• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,221 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 29

Chapter 29

64 POV

“Absolutely not.” Luna said, marching away from me. I gawked at her refusal and caught up to her.

“Wait! What do you mean no?! You are the only pony who can do this!” I pleaded, referring to her apparition magic. I wanted her to create a solid image of a filly I could use for bait in the trap I was planning to set, but for some reason her reply was opposite to what I thought she was going say.

“Look… Not only will this plan not work… I am literally unable to help you. The spell you plan to use to keep the criminal in the immediate area negates any and all illusionary spells from being used, including my Image Spell. I’m afraid I will be unable to help you in your endeavor.” Luna clarified for me, making me sigh and run my hand through my hair.

“Well then what the fuck are we going to do for bait?”

Luna looked down at her hooves thoughtfully, as I looked around the Throne Room. I saw the window with the Elements of Harmony defeating Discord, acknowledging that I was nowhere on it. Honestly I really didn’t give a fuck, it was them who finished him off, and I doubt I would look good near dead and bleeding out on the ground.

“I have a solution to the question you ask.” Luna spoke up, as I looked at her hopefully.

“Well don’t leave me hanging, what is it?” I questioned.

“Tis simply really, use an Earth Pony foal.”


“WHAT!?” I exclaimed angrily, wondering why the fuck Luna would even bring that suggestion up. “First of all! You know how fucking dangerous that would be? To put a live foal into a situation like that would be catastrophic, especially if the guy decides to retaliate. Secondly! Who in their right mind as a parent would allow their foal to be put into a situation like that!?”

Luna simply stared at me unaffected as if what I just told her completely passed over her head. I waited for her response, but none came.

“Hello?! Human to Lunar Princess?!”

“I heard you the first time. I was simply waiting for you to realize that unless you want to catch this perpetrator, then you must do what is deemed necessary.” She said simply, before walking out of the Throne Room. I stood there staring at the door after she left, my face displaying the utter disbelief I was feeling.

“As much as I hate to admit it… she’s right…” A voice said behind me. I turned to the strange voice and immediately reeled back, nearly falling onto my ass. Vi was standing next to me, her molten features glowing in the dim Throne Room. I backed away from the figure posing as Vi as far as I could, before my back hit a wall.

“Who the fuck are you!?” I screamed, charging my right fist with magic. The figure standing next to me put her hand up as it glowed blue, before I felt the magic leave my hand… and eventually my body. I fell to my knees from the shock of the sensation, feeling all signs of magic leave me. My vision blured and my stomach was fighting to the surface, but luckily I held my last meal down. The figure walked forward to me and kicked me over onto my back, planting her foot onto my neck.

Vi’s face was staring down at me as I gasped for air, feeling the pressure on my neck increase.

“Listen to me 64… sometimes you must take drastic measures to get the results you’re looking for. And in this case… you will have to trust Princess Luna. The criminal will know the difference between a decoy and a real target, so you must use the former. Do not disappoint us 64… you haven’t done so yet…” The figure said before stepping off of my neck, allowing me to take in a gasp of air. Her hand glowed red for a moment before she walked away, as I felt the magic return to my body.

I rolled over onto my hands and knees slowly, taking in raspy gasps of breaths.

“W-wait… Wait…” I choked out, looking up at the Throne Room for any sign of Vi. She had completely disappeared from view. I pushed myself up onto my feet and swore at the area around me, think about she had said. “Fucking hell…”

I shook my head a bit and walked out of the Throne Room, heading to the Guard Barracks. Shining Armor wouldn’t be able to help me due to the trap I was setting needed to be indiscreet, and I doubt having a group of royal guards hanging around the area would be discreet.

Once I arrived I saw Shining in his office, going over the final preparations of the trap. I saw him write a few things down onto my layout, before leaning back into his chair.

“Yo, Shining… how does it look?” I asked, leaning argainst the doorway. He looked up at me and sighed, rubbing his eyes.

“Dammit 64… you know you are going to be the death of me!? I spent all night after you got back from Appaloosa looking over this thing, and I missed a night with Cadence. She strolls in here wearing nothing but leg length socks and her mane flowing down her face, and I’m sitting here rock hard and can’t do shit about it!” Shining yelled at me, his eye twitching angrily.

“I think you need some rest…”

“Yeah me too…” Shining groaned, flipping the switch from fuming with rage to groggy.

“How about you just go ahead and get some rest and I’ll look over the notes you’ve made onto the plan, okay?” I said caringly, acting as if he was a little foal.

