• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,226 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 47

Chapter 47

64 POV

Then time for fun came and went… because eventually I had to be called back to Canterlot with Princess Luna. Because I couldn’t pack it, and it was too big to hide, I ended up having to burn the Manticore Mane to ashes. It sucked, but I didn’t want Fluttershy to know that I had slaughtered a Manticore for its pelt and mane.

Bitch is crazy.

“You all packed 64?” Ghost asked, resting on the bed while laying on his stomach. We were both in the room he would be staying in during his stay in Ponyville, and I had already made sure he had fed before I left.

Surprisingly, he didn’t need that much for some reason…

“Yep. I have to start helping Shining Armor. With accusations against both Ethaxial, Capras, and Mutarus for aiding a war effort, we have to act quickly before something bad happens.” I explained, attaching my Enchanted Satchel to my waist band. “I might be the one going overseas this time.”

“Oh… I… I really hoped we’d be able to spend some time together…” Ghost admitted, looking up at me pleadingly. It was hard to not give in, but I couldn’t stay.

“I’m sorry Ghost. I know that it gets really lonely around Canterlot. But now you’re in Ponyville with a job to do, just like me. Plus…” I said cheekily, leaning forward a bit, “In Canterlot, you don’t have Applebloom to keep you company.”

Ghost’s face flushed at my words, before he sent a small shock spell at me. Unfortunately, he forgot I still had the shield Zecora had given me. It bounced off of the shield sending yellow sparks flying out, going right back at him and sparking against his Chitin.

“YOW! Hey that’s not fair you have a shield!” Ghost complained.

“Yeah but you have armor, which one win’s there?” I joked, as we both heard the door open. Within the blink of an eye, Ghost had managed to morph into his disguise and stand there looking nonchalant, but let out a sigh of breath when he saw that it was only Applejack.

“So Ghost, ya ready to break tha’ news to tha’ rest of tha’ family?” Applejack asked, regarding Ghost’s race. I looked at him in concern, seeing his face of uncertainty. “Now c’mon sugarcube! It’ll be like rippin’ off a bandage! Quick an’ easy!”

"All it takes is 10 seconds of crazy courage Ghost. That's all you need to say it." I encouraged. Ghost's face then set into one of fierce determination, and with a deep breath, he nodded.

"Alright, let's do this." He said, walking past Applejack and downstairs to the living room. Applejack and I followed closely, wanting to be there when he revealed himself. The Apple family would have to be the only ones who could know.

"Big Mac! Granny Smith! Can you come to the living room? I have something I need to tell you!" Ghost called out, his confident demeanor not wavering in the slightest.

"Hold onto yer britches young'n! Ah'm comin'!" Granny Smith called back, the sound of creaking wood slowly coming closer to the living room. A few loud steps coming from the outside showed that Big Mac was outside doing something else, before he appeared in the front door.

“Need somethin’?” He said, never a stallion of many words. Granny Smith finally managed to make it into the living room after a few minutes of shuffling, her walker clicking against the hardwood floor.

“Now what’s all tha’ racket ah’ve been hearin’?” She said, looking a bit tired.

“Ghost here has somethin’ ta tell all of us. Don’t ya Ghost?” Applejack said in an encouraging tone, not realizing that by doing that it made Ghost’s confidence waver a bit.

“Y-Yeah, It’s uh, really really important that you don’t tell anypony else about it though. So… y-you need to promise before you tell anyone!” Ghost asked, receiving nods from both the Grandson and Grandmother. He began to hesitate when it came time, his eyes darting back and forth nervously and sweat starting to drip down his forehead.

“Well c’mon then Ghost! Ah know ah;m still young ‘n spry, but that don’t mean ah can wait forever!” Granny Smith joked, causing me to stifle a chuckle. Weakly laughing at the joke, Ghost took a deep breath.

“Alright… Here goes.” He said simply, before his horn glowed a neon green color. Green flames began to slowly form around his hooves, causing Granny Smith and Big Mac to gape. Big Mac’s first reaction was to try and run to the kitchen to try and get some water to put him out, but I caught him by the tail with my magic before he could.

“Just watch.” I said, trying to ease the stallion. He eventually did calm down and just watch with wicked fascination as the green flames continued to rise up towards Ghost’s head, his porous legs already revealed. Chitin replaced fur, and insectoid wings grew on his back. Once the transformation was complete, Ghost opened his eyes, revealing their icy blue color.

Both Big Mac and Granny Smith flinched at the sight of his eyes, causing Ghost to revert his gaze from them.

“I’m… I’m a Changeling. 64 takes care of me up in Canterlot…” Ghost said slowly, looking to me for help.

“I saved him from a hive down in the Badlands. After awhile he ended up losing his connection to the Changeling Hivemind, meaning that he’s a free Changeling. Unfortunately, disguising himself is the only way he can get around Ponyville without a lynch mob going for him.” I added.

Big Mac was obviously the man of the house, meaning that it was his job to protect his family. From the look in his eyes, Ghost was a threat to his family’s safety. I turned my gaze to Granny Smith, who had a look in her eyes I couldn’t put my finger on. It was equal parts confusion and amazement, so I couldn’t exactly tell what she was thinking.

