring after a while. So I'm just going to do everyone a favor and just skip to the day of the thingy or whatever. Bitch. ************ Canterlot was packed with ponies. The venue was located in a local square in the middle of Canterlot. Ponies couldn't contain their excitement. They talked and wondered who they're next victims will be to put on their " Top 10 worst" lists. Some of Equestria's famous ponies even attended included a few Wonderbolts. A wave of chairs and cushions were sprawled out across the floor in nearly endless rows. And in front, was the stage. The classic red curtain with stage lights above. Ah yes, the area where ponies would either redeem themselves or die in failure. Behind the curtains were the performer including our " heroes." A variety of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies amped up what they could before the event started. To make a long story short, this was basically an " America's Got Talent" but with, you know, ponies. " How are we lookin'?" Ricki walked up to Vinyl who was busy finishing their preparations. " We are almost a go," Vinyl exclaimed. " This is going to be great!" " Hey Vinyl," Ricki hesitated, " I just wanted to thank you. Without you, known of this would be possible." Ricki blushed. This truly was luck to have a pony like Vinyl come in and give his dreams hope. He was truly grateful for all she had done for the poor bastards. " Awwww," Vinyl hugged Ricki. " Thank you too Ricki. Despite just meeting, I've already been having a terrific time with you dudes. But you're being too modest. It was thanks to you that got us here." " Well ain't that sweet." A rather mocking voice came from behind. The two turned around and saw their competition. There were three ponies. The first was a blue earth pony with a wavy black mane that covered his eyes. He had the cutie mark of a pair of drumsticks. The second was a light green Pegasus with an orange mane. His mark consisted of a electric guitar. And the last was another earth pony with white fur similar to Vinyl's. He had tall, red mohawk mane, a golden tooth, piercings on his lip and ears. He also had what seemed like a burn in the shape of a tribal tattoo on his upper right leg. His " cutie mark" was a menacing image of a skull. " Too bad your bitch of a coltfriend is going to send you guys home," the mohawk pony snickered. The Pegasus laughed at his remark and the blue pony didn't say anything. His face was plain and emotionless. " Just who the hell are you," Frizzy snapped back trying to look cool. " We're the boot that's about to squash you. We're the 'Inhabitants!'" the mohawk pony yelled. Ricki just yawned. " Yeah," he said. " Inhabitants of that boot up your ass. Tell me, how does rubber feel from the rear?" Frizzy and Vinyl laughed until they couldn't breathe. The mohawk pony smiled in return. " You're about to find out," he answered back before walking away. As the blue pony walked past, he whispered a " sorry " before rushing back to his group. " What was that about?" asked Vinyl still giggling. " Guess that's our ' competitors ' " said Frizzy. " No, they're called the ' Inhabitants ' remember?" Ricki corrected. The three laughed again until they head a screech from a microphone. " Filly's and gentlecolts," said a loud voice. It was the host. He was about to begin the show. As he continued talking, the performers frantically finished their preparations. The moment where ponies' dreams come true was just moments away. Ponies were panicking, practicing, and worrying all but the " Inhabitants " and Ricki's group. They just stared eachother down mouthing curses back and forth. " And for our first performers, give a hoof for the ' Inhabitants ' " the host cried. Ponies roared outside cheering eager for the show to begin. The trio gathered their equipment and headed for the stage. The " otherworldly " band began their music. Other ponies continued their preps while Ricki, Vinyl, and Frizzy listened closely to the music: LYRICS We're walking in the night. Conquering all of our frights. We drift inside the stars, gazing upon Heaven's yard. The black crow sings. We dance to the tune that life rings. The Sun's light grows, look upon the light, it glows. And Celestia knows, there are no ponies who will oppose. All the fillies show. They'll carry on Equestria's role. We sing with the priest. Sip the wine then we feast. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine. Waiting in the park. Soon, we'll be out the dark. Waiting for our time. Soon, we get to feel her shine! The crowd boomed. Ponies whistled and clapped and cheered. A few ponies even cried to the blissful tune. and midst of all the excitement, stood an o-mouthed Ricki, Vinyl, and Frizzy. They couldn't believe their ears. They've been completely fooled! Who would've thought a couple of thugs like them could make such beautiful music? As the " Inhabitants " walked back behind stage, they stopped in front of our protagonists. " How sad," the Pegasus started, " We wanted to save the best for last. Oh well. And one more thing, how does it feel in the rear?" The assholes laughed, except for the blue one, and just walked off with a " fuck you." The three didn't say anything. What could they say. The only thing they could do was get them back with their song. The rest of the event flew by for Ricki. He was angry but he tried not to let that bother him. He stayed focused, extra focused. He reviewed the work, practiced, and fixed every error he could spot. He was ready. However, the same couldn't be said for most of the other performers. There were constant slip-ups, rushed acts, and just stupid crap. There duets, awkward dancing, and magic. How the hell are you going to magic if Equestria is already filled with it? That's like putting another Mario in a Mario game. Everybody already knows the second is fake! " And last but certainly not the least, I hope," the crowd laughed, " We have Ricki Rappah, Vinyl Scratch, and Fizzy Fro!" The crowd cheered louder than they did for the rest of the performers. Perhaps it was the fact that it was the last performance. " Hear that?" asked Vinyl, " sounds like some ponies still remember you from the club!" The trio gathered their preps at set for the stage. The sight to Ricki and Frizzy was amazing. Never had they seen so many ponies. Not like this. No, this was different. This time, ponies want them, waiting for them to start, waiting for their curiosity to be fed. They