"But maa……?” He droned half asleep. I patted his head as he began to fall asleep on his desk, pulling off the large design out from under him. I looked over it and saw that he listed 3 cites which had the most optimal locations to spring a trap, with both natural barricades and areas capable of setting up more traps.

Ponyville, Trottingham, and Dodge Junction.

The first two had thick forests; the last had a mountainous terrain surrounding it, making it inaccessible to non-Pegasi unless they were able to hop a train.

In my head I was debating which one would be best, then I looked to possible locations of the latest foalnapping. It was 5 days ago, and in Canterlot. The nearest city was Ponyville. I made my decision right there.

“Ponyville… perfect… Everfree Forest has lots of areas that are ideal for an ambush, and if the perp ends up being a Pegasi they can’t fly through the thick trees. A few Shock Runes here and there… some Gravity Seals… yeah… this could work.” I muttered, sitting down in a chair and pulling out a pen.

I had to mark a few areas I could hide out while the bait is getting picked at… but I still had no idea what to do about bait...

“Fuck…there’s no way I can just ask a parent to let their foal go into danger like this… but it’s looking like the only option…” I muttered angrily, wondering who would even consider it. The foal would have to be fast enough to where they could run away once I interfered, and strong enough to fight off the attacker if they got their hooves on them. They would obviously need to be and Earth Pony, and maybe have a bit brighter colors than most foals for visibility.

I rubbed my eyes in frustration. I got it.

“Ugh… I know who to ask… so I better wear some protection before I go and ask her…”

3rd Person POV

Sounds of wood breaking, glass shattering, and yells of anger were coming from the home 64 had just walked into. Obscenities were being yelled as 64 took them in stride, trying to get the mare inside of the home to calm down. The Stallion in the room was also trying to get a few hits in on 64, but luckily he was slow enough to where dodging him wasn’t really a big problem.

The mare on the other hand was much quicker, and 64 was already getting a bit banged up from trying to dodge and not retaliate. He wanted to use a binding spell on them which would hold them still for a bit, but they might hurt themselves in the process.

“AH SAID NO!” Applejack screamed as she managed to land a good buck onto 64’s chest, sending him smashing through the door and onto the ground outside. He was wearing a ridiculous suit made of pillows on his torso and a helmet for Hoofball on his head. He stumbled onto his feet and discarded the protection, before turning to Applejack.

“Listen! I understand that this is going to be dangerous, but I can’t do this without her helping!” 64 pleaded, as Applejack just walked out the door fuming in rage. Her pupils were the size of pinpoints and her face flush with red.

“AH DON’T GIVE A FLYING DONKEY PILE TO WHAT YA NEED! NOW GET THA HELL OF’A MAH PROPERTY BEFORE AH SKEWER YA ONTO A PITCHFORK!” Applejack threatened; as 64 stared at her knowing that she wouldn’t do that.

“AJ, be reasonable. I get that this is a dangerous situation. That’s why I’m going to be tailing her the entire way. Plus she isn’t as fragile as you think she is, she was holding you back in there when you were trying to cut my head off with that Carving Knife.”

A pitchfork went sailing over 64’s head as he hit the dirt.

“Sis calm down!” Applebloom yelled, pulling back on the tail of her enraged sister.

“Applebloom! Go back up to yer room while I deal with this varmint!” Applejack shouted, readying another Pitchfork to throw at 64.

“But ah can help him sis! Ah wanna help catch the guy who’s been doin’ all these bad things!”

“Do ya know how dangerous that would be Applebloom!? Ah’m not gonna let ya go and throw yerself in dangers way!”

“But she’s not going to be thrown in dangers way!” 64 interfered. “All she has to do is walk into the Everfree Forest then run out. There’s a route I’ll map out for her where she can travel while I follow close behind, and then all she has to do is run back here when things get hairy. Piece of cake.”

Applejack continued to fume angrily at 64 and was about to march over ther and give him a piece of her hoof, but was stopped by an iron Four legged walker.

“Now wait there yung’n. Ya woke me up with all that darn racket ya were makin’ down here, and ah’ve been listenin’ in on all yer yellin’.” Granny Smith drawled, as Applejack turned to her.

“Granny! Will ya please tell this varmint to get out here before ah’m forced ta do somethin’ drastic!?” She asked, as Granny shook her head.

“Now ah know what yer thinking Applejack, but I don’t see now reason why little Applebloom shouldn’t do this.”
Applejack and 64 both stared at Granny Smith with wide eyes.