“Ah already knew cuz he helped me get outta the mountain! He protected me from tha’ guards and made me feel safe!” Applebloom exclaimed, blushing slightly after she realized that she didn’t say the last part in her head.

“Big Mac wipe that ugly scowl off yer face! Are ya really gonna act like that to a colt less than half yer age?” Applejack scolded, seeing Big Mac’s look.

“He ain’t a colt! He’s barely a he!” Big Mac said angrily, as I felt an all too familiar anger bubbling up in my stomach.

how dare he…

I shook my head and growled, trying to shake her out of my head.

“Big Macintosh Apple! How dare ya say that!” Granny Smith yelled, turning to her grandson. “Do ya really see things like that?! Ah woulda thought that Appleblossom would taught ya better than that!”

Big Mac and Applejack visibly recoiled at the mention of their deceased mother’s name, Applebloom doing it less so due to her not being so familiar with her. “Why in tha’ name of Celestia are ya bringin’ her inta this!” Big Mac barked back, his voice louder than I had ever heard before.

“Ah know that the only one in this family that could knock any sense inta ya was yer ma’, so what do ya think she would do if she saw ya talkin’ to this young feller like that?”

Big Mac went silent after that sentence, and the tension in the room became so thick I would need to wade through it to get out. Big Mac was just staring in disbelief at his Grandmother, Applejack was holding Applebloom closely, and the filly herself was starting to shed tears.

“Big Mac, Ghost has put enough trust into you that he was willing to reveal himself in order to show you his true nature. All he asks is that you don’t say anything to anypony else in town. You don’t have to like him, but he’s going to be staying in Ponyville to look after Applebloom whether you like it or not.” I said firmly, still holding back rage from Big Mac’s earlier comments.

“Apple’s take care of their own, ah don’t see why we need a colt here telling me how ta look after my sister.” Big Mac retorted.

“In all physical aspects you can protect Applebloom as best as you can, but psychologically, you’ll need Ghost’s help. When she has a nightmare and doesn’t know what it means, she’ll need somepony who went through it all with her. If she has an episode and needs comforting, her mind will react best to Ghost. Trust me when I say this, he’s gonna be the reason Applebloom gets better.”

Big Mac just continued to stare daggers into me, but I just returned the stare with ease. Anytime he would try to make himself look a bit more fearsome, I would just return it. When he figured out I had him beat, he just huffed and walked out of the door, heading out towards the Apple Orchard.

We all watched him leave in silence, not one of us saying a word for a few moments.

“Aw he’ll come around. Always acts like a big baby whenever things don’t go his way. C’mon Ghost, somethin’ tells me yer cravin’ a nice big breakfast!” Granny Smith said, completely disregarding her grandson jsut stormed out.

Her remark reminded me that I hadn’t told her the least pleasing part of Ghost’s anatomy. What he ate.

“Oh I don’t eat regular food Ms. Smith. since I’m a Changeling, I… uh, sorta have to… absorb emotions…” Ghost explained slowly, gauging Granny Smith’s reaction.

“Ah well, ah guess ah can still make lunch fer the rest of us. Didja already feed him 64?” Granny Smith asked as if it was the simplest thing ever.

“Uh… yeah. I did. If he doesn’t get too hurt then he should be ok for about 2 weeks.” I said slowly, trying to see if she really just treated this as another nonchalant moment.

“Alrighty then, Ah’m gonna start cookin’!”

Granny Smith walked off into the kitchen leaving me and Ghost incredibly confused. Applejack and Applebloom were still in the room, but they were both still shocked at the events that had occurred with Big Mac.

“Ah just can’t believe mah own brother would act like that! Treatin’ Ghost as if he was some sort of monster! If he didn’t run off like that then I would give him the backside of mah hoof a few times!” Applejack yelled, walking towards the door Big Mac had stormed out of and slamming it.

“Well if Granny Smith is trustworthy, then I’m sure he’ll come to terms with situation. Just give him time.” I said, trying to look at things logically. “Ghost, make sure Applebloom is ok.”

When he looked over at the filly, he saw that she had tears streaming down her face and was slightly shaking. “Applebloom? Are you ok?” Ghost asked quietly, but Applebloom just looked down and sniffled.

“Ah’m sorry that he said all those mean things to ya… Ah wish he jus’ talked to ya instead of jus’ runnin’ off like that…” Applebloom sniffled, barely holding in a few tears. Ghost put up a hoof and wiped away some of her tears, causing the still teary eyed filly to grin and blush.

“You think I haven’t heard a few hurtful words before? Trust me, Big Mac is just acting like a stallion trying to protect his family normally would.” Ghost rationalized, doing better than I normally would.

“Well it looks like things here are going to be ok, besides Big Mac back there… I have to head back to Canterlot now. Tell Granny Smith to wrap my breakfast up and send over to Canterlot would ya?” I said jokingly towards Applejack who grinned and nodded.