wanted to see, to hear, to feel what the two had to offer. " Yeah," said Ricki, " let's make sure the rest of the ponies remember us too." Ricki stepped forward and grasped the microphone in his hoof, cleared his through, closed his eyes, said his prayers, and smiled his infamous " oh yeah " smile. The real show was ready to begin. > New Trouble for a Rappah's Career > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ricki stared into the waiting crowd. He say all the ponies' eyes gleaming waiting with excitement. Ricki's heart stopped. This was the real deal. The moment he was waiting for was right in front of him. What he dreamed for his entire life was now about to be experienced first hand-er, hoof! The stallion almost shed a tear when Frizzy tapped him on the shoulder. Ricki turned to his friend and nodded looking back at Vinyl for the signal. And with a few pushes on her DJ set, their performance was ready to begin. LYRICS I know I'll miss you mother. I'll miss daddy too. These ponies stare at me, I don't know what to do. I wish I was strong, I wish I was brave. So I could buy all the things you've always craved. But I'm no superpony, I need to be saved. But I do know one thing though: ponies, we come, we go. Maybe I'll be great one day, I'll be a big show. But for now I'm just another pony doing what he's told. These days sure are cold. If only I were bold. I could do cool things, but man, these dreams do get old. So I'll just let my life unfold until the day my soul's been sold. I pretend not to care, when I'm walking here or there. But I look at the stars and think ' that's not fair.' What riches have they earned? What is it they deserve? I know I want that life. I know you do too. Just take my hoof and pray. There's nothing else to do or say. It's mostly hopeless dreams that we ponies chase every day. Just who do the hell do we think we are? Who are we supposed be? Our cutie marks expose our talents, but don't tell what the future sees. I don't know what my future will attend. It feels as if my life is bent, all the time in this world that I have spent. We want what we can't have. Oh man, that's too damn bad. Don't touch what you can't grab. Instead, just praise the fab. But that's what cowards do. If I'm gonna make a life, I have to try and prove. I must stand up and fight, I can't afford to lose. Now this is what I choose. It's too late to stop the fuse. If the world seems different later, It's me to accuse. 'Cause I can't take no more. I want out that door. I cannot suffer for. My fate's out there waiting for a tour. Pack my things and be on my way. We'll see each other another day. So in your bed, you lay. And for my soul, you pray. To wait and hear the tale of the famous life that Ricki Rappah chased. The record slowed to a stop as the song ended. The ponies cheered with the same energy as the Inhabitant's performance. During their excitement, Ricki wiped the sweat off his face and breathed. His song wasn't s tiring from his club performace, but it was definitely more important and nerve racking. Ricki was nervous. He turned over Frizzy, who was waving to the crowd, smiling. Vinyl was also celebrating, not seeming too concerned. The three took their final bows and thanks before retreating behind the curtains. " Man," Ricki exhaled, " Do you guys think we did it?" " Nope." The weird-looking pony with the mohawk butted in. " I'll admit, you guys were...tolerable. But there's no way you did better than us." He smiled not even looking at either of them. Before any of the three could open their mouth, the microphone screeched once again. The rivals closed their word holes and listened to see their fates. " Fillies and gentlecolts," the host cleared his throat, " there were a lot of great performers here today. Some....a bit more talented than the rest," he smiled and the crowd laughed at his cold joke. " Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. I proudly present tonight's winners of Canterlot's Talented." the crowed clapped and bit their bottom lips not knowing what to expect. The host pulled out a single card from his jacket and cleared his throat. " Oh my," he said a bit concerned, " it seems thee have been a change declaring the winners. The audience gasped and quietly asked each other questions not at all knowing what was. " Yes," the host continued, " It seems the final decision is a tie! Your winners, the Inhabitants and the the final performers. " WHAT?" the six winners barked, except for the blue pony of course. " Hey what're you guys doing?" asked one of the staff members. " get out there!" he said with smile. The six reluctantly walked out through the curtains wearing fake smiles. The crowd cheered, whistled, and applauded for their winners as the musicians waved back. " This isn't over freak." Ricki whispered through a toothy grin. " Fine. Whadaya say we settle this outside?" the mohawk pony grinned back. Ricki and the mohawk pony didn't really pay attention for the rest of the winning ceremony. The two just stared at each other smiling smug looks while receiving their prizes which was nothing but a few hoofshakes from the judges and a special ending performance from the Wonderbolts. Not to mention a certificate to a music studio, but the two were too eager to fight to notice. After the event, Ricki and his opponent walked around the back of the park. " Hey there you are! " Vinyl said smiling. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the two glaring each other down. " Uh, what is-" " Ohhhhhhh shit!" Frizzy exclaimed. " shit's bout to get down!" he shouted not really knowing it. Out of curiosity, ponies walked over to the commotion, making a circle around the rivals. " Oops. " Frizzy blushed. " Hey Wind Rave," said Ricki's opponent, still staring. " Sup, Rocket?" said the Pegasus Inhabitant member. " Bring me Space Breaker, wouldja?" Wind Rave smiled and nodded before returning back with an electric guitar. Rocket strapped it around his shoulder and turned it on. " What're you gonna do. Kill me with you crappy music?" Ricki smiled. Rocket didn't respond. Instead, he just picked at a few strings and his guitar started making a buzzing sound as if a generating was turning on. Vinyl widened her eyes in surprised and turned to the ponies crowding around. " EVERYPONY, GET THE FUCK OUT OF-" BOOM! A large pulsing sound of the guitar screeched. Ponies ran away and covered their ears. Rocket started laughing and violently started