“Well think about it. Ain’t this the feller that help drive out that good fer nothin’ Discord outa’ town?” Granny Smith asked.

“Well yes but—“

“And ain’t he also the one that help git rid of that monster that took control o’ Princess Celestia all them months ago?”

“Granny that ain’t the poin—“

“Then what makes ya think he can’t protect our little Applebloom while she takes a little stroll?”

Applejack looked shocked that her own Grandmother was being more accepting of this than she was, before shaking her head.

“Granny, ah know that 64 here is more than capable of protectin’ her. But why would we jus’ let her do somethin’ like this? What if somethin’ goes wrong?!” Applejack tried to persuade. Granny looked at her granddaughter and gave a small smile.

“Well then ya will jus’ have to hope that ev’rythin’ will go as planned.” She said in a sagely manner. 64 grinned at Granny, happy that the matriarch of the family was actually approving of the idea.

“And everything will. I’ve planned every single variable of escape that this guy will think of. Anything from trying to teleport away to climbing through the trees, this guy is gonna go down. Applebloom will be wearing protective gear, and I’ll be watching her like a hawk the entire way. Applejack, I need her.” 64 said imploringly.

Applejack looked behind her and saw that Big Mac had been listening the entire time. He sighed and nodded his head once.


She sighed exasperatedly, “Looks like ah’m outnumbered on this one…”

“Ah can do it sis! All ah have to do is walk through the Everfree and wait for this guy to show up! Then ah just run back here easy!” Applebloom said excitedly, obviously not being able to grasp the seriousness in the situation.

“Ah know it sounds easy, but ah’m worried for ya. Who knows what this foalnapper is doin’… ah just don’t want ya to go meddiln’ into things like this when it’s obviously work for a grown pony, not a little filly.” Applejack said, grabbing Applebloom and hugging her tightly. Applebloom returned the hug and smiled, not really minding that she was called a little filly.

Big Mac walked out of the house and began to walk towards 64, who was nearly tempted to take a few steps back. He eventually was right in front of him and was staring menacingly into 64 eyes.

“When is this here plan of yers goin’ ta take place?” He asked quietly.

“Hopefully 2 days. The Everfree Forest is going to take a while to scope out, and once I find a suitable area I’m going to have to set up all of the traps and design a protective suit for Applebloom to wear. It going to be like hoody, but with Magic Negators built into it to protect her from any spells this guy might try to use.” 64 explained to Big Mac, who wasn’t letting up with his gaze.

“Listen here… Ah love my family more than life itself, and ah won’t let anythin’ happen to them if ah can help it. So listen here. Ya are gonna do this little plan of yers, then Applebloom is gonna come right back to this house safe and sound. Anythin’ other than that, yer head is mine… got it?”

64 wasn’t one to be intimidated, and he knew that Big Mac wouldn’t be able to best him in a fight, but if you put something between a stallion and his family, he will go through the 9 gates of Tartarus to get them back. 64 knew that Big Mac wasn’t making a threat. He was making a promise.

“I swear that Applebloom will get home safe and sound once this is all over. She gonna come back home in time for supper, and will go to bed for school the next day. You up for this Applebloom?” 64 called out, as the filly in question jumped onto his shoulder.

“You bet!” She cried happily, as Applejack gave a glare to 64, pretty much threatening him just like Big Mac did. He gently set her down and knelt.

“Alright, I’m gonna go set up a bit before we actually do this. I’m going to come back tomorrow and give you something you’re gonna have to wear so you stay safe, then the next day we are going to go and catch this guy, alright?”

Applebloom nodded and gave a quick salute. “Yes sir! I’ll be ready! Oh! I’m gonna go tell my friends about this!” She said ecstatically, beginning to run off towards the city. 64’s eyes went wide and grabbed onto her tail before she got too far, pulling her back.

“Wait Bloom, it’s not a good idea to talk too much about this. We need to keep it a secret just in case the foalnappers is listening… got it?” 64 lied, as Applebloom’s eyes widened in understanding. She nodded quickly before shooting up to her room, as 64 stood up and chuckled.

“Now why didja tell her that for? I could see through that lie like nothin’.” Applejack said, as 64 chuckled a bit.

“Well basing it off of your reaction, what would you think if the rest of the town found out I was doing something like this? I have to try and keep this whole situation on the down low before it explodes into something bigger. Just make sure Applebloom is ready in 2 days, got it?” 64 asked, as Applejack nodded.