“Will do. Have fun with all of tha killin’ and fightin’ ya do over there.” Applejack said, giving me a small nuzzle before following Granny Smith into the kitchen. That wasn’t too far from the truth of what I do…

“See you later 64, I’ll make sure to stay safe over here!” Ghost said, jumping up to my shoulders and wrapping his forelegs around my neck. I gave him a small hug back, making sure to expel some emotion into the air so he could snack on it.

“See ya Ghost… see you later too Applebloom.” I said regarding the small filly, who gave me a small wave.

“Bye 64!”

I walked out of the door and took in a deep breath of air, looking up in the air. I could see Luna’s chariot waiting for me, so I waved at it to drop down a rope. Instead of a rope, I was forcibly teleported 50 feet into the air and appeared in one of the chariot seats.

“Hello Project 64! Last Night was simply the most wonderful of evenings!” Luna exclaimed, tossing her hooves into the air like a little filly. “Simply so many confectionary creations which simply melted in my mouth! I do wish I could make it Nightmare Night every night!”

“How much candy did you eat?” I said deadpanned.

“Enough to kill a large dog!”

“I believe you."

3rd Person POV

The entire chariot ride back to Canterlot 64 was tasked with try to keep the Princess of the Night from flying out of the chariot in some sugar crazed act of excitement, all while trying to prevent her from eating more candy that was stashed underneath her seat.

"I MUST CONSUME THE SWEETENED DELIGHT!” Luna roared, desperately trying to bite a Chocolate bar out of 64’s hand.

“Dammit Luna you’ve had enough!” 64 retaliated, half of him hanging off of the chariot as Luna was pushing him. He set the bar of chocolate on fire before chucking it off of the side, sending the burning confection down towards Earth. Luna watched the burning flame of the chocolate bar as it slowly made its descent, her eyes nearly tearing up at the waste of sugar. Her bloodshot eyes then turned to 64 before they started to glow white.


“Alright nighty night.” 64 said as he brought his hand over Luna’s eyes, sending a bit of magic into them. In a matter of seconds Luna was unconscious and snoring loudly, but she was still on top of 64 who was still hanging out of the Chariot a bit. “Son of a bitch…”

With a grunt 64 had managed to push Luna off of himself and set her onto the floor of the chariot, grabbing the large bag of candy underneath her seat and pulling it next to him. He saw Canterlot Palace coming up close and sighed, glad that the ride on the crazy train was over.

When the Chariot landed in the Hedge Garden landing zone, 64 saw that Shining Armor was standing there with a big stupid grin on his face. Throwing Princess Luna over his shoulder, 64 smirked and walked off of the chariot.

“What’s got you so happy? Ton of recruits sign up?” 64 asked, not really expecting a serious answer.

“Not exactly. You two!” Shining Armor ordered, pointing towards two solar guards doing nothing. “Take Princess Luna back to her chambers, NOW!”

Both of the stallions followed the order without question, each of them loading a half of Princess Luna onto their backs and marching towards the Garden exit.

“So, what’s so exciting?”

“I can’t just tell you. I really need to show you.” Shining Armor said, quickly galloping away from 64 and towards the Garden exit. “C’mon 64 don’t make me wait up!”

With a sigh, 64 ran off after Shining, still wondering what the hell could be so important.Once they entered the Palace, 64 saw the humorous sight of Solar Guards attempting to salute their commanding officer as he ran by full speed, so the result was usually an incredibly confused look.

Running into the Barracks and into Shining Armor’s office, 64 slammed the door shut and locked it. “Alright, what’s so damn exciting now?” 64 asked, aggravated at Shining Armor’s antics.

“Alright, I’ve been doing a lot of reading… and I found a book on past General of the Equestria Army during times of war.” Shining Armor panted, levitating a book out of his desk drawer and setting it onto the desk. “Here, read the first one.”

64 cleared his throat and read aloud. “General Windbasker, died at 67 years of age, no spouse, led Equestrian Knights to victory against the Griffon Invasion of Year 23. Captain Reinfire, died at 48 years of age, no spouse, led Equestrian Knights into the Battle of Ethaxial Canal. Commander Hurricane, died at age 87, led Equestrian Knights to victory against Governor Talon’s Griffon Legion. What the fuck do these old guys have to do with anything?”

“What is one thing they all have in common?!” Shining said frantically.

“Uh… all led the Equestrian Knights at one point?”


64 raised his eyebrow at the Captain, whose eyes was twitching dangerously. “Umm… ok so none of these guys got married. What does that have to do with you?”

“I refuse to be another one of these guys 64. Not the leader of an army of course, but I refuse to end up like them.” Shining Armor stated, slamming the book in front of 64 closed.


“Nope. Alone.” Shining took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, his horn glowing faintly. “During Nightmare Night, when Cadence made me dress up as a Princess Celestia…”

64 had to take a moment to imagine the ridiculous sight of Shining Armor wearing a flowing rainbow wig.

“I realized something. I refuse to die alone. So… I got this…”

His horn levitated up a small object, and a glint in 64’s eyes caused his lower jaw to nearly drop to the ground in shock.

Shining Armor had in his possession, a Solitaire Diamond Engagement ring.

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