hoof-raping his guitar. A large wave of wind blasted out of the instrument and knocked the three protagonists off their feet and into the air. Now, ponies were terrified. Almost all ran away, while a few stayed hidden in bushes and trash cans watching what happened next. Ricki flew into a tree, crashing his back into it with a hard thud. " Unhhh...." he groaned in pain as he gasped frantically for breath. " What...the fuck w-was that?" he said slowly returning to his feet. Vinyl helped up Frizzy brushing herself off and glaring at Rocket. "Guys watch out. His guitar launches sound waves. The louder he plays his guitar, the more devastating the attacks are going to be," she explained cleaning out her glasses. " Then how am I going to pound this guy?" Frizzy shouted angrily. " NO!" Ricki snapped, " this asshole is mine you two just get outta here. We gotta finish what this contest started." " Ha! As if!" laughed Wind Rave. " You guys are going to die before you even touch him!" " Shut the fuck up!" Rocket demanded. " I wanna hear this pig squeal." Rocket dragged his hoof through all the guitar strings sending out another sound wave. This time, Ricki was quick enough to dodge it rolling to the right. The wave continued to fly, until it crashed into a tree and completely destroyed it, sending branches flying everywhere. Ricki stood up, brushed himself off, and bolted towards Rocket. " Come on!" Rocket launched another wave, larger than the last. Ricki spun around it and continued sprinting. Rocket grinded his teeth shot out a volley of waves. With quick reflexes, Ricki dodged all but one, sending him flying back again. The force of the wave was like getting punched by bodybuilders all over your body. As soon as Ricki touched the floor, he did one of those martial arts jump recoveries. You know what I'm talking about. When they do that jumpy thing on their back! Nevermind. Ricki dashed faster than ever towards Rocket reducing the distance between the two. Rocket swiped his guitar with great strength blasting a huge sound wave. Using his speed, Ricki jumped over the blast and landed right behind Rocket. Before he could move, Ricki started breakdancing, flipping his legs in the air. Rocket jumped back avoiding a few kicks about to execute another shot from his guitar. Ricki somersaulted towards Rocket and sweeped his right leg forward, tripping him. Ricki took this chance quickly, and leaped over Rocket. As fast as he could, Ricki sent a barrage of punches right in Rocket's face. 9,13,17,24...Ricki couldn't stop! He let his hooves launch forward meeting with Rockets cheeks. He couldn't even see his punches! " ENOUGH!" Rocket bellowed firing another wave, close-distance. Ricki flew back, his body grinding across the floor, scraping his skin. Both fighters lay on the floor unable to move. " No!" Vinyl cried about to step in. Frizzy stopped her and shook his head. Vinyl reluctantly moved back. She didn't want to see her friend get pummeled. That's weird. I do :D After a few seconds, Ricki and Rocket slowly climbed back up. " You little bitch," Rocket glared spitting out some blood. He had a black eye, torn skin, and a bloody nose. " You just got lucky asshole!" he roared. " Tell you what man," said Ricki brushing dirt off his fur, " how 'bout you out down that vibrator of yours and see if I really did ' get lucky.' " Rocket unstrapped himself from his guitar and tossed it to the floor. " I was just warmin' up. Come on chump." The two earth ponies dashed towards each other getting ready to pummel the other. When they were just mere inches away, a pony swooped in between the two. The pony was a rather old stallion with a gray mane and mustache. His fur was a darker shade of brown than Ricki's with a teacup cutie mark. The pony also wore a tuxedo with a bowtie as if he were a butler. " The fuck?" Rocket stopped. Before anypony could blink, Celestia's royal guard flew in from the sky. " Stop!" one of the officers shouted, " You two are under arrest for violation of public property and public violence! I hereby sentence you-" " Wait!" the old pony pleaded. " I'm terribly sorry but this is my client," he said pointing to Ricki. " He was just defending himself. It's that young man there who caused all the trouble," the geezer defended. " Client, huh?" asked another guard. " And just who might you be?" The pony reached into his tuxedo and pulled out a slip of paper. He unfolded it and gave it to the guard for inspection. The read it over and called over his partner to notify it. " I see," he said, " Very well then. You! " he walked over to Rocket, " You're under arrest!" " Aww fuck, man! I was just messin' around! It was all a joke!" Rocket cried. " Save it asshole," the guard snapped as he cuffed Rocket and placed inside a prison carriage. " FUCK YOU RICKI! FUCK YOU! THIS ISN'T OVER!" Rocket shouted as he was carried away into the air. Wind Rave and the quiet pony sped off as well, not wanting any trouble. " Hey, thanks old man," Ricki groaned as he slumped down, trying to relax. Ricki was beat. It felt as if his whole body was burning. Whatever Rocket did to his guitar, it definitely worked. " So," Ricki said rubbing his head, " wanna tell me who you are?" ************** " Dude are you okay," Vinyl asked concerned. The three were at Vinyl's house in the studio room. Ricki wasn't injured, but he definitely got roughed up. Vinyl was doing everything she could to treat his wounds. When it came to medical treatment, she was no Nurse Heartfield. At least I think what her name is. Or was it Redheart? I don't fucking know man, I just narrate this shit. Fuck. Anyways: " I gotta admit," said Vinyl, " that was the badass thing I've seen in awhile. You were so fuckin' rad!" " Really? I didn't do anything I just-" Ricki stopped and looked at Vinyl. They were staring right into each other's eyes. Ricki couldn't speak. Vinyl's eyes were just so beautiful. He loved the way they glimmered. His body tensed up. His emotions got the best of him as he slowly leaned forward to Vinyl's lips. Vinyl closed her and moved closer as well getting ready to kiss. Ricki closed his eyes. He couldn't believe it? This is going to be his first kiss. Who knows, he might even get la- " DUDE, YOU WHOOPED ASS!" Frizzy barged in the room. " Holy shit man, what the fuck?" Vinyl said startled. " What?" " What?" said Ricki, " You scared the fucking shit out of us!" " Oh. Sorry." Frizzy slumped down on a chair next to