“Although as still don’t trust ya with this… it is your best shot on catchin’ this guy. Good luck 64.”

The rest of the family walked back inside of the house, as 64 stood outside and sighed quietly, happy to at least have Applebloom if the plan. Now he could go and set up the trap in the Everfree before night fell.

Applejack POV

Ah waited for 64 to walk towards the Everfree Forest before ah walked back outside, heading towards Twilight’s Library. After the whole ‘Want It, Need It’ business a few days ago she had been a bit on edge, but ah really needed to talk to her.

Ah walked through Town Square and saw all of the shops still up, includin’ ours, but ours had a closed sign hangin’ from it. A lot of ponies were hangin’ up decorations for Nightmare Night in a few days, but right now all ah could think of was Applebloom’s safety.

Ah walked up to the library door and gave it a few knocks, waitin’ for Twilight’s answer. She opened it with a ridiculous beard lookin’ thing on, makin’ it hard to ask the serious question ah had.

“Oh, hello Applejack. Did you need something?” Twilight asked me, as ah nodded mah head yes.

“Ah jus’ need advice more than anythin’ right now…” Ah said glumly, as Twilight ushered me inside. Ah laid on mah stomach on one of the couches she had, as she sat on the once across from me.

“What advice do you need? Is something wrong?”

Ah hesitated before ah straight out asked the questions ah wanted, so ah asked another one instead. “Ya know about them foalnappings that have been goin’ around right?” Ah asked quietly, as her eyes suddenly shot open.

“Oh my goodness Applejack, did Applebloom—“

“No! Fer Celestia’s sake Twi… Ah would be much more vocal of somethin’ like that happened… but it has somethin’ to do with them foalnappings.” Ah sighed before continuin’. “64 has been tryin’ to find who’s been doin’ them an’ he’s plannin’ to set up a trap in the Everfree Forest to catch the napper.”

“Really? I had heard that he was now investigating, but I didn’t know he would come here. What kind of trap is he setting?” Twilight asked me curiously.

“The kind with bait.”

Twilight’s eyes shot open.

64 POV

It was now very late into the night, nearing about 1 in the morning. I had just set up the last Gravity Seal onto the ground and was now sweating profusely, not used to setting up so many trap seals into the ground at one time. Some of the spells would incapacitate, some would actually kill, so I needed to be triple sure that nothing would accidentally walk over those.

I was about to call it a night and find a nice tree to crash in, when I heard a rustling in the trees behind me. I turned and conjured a Gladius into my right hand, ready to attack anything that might try to attack me in the thick forest.

“No need to brandish that weapon child, I assure you I am not a creature of the wild.” A strange voice said through the thick brush. I wondered for a moment if this was another one of Super Nova’s mind games, but I decided to comply and dispel the blade in my hand.

“Who are you?” I asked cautiously, as I saw an outline of a pony through the thicket. It stepped forward as I finally got a good look at her, seeing the strange figure. She was obviously a zebra, with the traditional tribal accessories. Her hair was styled into a Mohawk design, and she had many gold rings all over her body.

“My name on your tongue is known as Zecora. I hail from the west of Equestria, where many are scared to roam. Which brings me to my question, why are you here on your own?” She asked me, as I relaxed a little bit.

“I’m setting up an ambush for a criminal who has been stealing foals, and hopefully his capture will come of it. But why are you out here?”

“I reside in a small hut southwest of here, but is it true that the little ones have begun to disappear?”

I sighed as I kicked the dirt a bit, “Yup. The families I have talked to have been so broken up about it. Hopefully this thing works.”

I pulled out a small blanket out of my Satchel and looked up at a good tree, getting read to climb up. “Well it’s been nice talking to you Zecora, but unfortunately I’m feeling tired. I’m gonna hit the hay and prepare a bit more.”

She looked up at what I was doing, and tilted her head a bit. “You do not expect me to believe that you will spend the night in a bed of leaves. By doing that in this area, it makes you quite naïve.”

“What do you mean?”

She looked towards the bark and pointed to a small arachnid on it’s surface. “A star spider… incredibly toxic. Get bitten of this creature, and the results will be chaotic.”

I looked at the Spider she was pointing at and sighed. “Alright then, I’ll just find a ditch or something.”

“Nonsense child. I will be happy to allow you into my hut this once, but please do not interfere with my work, do not be a nuisance.”

I decided to take Zecora up on her offer.

Author's Note:

I suck at rhyming! So Zecora isn't very well written. I use a rhyming website and try to make the best half rhymes I could,

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