Ricki. " By the way," said Frizzy, " who was that geezer that just saved your ass?" asked Frizzy combing up his mane. " Oh, him," said the now turned off Ricki, " he said his name was Regenald. Fuckin' weird. Anyways I don't know what the deal with him is. He started blabbering some stuff about ' seeing him soon' or whatever. I don't know. I was too beat up to really understand." Ricki explained, rubbing his head trying to remember. " Speaking of which," he continued, " Vinyl how'd you know what Rocket's guitar was?" " Well how else?" she smiled, " I wouldn't know unless I had one of those myself." Frizzy farted. " Ah, dude really?" said Ricki covering his nose and fanning the stench away. Frizzy just ignored him. Vinyl laughed her ass off. " Seriously?" he almost shrieked, " you really have one of those?" asked the nerd-gasmed, farting, afro pony. " W-well, not one like his specifically," said Vinyl catching her breath and wiping away a tear. " Mine is at least ten times more powerful than his in size and destruction." Frizzy farted again. " Ah, fuck man! Again? Shit. Your damn farts are going to end up killing me!" Vinyl nearly died this time. " Well we gotta see it! You can't just tell us and not let us see it!" Vinyl didn't respond. She was sprawled out on the floor not breathing, but still laughing. She couldn't even move a muscle. She stayed like this for about four whole minutes before coming back to life " It's...I-it's over there in the closet! Just please don't fart again!" Vinyl finally spoke still laughing. Frizzy nearly tripped rushing over to the closet, stumbling over microphones and other musical equipment. Frizzy, with excitement flooding through his entire body, nearly ripped the door off the wall....and let out the loudest, longest, smelliest fart any living thing in the whole galaxy could unleash. I mean, this thing was fucking legendary. You could almost SEE the damn thing, I shit you not. It literally FLOWED out of his ass, I mean, he let it fucking rip, dude. I'm surprised it didn't even hurt going through something like that. Like holy shit. You could have a phobia for bad smells and you'd still be amazed. I mean, fuck. That was a fucking fart. And boy the smell...damn, lets just not get into that right now. " AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!" Ricki screamed, running over to the window pulling it open. He stuck his head out and breathed. " Oh, Celestia, thank you!" he said taking in as much air as he could. Never has oxygen been this life-saving. Never. Oh, and Vinyl? Naw man, Vinyl's fucking dead. She laughed her damn heart out. Well that's okay. She probably would've wanted to die if she had sex with Ricki. Okay it's over. The end. Thanks for reading! " Vinyl," said Octavia walking over to the room, " what in the name of," she said opening the room. All it took was one whiff and boom. Dead. Alright guys, thanks for reading. See ya in the next chapter, assholes. > Get Your Freak On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " How does it work?" Frizzy gazed upon Vinyl's famous Bass Canon. The sheer awesomeness of the weapon spread through the entire room, sending chills of excitement running up everyone's spines. Oh, and before I continue, I just wanted to say, forget about the last part of the previous chapter. Just...yeah, the author of this crap was feeling kind of board so...yeah. Anyways, Ricki, Vinyl, and Frizzy were all surrounding the weapon not touching it " It's similar to Rocket's guitar," Vinyl explained, " the louder the sound, the stronger the destruction. However, it needs to be powered." " Powered? " Ricki raised an eyebrow, " by what " " Music." Vinyl answered," I need to play music to charge its energy. It's weird, I know. I...watch a lot of anime." The three stayed in silence, starring at the awesome wub machine. No one moved a muscle as they were all amazed at such a glorious and awe-spiring creation. "OH! " Vinyl cried in surprise," I almost forgot! " " What's up?" Vinyl walked over to her desk. Man was she packin'. She had countless records and mixtapes, a laptop, and a whole pile of phone numbers from colts who tried to hit on Vinyl. Digging through a drawer, she finally pulled out a sponsorship paper that the three have received from the Canterlot's Talents show. " I can't believe I almost forgot about this. The whole reason why we entered that contest was for this!" Ricki blinked in surprise, having no idea how Vinyl got that. " Whoa, what? " cried Ricki, reading the paper in Vinyl's hooves. It was legit. The words typed on the paper were like gold that read a pony's future as a celebrity. " Yeah, " Frizzy added, " don't you remember? Some music executives said ' we had what it took ' and gave this to us." Ricki was paying absolutely no attention at the winning ceremony. " I guess I didn't notice," he laughed, " I was just so eager to kick Rocket's ass at the time." " And that, you did. " Frizzy patted his friend on the back, brohoofing him. " Anyways, " he continued, " we should be getting ready. We can't just walk in a studio with nothing to show, they're going to be expecting something from us. " he suggested, combing his afro upward. " Oh crap, you're right! " Vinyl said with a combination of shock and excitement. She rushed over to her laptop and booted it on, preparing to make some music. " This is gonna be it! Our moment is here! We're going have to really impress these ponies," she grabbed her DJ mixer and plugged the jack in her computer. Ricki and Frizzy (I really hate that) could barely contain their childish energy. They have come all the way from Fillydelphia, expecting at least five months' time to get noticed. This was way easier than they anticipated! They could already hear the crowd, chanting their names, begging for encores. Thay could nearly feel the endless amount of bits run through their hooves while losing their virginity in their mansions. Oh, the money, music, and mares. The three M's were nearly on their grasp! Vinyl opened another drawer in her desk, searching for something. " Oh no, " she moaned after she couldn't find the item. " What is it? " asked Ricki " Records. We're all out of empty records! " Vinyl cried out concerned as she searched around the room, hoping to find a spare. Without any of those, the three had no other option to present their music. " Relax, " Frizzy said confidently, " We still have some tip money from Club Ice. I'll just go out and buy some more." Frizzy exclaimed, buffing out his chest as if he had mafe all the cash himself. " Uh, no, " Ricki retaliated, " You'll just end up bying the wrong thing and come back with One Direction mixtapes. I'll go.' " A-are you sure? " Vinyl asked blushing, " I was just wondering if you could show me a few more of your raps, " she looked away, her cheeks gushing red, " I-I mean it's totally cool if you don't want to." Ricki's heart nearly jumped out of his body. He gulped not knowing what to do or say. " Uh, I mean it's...I'll be back! " he bolted off. Frizzy turned back to Vinyl and shrugged. " Damn it! " Ricki cursed himself running through the busy streets of Ponyville. " What was I thinking? That was my chance! " Poor bastard. Well guys, I wouldn't be expecting sex anytime soon. Ricki sprinted to the Music Oasis store to buy the CD's still feeling ashamed. What a stupid idiot. I mean really, that was his green light to fuck! What kind of teenage, horny guy would pass a chance like that? Ricki had bought what he needed, when he suddenly came up with a great idea and dashed off to his apartment. ********** " Fuck! " Vinyl cried feeling stupid, " I was too sudden on him..." Frizzy had gone to check up on Ricki, leaving Vinyl to her lonesome. She laid on her bed, starring up at the ceiling, thoughts of the protagonist flowing through her mind. " Hey, I'm back, " Ricki opened the door to Vinyl's room. " Damn, " he said looking around, " We've been in the other room for so long, I forgot you actually had a bedroom." he laughed. " Here ya go," Ricki placed a few copies of empty records on her bed. " Hey, thanks Ricki. Really appreciate it," Vinyl smiled. '" No problem. Oh, and I got something else just for you," Ricki pulled out another record this time, it had a cover with his name on it. " It's a collection of a few old tracks I made. I know you really like my stuff, so I thought why not." Vinyl stared wide-eyed at her gift. It was awesome. " Dude, this is great! Wow I...you really didn't have to do this" " Of course I did! You already did so much for me..." The gazed upon eachother, looking at eachother's eyes. Ricki didn't hesitate this time. He moved forward and placed his lips on Vinyl's. The two closed their eyes and got lost in the kiss, their lips feeling soft and warm. Vinyl opened her mouth a bit and Ricki quickly followed, leaning in. The two moved on the bed kissing and touching passionately. Ricki was getting excited. He couldn't control himself as he sneakily slid his tongue in Vinyl's mouth. Vinyl was surprised at first, but she adapted quickly sucking on his tongue and began wrestling it with her own. Ricki was loving it and so was the DJ. He collected as much of her saliva in his tongue as he could and shared his with her. Ricki brought his hooves down to Vinyl's waist and stomach, feeling her body. She was perfect. Every curve on her was just perfect. Ricki couldn't believe how lucky he was. He was getting too excited, too curious, as he moved his hooves even lower, holding Vinyl's legs. Ricki broke the kiss, moving his head downward, to Vinyl's neck, sucking violently and pulling her skin. Vinyl moaned. It hurt but, it was different. This felt good. Ricki inched even lower, to her stomach rubbing his muzzle over it. Vinyl's fur was smooth and warm, Ricki loved the way it brushed against his own. His hooves ventured around Vinyl's breasts, playing with them. Vinyl bit her bottom lip as Ricki touched the tip of her nipples, moving her breasts around in his hooves. But this wasn't enough. Ricki wanted more. Needed more. His attention turned to Vinyl's crotch, which she hid with her legs. Ricki looked up at Vinyl for permission to explore a bit further. Her soft panting and bright red face was a clear " yes." Ricki slowly spread her legs apart and gazed upon her beautiful flower. Her cherry was small and tight just like any virgin's would be. Ricki messed around a bit, licking around her pelvic area. Vinyl's stomach tightened up as Ricki teased her. " L-lick it damnit! " Vinyl cried. Ricki knew better to keep a woman waiting and placed his hot, wet tongue right on her clit. He moved his tongue up and down, trying to get the surface wet. Then he pushed his tongue in. The taste was amazing. It was like a sweet honey, and he wanted more. He pushed his tongue as far as he could stretch it, savoring every taste and lick of Vinyl's sweet pussy. " Ohhhh... " Vinyl moaned in pleasure as she squeezed the sides of her bed. She tensed up as she felt Ricki's mouth kissing her gash, taking it all in. Ricki pulled away from her quim, his mouth now full with her sex juices. Ricki wiped his tongue all around his lips not wanting to miss a single drop. Now, it was his turn. Ricki brought himself up, right over Vinyl. Before he continued, he took a good stare at his partner. Vinyl was panting hard, little sweat running down her face. Her breasts lay open, small but plump. Everything was exposed and neither of the two minded. Ricki grabbed his dick and placed the tip on Vinyl's gash, moving it up and down, trying to make it fit. With a quick push, Ricki's dick slipped in. " Ohhhhhhh, fuck...." he breathed as Vinyl moaned in unbelievable pleasure. The sensation was mind-boggling. Ricki's blood-filled penis jumped with excitement inside Vinyl's tight pussy. He started slow, moving his hips back and forth, trying to stretch out Vinyl's walls. After a few thrusts, he took a faster pace, humping Vinyl, going deeper with each press. " O-oh please...Ricki! " Vinyl cried, begging for more. She wanted everything, all of him, everything that he had to offer, she wanted inside. Vinyl's panting and moaning only made Ricki harder as he took no time to waste, fucking her. The inside of her muff wrapped around Ricki's love sausage, forcing him to go faster, deeper, rougher. With each push forward, he could feel his tip touch the beginning of Vinyl's cervix. But like a drill, Ricki moved faster and deeper with each thrust, making Vinyl scream. Ricki grabbed onto her legs as he went crazy, literally slamming into Vinyl's box which was about to receive it's packaging. Ricki was getting tired as his hips started to ache, slowing down a bit. He needed to calm down, or he was going to cum. " Oh, fuck, " he wheezed trying to catch his breath. Sweat poured down his body as he fell forward, laying on top of Vinyl. " Hey, let's take *huff* a quick break." " No! " she cried, horrified. " We have to finish now! We don't know when Octavia or Frizzy are going to come back! " Rcki widened his eyes, completely forgetting them. He was about to move, but Vinyl was way ahead of him rolling Ricki over to his back. Now she was looking down at her partner about to take control. Vinyl reached down and grabbed Ricki's disco stick toying with him. She had to pay him back for messing around with her. Vinyl leaned down, kissing his erection, licking around his edges. Ricki was now feeling powerless as Vinyl placed her lips around his " wub machine " slowly bobbing up and down. She moved back up, playfully licking the tip of Ricki's love making him jolt. He couldn't take much more of this. Never had he thought he would be getting laid this soon, especially to a pony this hot. Heat flowed through his entire body as Vinyl pleasured him from below. Feeling her tongue wrap around the thing, was just too much. Ricki was going crazy. He needed to stop this before e got out of control. " Okay, enough! " Ricki said pulling Vinyl's head away. He was going to finish this. Ricki grabbed Vinyl's waist and pulled her in, close. Ricki angrily re-inserted his throbbing cock in her gash, finishing it up, missionary style. Ricki started pushing once again while holding Vinyl's tits, moving them around as she cried out in arousal. Ricki pounded her, slamming as deep as nature would allow, wanting to feel every inch in Vinyl's womb. The feeling was phenomenal. Ricki bit his bottom lip so hard, he shed blood as he continued fucking. Vinyl was in equal pleasure, moving her hips in sync with Ricki's rhythm making their sex even better. " Vinyl, I-I'm...close," Ricki panted, humping to his heart's content. " Inside! Cum inside! I want it. I WANT ALL OF YOU! " Vinyl screamed as pierced through her pussy more and more. Ricki took no time at all, giving it his all, thrusting as hard and fast as he possibly could. Vinyl was in the boat, crying a bit as the world spun around her both of their minds blank. " Vinyl- " " M-me too..." The two climaxed together, their fluids flowing into eachother. Vinyl's elation was warm, splashing over Ricki's love which only made him juice more, flooding Vinyl's tunnel. She squeaked a bit as she felt the warm, smooth cum flow inside her gash. The two stayed still for a moment, too overwhelmed to move a muscle. Ricki then fell over, laying next to Vinyl, panting and laughing. " Holy shit..." was all he could muster to say. The two didn't have to say anything, they knew what the other was feeling and thinking. Vinyl closed her eyes and inched closer to Ricki, cuddling against him. " Hey, " she said softly, faintly panting, " I don't think I've said this yet but...I'm glad I met you. " Ricki turned to her and smiled. " Me too, " he said before the two shared another passionate kiss. > Finally, We're Here! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl spun the record on her hoof, trying to keep it balanced like a basketball. She stood on her hind legs, merrily trotting around with the disk. She lost the balance, but before it hit the ground she used her magic to levitate it back up with her blue aura. " This is great! " she exclaimed with glee, floating the record around, " Ha, ha, yes! This is so awesome! " The three had worked almost an entire day, trying to come up with the best music suitable for a public introduction. Sure, they had played live twice, but that was before their fame. Well they're not exactly famous yet, rather none by few. But today, the hip-hop artists were about to get more well known, as they were on their way to the one-way ticket to radio broadcasting. Thanks to their victory at Canterlot's Talents, the protagonists' prize was a certificate regarding their music, and they couldn't wait. " Oh this is unbelievable! " Frizzy pumped his hooves in the air, few ponies starring at him confused. " They better like what we made. I mean, we did win the contest with our music...right? Right? Dude, Ricki I'm talking to you bro!" Frizzy waved a hoof in front of his friend's face taking him back to reality. Ricki couldn't stop thinking about his " backstage action " with Vinyl last night. Waves of pleasure waved around him, remembering what may have been the greatest moment of his life...for now. " Oh, s-sorry. It's just I'm so happy I just can't seem to think straight, " he blushed looking at the ground. He didn't want to tell Frizzy about his manly transformation. He knew his best pal would feel betrayed. Which doesn't make much sense to me and I'm the damn narrator. I mean if your friend lost his virginity before you (which he/she probably did) you can't be mad at them. They fucked, you didn't. Oh well assholes. *Ahem*, back to the shitty story. Vinyl knew what exactly what Ricki was thinking and feeling, blushing equally as red. The three walked, taking their time despite their excitement. The streets of Ponyville were peaceful and warm, but at the same time full and busy. Some ponies even acknowledged the musicians which was totally unexpected. " Hey, nice rhymes dude, " or " 'sup Poem Pony, " is what Ricki would receive. " Poem Pony, huh?" Vinyl smiled, raising an eyebrow. Ricki shrugged it off, not really knowing what that was about. " I can come up with few poems about last night, " Vinyl whispered to herself, biting her lip. " Wha?" " Uh, I-I said we should probably hurry up! We don't want to keep anyone waiting, " Vinyl quickly corrected herself. The three sped off to Spinning Record Studio. ************* The three could see their destination, a five-story building, radio tower on top. Their haven was just before them! The three dashed off like snakes in a barrel. Okay, that made absolutely no sense but I think you get what the author is trying to say. Ricki was a few feet away from the doors when he stopped. What he saw was terrifying. The most unbelievable, blood-curdling sight any living thing could bestow their sight upon. " Dude, what's wrong with you? " Frizzy asked concerned. Ricki didn't respond. He just kept starring in shock, his eyes wide open as if they were going to pop right out of his cranium. It was fucking Rocket. The stupid Mohawk, tattoo and piercings, there was no doubt. It was our hero's rival in the flesh-er fur. Whatever. Vinyl turned her attention to where Ricki was looking and gaped. " Hey, isn't that..." Rocket was talking to his band, Wind Rave and the quiet pony who the author STILL didn't come up with a name for yet. " Oh crap, " Wind Rave looked up seeing their musical enemies, " Rocket, look. " Rocket turned around and smiled. " Well, well isn't this just fucking lovely? What, you guys came to celebrate my early release? " he joked. " How are you already out? " Ricki asked walking up to Rocket, getting ready to punch him, " I thought I put your ass in prison. " " Uh no, that was the old fart 'member? But what the fuck do you care? I should beat your ass right now..." Wind Rvae and the blue pony stepped forward facing off Vinyl and Frizzy. " I don't mind as long as you don't mind losing. Again. " Ricki smiled, sparking his eyes into Rocket's. " But, " he said pulling away, " we are actually kind of busy. You see, we came here to make some real music. Besides, you're a public menace now. You should be behind bars with a dick up your ass." Rocket didn't say anything. He just starred blankly at Ricki, remembering the events from prison last night. " I was almost killed, " he said in a surprisingly saddened tone. " Punk came into my cell, me thinking he was just another criminal. Guy tried to choke me while I slept...asshole..." Rocket said softly as if he were about to cry. Ricki was wide-eyed and everyone else was silent. They couldn't believe. I mean yeah, Rickets a dick but death? That's just too much for me and I'm a complete asshole. Ricki looked down at the floor, not knowing what to say. " I-I'm sorry, man. " he said quietly. Rocket quickly fixed himself, snapping his attitude back to the real Rocket. " I don't need your pity. I whooped that guy's ass! The guards said I was so dangerous, they had to let me go! Not even prison can save ponies from the Inhabitant! " Rocket cried out with pride. " But, whatever. Wind Rave, Iron Heart let's go. I can't make music with these chumps around." The Inhabitants turned and started to leave before Ricki stopped them. " Hey. You better be careful. Don't get yourself killed Rocket." " And don't get the wrong idea! " Frizzy added, " we just want you three alive so we can have someponies to laugh at! " Wind Rave just rolled his eyes while Rocket smiled. " 'Till next time Ricki Fappah...we've got some unfinished business. " Rocket called out before they were on their way. " Damn that sucks..." Vinyl thought aloud, " nopony would ever do something like that. There has hardly ever been murders here in Ponyville. Or in all of Equestria! Rocket must feel awful..." the DJ took of her famous glasses, revealing her bright red eyes. Thoughts of what might've happened in that cell raced through her mind. " He'll be fine, " Frizzy said trying not to sound too worried, " If he's out, nothings going to happen. Anyways guys, we're here! Let's get going! " he exclaimed. " Oh, yeah. You're right, I completely forgot! " Vinyl said retreating her shades back to her eyes. Frizzy was already in the building. Vinyl was about to follow when she noticed Ricki still standing still, a worried expression on his face. " Hey..." Vinyl whispered walking over to her coltfirend, " are you okay? " Ricki turned back his head and smiled reassuringly, " Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hard to believe y'know? Anyways, we should get going. That record isn't going to get itself broadcasted. " he said now back to his cheerful state. The inside of the building was just an ordinary lobby. Blue walls, carpet, with some chairs on the side of the room. There was a pony sitting on a desk, filling out some paperwork. " Hello, welcome to the Spinning Record! Is there anything I can help you with? " the mare said with a warm smile. She was a unicorn, grey fur with a purple, smooth mane. " Yeah, we have an invitation from..." Ricki was about out the paper when mare stopped him. " Oh, yes! You must be the musicians from Canterlot's Talents! I just wanted say you're performance was incredible! I've never heard a pony sing like that! The charisma! The power! It was unbelievable! I...oh sorry...I may have gotten too excited..." " No problem, " Frizzy said leaning against the desk, eying the receptionist, " I like excited..." The mare blushed and looked away from Frizzy. " Y-you want to go to floor three, room five on your left, " she addressed to Ricki and Vinyl. They walked off to the elevator, leaving Frizzy alone to do his thing. The receptionist slowly turned around, facing Frizzy still blushing. " I like your mane. " " And I like your eyes, " Frizzy leaned a bit closer, " What's your name? " The elevator doors slid open, revealing the third floor. The couple's eyes widened, not expecting what they saw. It was a whole area full of radio station rooms! Ponies were speaking into their mics, listening to music through headphones, and setting adjustments to their studio, making sure every listener heard what they wanted to hear. Ricki looked around, walking forward and peering through the glass of some rooms. Stallions and mares were enjoying their time broadcasting on-air, music pulsing through their ears. " Wow, " was all Vinyl could muster. This far exceeded what she had at her home. She took off her glasses, wanting to visualize everything. The two made their way to the room which they were told, still glancing around, amazed. Room five stood right in front of them. Ricki reached for the door, but hesitated before turning the knob. " Am I really here? " he thought to himself. " One second I'm at my house, dreaming to be a star, the next..." " Hey, Ricki are you sure you're okay? Look if you're not feeling well it's okay. We can always come back another day, " Vinyl gestured reassuringly, wrapping a hoof around the rapper. " It's just, " Ricki said softly looking down, " I'm so freakin' excited! " he said in a sudden change in mood. He turned the door open and the two saw a single pony sitting down at his studio. He was a stallion, a bit older than Ricki,. The pony was a Pegasus, crimson red fur, with a dark brown mane and tail. His mane was a straight ponytail, that stretched down to neck. His cutie mark, surprisingly, had nothing to do with music. It was an open book with a quil and ink next to it. The pony was probably a writer of some sort. Ricki rubbed the back of his head confused. Was this supposed to be some kind of joke? I mean, just look at the guy! " Uh, are we...like, supposed to be here? " Vinyl asked awkwardly. The pony turned around and looked surprised at first. As if he weren't expecting the two. His attitude quickly changed, spreading a large smile across his face. " Oh my Celestia, " he started walking froom his seat, " I can't believe you guys actually came! " " Are you kidding? " Ricki offered out his hoof for a shake, " we wouldn't miss a chance like this for Equestria! " The pony accepted Ricki's hoof, shaking it violently. Ricki's body bobbed up and down at the destructive force of the DJ's strength. Vinyl watched in shock as Ricki was about to pass out. The DJ finally let go, allowing Ricki to breathe. He fell to the floor, his hoof still shaking. The red Pegasus then turned to Vinyl, still smiling. She gulped in fear and slowly backed away, not wanting to meet the same fate as her coltfriend. But the guy was too quick. He zoomed in, and grabbed Vinyl in a bear-hug position. " Oh, Celestia h- " she tried to say, but it was too late. She could already feel her body move up and down as the Pegasus shook her like a maraca. Vinyl saw the world flash in a swaying motion as her sight faded away, making he shades fly from her face. The stallion in front of her turned into a blur as it seemed he made the whole planet tremble before his might. Just before she died, the pony released Vinyl. she tried taking a few steps, but it was no use. She may as well have been drunk as she collapsed to the floor next to Ricki. The DJ seen what he had done and scratched the back of his head, ashamed. " Whoops, heh heh, " he laughed concerned, " I may have gotten a bit excited. " Ricki mustered whatever strength he had left, and slowly rose to his feet, his hoof still throbbing. " I-It's cool, " he forced out, trying to sound as if nothing had happened. " So what's your name? " " I'm Silver Pitch. Sorry about that, really. It's just I've heard so much about you guys around town. I was just so eager to meet you! " Silver exclaimed, helping Ricki tend to Vinyl, who was currently unconscious. " It's cool, don't sweat man. We've been getting a bit of attention like that lately, so we're kinda used to it. " " Well, you three should start getting some more recognition beca-wait...where's the third guy? " Silver asked, barely noticing the absence of Frizzy. " Oh, him? Actually, " Ricki laughed, " He's at the lobby, flirting with the receptionist! " Silver and Ricki shared a laugh, thinking about what the hell the guy was up to. Now being the narrator, I would have to say he's up to now good or something pathetic. It's barely the fifth chapter and that already sounds like Frizzy. Vinyl groaned as she woke, rubbing her head which was still throbbing in pain. " W-wha...? " she stuttered. The three acquainted and Silver guided the two through the studio, giving them a tour. They talked about their love of music and a bit about eachother's backgrounds; leading up to where they stood today. The musicians enjoyed their time getting to know one-another and having a pleasant time. Ricki and Vinyl were ecstatic. They were on the verge of greatness! What they have thrived for was now about to be bestowed upon them! The glory! All of their desires will now take place...in a bit. " And this is our hangout, " Silver opened a door which was located an floor above his office. The room was a studio, consisting of...everything that's in a studio. Popular records were displayed on the wall, microphones were up and ready, everything was waiting to be used. " Whenever you guys want to work on something, this is the place to do it. Now, I already set up blah, blah, blah " Ricki and Vinyl weren't paying attention. They were too busy eyeballing the room, mouths dropped open. It was beautiful! It was like a haven full of dreams. Fuck Disneyland, this is where real dreams come true. During the midst of their daydreaming, a pony entered the room joining the three. And no, it was not Frizzy. Geez, who even cares what the idiot is up to? Oh, you do? Well too bad asshole, you'll just have to wait. " Is everything okay? Are we all getting acquainted? " the voice asked, sounding quite familiar. " Yeah, everything's cool. Thanks Regenald. " answered Silver sounding a bit rude. Ricki's ears perked up, as he turned around in surprise. It was him! The old gramps who saved Ricki's flank back at Canterlot. " Pops? " Ricki said confused, " what're you doing here? " " Well I told you, remember? I was going to be your manager when you arrived at the studio. " the rusty fart explained. Now don't get me wrong, I love the elderly even if they do end up being ponies. I'm just joking assholes, so chill. The guy's not that old. " What, our manager? " Vinyl asked equally lost. " How do you guys know eachother? " Silver pitched in. Regenald brought Silver up to speed at what happened at Canterlot, providing every detail of how Ricki almost got his little, brown ass kicked and arrested. " Unbelievable. Are you guys okay? " Silver asked concerned. " Oh, it's really nothing to worry about, it was just a small fight, " Vinyl said hugging Ricki, " besides, this guy can handle himself just fine. " " Well, that's very relieving, " Silver sighed, " anyways, enough of this mushy stuff. Let me bring the papers and contracts. I can't wait to start working with you guys! " Pitch walked out the door with Regenald following. " Okay, " Vinyl said, turning back to Ricki, " we most likely have ten minutes tops. Lets go find a bathroom! " and with that, well...I'd rather not say... **************** " CHEERS! " The three protagonists, along with Octavia, were out at a fancy restaurant in Canterlot, celebrating. They all took a sip of their gentle, red wine and laughed. Everyone was hard at work and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a night out. Of course, money was no problem, as Ricki still had plenty from Vinyl's club. " Well, I must congratulate you three, this is most certainly good news! " Octavia smiled, " Vinyl constantly tells me how it's her dream to have her music sent out to the public. It's nice to have such a chance as this. " " Well, it was easier than I thought Tavi, " Vinyl said , taking another sip, " after I met these two, things have been a breeze! " " Speaking of which, " Octavia said looking at Ricki, " tell me a bit like yourselves. It's a shame we never have time to talk, and I'd love to know about you and your music. " Ricki stopped for a second, not expecting the question. He had never told the story of his musical invention and it should be practicing for interviews. He cleared his throat and began; " Well, it actually started back in highschool..."